put your trip back on, fag
you aren't fooling anyone, you do this every thread
What ever; happened to this thing?
>Promised a proper firing test when the weather warmed up in like February.
>Gets a fucking primer firing video in October
Buddy at this rate, we're gonna see the fucking thing actually work in 2050.
How's your CNC set up looking?
>Still fucking homedepot pipe
>Doesn't even have a mag in the gun
>Daily reminder IWI sells a polymer framed 9mm with the partial designation "PL9." I was introduced to this fact recently. I take no issue with them at all.
Yea the also have a PL40 and PL45. They have since 2014 when they started importing them. It's almost like you don't have a patent on 2 letters.
WTF is going on here the breech is almost in plane with the support hand. The action has a super long stroke as shown by the cocking handle slot and the length of pull is ridiculous for a PCC or subgun.
If samefagging theads are appearing about this POS they are a cancer upon Jow Forums
>Hours later and still no answer
Protip ITAR has TAR in it like TAR21 and is therefore an israeli IWI jewish psyop don't listen to the state department when they come a knockin
We hate you too faggot.
I don't know why it's so fucking hard to understand that not everyone is going to be an absolute compensating dipshit when ONE person on Jow Forums finally starts making their own fucking design instead of you shitheads bullpupping SKS'
>all that same fagging
HAHAHAHA. Good to know the average Jow Forumsomrade isn't retarded enough to fall for this garbage heap.
He's doing his best !
His best just isn't all that great.