Handgun Generals /hg/

I wanted to do my part. Did I name it right

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Anyone have experience with the LCP II? How reliable is it?

I've never had a jam with it and it's the only gun I carry. Feels like a shrunken down fully featured polymer wonder 9.

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just get a kahr

For a 4" barrel, what kind of 9mm SD ammo should I be using?

It's my EDC. Had two failures to eject in the first 25 rounds. Once it was broken in, it's ran flawless. It fucking sucks to shoot the first 150 rounds or so. Stiff. But break it in and it's a great gun that's comfy to carry.

Thinking about CCing a P10C, never CCed before so i'm unsure about a couple of things.

Is an apc compact a good addition or unnecessary weight and space taken? Same question for a red dot.

Also is appendick carry a meme or actually the most discreet way to carry?

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it's gross but people on here defend it. fuck ruger and their pot metal garbage.

Appendix carry can work if
>you usually wear your shirts untucked
>don’t have a big gut
You’ll be able to draw faster and you won’t be as paranoid about printing since you can check very discreetly. I wouldn’t do it, especially with a p10c which is really cutting it close to how light a trigger should be without a safety. Personal preference though.
As to the red dot, I’d recommend watching some of the videos on Active Self Protections Channel. In real life encounters, the shooting you’ll be doing will be up close and happen very quickly, the red dot would be unnecessary at best and obtrusive at worst. No reason not to put the light on though

Thanks, sound advices.

So I've put maybe 100 rounds of 180gr mag tech through this and it works flawlessly. Only had one hangup because I think I put the bullet in the magazine a little crooked so it didn't chamber.

Definitely needs some oil to slide better it sounds a little dry

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You know what. It's fine. Things don't need to go perfect and we aren't all flawless. Thank you for helping.

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Pick your nearest gun.
How much did you pay for your gun?
How much money have you spent on "customizing" it?
Estimate how many rounds you have put through the gun, and how much has that cost you.

$589 in 2016
$560 in grips, CGW parts, sights, and mags
~8500 rounds fired at around $2550(mostly Federal aluminum from Walmart)

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>those thicc hogues
>those adjustable sights
>sweet looking bevel at end of slide
>sweet stainless finish
Wow just wow. Nice pickup
I’m considering a shield, but before I do, is there another concealable ultra reliable 9mm I should consider? I don’t mind paying more money for more gun.
If not post Gucci shields pls

>Inb4 glock 43 or PPS
I’ve considered them and felt them up but i still prefer the smiff

Why not something bigger?

I like to wear formal clothes.

So why not 4:30 OWB a doublestack with a jacket.

>people say kahr is garbage
>but ruger also is
which is it

Are flip 1911's as shit as everyone says.
I hear they are either great, or shit so there must be something I don't know about.

What is an actually realistic carry gun for most times of the year?

I like my MP shield compact

Any reliable doublestack compact 9.

Dude the grip is so fucking big, I have big hands and this grip is bigger than my 1911. Its like riding in a 5-series bmw its so comfy

You've obviously never handled a Ruger auto pistol

No customizing
About 100 rounds @ $25

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Bought for 180,
Spent Like 6 bucks on a mag finger extension,

Like 250 rounds through it, not sure how much ammo was.

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Had one that I sold, it was pretty fun to shoot. The trigger was really rough though.

Jusyt bought a ZASTAVA M88A what am I in for.

where's a place to buy cheap pistol food online?

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I've had good luck with ammo supply warehouse.

Anyone here have any experience with the Sig P938? I show it at the range the other day while trying out a bunch of pistols for my CC and I ended up loving it the most.

Are there any Jow Forums recommended safes specifically for hand guns?
I'd like to get something that's big enough to hold a few pistols and their magazines

Thinking of getting a Steyr M9 or M40

In Compact or Subcompact, is there a significant difference in handling and kick between the 9 and the 40?

Is there a similar option out there, if I'm to consider something other than a Steyr?

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Let me know what you think eyeing those or a m57

>No #
>No discord, guide, or link to previous thread
This is the standard when you don't OP an HK

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Was almost done with my Poly80 frame but the rear rail insert is out of spec. Should hear back by Monday.

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Use a file?

The metal is already very thin as is and to make matters worse the holes do not line up with the rail module so I can't pin the trigger group in properly anyway.

Thanks Squint.

Federal HST 124gr (+p)
Speer Gold Dot 124gr (+p)

Inforce is garbage, go Streamlight TLR-7 for smol WMLs. Reddot is benefit, although it requires some training to get used to. P10c is a good gun.

>$825 original cost
>$300 customization (sights, holsters, mags, slidestop, trigger springs)
>9500 rounds of 9mm (averaging costs between range ammo and HD ammo, 20cpr)
>cost of ammo, $1900
And people ask my why I don't buy more guns.

They are fine. Not good, but not shit.

9mm will have much less recoil, and will hold more rounds. Go with that.

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Thx 4 U's

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G43 the best single stack 9mm for iwb carry?

welcome to Jow Forums where every gun you own is garbage

is promag SUPPOSED to be fucking dogshit?


Not when the HK P7 exists

My pps m2. Its so convenient

>HK P7
Not interested.

With my first P80 build, I drilled the hole a touch too low so the RRM wasn't aligning properly with the frame. In fact, I bent the RRM itself pretty bad trying to pound that pin in. Luckily, since it was too low, I was able to get a new RRM (P80 sent it for free) and used the drill bit, freehand, to remove a touch of material from above. With the RRM fully sunk, it's still a little snug but seems to be great. Unfortunately, I slipped once with the punch and inflicted a little cosmetic damage near that pin hole.

If the insert itself is out of spec, I'd honestly be surprised. I'd guess you drilled the hole a touch too high, which isn't really recoverable.

In the year since I built one, I found a guy that suggested drilling out the screw holes FIRST to ensure the frame remains properly aligned. After that, to remove material for the rails and recoil spring. I'll give that method a shot when they release a Glock 20/21 lower.

Nobody cares about what # thread this is, nobody cares about a discord, nobody actually reads the guide(hence the thousands of posts asking for pistol recommendations), and no one cares about a link to the previous thread. And no one cares about OP's Hk.

>I'd guess you drilled the hole a touch too high

I thought so too but the slide is literally incapable of fitting over the rear rail when fully inserted, with or without the trigger group. Front rail lines up perfectly with both the slide and the pin hole so I'm pretty confident in my assessment The RRM is a 3rd party component and s number of others have had the same issue. Back when I built my AR the mag catch slot was off a few hundred thou along with the entire 1st production run. Factory ended up having me send it in for them to correct it.

>6 rounds
Uh, no.

>not owning a benji blaster

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6 rounds seems fine to me considering the size.

Sig just made a gun that's smaller and holds 4 more rounds. And I've just summoned the Sigtears fags.

I'm looking at pistols that actually work.

P365 failure rate is miniscule, much like the other pistols in its class.

Too many failures compared to Glock.

Nigga please, ever heard of the gen 4 9mm guns? Or the Glock 42? Or the FBI guns where the slides were falling off?

Ya they actually work and I own/have owned multiple gen 4s and gen 3s. Seeing how not many people put a lot of rounds down a gun quick like some of these reviewers do and pretty much every reviewer that seems legit has had problems, no thanks.

Agreed. Confidence in your carry is important, and after seeing the failures with the 365 I’ll never get that comfy feeling carrying it. Other guns that I think are better than the gl*ck are the PPS M2 and the Shield 2.0. Both have ample aftermarket, are just as reliable, and will probably feel much better in hand. Both come with factor extendos

Ok my man I didn't know you have autism. Enjoy the Glock.

No no, I'm just smart enough to stay away from a pistol when multiple reviewers have huge issues with it. Also I don't associate brass to face issues on the same level as a gun locking up.

>taking that shit seriously

Ya fuck me trying to get an educated opinion on what I should buy. I should go by what a sigfanboy says.

You can get your info from wherever you want, Youtube is one of the worst places to do so.

I agree. But someone like MAC seems to be at least not a paid shill. And I'll take that over you.

The info, video, and admitted failure rates from SIG coming out should seriously make you stop and question the current production P365 pistols.
If that stuff doesn't make you step back for a moment you need to reevaluate yourself.

Holy shit, MAC not a paid shill? He's example # fucking one!

365 failure rates are like 0.25%

3% returns to factory.

Again, if you can't objectively say "maybe there is a problem with these very early guns that needs fixed to give the firearm its full potential" you need to stop and ask yourself what your emotional investment is here.

source, because Sig said the other day it's .25

Well hello there.

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My shop has sold a couple hundred 365's, haven't had any come back or any reports of them going back from our customers. They are definitely still in major demand, we're not even close to filling the pre orders. Mine has about 600 rounds so far with no issues, we'll see how it does going forward. Coworker had about 1500 rounds through his last time I talked to him, he loves it.

>i fucked up my p80 build

The RRM sits to high for the slide to interface with it when the front rails are in position and lined up correctly with the frame (the forward hole for which is already present from the factory as part of the mold). Fuck off.

You drilled the hole too high dummy.

He really isn't. Take your shillposting out of here.

>blatant cover for all the tripfags' failure to start a new thread and post a link in the old one, and then let the thread get taken out behind the barn and put down
Burt, y'all are slipping, my niBBa

If the rear trigger hole was drilled too high, then there wouldn't be a problem with the rail sitting too high to begin with with sans pin ya dingus. Do you need a refresher on reading comprehension?

>concealable ultra reliable 9mm I should consider
have you considered one of the Kahr series?
>I like to wear formal clothes.
why not a Kahr?

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$500 for gun
$60 on grip
~2,000 rounds, roughly $500 for ammo.

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>formal clothes
>OWB with a "jacket"
>not a shoulder holster
no class, desu.

it's a really good pocket pistol. anything larger and you should just get an IWB 9x19 gun.

nice one OP

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>every gun you own is garbage
I agree

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I can't say that I have had any issues with it, then again, I neither own one, nor have I ever shot one. :^D

>Not interested.
o p i n i o n d i s c a r d e d

Based on the large discord community that we have, some people care.

>I'm looking at pistols that actually work.
pic related


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You’re wrong.
Sig didn’t come out and say that. An unverified account that may or may not belong to Phil Strader posted that on a forum and places like TFB reposted it.
However, Phil said on video in March this year that 4% were coming back to the factory. That’s 4% of all the guns but only a portion had been customer-tested, meaning the number of faulty guns was likely higher.
Why was he on video? Because the hosts of the Gun Funny Pod Cast bought a P365 that broke and Phil personally took care of making sure it was fixed, including putting his business cards in the box to send back. They asked him on the show because it had to go back. After the show aired, the pistol broke AGAIN and had to be sent back AGAIN, even after being hand-picked by the guy in charge of all of Sigs handgun products to be corrected and presented to members of the firearms media.
Sig LITERALLY cannot do anything right under Cohen.
Pic related: P365s made just days apart.

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Thanks for that, I was having a motherfucker of a time hunting down that info.

Here, have some HK

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my brother has an LPC II and convinced me to get a LC9S as my first pistol. huge regret.

that's a P250 right? I've been wanting to get myself a SIG and can't decide between the 250 and the 220

Is the Remington R1 a good starter 1911?

Thinking about buying an Alfa Proj .22 revolver but I really don't know much about them. Do any of you have experience with their guns? I know their .22 magnum cylinders are supposed to be pretty shitty but otherwise I'm pretty clueless.

>more reliable than SIG
>identical size and capacity 20 years ago
>lighter carry weight
>can use S&W 59/69 mags in a pinch
>half the price
what a fucking timeline

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if their .22 mag cylinders are shit, what makes you think the .22 will be any better?

I heard the issues were specifically with the magnum cylinders.

Shit, I sleep next to my mossy.
250$ for the shotgun.
150$ for a rifled barrel and bushnell optic.
100$ in hornady sst slugs in case of skinwalkers or ayyys.

Luckygunner and armslist desu senpai

affordable and reliable, can't go wrong
just get yourself some decent mags because the default ones mine came with were garbage
I recommend chip-mccormick

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