What should the Blue Angels name their new C-130?

Fat Man.
Better to have your own transport aircraft than trying to rely on the others. Like having your own car or drivers license really.

Its part of the show. They do a JATO takeoff during the show.

Sometimes people pay money to go for a ride, sometimes they select service members to go for a ride. Its also how they transport their equipment and ground crew.


Jow ForumsC-130

"Big Bird". They already use a Sesame Street-inspired naming convention, where Fat Albert's nickname is "Bert" and temporary replacement aircraft are called "Ernie".

They haven't used JATO regularly for about a decade. Running out of bottles apparently.

Its not a refueler, retard.


JATO Forces.

fucking retard, drink bleach and go back to /lgbt/

Flappy Bird