Last September...

>Last September, a West Point cadet’s pictures of himself at his graduation ceremony flaunting his devotion to communism made national headlines and sparked fury from current and former soldiers. Spenser Rapone posted pictures on social media in which he was wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt under his uniform and wrote “communism will win” under his cap. This was really the least of it as a deeper dive into Rapone’s social media profiles revealed that he does not support the U.S. constitution and believes that our government cannot be reformed and must be destroyed so that a communist government can be erected in its place.

>SOFREP reported on Spenser Rapone at the time in an article titled, “The Calls are Coming From Inside the House: America’s Communist Insider Threat.” At the time, SOFREP spoke to a former Delta Force Sergeant Major who expressed concern because West Point is the feeder mechanism to put officers into the Ranger Regiment and Special Forces, which in turn acts as a feeder for JSOC units like Delta. By Rapone’s own admission, he followed a communist philosophy advocated by Rudi Dutschke.

Question for milfags; Why didn't he get court marshaled? Would a person doing the same thing but advocating as an agent for ISIS or the Taliban receive the same kid glove treatment? Isn't being sympatic to communism a insider threat seeing how he could sabotage US operations in an area like Korea? Why isn't he breaking rocks at a detention center?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>just an OTH
they should've slapped this nigger with a dishonorable and given his ass a felony.

He's getting an OTH. He probably accepted this because he was threatened with a special or general court martial, where he could receive a bad conduct discharge. The Army probably just wants him out ASAP.

>Talking shit should be a felony
My civilian ass probably doesn't understand the finer points of military regulations, but he literally did nothing but talk and post.

Isn't every grunt told to not display political positions while in uniform? How can someone be that dumb?


They will find this faggot dead with a needle in his arm one of these days

He stated publicly online that he does not support the constitution and wants to subvert the US from the inside. Aw a service member he is supposed to swear upon and uphold the constitution in a fucking oath. He deserved a dishonorable.

I'd rather they find him with a bullet in his skull.

>How can someone be that dumb?
People who support communism tend to be just that. Dumb.

Wrong. He denounced SECDEF (Imagine working for apple and telling all the hipsters at the apple store Steve Jobs was a faggot and being recorded doing it) Also he said he was an agent of a communist cell committing the "Long March or the Institutions", pretty much entering the military with the intent to distablize it and steal guns and equipment to arm commies while purposely setting traps for any of his men to be killed by his cohorts.

When you join you become an ambassador for the military
fair enough

Did he take the oath and then talk shit or refuse to take it?

ITT, dumb fucks that don't realize Communism will win.
Just accept it, you stupid fascist fucks.

I'll give you a reply but just to tell you that you need to put more effort into it and you might want to try a more subtle approach

If Malthus was right, we're all gonna starve eventually... so I guess communism will win after all.

>refuse to take it
Literally not an option

>Why isn't he breaking rocks at a detention center?
Because he's a dumb kid who's just doing this for attention because he knows it pisses people off.
It's like that one kid that just had to say out loud in a louder than indoor voice that Santa Claus isn't real because they know that it will upset others.

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Communiggers can't help themselves can they? Communists are only successful if they keep in the shadows, once in the open they get utterly destroyed, the USSR would have lost if it weren't the U.S..

>West Point has become a perfect example of 'muh diversity' and teachers being completely unable to discipline students

Anyone have the article by the one teacher at west point that talks about this?

They should have but to be fair an OTH discharge looks almost as fucked for any future employers, especially considering his dumb ass made headlines.

>"that's right, Jow Forums. we have supersoldiers"
>"watch yourself"
>"workers of the world unite"
you could've prevented this

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because not everyone is part of your hug box on Jow Forums

>literally anything about communism
>HURR Jow Forums
I'm tired of this.

>posts Jow Forums shit
>doesn’t like getting called Jow Forums


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>join the military
>openly admit working for the enemy
gee user I don't know it's almost like the military has a specific purpose or something

Considering he was a West Point butterbar how will his OTH affect him out of service?

The very thing that would make communism possible (an impartial AI god running society) also makes communism completely unneccessary (nobody needs human labour or input when AI can do it better)

If you're an unironic communist in today's day and age you're pretty slow.

>West Point still doesn't vet candidates

Moving on, the weather for the East Coast is expected to be in the...

>ring knockers are all godless faggots anyway

Malthus was wrong in the 1700s. Malthus was wrong in the 1800s.
Neomalthusians were wrong in the 1900s.
Neomalthusians will continue to be wrong in the 2000s.

He'll probably end up working for some Leftist activist/lobbying group.

The real question is why wasn't he involved in a "training accident"?

>I don't like communism
>so you're a nazi

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>The real question is why wasn't he involved in a "training accident"?
because deaths resulting from training accidents go directly up to field grade officers, who have to go through each incident and sign off on it

if commie mccommunist "drops" a live grenade into his tent when all of the grenades assigned to his units are accounted for, there will be an immediate investigation

It wouldn't really make things better.
Current narrative is that some dipshit acted like a dipshit on social media and got fucked. Stupid game, stupid prize. Laugh, move on.
If he had been the victim of a "terrible training accident" after going viral the public opinion would switch and all of a sudden the story is about how fucked up the academy is for murdering a dumb kid that never hurt anybody.

Point being they're not in the business of swatting mosquitoes with cannons.

Was he a leftist shit before he went to West Point? I thought they all required a letter of recommendation from a congressman.

Bureaucracy can be a bitch sometimes, depending on who the bureaucrat is. Probably someone who is a just-world tard or is just too lazy to do their job correctly. Even if that wasn't the case, there's still a bunch of red tape to go through. So, even a good leader can't do much because the idiot before him made a new feel-gud policy that throws everybody else under the bus.

Like how schools won't do anything about bullying, but will punish the victim for fighting back against the bully because >hurrrhurrrr bad things only happen to bad people uuuuuurrrrrrr

I honestly dont understand why people give a fuck about this idiot who was probably just trying to be edgy as fuck we arent at war with some communist nation communists are a joke politically but oh no some idiot owns a t-shirt and says some edgy shit

>hating communism automatically means neo-nazi
Another fallacy by immature people who don't know anything about politics, but still want to project like spoiled toddler.

I think that there was suspicion that the guy might have had sympathy for specific Antifa groups. Possible espionage. And some of these groups are interested in recruiting guys who have military experience to train the other members.

It seems far-fetched, but that's my take on it.

He was. They do.

Just a speculation, but some people are really good at deceiving people. Even our world leaders.

>better dead than red

Hatch act.
Hatch act!
Hatch act!
Well he supports an ideology that murdered over one hundred million people because brown people are poor and "rich" people have more money than he does.
Malthus is proven wrong literally every day.

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>murdered over one hundred million people
Muh hundred gorillion? Now I haz a sad

Communism doesn't have the same bite it used to unfortunately. With a lot of younger people not having experienced the Soviet Union I get the feeling it's not going to be stigmatized again until it really burns a country people care about. (Sorry Venezuela)

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>Question for milfags; Why didn't he get court marshaled?
Law suits cost money, cheaper way to get rid of him and outcome of would be bit uncertain. He could have plead not guilty and having PTSD, insanity and stupidity.

Being communist is illegal for military personnel, especially officers.

He became a commie while in West Point.

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You're not welcome here.

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>Communism will win.

Where is Communism still extant? Cuba? Venezuela?

China has already abandoned a centrally planned command economy and the Soviet Union fell apart decades ago.

>Communism doesn't have the same bite it used to unfortunately. With a lot of younger people not having experienced the Soviet Union I get the feeling it's not going to be stigmatized again until it really burns a country people care about.

Unfortunately I think the opposite of this is happening. The current college age generation(s) is ignorant of the actual atrocities of the COMINTERN revolution and are seeing what Marxists are saying will happen (and not what has historically resulted from Marxism) and see some appeal in it.

>look like a complete pussy
>pick a tough guy catchphrase
every time, kek

Post a pic of yourself with timestamp.

Doesnt he owe them the cost of his education now?

>Implying you looked any better in your senior year photo

Communism is a disease of the mind, to be eradicated and struck from memory.

The only exception to any communist state are their manufacturing industries, because Commie weaponry and vehicles are at once awesome and hilarious and should be enjoyed by everyone, pic related.

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He'll do just fine in Media, Education or maybe even Government in a blue state. They love traitorous commies there.

>The Army probably just wants him out ASAP.
Wasn't he a LT in the 10th Division for a while after this blew up? Imagine the poor cunts serving under this faggot.

>while purposely setting traps
They've being doing this for a while now.

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He's a dumb fuck for sure, the part that should worry you is what was said about West Point when the story initially broke, like the borderline Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer teaching Arabic Studies there or Cadets describing the History class as "I hate America" class. Education needs a purge, it's been infiltrated by all sorts of commie cunts, that guy is just the tip of the (((iceberg))).

Dammit, they're everywhere.

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I agree, what he did certainly warrant a dishonorable discharge.

They do but getting the recommendation is a formality if you do it right and have the connections, it's not like the congressman knows the kids he recommends or anything.

>that pic
truly, the empire is fallen

> implying we don’t have communist members of Congress

It is but not in a cool way, it is one thing if the US started going to shit after hiring scary barbarian mercenaries but this uppity LGBTQAZ commienigger shit is just lame and gay. It's just a sad way to go.

> why people give a fuck
It seems petty but it is a big deal. What's the point of institutions like USMA if they're just going to be cool, not stand for anything, not even their own rules and principles? Ring knockers are huge fags but they're in a position of privilege within the Military, letting them get away with anything will come back to bite your ass down the line.

More like they wanted him out before he shipped as a boot ass lt to a combat unit and got fragged.

The only thing you fifth column fucks will win is a free helicopter ride.

>A recently retired CIA officer remarked to SOFREP that right now our counter-intelligence is so bad that we are only catching the dumb ones, the people stupid enough to out themselves on social media or who mail classified documents to news outlets, leading one to wonder how many more are out there that our government is completely unaware of.
fuck, this is reason for some serious concern right now

Look at the soulless eyes of the male(male) beside Ketchum, he's had to deal with that trap's shit in his unit for quite a while, he's seen some shit no straight soldier should

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Who? There are no real commie states left except nk and some SA shitholes

Communism is directly contradictory to the United States of America’s Constitution and the values this country’s military has stood for the last 243 years.

>commie 1LT asks me for an honorable discharge
>give him a lethal dose of morphine instead

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>communism will win
>currently breathing it's last gasps as a nation state holding ideology

Pick two, and then shove them both up your ass.

Some context for this picture - the involved women graduated a month later having received no stricter punishment than a brief and milquetoast discussion with the superintendent.

>t. Francis Fukuyama

It's alright though, I'm sure we can have white pride cadets now.

So what you're saying is, what they said about capitalism was right but what they said about communism was wrong?

You have no idea how bad it's gotten
>best friend at academy is a black dude who's an IT major
>it's the day at the start of the year when all the clubs and sports teams do signups
>somebody from the Society of Black Engineers pulls buddy aside to ask if he wants to join
>Eh, thanks, I'll pass
>Dude retorts with something to the point of "don't you want to rise above the white man's institutions?"
>Buddy gets pissed and leaves
>Both of us know nothing can be done about it


The absolute state of america.

>violating the UCMJ and expecting to not be punished

>rise above the white man's institutions
Implying diversity hires do anything but drag down institutions. Look at NASA ffs.


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Communism is the antithesis to western values and a modern western society. It cannot coexist with America or the American way of life. To support or sympathize with communism is to support the end of America and The West.

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>Dutschke advocated a strategy he called the, “long march through the institutions of power.” This entails burrowing inside the institutions of society, including the military, and subverting them from within and ultimately setting the conditions for a communist revolution.

The funny thing is that they've already infiltrated ('68) and taken over the institutions ('90) and have been churning out (Western version of) Red Guards for a good solid decade.

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That's too humane. He deserves to be shot in the fucking chest. Twice.

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"Tragically killed in a training accident."

only way this story should have ended. American military is getting too soft.

Anyone got the incident report concerning this faggot? It's the one where he was being a giant autistic cunt and one of his teachers had a problem with it. I had it saved once but deleted it.
Apparently it's not just promoting communism and denouncing both West Point and the U.S., he is a layabout in school and autistically argues with everyone.

My take, social welfare is good for a temporary patch. But, it's a short term solution to a long term issue.

Eventually, people will have to learn how to stand on their two feet because it can all collapse underneath them if charity runs out. And from my experience, it can.

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>he does not support the U.S. constitution and believes that our government cannot be reformed and must be destroyed so that a communist government can be erected in its place.

Why didn't he just become a politician?

Social welfare works if your country is high IQ and productive. In those cases, big government tends to work.

With low IQ countries, big government either does nothing or has a mild negative effect. While sure, communism might be worse than living in Africa, the welfare states of places like Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, were for a while some of the nicest places to live on earth.

>communism might be worse than living in Africa

niggers havn't left the dark ages without help, unaided on welfare they still live in mud huts, and some have yet to discover fire.

He still can. He'll probably go work for a faggy NGO or advocacy group now.

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What a stupid fucking idiot. I think everyone in this country, even soldiers, should have the right to hold any stupid political views they want, but keep it the fuck away from work.

and what this dude did is just incredible. it's like he was planning to get the boot once he graduated.

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Most western democracies are going to shit for the same reasons. Welfare and open borders is a societal suicide pact.

I just figured we all felt President for life Trump was the god emperor, even our beaner Marines love the man. Would like to run into a communist in the fleet, officer or not, I figure they issue us ski masks for a reason.

I was being a bit sarcastic, but at the same time, I realized that is the reality.