Jow Forums
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Weapons #383
US ammo deals
Transfer to a new unit
Brothers! Lets get a recent acquisitions thread going. Also, happy Friday! Recently picked up my first AR, a DDM4V7
Neostead 2000
Is your gf into guns?
Air museum thread
If you somehow managed to make it on top of a tank with a thermal lance (and none of its tank or infantry buddies were...
There's literally nothing wrong with a single stack 380 edc
Was Vietnam winnable?
There is a parallel universe where Kalashnikov's rifle was never invented and the SKS became the world's most famous...
CZ-75b Cold War Commemorative Edition. Thoughts? Anyone here own and/or have fired a 75b before?
Allright, Jow Forums
Innawoods Thread - Apocalypse Edition
The Russian Gorshkov Class Frigate's acceptance into the Navy has been delayed again to November...
Arfcom lil pump worship
5.8 chinese
Post groups you're especially proud of
What are my chances of surviving bootcamp if im a little sissy boy who-s had 2 fights in his life and writes poetry as...
What is the best method if you're on the run and you need to get through this as fast as possible without getting...
Muh feels takes over a trained killer and protects kid
I used to think that gas operated weapons ran off of gasoline. Like they had fuel tanks and everything
Recent Acquisitions Thread
Let's get real here for a minute: pic related is the most underrated YouTube gun channel
Are sks's hearing safe?
Who would win and who would you side with?
ITT - Tanks
Be me
Meet the US Army's new SHORAD vehicle
Out of grenades
/brg/: big rifle guys
Are you prepared?
What do you think the average Americans reaction would be if the Chinese invaded Taiwan
Milsurp rifles
What would you use to take over the government?
Referring to all German soldiers in WW2 as Nazis makes about as much sense as referring to all American soldiers as...
Is the Ruger PC carbine the AR-7 of our time?
New gun 9mm. How far should I be able to push that round effectively?
How did 50 viet cong defeat 200+ US troops??
Michigan Thread
Best Aesthetics for an Osprey 45
Are surface combatant warships useless or nothing but massive wastes of money at this point?
Blac/k/ powder
Would you rather
Are there any practical uses for lever guns nowadays?
Military Theory
How do you want your Garand bro?
What was gun culture like in the Soviet Union?
Do you think we could convert some tumblristas to our side?
How much do amphetamines enhance a soldier's combat effectiveness?
What kind of future gun is this? Doesn't even have iron sights
Aliengear belt
Tell Me The Wisdom
What's the most powerful gun that can be held with just one hand?
The Revolutionary War was a mistake. England was the freest country in the world at the time...
Quick question, Is having your mags loaded all the time bad for your ammo/magazines? should i keep the ammo in its box...
I'm on my way Jow Forumsomrades
/akg/ AK General
Handgun General - /hg/ - #132
A very angry doggo grabs 5yo standing next to you by arm...
Napalm tutorial?
Lady CCW
Why do BAE keep winning contracts?
Every day I'm not 21 is another day I worry that Makarovs will dry up and become prohibitively expensive
Is the gun our manhood
I need an Assult Weapon to kill peo...I mean I need it to hunt deer in downtown Annapolis
Any former enlisted encounter spooks whilst deployed? Does it happen often if at all? What where they like...
Why do people assume gun owners are compensating for something? I just like guns and their inner workings. pic related
Today after two and a half years i broke my xcover 3 it survived in tota:l
"guns are fun to shoot at the range and stuff but if you think they're for defending against 'tyranny' you're...
LBT 6094 plates
Really tickles my pickle
A question for CW prepers
Cyberpunk aesthetics IRL
Would jumping stilts be usefull for short supply runs when SHTF?
Webms and Humor
Jow Forums aesthetics thread
I'm a faggot LARPer and think western movies are cool. Add looking like a fat Val Kilmer to that
Upcoming federal bumpstock ban
I know there are urban areas where there are communication towers disguised as fake trees...
AR thread AR General /arg/ Trip Containment Development Group
What are the pros and cons of Baofeng, What are better alternitives?
New Japanese rifle to replace current Howa Type-89
Build an aircraft carrier
Unironically thinking of doing this for an AR Build I am planning
Would this work
PA fag, how fucked am I Jow Forumsomrades?
Talk a mad man out of buying a gun
This is INSAS
Clips are better than mags t lindy
To any anti-fascist American, the time to organize is now
Patch Thread - Come back Dutchko!
Innawoods vs. Large Predators
Summoning Oppenheimer
Operation Red Wings
Moving to chicago
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
.40 s&w?
I found this channel on youtube, it appears to be a Japanese tactical gear and training company...
/arg/AR thread/Tripfag thread/
If I threw my helmet on top of a grenade and then dove on it would I survive?
Truth hurts dudnit
The cyberpunk handgun thread went so well the other day, how about your rifle Jow Forums?
/ak/ Thread
Least aesthetic weapons thread
What would a SWAT team do if...?
The Dumbest War in History
So apparently the Russins have hooked a UCAV into a parent PAK-FA...
How do you carry?
/n/ here
LGBT People Should Have No 2A
P226 vs M9
Gas mask and respirator thread
Sks catastrophic failures
Upper markings
I would like to apologize for ever calling anyone on Jow Forums an armchair general, or unhinged larper
AR Thread/AR General//arg/
$400.00 "combat" pants
WTF Krauts? It supposed to be your latest surface combatant...
Does Playing With Toy Guns Lead to Later Acts of Gun Violence?
You know what to do Jow Forums
AR Thread/AR General//arg/
Choose your "bad guys"
Please rate this
Let's see em faggots
/msg/ Milsurp General
Richard Lee Ermey
Reid Henrichs
Be weird kid in school
Jow Forums's Appalachian Republic
Talk me out of being a helicopter pilot
New Lindybeige Video
Meanwhile in 2076 Jow Forums
How do I beat up somebody if I’m weaker than them? Genuine question
Reports of a animal blocking the road
Canada General
Will the ATF kill me, my dog, and maybe even my cats just for fun if I went to Canada and back a Dominion Arms P762...
Get in an argument with an anti
Blocks your path
Countdown To Freedom
Nuclear Winter Survival
Hughes Amendment Overrule Soon
So, how does Jow Forums think this would be as a single shot .22? Aesthetic is good?
What gun is the ultimate pleb filter?
This is 45-70 say something nice about her
Yeah, im thinkin im back
Desensitizing Yourself to Violence
Which Human Beings are the Best Genetically Tuned for War & Skullduggery?
/arg/ AR thread
Why did the millitary never introduce tactical pogo sticks?
Knives, axes, virgin sticks (samurai swords) and most sharp things
Jow Forums I need that photo of the man Interrogating his dog
Where's the best place to get some kevlar? Is there anything else (besides guns) I should consider getting, as well...
Justice Kennedy retiring
How i do this?
Is this the best innawoods simulator?
ATF to Force Confiscation of Bump Stocks
Is a Kel Tec RDB worth $850 Brand new?
Opinions on the SCAR models?
Whut Do?
You guys ready for unlimited gun rights?
Homemade weapons
/akg/ AK General
Are there any medics here that can tell me ignorant you’re supposed to remove celox powder from a wound later after...
Design the Ideal Astronaut Gun
Post yfw fix bayonets
Are there any bladed that could be used for self defense
/arg/ AR general
Good rifle for boar CQB?
Pro-gun and working class
How are you prepping for the American Communist Uprising, anons?
Why striker fired no safety?
Rhodesia on Forgotten Weapons
What's your opinion on kel-tec firearms? Are they really as unreliable as people say?
You spot this man holding this innocent woman hostage while going through her purse in an alleyway
This scence in Casino
I live in the Netherlands where gun laws are cucked, what would Jow Forums recommend for home defence...
Metro series
If colorado was able to legalize weed even though it was banned on the federal level is there anything stopping a pro...
Anyone got Professor Parabellum PDFS?
(im not well versed in legal things) why cant we sue the government for infringing on our 2nd amendment rights as all...
Bongland Gun Campagining Paradox
Should the British military aim to be a first rate military power?
Is strategic bombing still relevant? With more precise ordnance whats the point of saturating an area with bombing...
The 5 most American guns are
Carry a concealed pistol your entire life
CANADIANS can buy Type 81's
Mfw people with precision bolt guns and DMRs think they can justify self defense with their guns at distances of 500...
When Kate talks to her boss about the legality of the shit that she's doing with Brolin and del Toro...
70% of stealth comes from an object's geometry deflecting radar waves away
Philippine American War
Where can I find one of these for cheaper than $45?
What weapon do you need to take-down a Nephilim 1 vs.1?
R.I.P. Steve1989MREinfo
What does Jow Forums think of smol boats that make you IMAGINE?
AR thread/ARG/tripfag containment
Jow Forums told me to come here. Can someone tell me what kind of bullets this gun takes...
Favorite non-firearm weapon
Canadian nogunz here...
How badly do you want this kind of gf?
Since you can buy virgin receivers for common bolt actions...
I saw Paul Harrell at a grocery store in Oregon yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person...
First Guns
Shooting an AR 15 for the first time this weekend. What should I expect?
How to CCW at a pool party
Rugar 10/22 appreciation thread
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Gas mask thread trips
Possible home defense situation tonight
Buy, Sell, Trade:
Attention WA Jow Forumsommandos!!!
So, user. Tell me about yourself. How did you become a school shooter?
What do we all think of the movie Zero Dark Thirty...
Civil war breaks out in the US. What do?
Infograph Thread
I lost the key to my trigger lock. What do?
/ak/ general
Favourite ForgottenWeapons / InRangeTv episode?
In your opinion Jow Forums what were the top 5 most effective aircraft during ww2?
Alright Jow Forumsommandos, hunting story time
Pistol Caliber Carbine General - /pcc/
If America was a gun
/arg/ AR thread
What are the top 3 armed forces based solely on quality?
What regions of America is the worst for gun preservation? Where will guns rust/degrade the fastest
Handgun General - /hg/ - #131
I live in Wyoming and the HARM act is going into effect in a few months...
Hey Jow Forums
Could a double barrel .22 revolver be a good concealed carry gun?
Jow Forums BTFO
Daddy, I'm confused. How does climbing up this hill with your Remington 700 help get Mrs. Jenkin's cat our of the tree...
Kiwi gets a taste of freedom
Why does Jow Forums hate Colion Noir...
Rare, Highly Valued guns
Your height
Tfw the range's berm is literally Mexico
/gq/ - gear queer
What rifles , shotguns and pistols do I need for the Beta Uprising?
US buys 1,400 Trophy APS units from Israel for $193 million
How do I get into crime?
Rifles/shotguns for poaching
Recent acquisitions thread
Normandy or the Somme?
Don't fuck with me spiders, I'll wreck your shit
AR thread /arg/
Post battles
If there was a fedora equivalent of a gun what would it be? and why is it the mosin-nagant
ITT: we appreciate balisongs
Woman used machete and forces ex-boyfriend to have sex
PDW discussion
Rob Ski
Röhm RG59 spring too many
Hello Jow Forums!
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Hello Jow Forums
Gun Safety Rules
These lads run up on you
>buying back legal guns makes me safer
Convince me
/wg/ - waiting general
What guns is this?
I live in a state where the only AR-15’s I can buy are heavy barreled ones. However any and all AR-10’s are g2g...
In honor of impending American-North Korean friendship post qt NK girls in uniform (or asian qts in uniform in general)
ITT, show plate carrier set ups
PTR-91 optics help
Chinese missiles
Recommending a handgun for a manlet
I fucked up guys. I...I was linked to a Read-It post about an ND at an Ikea. I decided to look at the comments
This is just as bad as open carry. I see your stupid knife a mile away...
Wake up
Gun-Owner White Lies
Springfield Armory
A Good Starter AK for a decent price
The Civil War was the only war in American history that made Americans freer (though it made us less free in some ways)...
Mfw not american
ITT: Really dumb aesthetic reasons you refuse to buy a gun
Why did they do this?
Are these poncho liners worth it?
AR thread /arg/ tripfag containment
Which one is best?
I live in California
What are good weapons to use incase of a home invasion
Prep for the 4th
B-but my CCW is supposed to make me a Good Guy With A Gun™
Are most Vietnam vets ashamed of their service? What about GWOT vets?
When I started browsing Jow Forums in 2011, there was much discussion of the clip/magazine nomenclature controversy...
Why is the US Army so fucked
Tumblr is preparing to raid this board
/akg/ AK General
Parents took guns away since recent visit to psych ward for suicide attempts
Why is Multicam so fucking ugly. Seriously, this fucking shit makes me want to throw up...
Toxic gun oils
You need to chill out bruh
Jesus with Gun
Gas mask thread
New policy at my range
/ak/ Thread
SMLE No. 3 in 308?
Patch Thread
Just wondering, what does Jow Forums think of Jow Forums?
Building a 10-22
Be me
How long should a spear be?
Pacific Forces General /PFG/ 9: Series Finale- Road to RIMPAC 18'
Post families
This thread again
Another Bethesda Gun
A2 rear sight problem
ITT: Operators who did nothing wrong
Hiking in state park
New Yor/k/
Mannequin display
Burt Rutan Thread
Good first gun?
Let's talk about ammo
Finally have some money and I'm looking for three things:
C308 vs ptr91
"your only argument is 'fuck you I like guns' it's not a very good one but it's the only one you've got!"
Rate That Bullet: 30-30
Could someone explain to me how this gun works?
What happened to American made pistols? we used to dominate at least half of the market with smith and wesson...
Ugly & Shittiest Guns Of All Time
Why aren't y'all supporting InRangeTv on Patreon, Jow Forums? they're the best firearms channel around
Gunny died
/his/ couldn't help me so in reposting here:
Should i buy this?
Leaked from the navy x47b
How wet should you run a milspec ar 15?
Aliens invade Earth, intent on taking humanity off to be their slaves/pets...
Canada General
Post yfw you hear video related
Gulf War Thread
/arg/ AR general
Could an equally sized group of American AR enthusiast defeat a middle east militia like pic related (Northern...
Chinese equipment
Does anyone else like to shoot the stray dogs that wander onto their property?
Hai post blades I judge you ,fantasy blades are exempt
Yellow Submarine
Gopher hunt
Prototypes Thread - Mass Production Edition
Cold War Era InfraRed optics
What gun will the Space Force use?
Why are the targets always Black?
Post the most obscure gun you can think of
Throwing Knives
Realistically, how can a civilian like me train for a combat situation...
My two daughters are dating hiring a black SEAL instructor
Imagine the ATF storm his house and attacked him then arrested him for owning a machine gun and they went and destroy...
Anyone into Skeet Shooting?
Just for all the incels from pol
Hi Jow Forums, main board is Jow Forums and im from Turkey...
What went so right in here? Literally the best riffle cartridge
Does anyone here own one of these, or at the very least handled one? I've heard mixed reviews on them...
Was Samurai armour inferior to European Plate armour?
I want an oldschool looking snubnose .38 that can fire high pressure ammo. What do you lads reccomend?
Jow Forums, I wish to learn more of Cold War USSR submarines...
Knife vs gun
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
What did they mean by this
Do you prefer carry handle or flip-up rear sights?
Whats this?
Have you ever played?
Polearm appreciation thread
Trijicon appreciation
War in the Baltic
Loudest muzzle break possible?
Vietnam War
Why is the FN M1949 the most gorgeous battle rifle ever made?
When its 40 year old army mochaccino time
Handgun General - /hg/ - #130
Why was soviet military so superior compared to mutt shitshow that couldn't even win against vietnam?
Armalite Rifle General /arg/ AR-15 Thread Tripfag Containment
With the trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 out, I've been thinking about cyberpunk aesthetics again...
Backpacking in the rain
What do you lads think of this
If you could pick between Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, where would you live and why?
Why do the walls of a 1911 barrel look so much thinner than the walls of a 9mm glock barrel?
Take that fucking jacket off civilian! My brothers died wearing that uniform!
Brought my CCW game to the next level
Why can't America make a good AK?
"They, however, had time and devised a plan to get word to the world that they still survived...
Any Jow Forumsommandos out there used tried the MantisX training system...
Is there any advantage to having a spring assisted/switchblade knife over a regular folding knife you can just flick...
Guns are genuinely giving me boners now
Finally have enough range tickets to get a new rifle
Is there a place in the U.S. where I can rent and shoot an RPG? How about use a hand grenade? Fire the cannon of a tank...
Why are there no suppressed revolvers besides the 1895 Nagant?
Did you go shooting today Jow Forums?
Faces of Jow Forums
Why are there no civilian M203's on the market?
Anybody actually use briefcases anymore?
Greg Kinman should not have named his channel after a murderer. He may as well have named it Kuklinski357
Questions that don’t deserve their own thread
I just buy a Luftwaffe Sword for 2€50 in a flea market
Looks like the banks are doing what the left cant do
Which would you get, Jow Forums?
To buy or not to buy
Is the NYPD, the premier, and most prestigious police force in the united states?
/OIF/ Operation Iraqi Freedom
AR thread/AR General /arg/
Jow Forums approved movies, go
So federal number 1 buck is the best shot load for a shotgun. But what is the best slug? Can be 2 3/4" or 3"...
ITT:Stupid shit Jow Forums has done
Making a paper Mk 14 (Yes, I make guns out of paper and tape...
Cheapest AR build
Did shotguns ever play a really big part in combat in wars? If so when did they start to become obsolete?
They deleted my Jow Forumsonspiracy thread:
Anyone have any experience setting up a back yard shooting range...
First Gun, did I do well?
Gasmask general
Just got a 500 smith and wesson magnum, what ammo / mods should I get for it?
Hi Jow Forums, just moved to rural Maine. Not sure lot around here. I think I have a skinwalker in my woods
What are some of the best bushcraft knives with strike plates? 5"+...
Was he murdered?
Decisions Thread
Tomorrow, Russia and China declare war
What's Jow Forums's opinion on Green Army Men? Did any of you have some as a kid?
Jow Forums girls
Semi Automatic Pistol Caliber Tier List
AR thread AR General /arg/ Trip Containment Development Group
That 31 year old boomer who calls every combat uniform a BDU
Gun Identification
Rhodesian/South African FAL value?
/AK/ thread
/akg/ AK General
Let's shut up about spess for a second and contemplate the true final frontier on earth
All triggers should break at less than 4 lbf, should be single action, and should have no discernable creep
I paint gunzz
Hey Jow Forums, how do i tactically climb a tree without equipment?
You're shooting your .22lr pistol indoors, when the guy on the lane next to you, posts up with this. Wat do?
Well guys, why do you carry?
How would a modern nuclear war develop and how long would it actually last overall?
Cozy Compact Kydex
So what's the big deal about this place?
Dirlewanger Brigade
African armies with class
Tank Names
I recently watched death wish with bruce willis and i loved the movie until the end with a full auto sbr kinda ruined...
Horrifying cop bodycam shows officers shooting dog & hitting 9yo girl
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
7.62x51 vs 5.56x45
Wanna open carry without bein a cluck cluck cuck
Post your face when I say these 2 words:
What're u faggots doing for the second amendment? and stfu about muh nra membership
When someone calls the M-16 or M-4 an AR-15 vice versa
AR thread /arg/
Russian kids kalashnikovs without hearing protection
Flintlock Parts Set
Godspeed Philippines
Design pistol
Members are required to have and maintain an NRA membership
There's no need to have more than about 5-8 rounds in a handgun unless you are just a really bad shot...
U.S. navy mammal warfare
I took a friend to a lake in the mountains and he told me to fire a shot near him so he'd know what if felt like to be...
Jow Forums approved authors/books?
80s Chads
I had an interesting conservation with my city's police firearms instructor today...
Punisher Time: Forties and Vodka Edition Part Two
Best edc flashlight
Is this thing a piece of shit? It seems suspiciously cheap
You're drafted, about to be sent off to die in the jungles of Vietnam. What do you write on your helmet cover?
Classiest Carry Pieces
Why is ARX100 so cheap from academy
Tfw losing interest in guns
AR thread/ARG/tripfag containment
This is the Kongou, she is a fine vessel
A local shop has Israeli surplus Browning Hi Powers for $600 and I'm considering buying one to be a pistol I can use...
Canada General
Rate That Bullet: 45-70
Best chimp caliber?
Anyone else get headaches after using indoor ranges?
Rhino Chippa
What's the most illegal Jow Forums-related thing you have ever gotten away with?
Is this a proper way to wear a plate carrier?
Opinions on this man
Punisher Time: Forties and Vodka Edition
First Time Gun Buyer
Which one of you faggots have been giving him your neetbux? I hate eceleb threads but this is enough...
Why do they do this?
Name a better gun company
/arg/ AR thread
Anti-gun protester David Hogg — protected by armed guards?
Shit summer
Rock Island Armory M206 Spurless
Space force
My gut tells me some trained gunsmiths live on this board...
Does diazepam help you use a sniper rifle or did Metal Gear Solid make that up?
/wfg/ Writefag General- blietzkrieg edition
Ashlands thread 3
.45-70 Gov't
What makes a gun aesthetic to you? What guns do you consider the most aesthetic and why...
Can we have a Jow Forums Humor thread
Are these just for aspies?
Hey yall I've never shot any gun before besides nerf guns and my dads airsoft gun (I believe it's a benjamin 392) and...
Jow Forumsaracters
What should I expect from a lightly used CZ 75b?
Military Parades
No Jow Forums humor thread
Jow Forums B/S/T
1000 Yard shot with 9mm. How is this possible?
10 gauge shotguns
What you getting on steam sale, Jow Forums?
/prg/ Precision Rifle General /prg/
Kocayine's channel got deleted again
Which one of you assholes did it?
Texas thread? Texas thread!
Can plastic guns be aesthetic?
Favorite Lever Gat Mods
ITT:Jow Forums approved graphic novels
Hey Jow Forums it’s me again...
Good day, user. How may I be of service?
Will old state rivalries be revived to a fever pitch when SHTF?
Can I load up my car with 20+ firearms
Jow Forums designs a WW2 tank
Yep that's Veterans day
Can we agree that MARSOC are the big boys of SOF?
People shouting in agony after getting hit
Irrational weapons
What does Jow Forums think of this gun? Does it make any sense?
You will never be as succesful as cj
Wearing a tracksuit to the range
Aright Jow Forums. You have to get shot in the abdomen by one rifle round. What round do you choose?
Firearm ownership minimum age needs to be 21 because any younger is too immature to handle guns responsibly and know...
Gladiator arena fight to the death
You heard it here first
Say hello to the F-22 the most overrated aircraft in service
U.S. at Risk of Losing Military Technology Edge to China in Two Years
Which one of you autististic sons of bitches paid for this glock to be made?
How do we weaponize the corvids? Can they be taught to use weapons?
What camo should I get?
Turn 21 soon
Less than lethal
We all know the gear in Soldado will be shit but we'll enjoy it anyway edition
Out of the entire Anglosphere, Australia is the only country with a decent service rifle
Let's ignore the forced Ian memes for now and focus on how this is the coolest gun I have ever seen...
Is the sks, the most robust, overbuilt semi auto, in an intermediate caliber?
You, the door gunner: yo pass the aux cord
DIY gunsmithing
Ammo making
Is this filter safe?
Theoretically speaking, if I wanted a reliable...
AR thread /arg/
Jow Forums draw thread
Slow, oversized and weak
Florida thread, report in
Rate my gun
What was it like to fight from inside the Maginot line fortifications...
Congratulations, user!
If we can't ban it, we'll tax the shit out of it
Why would anyone use anything under .40cal?
I hate it when nogunnz and normies talk about guns, even when they're right. It makes me cringe...
Support thread
**record scratch**
Is this better than machine guns?
Famas thread
First shotgun
MCMAP vs MACP vs SOCP vs BJJ vs Krav Maga
Space Marines
Handgun General - /hg/ - #129
Anyone have experience what Canada's "Controlled Goods Program"? What am I getting myself into...
Choose one to protect you and the other two will try to kill you
Fuddlore into the mainstream
How solid is your AR?
So I'm not gonna lie in this thread. I've been NEETing it up for the past 6 years. But I recently got my shit together...
Things you want
Which country has the most effective female service members?
US automatic weapon ownership
Post YFW people say that they don't carry a Glock 19
/ak/ Thread - tall brown buff gf or tiny thicc girly gf or furry trap boi? Edition
Well Jow Forums, could he?
Who would win a fistfight, marine or a spetnaz soldier?
Was Canada on to something? Is having various separate branches of the military still actually necessary in this age...
/akg/ AK General
Patch Thread
C1 ariete mbt
Russia’s Electronic Warfare Advances Offers Stealth Capability for Fighter Aircraft
Space Force is Retarded
Revolutionary new design
Makeshift/homemade gun thread
Do you open ammunition boxes in the store?
I have created a massive folder of infographics and books. Take it!
A box with 50 9mm bullets costs about $50 dollars in my country
9mm thread
Does water cooling a gun render it (practically) invulnerable to barrel deformation from heat...
Describe your deployment experience in one image
So over the last two years I've become an entry-level hasgunz on the back of my (((GI Bill))) bux
Innawoods thread
What is the best revolver in .38 or .357 i can get for about $500?
Just watched the latest Jurassic Park movie...
/arg/ AR thread
Wanna buy pic related from cold steel. quite cheap and is a very good sword from what i read...
USPSA thread
Jow Forumsansas general
Are snipers special forces
What's some Jow Forums approved music? Show me what you've got!
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Has these been rolled out yet? Are they any good?
Is this the greatest camo ever made?
The Jow Forumsest person to have ever lived
Aus gen
Why are G3s so popular When the FN FAL and SCAR-H exist?
Is Germany, really burning Flecktarn?
So most weapons in Star Wars are just real world guns mashed together and with the firing pins removed...
Does this protect against headshots?
EMBT Enhanced Main Battle Tank
Rifle plate armor
Spetsnaz in Syria
Space Force thread
Can anyone ID this gat?
Ruger LCRx thread
Retro thread
Every other country BTFO
Seriously though...
My friend got some of these and was wondering what to do with them. What should i tell him to do? Pic related...
Dimethylmercury gun?
WW2 Eastern Front?
AR thread /arg/
God Damn It all
New Steve1989MREinfo
22 on steroids
Drone creep
Does anyone else habitually tap the back of the slide every time you rack it to make sure it's properly seated?
Bolt versus lever for first .22 rifle?
Jow Forums
Why does looking at this shotgun make me physically angry?
Jow Forumsollege gun
What will be their camouflage pattern?
Why don’t you own a Makarov yet? They are drying up
Rest of world
ATF bumpstock ruling
Are traps gay?
Was wondering if Jow Forums could help me figure out the items these soviet soldiers are carrying
US intelligence report: China will have the world's most powerful naval gun ready for war by 2025
How do people cheat the system when it comes to acogs?
New Acquisitions
I've had my brain hacked for the past year and a half...
Matching ammo
7 vs. 9 Rounds
Post weapons you made yourself
/arg/ AR thread
Canada General
How the hell does something like Happen
How do you justify keeping the AR15 legal to own...
ITT: We Weaponize The Jow Forumsrawler-Transporter
For the Love of 45
Is currently Russian military as powerful as it is said to be?
Is there a bigger meme, than two tone pistols?
Russian police
.32 ACP/7,65 Browning
Left handed racism
I live in a rural town and my neighbor who's at work has a rabbit in his yard that i really wanna shoot with a .22
Anyone here served as a combat engie? What did that entail?
Pentagon "lost" more money than Russia has to spend on its military
Jow Forumsube worship thread
Pastor Shoots, Kills Gun Wielding Carjacker In Walmart Parking Lot
France and Germany sign letters of intent to develop future tank and combat air systems
90s action movie badguy loadouts
Lock Fags BTFO
Innawoods thread
My local range is limited to 125m and now I'm looking for a decent target rifle. I thought that...
/akg/ AK General
Family photo thread
Fuck Jow Forums
Single stack compact 10mm handgun. Why doesn't this exist yet?
Melee weapons
ARG/ AR General/ Trip fag containment/ Bully Central
Is the trunk gun a meme...
Knife Restoration
Aesthetics thread
What is the best all round pistol
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
What is best gun?
So lm confused. Is 10mm in the fallout universe the same as actual 10mm or is it the fallout equivalent to 9mm?
Why haven't you joined the Spanish Legion?
Lets talk about the most important weapon every man has, his body...
Polish law
Sup Jow Forums, just visited the Homeland War Museum at Fort Imperial in Dubrovnik...
Ok, man. My p320 was stolen by some thot that broke into my house...
Looking for a good 30-30 Lever Action
How comfy is your gun right now, /k?
You are absolutely crazy fucks
How would a war between China and India play out? Assuming it happens in the Himalayas...
Why didn't the allies just copy the STG-44 after the war...
Are there advantages to using rifle grenades over say an M203? why do the french still use them?
Is there a single verifiable instance where 12ga 00 buckshot (or a slug) over penetrated during a home defense...
What is the fastest way to kill a man from behind without using a gun?
What one of you faggots did this? Also gunbroker thread
What does Jow Forums think of this vidya weapon?
Is Nato weaker or stronger than it was 20 years ago?
This Is What a Real Naval Buildup Looks Like
What kind of helmets are they supposed to be wearing?
China's quantum radar
Infographic thread
The I-400 series are the largest submarines in WWII...
What's the cheapest I can find a new acog for?
Always been a bit of a weapon head, got my first ink this weekend. Rate my tattoo Jow Forums
Mechanically driven magazines?
Cast my own bullets
Backpacking Guns
How do you avoid the "shaking legs" feeling and shit when you feel like you're about to get into "The Big One" with...
USSR Propositioned nuclear weapons and arms caches in US and Western Europe
What does Jow Forums listen to when shooting?
What the fuck is wrong with women?
Has anyone ever done a mg42 reweld like this austic gentleman on youtube...
Armalite Rifle General /arg/ AR Thread Tripfag Containment
CCP/CWP/CHL reciprocity
Ashlands Revival Thread 2
Allied Armour Casualties Survey
Want to get my first milsurp, which of these is the best rifle and why:
I really fucking want a 10mm carbine, any reason why I shouldn't buy this?
Wheelguns are a manlets best friend
For all the shit that people give Obama, did he even do anything to piss off gun owners?
We should have neither demanded nor accepted the Japanese surrender at the the end of WW2...
I don't need a permit where I live to OC. Should I do it? Is it cringeworthy?
Post your favorite Vaporware
I heard Jow Forums likes Rhodesia...
How prevalent is the black market for machine guns in America?
AR thread /arg/
Metal pistol
Love Letters
Post your car and I will guess which handgun you carry
Is the ATF going to fuck this guy as well since he was in possession of a post ban full auto?
I really fucked up guys
What makes slav weapons so good?
Give me your wallet and nobody has to get hurt
Be 18
I won't release my souces...
Gun owner stereotypes
Ear protection
What weapons will Trump's Space Force have?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship