What should the Blue Angels name their new C-130?

What should the Blue Angels name their new C-130?

Attached: blue angels c-130.jpg (905x602, 83K)

Thicc boi

Trade tower one

birty mcbirbface

Fatter Albert

Fat Lives Matter

But why do the Blue Angels have a C-130?

I thought they did crazy acrobatics with fighter jets?

"The Duck"

logistics. otherwise they have to borrow transport aircraft to move their shit around.

Niggerstongue Myanus

Fat Man.
Better to have your own transport aircraft than trying to rely on the others. Like having your own car or drivers license really.

Its part of the show. They do a JATO takeoff during the show.

Sometimes people pay money to go for a ride, sometimes they select service members to go for a ride. Its also how they transport their equipment and ground crew.


Jow ForumsC-130

"Big Bird". They already use a Sesame Street-inspired naming convention, where Fat Albert's nickname is "Bert" and temporary replacement aircraft are called "Ernie".

They haven't used JATO regularly for about a decade. Running out of bottles apparently.

Its not a refueler, retard.


JATO Forces.

fucking retard, drink bleach and go back to /lgbt/

Flappy Bird

Fat Albert is for all their equipment and every crew member who isn't an F/A-18 pilot. Got to tour it last week. Neato shit.

Attached: Fat Albert_3JPG.jpg (3872x2592, 2.59M)

>Running out of bottles apparently.
stocks were depleted and Uncle Sam wont buy any more


'Their'? Shouldn't they be using MAC aircraft?

>jato takeoff in the show
last time you saw the angels was a while ago eh?

Is that not part of the show anymore?
Last time I saw them was an afterburner night time show.

not him, but saw the blue angels pre 9/11 w/fat albert's JATO takeoff being the most memorable part of the show.

They should abandon the C-130 and have a fuckhuge flying carrier like the Great Fox from Star Fox. A hybrid airship would be my first idea

Attached: Greatfox2.jpg (1027x725, 107K)