Jow Forums
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Weapons #394
Il-2 1946 (GOG) changed Finnish Markings
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Need helping choosing gun for work
Air powered rabbit bone launching minigun
What are the laws about remote controlled guns?
Worth It?
What are some kino knife brands?
Who would want this after some flat ass mexican flosses her monsterous gape with it?
Would you trust this guy with a gun?
Why didn’t they just make subsonic 7.62x39?
Bomber thread
What does Jow Forums think of the Mossberg shockwave?
How to chose a sword
Climate Catastrophe
What are some High Capacity 1911s in 10MM?
How do I go about getting a firearm in Poland guys?
Why do people prep? I understand hoarding ammo and gasoline and alcohol. I do the same thing, but as far as food goes...
Cavepaint your club pile
Instead stupid decision to build 20 t-14, all t series tanks should be modified with this turret
If you don't like the .357 Sig, you've never fired it
Legal Select Fire
Getting a gun in sweden
Why guns? What brought you to this point in your pathetic lives?
This triggers the mallninja
20th century battlefields
Why iron sights and a rail if you’re just going to scope it anyway?
Potential Nuggetfest
I'm about to go to my 1st gun show
Magwell Grip
Gas mask / NBC / CBRN thread
What kind of music do you guys like to listen to while training at the gun range? Myself, I prefer aggressive rap music...
How relevant is mig now can it beat f22?
So you accidentally bump into this guy...
Is there any point to SMGs, now that carbines with rifle ammo are a thing?
Elephant hunters charged by heard in retaliation for shot elephant
SHTF Bugging in
Tfw no vintorez
Be American ''ally''
Jow Forums ylyl
What's the minimum amount of acreage you'd need to not just properly supply your militia with enough grown good and...
What was his major malfunction?
If you can't run 30 minutes under the arizona sun without sweating you are too unfit to be a true Jow Forumsommando
/gq/ - gear queer
Would you?
Long Barrel Revolver Shenanigans
I like to browse this board, just cause I'm interested in firearms and I like to gain new knowledge wherever I can...
Anyone have any tips for ccw big guns like a Glock 19? It prints way to easily to carry for me
How tough are the tactical backpacks?
Jow Forums which one is the best boot brand for looks, reliability, and comfort????
Does anyone else just own one firearm?
Should civilians be allowed to officially wear military uniforms...
What would a battleship that was laid down tomorrow look like?
What's Jow Forums's recommended boat defense firearm?
Why do special forces carry full sized pistols for backup instead of a subcompact like a Glock 43...
Does taurus make decent revolvers...
Jalapeño cheese has been discontinued. F to pay respects
>tfw you will never own a PDR-C
Constitution Thread
What doesn't look right? Wrong answers only Jow Forums 30 dollar game by the way
Quick reminder: if you wear a paracord bracelet kill yourself immeditely
Drill of the Month /DOTM/ #4
What is the coolest aircraft ever created, and why is it the F-14 Tomcat?
Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo
How well would a modern submariner adapt if they were placed in a WW1 or WW2 German U-boat?
I 100% believe there should be a 7...
Video game 1911 or Desert Eagle
Why the hell is everyone so dick hard for Benelli?
Why does hollywood insist on portraying combat in the most ludicrous ways imaginable?
Look at these nice, polite, Canadian weapons
Loadout thread
Good Looking Weapons
So how will this affect the U.S. strategic arsenal and U.S. Nuclear policy...
Canada General
Chinese Ballistic Helmets?
You Wake up to this News
What was Jow Forums like 10 years ago?
Handgun General - /hg/ - #204
Jow Forumsnoxville TN
Glock 45
Will subsonic .22 from a 10/22 penetrate the tire of a large and loud diesel pickup, at say, 50m?
What are the greatest lessons learned from our modern wars?
Well Jow Forums.. since operation Sandnegro was a LARP, what’s our next move...
Recent Acquisitions
One of these things has two towers
So I was thinking
What would be required to successfully invade&pillage North Sentinel Island?
I’m building a SHTF not coming home bag. Got my BaoFeng etc
Hey Jow Forums purchasing a handgun here soon for conceal carry, what do y’all like to conceal...
What is the best infantry helmet ever made?
Range Day
/arg/ AR thread
What are some of the dumbest gun/weapon related fuck ups you’ve seen on tv or movies...
Stop overlubricating your AR-15
How do you turn a defeated enemy into an ally...
Thief tries to shoplift a hatchet from a military surplus store
Cursed images thread
Help (no fudds
"Muh self defense" is a stupid reason to own a gun when the police are there to protect you
What's the best/proper way about doing an M16A1 clone...
Looking for some long slide pistols to buy, no revolvers obv...
Wtf I love Hollywood now
Anyway to reload your own duplex ammo?
CCW Flashlight
Officers luxuries
Why does Jow Forums support former regimes like Rhodesia and South Africa?
Would you ever forcibly enter someone elses house
What do you think about PDWs?
Goin' huntin' hogs tomorrow, any tips?
When is the PSA MP5 coming out?
Prepping for Poorfags
Gun show Stories
/Sword general/ thread
What happens if your hiking with a rifle outside of the hunting season...
When's the best time of year to buy guns or ammo?
Business Ideas?
I'm considering the p10c for my first handgun, but I've heard about some issues with the mag release...
Op Sandnegro: Saving Dune/k/oon Edition
Heirloom Firearms
Patch Thread
What would Jow Forums do in this situation?
What is Jow Forums's best colored smoke bomb/grenade recipes?
Was this the best tank in ww2?
.300 blackout ar pistol help
You're flying in your cessa with your euro gf in europe
Can one of you weapons chads tell me what kind of gun this is?
Been thinking of getting a bolt action piece and a nice scope
/akg/ AK General
/ak/ Thread
SHTF .22
Insane/weird/obscure battles, conflicts and wars thread
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Shotgun thread. How do i go about replacing the safety on this? It has a security screw so can tighten but not loosen
At one of the libtard hot spots in san Francisco. A BDSM bar called Wicked Grounds...
How tall(short) is Vining?
How would Jow Forums prepare for an ATF raid?
Why do people hate on the shockwave?
New STALKER Thread
Handguns are just security blankets for pussies afraid of life. Fight me
Jow Forums versus the Caravan
My friend and I are planning on taking the stalker challenge but we don't have guns and we are 18 so we can't drink...
Would it even be plausible for someone to create a private army and invade a third world African country and take it...
Is this the most Beautiful CZ pistol that you have ever seen?
First precision rifle recommendations
Can we get a Spacegun thread going?
In dream
History firearms
Why didnt the Helicopter Destroyer concept take off outside of Japan?
"user, open up. It's me Dave"
Physical Training
Some old sword
What the fuck is a dragoon?
Magpul Bipod
What do these fucks actually do...
Who is the most insufferable YouTube gun personality and why is it Yankee Marshall?
Why is this channel so fucking trash?
What shields would you recommend? If you recommend
AR thread /arg/
Salute you're Jow Forumsomander you cuc/k/olds
Wars where the good guys lost
Mfw we are getting gunz
Putin also boasted that Russia’s “hypersonic” weapon system will be the best in the world within months...
How do current russian submarines stack up against british and american submarines?
What's the most Jow Forums dog?
Is the 10/22 "less than lethal"?
Next Pentagon chief?
AK vs. SKS
Is the AK’s reliability a myth...
Why doesent the hi point get alot of love?
Did anyone else manage to snag one of these?
Where can I aquire bump stocks before the federal ban takes effect? Thank you fellow Commandos
How much do you guys sharpen your bullets before you use them...
Buying a new gun today
If you won the Mega Millions
The Aryan Matriachy has no arisen all men who have ever had sex with a non white will be now castrated eunuchs and...
Operation SandSAFESPACE is a Go
In what situations is it acceptable for a man to cry? I can’t help being emotional about things for some reason...
UK close to ban on bump stocks, lever-actions & .50 rifles
Let’s say tensions with Saudi Arabia go hot. What would happen? Where would the US invade...
How much strength would one need to pull this off when using a poleaxe and wearing armor and be six feet tall?
Sup Jow Forums. Found this neat camera going through my grandads stuff...
AK for civil war 2: electric boogaloo
I’m looking for a subcompact carry gun that is ultra weather resistant...
What are some good countries for gun ownership? Obviously the US and Czech republic but what about other nations?
ITT: Dinosaur guns in modern wars
If all the real alphas died in WW2 shouldn’t Russia and America be full of cuck bois while Sweden and Ireland and...
Why are Scandinavians so anti gun or anything with slightly implied violence ?
Is this playground Jow Forums approved?
Inb4 ">>/vg/ hurrrrrr this is a weapons boardddd"
How useful is this gear, Jow Forums?
It's Dray-gew-knov, not Drag-U-nov
What type of iron sights is the best?
So err
The most important question of Jow Forums
Oh boy another Civil War thread
Serious Question:How would you rate the Indian Armed Forces
Are helmets of any benefit in circumstances where you're not likely to encounter much shrapnel...
You now have TOTAL control of US military deployments
Say shit hits the fan and these band of LARPers actually start a war, WWYD??
Portable Unnaground
Bachelor life guns thread?
What do u guys think about Arex?
First they came for the guns
That's just like your opinion man
Based Second Amendment saving the day once again
Rifle retarded
Chiappa Rhino
Waiting for Republicucks to start repealing gun laws
Nammo & U.S. Navy Developed a 30mm Supercavitating Projectile
Operation Sandnigger featuring two autists
Gun makers as car companies
So, is Jow Forums a Loyalist board, or a Republican board?
/WA/ thread
Shield for home defense
Why did rifles in the 19th century have razor sharp buttplates? I can't even shoulder one without feeling pain...
How much would it hurt being hit by a missle?
How well would a .22 work when SHTF?
~ A E S T H E T I C ~
How the FUCK did that guy survive a shotgun blast at close range?
Canada General
Heck of a shotgun
Help me understand this:
Want a greencard
When/is this fucking thing ever coming out?
Mac 10 or Mac 11?
Can you name them all?
Why doesn't every police, soldier etc. use silencer on a gun...
Clean your guns
/akg/ AK General
Memeing aside what weapon limitations should there be?
Have the means to purchase a gun but still living at home and mother is against having guns in the house...
Battle for Caen
What's the deal with these things? Opinion seems to be split on whether they are worthwhile or not...
When will we know the verdict?
New Paul Harrell video
AR thread /arg/
Why does Jow Forums romanticize the idea of shtf...
ENTAC Missile Help
Modern military uniforms not aetheti-
So I'm trying to learn about how guns operate...
Is the navy really "gay"?
It's almost a legend, the Tiger tank. There are stories that Allied soldiers were told to retreat if they saw one...
Anyone here ever had to file the top of the mag catch on their AK...
A 4"-6" .357 Magnum revolver is all you need
Pellets vs bullets
What does Jow Forums think of these leftists with guns? If a civil war did happen would they do much damage?
Private gun buy-back
What's Jow Forums's opinion universal conscription?
Wallpaper thread
/ak/ general
So it turns out that its totally legal (and unregulated) to own and fire muzzleloading cannons...
Buying a Springfield M1a socom 16 today. Anything I’m in for or should be expecting...
Is 16” too short for 308?
What is stupidest thing you heard
Factory Polish AKM Imports
Why does the minimum accepted bbl length for 5.56 decrease every year?
/wfg/ Writefag General- i lived bitch edition
Cyberpunk Thread
Reddit was right all along
Handgun General - /hg/ - #203
What is the best da/sa metal framed 9mm?
Can cut your dick off and enlist just fine
Why was Nazi Germany's logistics system so bad?
Pitch ideas for weapons
Is this is the ultimate display in fuddery?
For permanent societal collapse which is a better choice
PCC/takedown/minimal stock/ concealed carbine general
What's Jow Forums's opinion on the HK USP (and its variants)? I seldom see anybody mention it on here
Spetsnaz thread
Why gun factory don't create video game weapon replica that actually shoot they could make big buck with those ?
Maxim suppressed
Gorka thread
/meg/ Military Enlistment General
Toy guns
Friendly reminder that you should not be using plastic mags because the bolt will get hot from firing and melt the feed...
Best caliber for mule deer?
Innawoods Guns and Gear
SCAR a failed platform?
Ok Eurobros
A decorated Vietnam veteran and firearms collector was sentenced to seven years in federal prison Wednesday for a...
Pic related weighs the same as 12 Zero's and has a max takeoff weight same as 23 Zero's
Gibs it to me straight, bois
Don’t know how many other South African Jow Forumsommandos are out there, but here’s a heads up if you didn’t know
Will we ever see a major conflict in our lifetime?
Is carrier pilot the coolest job in the entire military?
So when is invisible Aluminium Oxynitride (Alon) going to put the Ghost in Ghost gun?
Humor thread, greentexts, etc
If you're a good shot how much harder is bow hunting?
You don't know this feel
Spooky Patch Thread
I'm in Japan. I miss guns, and I also have a pretty bad pigeon problem. I've always wanted a Red Ryder...
Which ship should become the next designated frigate for the US Navy?
Cold War
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. thread? What are you taking to the zone with you Stalker?
The s&w mp 15 sport 2 is $500<
How do we fight the rust empire Jow Forums?
Carrying a glock/other striker pistol with one in the chamber (and safety off for pistols that have one) is no...
Fucking Americanski tourists
California General
Becoming a law enforcement
There is nothing wrong with the forward assist on the M4/M16/AR-15
/SG/ SCAR General
Get home bag gun
Primary/Secondary thread
REEloadan bread. Trick or Treat Edition
Hey so I have an interview at my lgs Friday...
Is a double barreled shotgun any use during a survival situation, or would a mossberg 500 be a better gun?
Hobby - Bombs
Why is racism against .40 S&W so trendy these days?
How does the 10/22 with ACSS stack up as a survival rifle?
How fast can you people run?
When did you realize that CZ pistols are master race?
Glass blowing weaponry
WEBMs and GIFs thread
Can I join the IDF without becoming a Jew?
I want this
Is there a limit to the number of guns you can legally conceal carry?
What do your women carry/shoot?
Where did california go wrong?
AR thread /arg/
Canadian Annexation
If I can regularly fire 2 3/4” 12 Ga slugs
How do you defend yourself from armed looters? Discuss tactics and weapons
Congrats, Jow Forums, you just won the Mega Millions jackpot. What's the first gun you buy? Pic related is my choice
Best skeletonized ar15
ITT: we post never evers
How is everyone doing today im doing fine thank you hello Jow Forums! What's the best rifle to go use in woods hunting...
"This is our son user's room...."
Instead of taking potshots between .5 and 2km, why not just blind your targets?
Have you ever bought a gun because you saw it in a video game or movie?
Is F-22 the forgotten fighter?
/BST/ Buy Sell Trade
Most based characters from war movies? Im betting on either Animal Mother or Barnes from Platoon
It's happening, Jow Forums
Will you take me to the gun show, user?
/msg/ Military Surplus General
Inherited S&W Wheelgat
Hungarian military buildup
Yugo wars photo bread
Personality test
Daily reminder that aluminum has no place on quality firearms
Getting into Archery / HEMA
Militarized headless dogbots and how would one fight them
Trips gets to pick my first gun. Preferably something I can keep in my car
Red Dots on Handguns
What would happen if someone really did this?
America 2021
Why are red dots so expensive?
What do you think is the most aesthetic tank mankind has ever manufactured?
Air-Rifle, how do I git gud at it?
What other nations will form after the inevitable collapse of the federal government?
Is a double-action revolver still a viable defensive weapon?
Is 7mm rem mag a good hunting caliber for medium to large-sized deer?
Pocket carry thread
Killed: 17
What are your opinions on the karambit? Meme knife or more effective?
Russian college shooter. He armed with a shot gun and IED( filled with nail. 18 dead so far
Was the KV1 a superior Interwar/Early War tank? It was nigh impervious to the mainstay German Panzer II's...
Tank Battles
Russian ammo
ITT:post recruitment ads
This is an Italian Soldier
Reading the other thread made me me wonder, could the modern US military beat the Vietnamese in 1965...
Random fun k shit
So, why don't militaries just do away with rifles and equip every infantryman with these and DMRs?
Navy Seals hate the Scar-H cause it is a malfunctioning piece of shit
Cut down / shorten or sawed-off rifles thread
Wat is these
Canada General
Hey Jow Forums, I'm new to guns and recently inherited two rifles: an SKS and a Mosin-Nagant 91 made in 1898
Jow Forums wet dream supreme
Discounts for Police and Military
What does Jow Forums think about this new wave of helmets for the British and Americans...
Protip thread
Should I buy a gun?
How do I get a Jow Forums girlfriend?
Hey Jow Forums! how does this make you feel?
If there's a better looking handgun, I've yet to find it
American Mercanaries in Yemen carrying out assassinations
What condition do you carry your CC in...
/comfy/ thread
Post a Gun Whose Length Matches Your Dick's
What is Jow Forums's opinion of the Philippine Military?
Glock 19 accidental discharge
/gq/ - gear queer
Jow Forums approved smokes
What's the largest animal you'd be comfortable defending yourself against with a 9mm...
March 2nd, 2010
Every gun channel on youtube is gone
They got him, bros. They had to take the whole site down to do it, but they got him
What is the best gun to take camping as animal defence?
/akg/ AK General
Wtf eBay?
Handgun General - /hg/ #202
Magazine thread
One chance at life
Pistol shipping
Uyghurs in China
Hey, got a new Glock 21 gen 4. First gen 4...
Are SBR's worth getting?
Jow Forums groups?
My Drivers license now says Female but my CCW still says male. Can I still use it? I've looked...
Indian Reservation Firearm Laws
How do we improve the Panther?
I'm declaring bankruptcy in a couple months so I'm blowing 10k on weapons and ammo. What do I get Jow Forums?
Is he right Jow Forums ?
Yesterday's Weapons of the Future
Make-your-own-explosives thread
That guy who thinks he's """tactically prepared""" but can't run a mile or bench his bodyweight
When will the betas crack and start a revolution Jow Forums? I miss war and now being a civvie gives me a mighty need
Trap Thread
Who here actually does pistol drills and what are some of your favs?
Image with related music
Hear air raid sirens
Open carry
What goes into owning a MIG?
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
What do yall think of this kit? Ik I'd need to buy furniture but do I need to buy trigger kit too?
Was this a good shoot?
Want to own guns but also want to kill myself
Lever action .357 Magnum, 124-158gr
You know... it's pretty pathetic, honestly...
Can I casually wear this without looking like an autist/wannabe army guy?
Is this the future of rifle recoil mechanisms?
What's your poison, Jow Forums? Vertical, angled, no grip? Other?
/fbg/ - /fixed blade general/
When he says he's a "collector"
Are the ak sights shit?
What's your hypothetical war wet dream?
Whats a good price on an sks
What actually caused the price of this thing to rise to 1.5 trillion dollars...
Why are the once-respected British paras such shit these days?
/arg/ AR thread
How often do you LARP innawoods by yourself with your guns?
An American pilot and a Ukrainian pilot have been killed when their Su-27 crashed
How does this make you feel?
Non firearm weapon thread
Dozens of tacky as fuck budk tier commemorative models costing exorbitant amounts of money
Martial arts
Since russia has proven incapable of developing an aircraft that can compete with Western contemporaries...
Battle Rifle General /brg/
Can anyone identify what gun this is off? Found it magnet fishing in the UK, any help is appreciated
To my cowboy anons, would it be optimal to take advantage of my shitty state gun laws to take up cowboy LARP? Also...
M60 was SUPERIOR to MG42. Myth of German engineering
Beautiful art
Homemade stories
What would you do if a teen girl started to attack you out of nowhere?
How are the viets so good at waging war?
If I'm in the woods facing down a bear, is it necessary to have a .44, or is .357 adequate?
Why is the paladin so mediocre...
Are hollow points more deadly than fmj?
Get out of hospital for mental illness and get diagnosed
Recent Acquisitions Thread
Is the modern French Navy superior to the modern British Royal Navy?
Why are the G*rmans completely incapable of designing weapons that are actually reliable...
Just appliedfor my FOID card. What have your experiences been with this process?
/bag/ Body Armor General: The Budget Supremacy Edition
Is this a legit shooting technique? I thought it looks retarded
Were they mocking the Kimber in John Wick 2 or lauding it?
/PSG/ Pennsylvania Superiority General
Going to be getting a red dot/magnifier for my AR and I’m a poorfag who doesn’t want to spend more than like $250...
/SG/ Suppressor General
Pawn Shops
Jow Forums Fantasy General 6: Mixed Infantry Tactics Edition
Snubnose thread
What’s next for Milwaukee Machine Gun Boy?
Hi I'm not a regular here so I need help. I'm going to be inheriting some firearms. I know what some of them are...
Drawn Gats
Slide off, mag in
Why does the Japanese Military Complex don't reach the outside Markets like the US, China and Russia does...
F-35: JUST edition
Hey Jow Forums i just orders a gp-5 but i don't really want to bother to get a new filter...
Informative: Fightlite SCR002
Have tinnitus for years
How much would a full suit of ballistic steel armor weight, being thick enough to stop a 5.56 round from close range...
Guys......Is Russia's politician actually joking about them having S-700 air defense?
Has anyone ever played before?
Canada General
Why were the Mongols so combat effective?
Poverty gats. Post em
Undeniable truth
Why soldiers HATE airsoft and MIL-SIM
Choose your fighter
Paul Allen died, Jow Forums...
AR thread AR General /arg/ Trip Containment Development Group
You've heard of elf on the shelf, now get ready for
How are you holding up, Jow Forums?
Medical General
Which gun companies are shilling faggots that I need to avoid?
Ruger Security-9
F-16s blown up on the ground by vulcan cannon
Why was the jap tanks poo?
Is hunting large African game an actual challenge...
How pozzed is your tank?
Could this theoretically speaking actually work...
Modern use of polearms in the face of societal collapse
No gun signs
Post retarded optic setups
Sexiest guns Thread
Mattis possibly leaving the WH
How bulletproof is this thing?
Does firing small caliber firearms without ear protection physically hurt or does it just ringalot
British Army Trains In Japan For The First Time
GWG Dread
Just imagine Jow Forums, what a lovely world we could have
Absolute Mad Lad goes full 1776
Carries a gun
Anyone run a battle belt instead of a chest rig?
1. Your favorite gun
What did he mean by this ?
Whats the best method you guys have found for selling firearms private sale to strangers?
This madman will soon be the President of Brazil and one of his main "objectives" is to make the no funz law go away...
Jow Forums greentexts and humor
Jow Forums Meals
SHTF general
Why is the rest of the world so cucked Jow Forums...
Could somebody give me a rundown of 60's tanks with their pros and cons?
Hi Point C9
Patch Thread
How are people anti-gun? Have they never had a bump in the night? What would they do in that scenario?
Why did we stop using flamethrowers/napalm in combat? They're the ultimate demoralizing weapons
Do you ever have Jow Forums related dreams?
Some People are to pure for this world
A more lethal and effective bullet
I wanted to get some thoughts on the 10mm version of this. These fuckers are expensive...
ITT post combat music
Should I build an AR-10 or meme it up and get my hands on an FAL of some type?
9mm AR Pistols
How old were you when you realized M81 Woodland is a terrible pattern?
Beautiful art
Rimfire guns
Cold War 1946-1991
Who likes short shotys
What expression is he trying to convey?
Hey Jow Forums what is your favorite quotes by retarded public officials and news broadcasters...
.357 mag is just as, if not less effective than 9mm
Can somebody mail a handgun?
M1917 opinions
ZOG facing shortage of fit, willing slaves to Israel
Hey guys
How do you sniff out lefties when shooting...
You're in the 82nd Airborne. You just spent a miserable time in the field...
Fuck crickets man
Low key / low profile guns
Spooktober Stories: Jow Forums edition
Something I never understood about SHTF prepers
Own any 2A clothing?
CZ P-01 Stainless
How do you actually stop a dog attack?
Handgun General - /hg/ #201
/PGG/ Pack Gun General
Why is the English longbow considered a good bow design?
Did "Red October" get anyone interested in the Soviet Navy?
Admiral Gorshkov frigate vs Italian FREMM
Colt Re-issue
I want to invest in a gun , mainly for target shooting. What are some good starters...
Any SU-35 fags in here?
The weapon of mystery meat feminists
Should we try to petition the Federal Assault Weapons Repealed out of federal laws? why or why not?
People actually replace their carry ammo every few months because they think it is going to expire
P320 issues
Convince me why I should buy a Beretta 92 when I turn 21
I bough the $100 meme boys
F-22 should be retired
What is better (or worse): a magazine sticking out from a side or on the top?
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
V22 Osprey based on Weserflug P.1003
Tell me about the guns you've inherited / intend to pass on
AR thread /arg/
Find a flaw
Aside from legal reasons...
No edc? Edc thread
What gun would be best for taking out one of these?
Lever action thread
Canada General
Which 9mm Glock do you choose and why?
BR meme
/akg/ AK General
How are you holding up Jow Forums?
Decocker or manual safety?
Jow Forumss opinion of Steyr Mannlichers? I’m buying one later. Any bits of info I should know?
Laser light combo
Thoughts on the British Army?
Why don't we use prop planes anymore?
Female carrier pilots
Fudds circa 2050
Nobody likes the ATF here, but is the DEA Jow Forumsosher?
How do I deal with junkies trespassing on my property? Pic related is a bag full of shitty dispensery weed bags (T...
Should I buy a Hk USP just for the clout?
Irish armed forces
Why was there no Japanese insurgency groups during the American occupation following right after ww2?
ITT: favorite knife brands and why?
What are some examples of conflicts where air power was the most decisive component (i.e...
When the PSA MP5 coming out?
Hey Jow Forums I know this thread has been done to death, but... I'm actually going to paint the best on my ski helmet
You do realize that red dots are unnecessary if you practice with your rifle as much as you ought to, right...
New gun owner here
What's the point of 10 gauge shotguns?
Chieftain finally does a video on Abrams
Pocket Rockets
I found this bullet, can someone help me identify it?
Identifying a musket
Are Glocks really the best or are they overrated?
Long Range General - /lrg/
I’m considering purchasing a desert eagle in 44 magnum. I’m also left handed...
What is your operating gear look like, Jow Forums?
Was it too pure for this world?
Blocks your path
Inheritance help me
*knocks out 10 advancing Soviet T-54/55 tanks*
Spoo/k/ hunters thread
Meme point seven
How much did kyle lie?
Can we have a non shitposting tank thread?
Show me a more aesthetic firearm than the stg44
Jow Forums approved anime
Looks disgusting desu
Beto for senate?
SHTF will never happen
The worst has happened
Ever since I was a kid playing JA2 I've dreamed of going to the USofA and owning an MP5K for home/self defense
/ktg/ Knife Thread
What the fuck is going on with the german Bundeswehr...
Death to niggers
This is a Finnish conscript. Say something nice about her!
Kimber appreciation thread
How would you have stopped him?
Chad sensible Canadian firearm aficionados VS. the Virgin paranoid American gun nuts
What is the strongest warship currently at sea?
Are gun shows pretty much obsolete these days? When I first got into shooting I loved them...
Wife is pro gun as fuck
Is this the best loadout in terms of both budget and SHTF?
So during the push into the west, what exactly were the guns that dominated the market for individuals?
Have we had any tripfags on Jow Forums passed away before...
Last thread died. Post one of your guns and an object you own that you enjoy, and we'll make assumptions about you
Lauga Arms Aline Pistol
Can firearms be considered art?
Where do I get good flektarn camo stuff?
Smoking Jow Forumsills
Rhodesia2 : Electric Boogaloo - What would you use to kill Mugabe?
Sherman hate thread
Hey Jow Forums
Brownells AR15
Best innacold oper8ing gear known to man
Best "not a gun" self-defense options
Australian C-17 buzzes the tower
Handgun General - /hg/ - #200
Could the Yamato 1 v. 1 the High Seas Fleet if sent back in time with 5 years' supplies?
I'm infinitely more scared of getting stabbed than getting shot...
Do you have hobbies outside of Jow Forums? Do you / did you ever collect anything other than weapons?
/ak/ General
What Jow Forums activites did you guys do today? Anyone else shoot some shit and had a fun day?
If you could have one handgun for the rest or your life
Weathered Ak Mags
Why is it that lever-action rifles became more popular than pump-action ones, but the reverse was true for shotguns?
You can only own one gun. What is it? This is your carry, home defense etc
The ghost 92fs is the best mass produced 9mm autoloader ever made
Own guns
Are pistol bayonets just a meme? would it be better to just unsheathe a knife at the same time as your gun?
Infographs thread, post any infograph you have
1 M1A2 Abrams vs. 12 Malnourished Shepherds
Didn't see a thread up for recommendations so I just wanted some advice
Most aesthetic catridges/calibers
Vigilante Loadout
Hey Jow Forums I'm thinking about buying a good bow for fun and sport. Which is better; recurve or compound...
Help assembling a colt 1911
Coyote defense?
Which weapons would be best in space?
Who here finds it so satisfying to watch isis GoPro videos just to watch the guy die or nearly die at the end?
/msg/ Military Surplus General
Is this shit true, or would they buckle under twelve feet?
It's Saturday bois, why aren't you at your own personal shooting range? At least tell me you went to some kinda range
What gun does Jow Forums use to fight depression? It's getting real bad
Are Glocks the gun equivalent of Mac or Windows? What's Linux?
Why do NPCs hate the 1911? Why do NPCs love Glocks?
So I’m looking to set up an AR9 pistol for home defense. My budget is around $1200 all-in (Gun, Optic, accessories...
Ian shooting a full auto m14 and sperging out
If a second civil war broke out in America is there a chance that it be a conventional war or would it just be the...
What percentage should I tip my gun dealer?
I had to put my dog down yesterday, Jow Forums
Who can tell me what this jacket is?
You can't possibly win a war against the US military
Is there anything inherently wrong with so-called "Mexican carry"...
Hey, Jow Forums this might sound autistic but I'm a neverserved with non-combat PTSD...
SIG P320 Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
This is some Hitman-tier shit
Malariaprophylactic experience
Look outside
Really, REALLY rare gun pics thread
Go to park
Is this the official NPC issue?
Air power nullified, can Israel win against Hezbollah?
Is there any 1911's in service anywhere beyond police departments? All special operations units have switched to Glocks...
You hear two PW5000 afterburning turbofan engines outside your door
Henlo Jow Forums
/gq/ - gear queer
Kill-cam/WebM/combat footage thread
Opinion on .22lr lever guns?
Why can't I get a straight answer on whether this thing sucks?
Colt USAF Model 604, who would have thought that the airforce would be the ones to get it right
Jow Forums vs. The Harry Potter World
So if some stupid cosplayers can make this laser weapon...
You have to lead an assault but this blocks your path. What's the best way to get your men through this?
You now remember the Remington R51. What went wrong?
Bunkers / Fortifications Thread
Remind me why this thing is worth $3000, err i mean, $3500 dollars?
Fellas it's been a while since I've been to guns but does HK still make the best guns or have things changed?
Patch Thread
AR thread AR General /arg/ Trip Containment Development Group
Why wouldn't you wear a respirator while shooting...
Family photo thread
ARs suck
Thoughts on the USP 9?
How does one clean a suppressor when the baffles are welded together in this manner?
Yom Kippur War
Jow Forumsonfessional
What should be done to address the rise of armed antifa thugs?
Is the CZ Rami a top teir sub compact carry gun?
Why is it such a piece of shit rifle?
Why are cockpits so complicated with so many buttons why don't they just use a mouse and WASD keys
Meme calibers
Can Jow Forums give some love to the pre-dreadnought?
Stencils? Spray em on ammo cans, mark your gun case, etc
So Ruger finally launched a custom shop
Gun Safes
Cheap lowers
Handmade/ Zipguns
How would Jow Forums modify the horse into the ultimate war tool?
Is a rocket launcher a firearm?
Red Dead Redemption 2
SKS fucked up gas tube
Black Friday Sales
REEEEEEloading & Jow ForumsondimentsGeneral
What is the best non firearm weapon
What Happen?
Montana gun laws
Human resolution wifi "radar" is coming
ITT: old school tacticool
The problem with the shooting sports today is that its all too """tactical""" and any nonce and pick up a gun at a...
How did Hirohito and Tojo fuck up so badly
Is there any legitimacy behind the grip used in pic related?
Place an order for my first 10/22 carbine
Could he possibly put an end to all the anti gun nonsense in Cali?
Texas General: Friday Edition
You have been tasked with choosing the next standard infantry rifle optic for your country’s military. What do you pick?
User, Have you ever plan on buying/bought a gun because of movie/game/book nostalgia?
War. What is it good for?
/bag/ Body Armor General: The Phantom Plates Edition
Cross eye dominance
Getting my CCL, boys. What is the best way to conceal in your waistband? Kidney carry...
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship