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lmao its so cool the way he shoots like that (srs).
what if paul's wife is black?
He went mother fucking time crisis on that mexicunt
seriously who gives a fuck, people that smoke weed will still smoke weed only now atleast the government will get some money out of it put towards shit like roads and making sure you arent bankrupt for breaking an arm. Truly apocalyptic stuff.
then he's an even bigger cuckold than imaginable.
This looks like such a pile of shit.
>Benicio now decides killing cartel members kids isn't cool and now Brolin is the bad guy
Fuck that shit.
you're an idiot. pot will now become more acceptable and more people will get hooked on drugs. it will bring down productivity and the GDP in general.
it's a fucking disaster.
No. No she is not.
>killed 14 people
>one of the best Youtube gun channels out there
>hurr he kuk becuz he hav non-wit wife xD
>people will get hooked on drugs.
How retarded are you?
>marrying some used up whore with 2 negro mixed kids that you end up raising and paying for
Absolutely fucking pathetic. He could have killed 100 and served for 30 years and I'd still call him what he is. A fucking cuck. Your deeds today mean nothing if you do not pass along your bloodline.
he's a wackjob that's for sure. I can accept someone killing someone in self-defense once or twice. but 14 kills including a woman? the dude is just seeking trouble and that's a sign of mental illness. he'll either get killed the next time he provokes some altercation or some jury will convict him just based on his previous record.
Jow Forums get out, of all the women i've known some of the nicest have been black
go back to smoking pot you degenerate junkie.
back into the oven.
Never smoked pot. Hardest drug I've done is probably everclear.
You're not a vet, I assume?
Oxycodone will be "amusing".
Do we know for a fact that's Paul's son? Or anyone besides some rando? He's had some random people on before.
how many old jews do you know who prance around with teen niggas, give them guns and shoot videos with them!?
>I don't know how genes work but let me tell you about evolutionary psychology
I don't know, man, I have varied and diverse friends and acquaintances who I have done stupid shit with before. He makes no indication that's his son in the video. He's had other people on before (such as in his shooting from a car videos.) I think you might be 1. Reading too much into this, and 2. A massive racist faggot.
t. buttmad mutt
bullshit. no way he's been in 14 defensive shootings. army shenanigans don't count; killing for the state is bonus round.
>if I raise the children of another man my blood carries on
The enlightened cuck, ladies and gentlemen.
Nope, never severed. Not into drinking, not into drugs, don't smoke or chew. Shit, I'll rub peppermint oil on my temple before using Tylenol to get rid of anheadache. I have been around a lot of drug users. Heroin, pcp, pills, etc (Worked at a rehab for almost 8 years) seems like more than half who did harder drugs, were never weed users. Seems like most stories played out as "I never did drugs, my friend was using and offered, so why the fuck not?" That's all she wrote.
Served* fuck being a phone posting faggot.
Time to lower the populations IQ
I wonder (((who))) pushed this shit though
Do you know how much taxes are collected each year from weed? let's use a U.S. state. WA state alone collected over 150 million in taxes from 2017 alone. Picture if all 50 states collected that each year? Picture what that could do for the state?
That's over seven billion five hundred million dollars btw.
>14 kills including a woman
Where is proof of this?
>weed lowers your IQ
kek, nah nigga you're fuckin retarded. keep getting wasted every weekend though and wondering why you're so fucking dumb.
Rubbing peppermint oil on your head?
Nigga, you gay.
was pic related meant for yourself?
Why are you getting defensive over something he did not say?
Lmfao you have got to be one retarded fucker aren't you? I'd rather smoke pot, shoot guns, and live a normal average life like everyone else in Washington and Colorado then be killed by prescription drugs and medical malpractice at a early age like my grand parents were.
>getting shitty about facts
go back to masturbating alone to imaginary cartoon school girls you degenerate nip.
The first movie was better than I expected. Nothing ground breaking, just a relatively realistic action movie. Something that stood out in a world of capeshit and chi cartoons.
The trailers for this sequel look like they went all 3fast 3furious. I will be skipping it
good Vert poster
>buying the DARE bait
I always considered that technique more of appropriate for games like point blank.
>tfw playing arcade gun games with your bros, dominating your onscreen enemies with cheesey 90's one liners
It's always so ironic when Jow Forums tries to act like a victim. It's always Jow Forums who brings up politics on other boards. Also you should know Jow Forums is made up of people from all races and sexuality. There hasn't been one Jow Forums meetup without traps. There hasn't been one Jow Forums meetup with an asian and a black. If you don't like it, go back to your containment board and call everyone that disagrees with you a cuck or jew.
>when Jow Forums adds its two cents
It's always calling someone a cuck or a nigger. Like pottery
Yeah, it's going to be pretty terrible.
I hope every single person who lurks Jow Forums dies an excruciating death. They don't help the world in anyway, they only harm it. They're butthurt idiots living in an echo chamber
This. Nothing of value comes from them.
Says the anime nigger LOL
You know that pic was meant for Jow Forums, right? I bet you don't even know what franchise she's from. Or Awoo, for that matter.
>t.never interacted with a nigger
>muh echo chamber argument
Not even entertaining this one
I don't like Jow Forums but damn, you're almost as edgy as they are
>edgy as they are
>Not even entertaining this one
And yet you responded you fucking retard
Opinion discarded
I'd be willing to bet that's not a lot of women.
What is a black cameraman for $400, Richard Spencer?
Get good and stoned
and you will never know !
>killed 14 people
Let me guess, "you can't get addicted to pot"?
The “weed lowers productivity” myth has no basis in reality. Do some fucking research and learn that (((they))) pushed this notion onto businesses because of the medicine industry.
Gene therapy is going to be a wakeup call for traditionalist mongoloids like you. Also, Harells wife isn’t black.
Unironically this, desu.
Humanity will not make it thru the great filter to a type 1 civilization without People of Light.
You’re an idiot and a troglodyte. The future will laugh at your understanding of progenation long before it becomes advanced enough to travel space.
Yeah but most are niggers. Facts don't lie faggot.
If you look at women crime stats by race, white women commit more violent crime than black women and more domestic violence.
You can get addicted to pot, but thats not a reason to argue for it to be illegal, unless you argue for Alcohol, Tobacco, and all the prescription and over the counter medications you can get addicted to be illegal as well.
"oh look, all this bad shit is legal, let's make another evil shit legal too!"
this is the argument of all you stupid snow niggers who are already lagging so badly behind the G7 countries that you're creating new ways to fuck up your children's brains and get them addicted to some even worse shit and then go a step further and make it acceptable to be addicted.
you disgust me.
>Time to let adults spend their money how they like
PANDEMONIUM, ANARCHY AND TERROR IN THE STREETS, BAN IT BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE IT! Christ, you have more in common with soccer moms than any Jow Forumsomrade. You're a goddamn disgrace.
>evil shit
>fuck up your children's brains and get them addicted
Oh, so this is for the children, then, I see. So it's okay if an adult wants to have an edible or smoke a joint?
It's hilarious watching you bootlicker soccer mom busybodies try to dress up your desire to control other people's lives as altruism. You say you're looking after their well being while adocating for arrest, theft, and imprisonment as punishment. Yeah, you really care about them alright. You want to stop them from fucking up their lives so much you're willing to ruin their lives ten times worse using the power of the state.
Kill yourself
fuck off you low IQ junkie! go back to sucking some refugee's dick.
and this is the study from a Canadian university:
> Adolescents who use cannabis are less likely to attend school and graduate, which may then have an impact on the opportunities to further develop verbal intelligence
fucking subhuman junkies.
my bad, i forgot the rule where enemy combatants you kill while in the military don't actually die. fucking idiot.
No shit nigger. why do you think there's an age limit for alchohol?
can i not smonk weed, shoot guns, and fap to anime all at once?
maybe they should make a mental gymnastics team then everyone can compete freely
>Minyvonne Burke
Did someone name their fucking kid Mini-van?
>age limit
it fucks up your brain no mattter what the age you idiot. it's just that it fucks up children way more.
>c-cuck for refugees
Rich coming from a man who revels in destroying people's lives in the guise of stopping them from ruining their lives. If young potsmokers are victims then why do you treat them as criminals? I thought this was for their own good? How does wasting their family's money for attorneys and bail, jailing them with real criminals, keeping them away from school, making them likely lose any job they had while jailed, or handing down a criminal sentence and record for them help them? I'd say all that amounts to a worse future than a bit of pot use.
Besides, if this is about kids only, then clearly adult use is fine, right? All your shit is about protecting brain development during one's teenage years, yes? So obviously after they're an adult it's fine if they want to use pot, by your own metrics. Oh wait, you'd never say that, since this is the lie you use to church up your malice. Mask your hatred with altruism and pretend you're helping people as you shove them in cages. It's rich when you' call me subhuman, when you're the one lacking any empathy at all. You're barely a human being, more of an insect. And the worst part of all you think you're righteous.
Once again. Kill yourself, you pathetic shitstain
everyone i know who has a pot "habit" are unsuccessful, divorced, lost their kids, got into other drugs, impregnated by multiple men, or paying child support, or at best have a steady job and no real social life at all. i dont think goverment sholuld tell people what they can and cant put in their bodies, especially vaccines.
>Weapons board
>Thread about shitty gunplay in a movie
>Instantly derailed with trannies and weed
>Sorry you can't censor my pol opinions snowflakes.
Fuck. Off.
>it's another episode of edge faggots talking about shit they know nothing about because autisms
You should have been aborted, nobody wants you contaminating the genepool
fuck off leaf. don't post on an american site. go post on some arab one instead you shit for brains.
>people shouldn't be allowed freedom over their own bodies because they could hurt themselves
>y-you're a muslim lol
I'm american you fuckwit, but unlike you I'm actually a human being, and I understand that policy goals should be non-contradictory. If you want to be a savage, go to some third world shithole instead of shitting up the US
>land o the free
>btw you might burn yourself if you do that thing so im gonna light you on fire for youre own good
You should really do your part to raise the average IQ by killing yourself
Still posting that bullshit, huh retard?
Would you be able to kill this?