What ever; happened to this thing?

What ever; happened to this thing?

Attached: DXRTfz2UMAA69uI.jpg (1200x710, 126K)

Other urls found in this thread:


He basically sperged at everyone who critiqued it then gave up. He didn't have a working fire control group or anything

Oh, it's time for this thread again?


It got yeeted and then this exact thread starting appearing daily since then

Sure he did. There's a gif of it out there.

why is it green?

did some polshit drumpftard come up with it?

it can't be legal to just make a gun we should call the atf on him and have that nazi retard arrested

It's literally called the pepe liberator, yeah.

IWI finally got him.

What is it?

Because it's a 3D printed prototype stock and they used green filament.

I though he didn't want to show off his FCG because IWI was going to steal all his secrets or some shit. All I've seen was a plain steel rod push a cartridge through the front of the receiver.

Ebin bait

He showed it off, got laughed at, and then claimed up and down that that wasn't it.

>exact same image with almost exact same starting phrase CLEARLY NOT SAMEFAGGING
This is pretty much an insult to Jow Forums at this point.

no u

I did film the primer fire test that I said I would at the end of the month; uploaded it the other day. Pic related.

I'm not in state right now, so I've left it unlisted. I would love to make it public but I barely have service where I am, and am relegated to phone-posting at the moment.

I will absolutely make it public / post it next Friday. If you know anyone on the KommandoBlog Discord server, ask them to confirm because I did post the link there.

I would ask it not be posted on Jow Forums until then.

It's alive and well, apologize for the delay.


Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-04-02-22-10-1.png (1080x1548, 1.11M)

Only thing he did wrong was be a frogposter.
Fuck IWI.

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Jow Forums

It is way bigger than i would have expected.

>Two years into development
>Still hasn't fired beyond a primer
>Still made out of pipe fittings
>Stock is still 3D printed
>Still no word on an actual business plan
have a nice day lmaoo

Omg that entire stock is unnecessary. U should have made a bullpup wi4h that design. What an abortion. But please keep going ill buy 3 or 4 of them.

cool. thanks for sharing.

You get a lot of shit on here but I'm really interested in where this project ends up,

Attached: EXPLODING PIPE DREAM.jpg (1654x1722, 655K)

"Jericho 941 PL9 – Full Size Polymer Frame"


Daily reminder IWI sells a polymer framed 9mm with the partial designation "PL9." I was introduced to this fact recently. I take no issue with them at all.

Worth note, I don't think people understand how S.E.O. works. If you were worried about someone's primary keywords obscuring your specific product keywords, you may take an interest. Whether the correspondence I've had was from them, or not, I don't know, and don't claim to know. There's nothing else to say; no actual reason people keep bringing it up other than muh IWI/fake/price meme, etc.

No doubt this one is pretty long. 41" OAL. It's already been taken care of. OAL with resizing is 32" with an 18" barrel, or 30" with 16" barrel. I have complete confidence we will meet minimum barrel/OAL, it's no big deal.

Attached: 1537239313295.jpg (604x829, 195K)

Anything to say about

Thanks man. A few threads from now the price will probably be the same as a new Robco M-XCR from my personal hero, Alex J. Robinson. So $2595 x4, $10380. You're welcome.

In all seriousness, a bullpup is not out of the question. Only trying to walk before running.

Thanks, glad you think so, I will be sharing some 2F/3F handload tests here soon. It's dirty af, but safe / functional.

I do get a lot of shit, definitely brought that on myself to a degree. Trolls are going to shitpost, but I shouldn't have taken the bait. I've learned my lesson. Anything you say on 4chins can and will be used against you in a court of public neckbeard option. Arguing with bad faith actors is always the wrong choice, and one I won't be making moving forward.

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Hey man, I remember a while back you said you were gonna be electrically etching the rifling? Is that still the plan? What about button rifling?

Dumb frog printers.

>You get a lot of shit on here
I think Jow Forums just kinda collectively decided that the best way to motivate him was to ridicule him relentlessly so as to make actually finishing the gun part of his lifelong quest for vengeance.

Not really, the latter half of pretty much covers it. There's no real argument being made. I got pissed at people who wanted me to get pissed, who then nitpicked multiple hours of word post limit responses. That's my bad, but no longer. If mentioning myself when asked over a 4-6 hour period, and saying have a nice day to trolls is arrogant, deserves a "derail" info-graphic, etc; then that's fine.

Someone suggested ECM in a thread a long time ago. I said that it was interesting, I would look into it, and moved on. I never said I would do it, it's a meme.

We have a correspondence with a company I'm not going to name for obvious reasons who are giving us a screaming deal on rough, chambered & riffled 18" barrels. The barrel is the single most expensive component by a long shot, so keeping that cost down while not having to mess with them is going to really speed things up on the production side. The barrels are the only component that won't be made in-house, and that isn't expected to change.

Kek. I want to argue with you about that so bad, I can't.

Yeah basically the author made an ass of himself and gave the impression he has no idea what he's doing or how any aspect of manufacturing or engineering works. Then he continued to make an ass of himself. Now he's a meme and all is again right in the world.

More like confirmation

Any chance you're going to be offering any prototypes for sale soon? I really want one.

You understand that the 941 PL9 has been on the market since late 2014, right? I really hope you're not trying to imply they looked into the future just to fuck you over. If anything you're trying to brute force your way into THEIR nomenclature with your meme designation.

>Trying to reason with him

Define working.

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>Erector set and parts machined with a cuisinart
>Somebody thought this was a good idea
>Somebody thought they should show this off
>Somebody thinks established companies with actual working mechanisms would steal this

Attached: shoop da brainlet.png (478x523, 87K)

Thanks for the update user! Where will you be posting it?

Are you a child or is that thing absolutely fucking enormous?

What the fuck is going on here because it sure isn't a tilting barrel design.

Attached: manlet uprising.png (929x633, 1.41M)

>why doesn't this line up with the handguard that is meant to be free floated and not inline???
C'mon son.

>Can't even build the furniture right

>implying pistol caliber carbines need anything other than straight blowback

son how much do you know about firearm mechanics?

Where did I say that?

You unironically asked

>What the fuck is going on here because it sure isn't a tilting barrel design.

Obviously asking about what kind of locking mechanism he will use.

Not knowing pistol caliber carbines only need straight blowback, which this design obviously is.

pretty sure this isn't the aim here, but that user wanted to make a hardware store parts firing assembly. As far as that goes, it's clever. Brazilian gangs usually need to buy paintball guns for those.

>Obviously asking about what kind of locking mechanism he will use.
I'm asking why the furniture droops like a flaccid dick instead of actually lining up with the barrel

Again, do you understand the concept of free floating? Because you look pretty dumb right now.

Attached: axiom.jpg (662x320, 20K)

Not only free floating, but did you know barrels tend to heat up and 3d printed plastic is obviously not gonna be extremely heat retardant. Thompson Model 1921 had something vaguely similar.

Speaking of retardation, though, you might just want to stop trying.

Attached: thompson 1921.jpg (1024x378, 87K)

I know what free floating is and I know that barrels get toasty. The original 3d model had the furniture line up with the barrel and hold it in place instead of droop off the front of the gun.
>Implying 130IQ designer man would have the foresight to keep melty bits from touching hot parts
>Implying he understands anything about barrels besides bullets come from one end

Attached: finger liberator 2.png (746x376, 412K)

Clearly the original model was retarded and needed to be put down.

>haha you have a working prototype but this prior model looked kinda stupid so there!

god I swear I hate Jow Forums sometimes.

Not to mention it looks like the foreguard is a separate piece, possibly separate material.

>haha you have a working prototype but this prior model looked kinda stupid so there!
>Still hasn't fired anything but primers
>Most likely still the same sheet metal trash heap in a plastic case
Don't get ahead of yourself

How much does the licensing and taxes to manufacture this come out to per year?

Asking because I want to make a shitty bolt action to sell to friends for legal reasons but doubt it would be worth the money.

manufacturers license is like $3k and valid for three years

If you're just making one it's not an issue.

Required reading
I'd sooner buy a vulcan .50 than this

have a nice day

put your trip back on, fag
you aren't fooling anyone, you do this every thread

Attached: plstellmemore.png (480x480, 217K)

>Promised a proper firing test when the weather warmed up in like February.
>Gets a fucking primer firing video in October
Buddy at this rate, we're gonna see the fucking thing actually work in 2050.

How's your CNC set up looking?

>Still fucking homedepot pipe
>Doesn't even have a mag in the gun

>Daily reminder IWI sells a polymer framed 9mm with the partial designation "PL9." I was introduced to this fact recently. I take no issue with them at all.
Yea the also have a PL40 and PL45. They have since 2014 when they started importing them. It's almost like you don't have a patent on 2 letters.



WTF is going on here the breech is almost in plane with the support hand. The action has a super long stroke as shown by the cocking handle slot and the length of pull is ridiculous for a PCC or subgun.

If samefagging theads are appearing about this POS they are a cancer upon Jow Forums

>Hours later and still no answer
Protip ITAR has TAR in it like TAR21 and is therefore an israeli IWI jewish psyop don't listen to the state department when they come a knockin

We hate you too faggot.

I don't know why it's so fucking hard to understand that not everyone is going to be an absolute compensating dipshit when ONE person on Jow Forums finally starts making their own fucking design instead of you shitheads bullpupping SKS'

Attached: kautistic.png (442x229, 56K)

>all that same fagging
HAHAHAHA. Good to know the average Jow Forumsomrade isn't retarded enough to fall for this garbage heap.

He's doing his best !

His best just isn't all that great.

Attached: Good afternoon.jpg (750x525, 44K)