It’s Kershaw
ITT: favorite knife brands and why?
Aren't you supposed to tell us why you like that low-end crap?
Cold Steel master race checking in.
Zt and Benchmade because they're cool
>Extrema Ratio
-exclusive design
-that actually works
-good materials, nothing too fancy
-the midtier knives they are getting into are actually pretty good for the pricepoint as well (garberg, SRT tactical etc.)
>Cold Steel
-a lot of 80s Ninja craze retro design
-strongest folder lock for very little money (finn wolf being my favourite)
-memey but out of the box designs like the Immortal
-the mora of the folder world
-you get much more than what you pay for
-legal in all areas everywhere
I own more Kershaws than anything else
Tell me about the Kershaw, why do they do the abhorrent design?
Huh? I don't know how to answer this autistic question.
But as an hvac technician, this blue knife is a mega trip saver for when I need a Phillips, flathead, 1/4 or 5/16" bit and can pretty much handle service calls with that knife and a voltmeter.
The white shuffle is great as a going-out knife where anything turns into unwanted attention about carrying a knife. I've cut steaks and tough baguettes with it at nice restaurants.
I had a Scallion and Leek at one point but lost them. I can easily afford super nice knives but I need work horse beaters that I don't care about replacing when they break or get lost.
I should say it's a trip saver when your apprentice leaves your screwdriver in your install bag and you don't want to go back down a flight of stairs, through a parking lot. And back again. I hate leatherman (I have a wingman and gerber suspension) but this Kershaw multitool kicks ass.
Idk man there is just something about the design that grosses me out.
For the task you describes I would always take my Victorinox Workchamp.
Those can't be torqued very much. Useless to me. The kershaw can loosen some pretty rusted seized screws, it's surprised me. Nothing beats the right tool for the job though. I don't even like these knife threads, people just spew shit around. Don't talk to me any more faggot.
Entrek, TRC, Spartan
Winkler is dogshit, so is BUSSE
Kershaw's best design is the skyline for a daily carry
>comes to place where people talk to eachother
>is surprised when people talk to him
on how many levels of autism are you on?
Cold steel
>exceptional defensive folders for people that live in commie states (me)
>amazing locks
>great fixed blades
>great fighting knives with exceptional steel/heat treats
>lots of options
>is modern but remembers it's classic roots
>every single ka-bar i own came exceedingly sharp OOB
>top tier outdoors mans knives/survival knives/artistic knives at insanely decent prices
>they have people that live the and breathe the earths soil as their knife designers (Joe Flowers and Matt Graham)
>some products so good they are a iconic staple in the bush crafting/survival world
>great marketing as they let the designers talk about how/why/and what purpose they made each knife for.
>they aren't afraid to turn a knife into a piece of art either
For folders Spyderco
But Cold Steel makes the absolute best dagger.
The name's Buck and I'm here to fuck.
Benchmade + cold steel
Morakniv. They are homely and abuseable, just likes my wimenz
Fallkniven. Their CoS steel is great, their handles are comfy, they come sharp as fuck and are easy to keep that way.
Only brands that I really use are lt wright, and spyderco. Otherwise, I buy from custom makers (pictured, enigma knives, and Joe Calton).
I guess iisakki jarvenpaa also counts as a brand, and that's one of my favourite belt knives to carry.
Ganzo because :^)