Where to get Smoke grenades in the us

So where can I get these?
I dont want to keep chugging monster to get cans for the shells.

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Fox-Labs-5-3-Pepper-Spray/dp/B00G0D33TG/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1528620500&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=fox labs cone&dpPl=1&dpID=5141avHPo4L&ref=plSrch

Gun show in Denver two weeks ago you could buy them right there. Didn't take note of the stall name.

Look for "airsoft" ones

probably the only good thing to come from airsoft, military smoke grenades are a touchy subject, becasue if they have a primer activated system, hey may be considered DD if they have over a certain amount of explosive.

the pull string types can be bought for less than 10$ and do the same thing, but you can mail them

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atf considers smoke grenades and flash bangs controlled explosives

Which version should I get on amazon?

Do it yourself. Use potassium nitrate.

There are books and instructions on the internet on how to make them, even using sugar.

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OP specifically requested ready made ones so he did not have to gather the parts.

volume of smoke/ burn time is how they are sold, get a couple and report back to us

He can literally use the roll of the toilet paper once he finish using it or any other kind of paper, doesn't need to be metal.

at home chemistry= time+ stuff + cleanup
spending a few dollars more= a nice professional finished ready to use product

I make my own using parafin wax, stump remover and sugar. If you want the recipe and how to, another user posted a video a while back from YT called “how to make high quality smoke devices” or something like that. Then go to Grant Thompson’s YT channel and use his pull infighter. I then put them in the tall monster cans because I usually have 1 of them a day since I work nights



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As I understand it, the government put a stop to civilian sales of Military smoke grenades due to the amount of explosives sued to ignite the smoke charge. It's bullshit but what do you expect from the ATF. Airsoft aside you've got 2 basic options:

1. Sport Smoke. Ready to go, pull string smoke grenade. You're going to get assfucked on shipping because of hazmat, so buy in bulk.


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>Listing only 1 option out of two.
Are these better than the Enola gay? They're worthless imo.

I fucking type slow.

2. XM18 Reloadable Smoke Grenade. A bit more DIY but better than building the entire thing from scratch. You pull the pin which strikes a shotgun primer. The primer ignites a short fuse, which in turn ignites a small amount of smokless powder (hint: a propellant, not an explosive.) This starts the burning of the smoke mixture. Usually table sugar and potassium nitrate (stump remover.)


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i can keep 10 of the enola gay ones in a pyrotechnic can for that price

Sport Smoke.

Cool thanks for the links. The Sport Smokes look less shitty than Enola's as well.

What's the best color for cover?

dont use red, that will get airplanes to come at you

Air soft has airplanes?

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u mean bulls

green for bush
yellow for sand
purple for haze

...it's reloadable. You only have to buy it once and it will last a lifetime.

White for might?

no, for power.

What do the differentt color of smoke mean in the military?

There are no set permanent colors for smoke, at least in the Army. Colors of smoke are something that is announced in the OPORD, for example
Red might announce the attack where as purple might indicate a ceasefire.

Use Arizona Iced Tea instead, c'mon...

And during training they are used for usually nothing and along with star clusters are just fun to pop off and throw/shoot at the opfor. Military pyro is extremely fun to use and I can never get enough of it.

amazon.com/Fox-Labs-5-3-Pepper-Spray/dp/B00G0D33TG/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1528620500&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=fox labs cone&dpPl=1&dpID=5141avHPo4L&ref=plSrch
Basically tear gas. Breddy cheap. Good for testing masks. Good for use on people.

what if you put six or more different color smoke bombs into a large glass mason jar with the fuses pulled! Would it explode into a rainbow?

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Ya know, you could always re-use cans from canned goods. Pineapple juice can for example. Two little holes in the lid, not hard to work around.

Come to think of it, make mini pipe grenade shells. Just drill the fuse hole a little larger. Fill them with the smoke grenade filling. Reusable that way.

but with what material?

From the infograph an entirely not scientific testing, the bigger opening makies the smoke mixture more likely to fall out when thrown.

Mostly this is being used at meetups with seminormies where it needs to not have a warning of will give you sugar burns.