Air power nullified, can Israel win against Hezbollah?

Air power nullified, can Israel win against Hezbollah?

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It becomes a game of ATGMs. In all reality, the IDF would probably still probably outperform Hez, but at a higher cost than any intervention in Gaza to date. The body count would probably still be in the IDFs favor, but not at 1967 or 1973 ratios.

Muslim neo nazis?

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What if green was red? What if Santa came on Halloween instead of Christmas? What if...

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>S-300s and possibly S-400s get operated by Syria giving some meaningful level of protection against IDF air power in a few years time

Israel would be fucked properly and american citizens would have to intervene and possibly die for Israel as well, which isnt even a question.
Why is Israel forced to solve conflicts so quickly?
Its not because they are badass or some shit, its because they MUST.
If they dont, what happens in Israel among the heebs in their streets and homes?
They dont feel safe, if they dont feel safe, they dont swindle each other for money, meaning the money stops flowing the way it should, meaning they hooknosed fiends will try to leave the place, to look for other sources of money, meaning it leaves Israel empty, yet the demands for men, weapons, ammo and deployment increase
Jews cant fight longer than 3 months, entire israel collapses no matter what goes on in the battlefields
Hezz's know this, they have been gaining and still do, valuable experience in Syria, they are one of the best fighting forces there, they kept Assad in power until Russia came
They know how to make best use of shitty tanks, how to sweep a town, how to dig in, how to not get bombed, how to hit and run, everything
All they are missing is tons of manpads

>Syria will retake the Golan Heights in your lifetime

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>Air power nullified
But why?



Of course.

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They did, twice. During the 6 day war and Yom Kippur war. The fighting in the Old City against the Bedouin legion of King Hussein was basically hand to hand because of its close proximity and the Israelis still won.

You made me giggle.

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Keep dreaming, Bashar.

Niven post brain dead Arab. God willing Israel levels Lebanon with unguided munitions and does the same to the Syrian border. Arab aggression towards the Jewish state will result in death as it always had. Stay mad arabs and wanna be nazi baby boys.

Nigga they done in '82 and 2006.
Hezbollah is probably the only actual decent fighting force in Middle East if we excluse Israel.


No, because the only advantage Israel has is stand-off weapons and the air force, which can't win a ground war.

Last time all they could do was REEEE and bomb civilian infrastructure in Lebanon as a form of collective punishment.

Something the Nazis did to towns and villages when they couldn't capture partisans.


That bastard has not the slightest idea how rare that rifle is
I wonder where the fuck he gets ammo

Considering they can't even with airpower I doubt it.

Nigga they're using WW2 Mosins, K98's, MP40's and Nazi-era tanks that they got from Africa Korps. They have stockpiles of it.

sure, a lot of arabs would die as usual, but if the war plays out long enough, youre in trouble

>another shit "but what if X loses their biggest advantage for whatever convoluted reason or no reason at all" thread

Israel can't win against Hezbollah even with air power, because bombs alone don't win wars

Hezbollah took no part in either of the wars you just mentioned and doctrine wise, equipment wise, motivation wise and politics wise is completely different to the forces involved.

basically all these answers

T. Sadam Husein.

>Jews cant fight longer than 3 months
>wins multiple times against numerous opponents

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There's precedent.

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Rarity is contextual

What about the peshmerga? Or the Iranians?

Wonder if my great grandpa is somewhere in there

Still Israel, Hez used to doing attacks against Israel from the safety of Lebanon but they are not ready for an invasion. If anything I doubt Hez would even be prepared for a full scale ground invasion. Added kick to the balls is that Israel is land hungry and wants Greater Israel... which means they are playing for keeps, which means Hez would not be ready. I think Hez should cut its losses and not provoke a truly imperialist nation like Israel.

And by the way, no, the US is not here to protect Israel from you, the US is here to protect you from Israel by paying them not to genocide you.

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>Hez used to doing attacks against Israel from the safety of Lebanon but they are not ready for an invasion.

Why would you even bother commenting in this thread or comment about Hezbollah without even knowing about the 2006 Lebanon war and the Lebanese Civil War because in both wars Hezbollah fought against an Israeli ground invasion and/or occupation of Lebanese territory.

In both cases Hezbollah fought Israel too stalemate and endured unrelenting use of air power including liberal use of cluster bombs and white phosphorus. Its laughable too think Israel could do any better Without airpower.

I like how they've manged to rewrite quite blatant Hezbollah victories as "Israel failed objectives".

If Hez could beat Israel then why haven't they done it already? All they do is talk shit but never do anything. I need to know why you want to back losers? Seriously, they can't win, Hez couldn't even win if the US back out support, Israel had no air support, and the Israel infantry let Hez have a 30 mile head start for an invasion. Simply put...

Hezbollah S U C K S, sucks.

The problem with these threads is that if Israel completely lacked its air power it wouldn't wage a campaign that looked anything similar to prior engagements. Hell, if they decided tomorrow to have another go at Lebanon with everything they've got it wouldn't look like last time. No one in this thread so far has even bothered to point out that a significant amount of Hezbollah fighters are currently deployed to Syria.

>7 battles shown
>3 battles do not show casualties
>the 4 battles that do show casualties, 13 israelis are dead and 19 wounded
>this is all Hezbollah supporters can gloat about
I don't even like kikes but why even bother making this? It's embarrassing


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The same reason that has already been mentioned in this thread. Israel has absolutely superior air power and they make good use of it. The whole point of the thread was about what would happen IF Israel were without their aerial advantage.


the point is not casualties the point is Israel failed despite being stronger

At least back Saudi Arabia or Iran, or hell Syria has a better chance of winning. Assad should just annex Lebanon and depose Hezbollah all together.

its the only way the kikes can feel like they won something from that shitshow kek

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someone hasn't been paying attention and fuck the saudshits btw

Hez would still lose. Hez can't even compete with ISIS and Hez runs Lebanon. Hez is getting its teeth stomped in Syria too.

Israel also has a significant mechanized force. Lest we forget the 6 trillion junked t72s and t55s. There's no way hezbollah would be able to survive an israeli mechanized attack without reverting to an insurgency like arabs always do.
>see look hezbollah can win minor victories
I mean I can pull up wikipedia articles where the kikes have dropped roof knockers on misc arabs and killed more than all those battles combined. Israel has the ability to pick and choose which battles they want to commit to, because their homeland is well defended. Palestine can't relate

well since casualties are all that maters I guess the krauts won the world wars eh


>completely ignoring the point of the post
nice one abu hajar

no problem paco

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everytime israel flattens a Palestinian orphanage I clap

I have but one question what's it like being a shartinthemart?

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t was the point of the post? Proving your historical illiteracy.

Hezbollah survived the use of Israeli armored columns in 2006. Even with air support, Israel failed to destroy Hezbollah and in fact increased its political power within Lebanon, despite the fact that said destruction was the explicit war goal of the IDF.

You don't think the IDF would have completely done away with Hezbollah if they were able to?

I guess the IDF leave them alone because they think Hezbollah probably aren't such bad guys after all.

>If Hez could beat Israel then why haven't they done it already?
They literally have, a resistance movement wins when its the last one standing on its territory ie. literally the outcome of both times the IDF and Hezbollah went toe to toe.

>let Hez have a 30 mile head start for an invasion.
No one is saying Hezbollah could conventionally overrun Israel you mong, and they're smart enough too know not too try, they're a primarily defensive military organization and there offensive abilities (namely rockets) are just a tool too put pressure on enemies, not wipe them out or conquer them conventionally.

>Hezbollah S U C K S, sucks.
your opinions do

>Israel has the ability to pick and choose which battles they want to commit to, because their homeland is well defended.
>w-we choose which battles we want to win and lose
>t-theyre just minor battles!

The battle of Battle of Bint Jbeil wasn't a minor affair in the slightest, it was a symbolic town for Hezbollah even being the place where they made their victory speech when the IDF pulled out in the first war.

Despite contributing over 5000 troops hundreds of tanks, IFVs, APCs, drones, heavy artillery and aircraft and making false claims of "having the situation under control" a force of only 100-150 Hezbollah fighters held the town till the wars end killing and wounding over 100 IDF fighters including top commanders and disabling and destroying over half a dozen top of the line vehicles including possibly an Apche.

Embarrassing doesn't begin too describe that battle for the IDF and its just one of many examples.

>Palestine can't relate
>He says while talking about Hezbollah
Oh you don't have a clue what you're talking about, checks out.

>Hez is getting its teeth stomped in Syria too.
Have you been under a rock the last 5 years or do you only get your information from Amaq?

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Considering my country can control the stability of every other country and has a vice grip on the global economy, pretty gucci. Enjoy your heroin tho slavaboo or whatever pissant country you're from
>You don't think the IDF would have completely done away with Hezbollah if they were able to?
that's the point actually, yea. The more they can give this "oh we're not the bad guys, we just want to coexist!" bullshit, the more money they'll get. It's controlled opposition. They're jews, they know how to manipulate others.

This is like level 1 jewery here, the fact that you can't recognize it makes me suspicious. Are you perhaps an arab?

lol i'm a burger nice assumption

>oh look an example of israel picking and choosing a battle to commit to
>see guys hezbollah is the next blitzkrieg
No. The 6 day war was an embarrassment. The kikes know where and when to fight, and Bint Jbeil wasn't worth it.

if israel didnt care about casualties they could win
but practically no they cant

>The 6 day war was an embarrassment.
Bizarre you'd think a half century old war involving incompetent Arabs using conventional Soviet doctrine getting raped by the air dominance and mechanized spearheads of the IDF/IAF in its glory days has any bearing on this thread thats quite explicitly about an unconventional military fighting the IDF deprived of airsupport 50 years later.

>see guys hezbollah is the next blitzkrieg
Yep blow my words out of proportion, Hezbollah is a pretty kick ass unconventional force, just as Israel was (might still be?) a kickass conventional force, im sure they have drawbacks and what not but praise when its due.

>and Bint Jbeil wasn't worth it.
Except it was worth it and why Israel sent in more reinforcements, used obscene amounts of Air support and even lied about having control of the town at one point.

Pic related is just a section of Bint Jbeil after the "not worth it" and "uncommitted" use of vital airpower, artillery, tanks and ground assaults by the IDF too pacify the "not worth it" town.

It was a humiliation for the IDF and a significant political/strategic victory for Hezbollah holding that town. Fact.

Hezbollah achieved success in a number of smaller battles and ambushes throughout the war as well, and did well in grinding down the Israeli advance, keeping the under constant pressure politically and militarily and maintaining vital infrastructure and leadership despite the best Israeli efforts.

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Go away JIDF

>if politics, human emotion and individual ability to form opinions didn't exist we could win
wow how insightful

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Wow if only hezbollah could achieve kill ratios of > 50:1 Israel would be new mecca. You're retarded buddy, Hezbollah can't do shit.

>not seeing the sarcasm
You're autistic buddy

I always thought the JIDF thing was an overblown meme but the growing amount of butthurt, moving goalposts and denial in place of arguments are making me reconsider, you're getting to Vatnik levels here

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>muh kill ratios, the rhodies had outstanding kill ratios but that didn't do shit for them in the end

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The ground war would more than likely see Israel leverage it's superior heavy artillery capabilities to level Hez fortified villages combined with a slow advance to pinpoint and isolate Hez bunkers. This would also be combined with a massive engineering push by the Israelis in occupied territories to basically demolish anything not useful to the Israelis and set up strong defensive lines. Hez's fighting forces are primarily light infantry and ATGM teams centered around ambushes and swarming tactics, a careful and measured advance hampers their preferred tactics. Given that their threat of Israel direct is entirely through rocketry, expect a massive Iron Dome deployment and Israeli rocketry response. I wouldn't discount Israel taking a page out of Hez's book and shitting out a bunch of cheap unguided rockets to spam into Lebanon in this case either. More mobile elements would probably be centered around HVT strikes and cutting off supply lines and infrastructure.

Though realistically, given that anything that could completely nullify Israeli airpower would pose an existential threat to Israel, they'd use nukes.

If you're serious about your green text, I implore you to consider the part politics plays in when wars end, and how the political leaders of Israel and hezbola wouldn't stop until the other side is dead.

you literally described the 2006 war in which Hezbollah still won or at the very least brought the IDF too stalemate. The thing you have to remember is the IDF have time and casualties working against them, as both IDF and Civilian(not just Israeli) bodies pile up public opinion and both international and internal politics turn against them.

Really the only chance for a successful Israli invasion is some game changing technological advances, iron dome and Trophy systems come too mind its really up to an arms race at this point as much if not even more as developing new tactics.

then why did Israel stop in 2006 while Hezbollah was only superficially damaged at best.

Why continue? They had won.

Yes with Mossed. As you all know Israel's most elite group is their intel service. It wouldn't surprise me if some top Hezbollah commander is a Israeli sleeper agent for the last 25 years.

And what could a commander even do? Think about it. They can't just tell everyone to kill themselves in the name of Israel.

um he could give away their positions. communications and heavy weapon locations. If you can't see the damage there than no wonder Mossad runs all over these morons.

How is he going to do that? Does he just call up the president of Israel, while surrounded by other hezbola personnel, and start listing locations of interest in Hebrew? He would be caught pretty fast.

I don't know how , that's kinda of the point of being a spy and that's what they are good at.

Your perspective is likely driven by your experience with Muslims. KIM that it is Israeli based organizations that are insisting that we take an unlimited amount of "immigrants". Without the Jewish problem, there is no Islamic problem.

its you that said they "wouldn't stop until the other side is dead." Hezbollah on the other hand was very much alive and within a matter of years was far stronger then before. IDF failed to establish a buffer zone, or disarm or degrade Hezbollah in any measurable way "won" is a stretch.

nice fan-fiction

>nice fan-fiction
It's almost as good as believing Israeli air power would be nullified. It's nice dream.

Israel proved it can be done to other countries when they bombed all those planes on the ground with their f16s in that war with Egypt and some other countries. You just need to be an honourless bastard and launch a surprise attack without declaring war.

>muh honor
life isn't an anime, nigger

>calls people niggers
>believes in punching people like niggers

I bet you ARE a nigger.

I'm a slav, so a white nigger by meme standards.

>here's the rhodesians, that got abandoned by their anglo allies and received no foreign aid
>totally related to israel, who gets billions in foreign aid
kill count doesn't matter anymore nice one senpai im BTFO
>anyone that hates arabs and enjoys watching them get blown up by kikes is JIDF
nah fuck the kikes but you've failed to convince anyone here that the hezbollah could ever feasibly defeat Israel with a meaningful victory in our current reality and you're trying to bog down the argument by posting meaningless victories that achieve nothing but symbolism that have done nothing to prove that the hezbollah are anywhere near getting their shit together

>the jews are responsible for everything bad in the world
ok retard shouldn't you be praying in mecca's direction right now? Arabs are like rats that need to be wiped out along with jews. I enjoy watching arabs get destroyed because they're incompetent

>but you've failed to convince anyone here that the hezbollah could ever feasibly defeat Israel with a meaningful victory in our current reality
Based "speaking on everyones behalf" poster.

But seriously what do you mean by meaningful victory? Insurgents win if they survive, so basically if Hezbollah can resist an Israeli invasion/occupation without being wiped out or forced in mediocrity they win, which they have done the last two times they fought Israel.

I think the problem here is you're looking for some clear cut WW2 type victory versus defeat thats not how it works with unconventional conflicts and sure as shit not how its gonna work if theres a round 3 in Lebanon.

>meaningless victories that achieve nothing but symbolism
>A damaging blow to the public opinion of the war and over 5000 soilders and hundreds of vehicles getting tied up for the duration of a war because of 100 dudes in a village is meaningless victory
You should really have a look into how Unconventional players win wars because you really come across as having no clue how it goes down

*forced into

Kurds lost one of their main cities(Afrin) in less than a month and they can't supress the Arab uprising in Raqqa. They're only strong now because they're under US's umbrella, once they get out, they're fucked because virtually no one in the region wants a Kurd state loyal to US. Specially Turkey and Iraq.

I'll give you Iran tho, they fund and train Hezbollah troops for years.