Ian shooting a full auto m14 and sperging out


Attached: waaaaaaahh.jpg (1920x1080, 529K)

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It looks pretty wildly uncontrollable to be honest.

You're the one sperging out because you keep on creating absolutely shit threads just to post about fucking Ian McCollum and Karl.

Fuck off.


Dude don't you guys just HATE Ian? I hate him so much that I make 4 threads about him a day! Look at him being weird, guys!

>if you think you can shoot better than some dang long-haired hippie type you are welcome to be my guest
jesus christ he's getting worse

Way to respond to your own thread looking for (you)'s.

Fuck off.

This, although my experience with full retard is limited. Still looks fun as fuck.

So we're not aloud to talk about board relevant topics because it triggers right wing SJWs?

>right wing SJWs
Sargon pls

lol what?

Compare it to the FG 42

The M14 is an embarrassment of American firearms design.

If you don't sperg out while shooting rare full-retard gast u don't belong here. git gone S O Y G O I

When people create these threads specifically to create dissent and shitposting, they're shitty threads and don't deserve to exist. And these threads have been entirely prevalent for the past few WEEKS. Every fucking day there's a thread filled with people shitposting and trying to create dissent and separation here. That's all these threads tend to turn into when someone retarded makes a garbage thread. There's no context to it. It's just 'look at him, you should see this and not like him'.

Nobody said anything about SJW's. Why would that matter?

lel...dude is obviously retarded.

Considering it was designed by a commitee by the state instead of by a third private party, yes.

>Expecting a communist antifa member to praise U.S made rifles

in a way it's unamerican

>implying the m14 wasn't an outdated clunky piece of shit.
The government should have caught on to the assault rifle meme or at least created a modern battle rifle like the FAL or AR10 instead of spending 20 years shortening the gas tube on a garand.

He sucks Eugene Stoner's nuts like nobody else

I get you now. It still feels like a kind of heckler's veto when you can't even mention anything by forgotten weapons in the course of a normal conversation without triggering a bunch of shitposting though.

Stop giving (you)s to shitty, unfiltered troll posts. I know school is out, but holy fuck.

I still firmly believe that rational members of Jow Forums can talk about Inrange and Forgotten Weapons, even if it's been pointed out that the use of 2-gun matches alone isn't the perfect solution and not everybody agrees with what Ian and Karl say. Nothing wrong with having a different opinion, and no matter what they're a great source of information.

At least for the current time being, it's safer to just ignore this shit and wait for the shitposters to move on.

Jow Forums doesn't deserve Ian

Why is his audio always dogshit? For the amount of money he rakes in you'd think he could get some decent audio.

your audio is shit.


The FG42 was the first iteration of the straight line recoil design that became standard the AR-10/15, and the AR-10 is much more controllable than the M-14, arguable one of the more controllable .308 rifles on full auto.

>implying the M14 is not the worst US service rifle ever made

You are an embarassment to your mom's vagina production bitch. Abort yourself

M14 is a mans' gun, and it takes a man to shoot it. It was a signal to the enemy that struck fear into their hearts. None of you know the secret incantation that was said upon the bestowing of an M14 upon a new owner, but I'll tell it to you anyway.

"To the enemy across the line I say to you
I take the wood from my mantle that I hang my potos on, and put it on my rifle
I take the wood that I use to beat my son
and put it on my rifle
When I have removed you from this earth I shall smack your gook bitch with my rifle and make her my wife
and then I shall hang photos of my new phamily on my rifle"

-U.S. Marine Corp mantra 1962

Attached: 1471128895486.jpg (562x535, 272K)

Holy cringe batman

how did the viet cong feel about that dumb ass mantra?

That gun seems like a useless nightmare. And it is fucking bad ass. It's like a Mazda miata with a 900hp supercharged engine. Barely controllable, impractical as hell, and dangerous.

he's outside. to get good audio, he'd need a shotgun mic on a boom and somebody that knows how to work it.

This is why the M14 was dead on arrival. US Ordnance was dead set on shoehorning a 1930s rifle design into an inappropriate role in the 1950s, despite being shown the future. If the M14 had been adopted in 1936 (and it could have) in semi-only it would have the beloved reputation the M1 acquired.

Things like the FAL and the G3 took design and manufacturing hints from the shit that went down in WW2.

Burn of the century. Burnt that nigga like a Vietnamese village near the cambodian border.

>Things like the FAL and the G3 took design and manufacturing hints from the shit that went down in WW2.
They also went with a cyclic rate of 600 instead of 750.

Step the hell up, son.

Attached: ProblemSolver.jpg (681x681, 529K)

He actually explained this in a QA. Since his production team is one guy (him) and whatever person is standing around who gets voluntold to hold a camera, he doesn't have time on shoots to mess with audio. He's saying "good enough" audio is good enough.
Most of his patreon money goes to travel expenses.