Thoughts on the British Army?

Thoughts on the British Army?

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They have bad teeth, probably.

They’re fucking fat

Checked and saved. I may go talk shit on with this in mind.

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aren't most Jow Forums soldiers who have any kind of physical job going to be overweight due to increased muscle mass? (solely using the bmi that is)

>But muh Amerifats!

The what?

Disgusting eyebrows and yellow teeth. Otherwise ok

Pretty much, yeah. >30 BMI is considered obese, regardless of what it's composed of, pic related.
I know a guy who had to get a doctor's statement that his fuckhueg muscles are in fact not obesity.

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Not obese, my dude. The only way a guy with low body fat would be counted as "obese" is if he were a juiced-up bodybuilder with tons of mass.

BMI doesn't care about body fat. It's entirely weight vs height.


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Except most of the time it's not because they have physical jobs, it's because they're roided up like all hell. Your average fit soldier from 30 years ago didn't have a BMI over 30.

what's wrong with a military that lifts?

>yellow teeth
Prob the best teeth I have ever seen on a bong

>Before British soldier Kevin Elliot left for Afghanistan, he jokingly made a pact with his best friend Barry Delaney. Elliot wanted to make it clear before he shipped out that, if he were to ever be killed in action, Delaney had to wear the ugliest dress he could possible find to his funeral. Delaney, of course, agreed to the dark, but undeniably funny request.
>While Delaney’s dress might have made him seem out of place at first glance, the story behind it fit right in. Everyone in attendance was aware of the promise he had made to Elliot and was appropriately touched by this extreme display of friendship.

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did you know British rucksacks are grenade proof

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I want to laugh but this unironically makes me sad

That's a man keeping his fucking word.


Damn, pretty sad.

>ywn have a bromance this strong
Damn, my dude. Hits you in the feelz once you know the whole story

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Don’t let the tits district you from that potato face

I'll let them distract me plenty

Guy on far right is not ideal for military service or any real work for that matter. Unless he maintains hours in the gym every day and eats 10,000 calories a day he is going to deflate and probably end up as a fatty.

That does not make for a good soldier who may be exposed to episodes of food insecurity, a firefighter or police officer who actually has to work to include some desk work and vehicle travel which limits workout time.

That body type is also hard on the organs, it's not morbid obesity but rhabdomyolysis is now a real threat as well as metabolic syndrome as a result of the heavy calorie intake required which is probably met with a bucket or fried chicken and three quarts of icecream.


Only the based NI daysack is grenadeproof. Nothing else comes close.

but we love fruity rudy

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He's not particularity huge, he's athletic, conditioned with face, height and frame. That's perfect for the military, it's just you're not going to maintain that in long endurance situations.

You're an actual fucking idiot. No one gets rhabdo outside of a crossfit box, and police officers have plenty of fucking time to work out. Two of my lifting partners are cops, they get paid an hour a day to work out, and they bring their meals to work.

>be kinda jacked
>work 12+ hours a day
>still go to gym after

Oh God I can imagine her horrible accent talking about something. At first it okay and fun but god they keep talking and talking. It will be horrible can't the UK have a nice accent like the american southern accent where they say shot like the ate ter

So they have lower levels of obesity than the gen. pop.

link me too one based oper8r who wasn't just killing boderline braindead desert coons with precision airstrikes that had far rights body? because my gut feeling is its aesthetic over practicality

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Honorary burger right there.

what the fuck. let me get this clear, you want him to link to you the identity of a special operations soldier and then prove to you that that particular operator did more in their career than call in airstrikes?

i have a question for you, are you some kind of uniquely retarded fucking faggot? how the fuck is that even meant to be proven anyway? holy fuck user how stupid are you?

i mean, my next question is, are you a child? because that's the kind of completely off the fucking chain magical demand a child would make. or a retarded teenager that has never left their house.

ps get off your fat faggot ass and get fit, then you'll see what it actually means and what fit people can actually do

pps holy fuck you're a faggot i mean fuck user

First day on the internet ehh?

And Rudy himself even states that in the show.

im saying you never hear of any above and beyond solider with that corny ass roided build, dont take it so personal Jesus, and feel free too prove me wrong

Aw fuck.

>he doesn't know about the laughably high rate of aas use in SOCOM

me and my brother both were sent letters saying we were clinically obese at the age of 13, our dad is 6'5 and probably 16 stone of just pure beast and we grew damn fast and hard, were never actually fat just way way bigger than we should have been physically.

I thought operators where quite slim like marathon runners rather than built as modern armies stress endurance over strength and bulky dudes get fatigued quite easily.

The obesity epidemic is gripping the west desu. The US has 1/3rd of its population fat. The people that Germany can even recruit seem to be fat chainsmokers.
This is a worldwide problem. So many Fudds focus on shooting but they are morbidly obese. We prepare for deadly confrontation with armed criminals but the biggest killer on Earth is heart disease. If I were king of the world I would give free helicopter rides to the owners of soda companies and fast food desu senpai. Until the uprising against the biggest killers on Earth (owners of fast food) are dispatched we have to stick with cooking our own meals, exercising, and tracking calories.

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Always a fucking dyke. Just call it a fucking dyke.

>Brits are literal cave people still using stones as measurement

They're roided out so they can actually maintain musculature and optimal fitness despite spending long times innafield with suboptimal nutrition.

>a fat scot
colour me surprised

the absolute state of british tax dollars
