I really hate the size of the G29, and how you need a aftermarket spring to shoot hot 10mm loads. I want to get a G20 to concealed carry, but I know these things are bulky by glock standards.
Is it possible, Jow Forums? Do you do it?
I really hate the size of the G29, and how you need a aftermarket spring to shoot hot 10mm loads. I want to get a G20 to concealed carry, but I know these things are bulky by glock standards.
Is it possible, Jow Forums? Do you do it?
Other urls found in this thread:
If I didn't live in NW Houston which is 90°+ 9 months out of the year I'd carry a full size 1911. Alas, the only way for me to be comfortable is in shorts, tank top/t shirt and with a Ruger LCP.
Im a skinny fit fuck and have concealed full size 1911s,its not hard with proper holster and clothing. I conceal carry a full size USP 40 tac model on a regular basis and no one notices. GO for it OP
>me trying to figure out how to conceal carry my duty size CZ-75 on my 5'5" frame
You sound cute af
shoulder holster?
>tfw I know the glock 19 is more practical
>but I just like shooting the 17 more
less then an inch extra in length doesnt really matter when cc'ing, r..right?
Isn't the 17 fatter?
With appendix carry and non pear shaped bod, anything is possible.
Old EDC pictured
>actually really want to get a glock 20 for cc real soon
>21st birthday next sunday
guess we'll find out how well it carriers.
sans the can, to be clear
Same boat here. Haven't found a good IWB Holster so I'll probably just have to open carry it on the random days I feel up to open carrying. But honestly I haven't even found an OWB holster that I like either so kinda fucked either way.
actually the 19 is fatter, the 17 is a bit slim in comparison
>compact and fat
>long and slender
you're wrong. a simple look at their dementions would show that. why do people spout shit they know nothing about?
If I didn't live in SE Houston I'd carry a S&W 4506
Well it is large
>I hope you don't think that's a chick
1:30, I find it to be just a tad bit thicker, not hugely fat but just slightly.
why do people get so pissed off over other peoples opinions?
>ITT: People that don't know the real-life cheat code that is a shoulder holster and Hawaiian shirt
the dimensions of an object don't fall under the "opinions" category. saying things like "i think this object is smaller than the that object" when they are the same size, is factually incorrect, it is not a difference of opinion.
The G29 is pretty small for a 10mm, I just wish they came out with a single stack 10mm.
you watch that video and tell me the 17 isnt just a hair thinner, champ
you look at the dimensions supplied by the manufacturer and tell me they are different champ.
also, because your a brainlet, things that are taller look thinner.
lol ok, buddy, whatever you have to tell yourself
personally, it may just be the dimensions or that its taller, butthe 19 is just a bit too thick. We're all entitled to our opinions, and youre entitled to keep yours to yourself
see opinions =/= facts, let me give you an example
opinion: i THINK you're a moron
fact: you ARE a moron because of your previous posts and the fact that you dont know the difference between opinion and fact.
lol, still worked up sweetheart?
why dont you go outsider and breath a little. Cool your head
I’m a giant lummox, so I can CC anything I like, except smaller stuff like the PPK.
Kind of unrelated but will a G40 handle hot 10mm?
postin in a troll thread
g20/29/40 are all rated to shoot max saami pressure 10mm.
You are fucking retarded.
appendix carry 17 as well. just like it more.
Ok cool. Just didn't want to end up a shitposting gore image in a polymer thread.
the only rounds that can be +p are 9X19, ,.38special, .38acp, and .45acp. there is no such thing as +p .40sw or 10mm, any company doing so is putting the cartridge above saami spec can be very dangerous. modern firearms are tested to saami specs and can not guarantee what happens above it.
you will see some hot 45-70 or similar saying to only use in certain guns. that is because that round and guns have been around a long time. older 45-70 was in BP and lower pressures so the older guns chambered in it may not handle new loads that are hotter. modern firearms are tested to those new higher pressures.
I CC a Glock 22 on my hip. I've always worn large oversized hawaiian shirts so it's never been a problem
I don't care what it is, I swing both ways.
t. Fatass
I don't know why anyone would ever concealed carry a 17 over a 19. Heck, I wouldn't eve carry a 17 over a 19 OWB on a duty rig and I've got massive hands.
>ITT: People that don't know the real-life cheat code that is a shoulder holster and Hawaiian shirt
>there are retards ITT and on Jow Forums that do not consider the speed of access to a conceal carry weapon because they are retards
I sometimes want to drop some information on how to pull off AIWB or IWBing a big gun like a 1911 or Glock 34 but morons such as yourselves make me just want to shitpost instead. Good job, you can stuff a gun inside a fedoraholster but it takes you 6 seconds to access it.
>No one mentions G20sf
Srsly. G20sf, with a 29 barrel/side/spring if you need to reduce the OAL.
Now if you want to discuss impractical pistols...
If you have info pls giv. I want it but I don't want an autismo shoulder holster
The S in SF means short frame, not slim frame. It's the same thing as a gen4. OP I have a 20 and a stealthgear holster that I can conceal it with but like the other user said, it's hot as fuck outside and I like t-shirts so I normally carry something smaller.
Mfw they call a 29 subcompact but it's the same size as the 19 which is compact. Mfw all I want is a THIN actual subcompact 10mm but nobody makes one.
My man
The motion should take no longer than an IWB draw if you know what you're doing.
P320 X-VTAC though I'd probably get it in solid black.
I might just get the Nitron carry variant though because it's about $300 cheaper and designed for CC.
DTOM Law Enforcement Concealed Carry Fanny Pack
This basically. Also the P30L but at that point you don't want to hand away a $1,000 brick to your PD whem they "lose it in the evidence room".
Might As Well get a hi-point
Heresy i know
>yfw glock steals SIG's P365 magazine design and makes a 10 round double stack 10mm the same thickness as the G43
If glock made a single stack 10mm with the g20 barrel/slide length, that would be perfect.
>glock 27
Hi shill this idea enough. I notice if I posted enough M16 or C7 style rifle ARG made this thing.
I've thought about one night and day with a 16" dissy and one of those photos actually dun it.
I've always wondered why a pistols height is always longer than it's barrel save for the XD-S 4.0, which looks pretty baller.
Still away you pinky hook faggot
>how you need a aftermarket spring to shoot hot 10mm loads
wait...10mm Glocks can only shoot the light stuff?
Hot-rodded 10mm is no joke. It fucks up a lot of guns over time.
no, people that think it needs a heavy spring are retarded. dont listen to retarded trips
This. I'm 5'10" 145 and can get away with carrying any full size even a glock 34 by using the real life cheat code that is appendix carry. Especially if I just use a trigger guard and not a bulky holster and Mexican carry appendix the full size.
What info do you have on AIWB I want to do it to a G41
t. Retard
Being in shape helps with CC. If I were fat, the shirt would be tighter and would print. And I'm asian and can shoot a fullsize Glock, please neck yourself if your excuse for not being able to shoot a perfectly fine handgun is "muh hands"
No problem with a shoulder holster.
still mad bb ?
Not the guy you are responding to but EZ mode full size AIWB carry - Well designed kydex holster, 0-5 degree cant and a neoprene wedge cut to fit your bod
If you get a holster with wide loops/clips and possibly a claw - sometimes 12 o'clock carry is better because of how the claw/clips move the grip in parallel with your belt, if you are running narrow clips/loops, no claw and a wedge (my preference the days) closer to 1 O'clock is better as the grip will angle in tighter against your frame and the wedge really lkes to nest in the pelvic gap
Very nice dude. Never heard if a neoprene wedge before but it looks like it'll push the handle imt your gut a little more.
CC USP when
Exactly, the wedge turns the clips/loops into a fulcrum and drives the grip/back of the gun against your abdomen, when angled correctly, the wedge will nest in the pelvic gap so you don't get any "bulge" down under either. Also the wedge acts as an additional contact point, eliminating 99% of shifting/movement from the holster when moving around, meaning you get a more consistent cant from it, making your draw faster easier.
If your glove size doesn't start with XX or 2X then you don't have massive hands.
Fucking manlets I swear.
Wait, I heard the G29 was the only 10mm glock that required an aftermarket spring to shoot the hotter 10mm loads, especially the Underwood stuff.
If this is true, I may get the 29.
If it's cool outside, I'll CC a Glock 20 under a fleece or something otherwise I usually carry a Glock 19. Holster selection makes a huge difference, for the 19 and also my 42, I prefer the desantis "the insider" but for the Glock 20 I prefer the BLACKHAWK cheap holster, pick related.
>nb4 that one autismo says it's unsafe.
3 o'clock carry btw
Not unsafe, but gross
>cheapo flexy holster
>gun without a striker indicator
>nb4s the nb4s that could save him
Your momma didn't love you, but you still can
>gun without striker indicator
What the fuck are you that much of a pleb? Only tards don't know the status of their gun when they carry.
I want to conceal carry muh 460Rowland G21, but shoulder holsters are gay
Absolutely Patrician
>I hope you don't think I hope it's a chick
He can't fathom owning a POS tiger with a visual safety nor slap down money for a LEM USP.
Basic biiiiiiiitch
>Muh fuddy fuh mag innaauto
10mm sweaty
A stock Glock 20SF Gen4 has a 18lb spring, for MOST 10mm loads this is fine, but full power 10mm will be difficult to control and will beat your gun to death. I upgraded to a 20lb spring as a middle ground, the lower grade 10mm is butter smooth and the full 10mm is snappy but controllable.
FFS ruger
wouldn't that make the gun stealthier? isn't that what you want for a CCW?
Excuse me?
I can hit 980FtLbs with Rowland, I don't think 10 mm can be hand loaded that high, nor shoot the very heavy hunting boolits I shoot.
It fills a nice niche. Anyone who actually owns either would know that.
You are excused from whatever to whenever
>900 aught ft/lbs from a handgun
Just get a rifle my man
Op here, I never heard of those neoprene wedges, but ive experimented with similar methods to have a firearm conceal better. Im gonna look deeper into this, thanks a bunch
I got rifles my dude.
It's just for the lulz.
I'm the guy that posted his Glock 2o in the holster and I've owned 5 Hk handguns, of those the p2000 was by far the best for edc and p30L was probably my second favorite; couldn't shoot the USPc for shit. The p2000 is a fantastic gun, in ways, better than the Glock but I just keep going back to the good old Glock.
As for holsters I've tried about every type. I like a single clip low sitting IWB carried just slightly forward of 3 o'clock.
It's comfy, secure, and doesn't print; most of all it's super easy to take on and off.
People who are actually experienced at carrying on the regular (not you) place a high value on the livability aspect of their gear.
>claims to be experienced
>runs around with an unsupported 10mm
Gosh golly
I have a 645 to go with it, too!
Since you asked an I have time.
A quality belt and holster are what will make or break carrying AIWB. If you buy a shit holster, you will have a bad time. A purpose built AIWB holster that utilizes a wing claw, neoprene wedge are very helpful when getting the gun adjusted to your body.
A few key components for a holster are the following
>speed: you will want to be able to gain a master grip when beginning your draw as fumbling around fishing for the gun when the grip is below the waistline is wasting time where seconds count
>safety: it should have a trigger guard that is completely covered and should not be able to fall out inadvertently (some quality 1911 holsters have a notch that prevents the safety from disengaging when holstered)
>concealability: concealment is extremely important (for obvious reasons)
>comfort: if you do not feel comfortable with it, you will not want to carry it
Think of putting your gun on your waistline where all the grip is easily attainable but does not ride too high on the waistline and feels comfortable. The wedge and wing claw both act as micro adjustment tools to get a holster right where you want it to be. I used to use a wedge but stopped doing so because it I found out that it just does not work with my body. Everyone has a different body so some people may not need a wing claw or wedge.
This will be a multi part post so I will post more shit
>extremely good article on wedges
>is appendix carry safe?
Luckygunner has a TON of good info on appendix carry related topics. You would do yourself a disservice by not watching all of them.
>get giant M. Bison cloak
>can finally CC ptrd 41
For recommendations on holsters, Dark Star Gear is my personal favorite, JM Custom Kydex has the Wing Claw 2.5 which imho is their best product. JM makes the Wing Claw 1.0 and 2.0 which I think are shit and should be avoided. Not his best design due to the weaker clip mounts that can break. Same goes for the standard plastic clip, I suggest having either soft loops or metal clips.
There is also Keeper's Concealment that gets a lot of great reviews but they make a plastic holster and charge almost $200 for it which turns me off considering I can buy a JM for $70 and works great. Raven Concealment is also another good brand but like Keeper's, I do not have any experience with their products.
As for belts, you do not need an ultra stiff gunbelt like an Ares Gear. AIWB can be done with a thinner belt like the Volund Gear Works Atlas G-Hook Slim which I have had very good luck with or the V Dev Group Megingjord. The Megingjord in particular has a hard portion where you mount your holster on with the rest of the belt being an extremely thin and flimsy material. This seems strange but what it results in is a stiff mounting point in the front for your hardware and you do not get pressure digging into your hips with a thicker gunbelt.
I have the logical extension of this problem. the g20 hurts my hand with full power stuff but the g40 is fine.
what do?
why did you go with this over .40 super? since we are talking meme super rounds that come out of a g21.
You do sacrifice reliability, with the lack of a feed ramp, stiff as fuck mag springs, and snappy quick cycling.
does it shoot through schools?
Any advice on what to look for in belts that come from regular retail stores?
None leather and very stiff