Lever action thread

Please post lever action rifles

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pic of me on the range with my pre 64 winchester model 94

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Nice .30-30?

yup, the way god intended

No thanks, but thanks for the opportunity.

Seems to be little interest. Why is Jow Forums so indifferent to lever gats?

God intended for you to work out more, you have the body of Hogg himself.

chck-chck, pow
chck-chck, pow

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Uberti 1873 Short Rifle in 357/38 Special & Uberti 1851 Colt Navy in 38 Special

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nice pairing

I have a Rossi 92 in .357 with a 16" barrel. Very light and handy, and fun to shoot.

I got one in .44 mag. Very fun to shoot and the action is smooth.

That a Henry on the top?

Forgive the deplorable picture quality. Rifle spent twenty-five years in a chest in an attic, but we finally got it cleaned up and took her out to shoot. If only somebody still sold bulk .300 savage.

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It's an Ithaca model 72 .22lr made in West Germany

Time to start reloading
Its the only way i can afford to buy cool guns in wierd calibers AND shoot them


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Shot the first of my 30-30 reloads today. Everything went smoothly so I'll be cranking out a ton more soon. Had a pretty massive POI shift from factory ammo but once I got the sights adjusted it shot great.

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I like leaver guns

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Here's my 1990 manufactured Marlin 30AS in .30-30. I got it two months ago at an auction for a very good price considering the local used market.

I put a Williams FP336 aperture rear sight, GrovTec hammer extension and a Brownells quick takedown thumb screw on it. I also got a Williams Firesight fibre optic front sight and a dovetail blank to replace the old rear sight for it, but I don't have the tools to mount those, so I gotta take it to a gunsmith. Haven't shot it with the new parts yet. It's smooth as butter and groups well, however it shoots high, one of the reasons for the new sight.

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It’s pretty impressive how’s potent .44mag is out of a rifle.
To bad you don’t see more blastics testing and whatnot on YouTube and such when it comes to things like that and 45-70

Williams sights are the shit my man. Use them on a couple of my guns, very happy with them. I really want to find a globe sight to put up front but hard to find one for the 94. I might just have to wait until I pick up a high wall or sharps for that.
How do you like the 1851? Considering picking one up at some point to compliment the 1873 I just ordered.

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they're not, these levergat threads depend on timing tho

levergats are objectively the most patrician of gats

I just put one on my Win94 and it breathed new life into it. Shit's cash

Why buy the same gun over and over again.
Why post sideways picture

.44 mag, specially if you load some heavy loads (I rock 340 grain, +p+ buffalo bore in mine) it can take down a very large range of bigger animals. That crescent moon buttplate hurts with those rounds.

Also no one has to do much ballistic testing, cause every one already knows that both rounds out of a rifle is surely to fuck what ever it hits up. I just like .44 mag more, cause i can partner it with a wheel gat of the same.

I like watching videos of ballistic testing and seeing the bullets after they expand and whatnot.

Great Grandpap's Glenfield 30A / Marilin 336.
Not the fanciest but I'm sentimental.

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Does it make you hard?

Rossi masterclone

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I like store brand levergats. Here's a Ted Williams "Sears" model 100

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And a "Western Field" model 740

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wut's the best/cheapest entry level lever gat? i'll suk ur fuckin dick

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A used Marlin 336. If you can get a pre-freedom group do it, if not just double check it before you pay for it

is freedom group some peoples that took over production?

ty, btw, anono-mama

What is the best modern 45-70 lever?

>is freedom group some peoples that took over production

Basically. They made Marlin, and others, suffer drastic faults in Quality Control. Marlin was cranking out very rough guns for a while under them, they've only recently started to get their shit together and produce quality gats again.

bet you cant get more entry level than a gun made by sears. its like 1 step up from a gun made by walmart.
probably the henry all weather

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>tfw no .45-70 levergat
.45-70; the only government you can trust

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Marlin was making shit guns before the buy out. One of the main reasons they got bought.
They had a mostly older workforce that was skilled enough to compensate for poor quality from the machines but as that workforce retired they lost the experience and started losing slae. This meant they couldn't upgrade the equipment and QC went to hell.
Being bought out actually allowed them to retool and train more workers to bring the quality back up.

If you're trying to spin the freedom group buyout of Remington as a good thing, you have an uphill battle there my friend.

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I have an original Civil War 1851 Colt Navy that has been passed through my family so I wanted one to shoot but one which uses cartridges. It's stupidly accurate due to the barrel length.

I've posted this before. This is a "poster" I made up from a picture of two of my rifles. Even sent it off to Winchester as a gift!

This is a "poster" I made up from a picture of two of my rifles. Even sent it off to Winchester as a gift!

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Anyone else get the "Marlin jam", usually caused by a loose loading gate? Shit happened last weekend

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I've had a couple marlins come through the shop with the same issue. Real simple problem to fix at least.

I need to get into reloading, I can't find bulk 30-30 for the life of me.

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I've never seen bulk 30-30

well it's definitely time to get into reloading, then.

It's super cathartic, and working up loads to fit the gun is fun

so does it offer any savings over buying 20 round boxes locally or paying for an FFL transfer of a 250 rd box from an online store? Reloading looks comfy as fuck and i'd be willing to spend some dosh on the tooling if it's not clearly unwise for someone who needs to be cash conscious

It takes a few boxes to make up for the high start-up costs, but the quality of the loads makes up for it. I got into because I'm a milsurp autist and its necessary if I want to shoot regularly

>mattering one bit on a lever gun

im stuck in california so buying online is more of a pain than going into a store, but anything in my area only sells 20 rd boxes of 30-30 in 150gr or 170 gr for 17ish buckeroos. I should just get some basic bitch reloading tools and start pressing away, shouldn't I? I've seen 30-30 brass for sale for dirt cheap

Nice cracked stock.

I say go for it.

119 years old.

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Is a basic lee loading kit still the most economical entryway into reloading?

119-year-old Levergun is my favorite flavor, user!

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Are Marlins back up to snuff, or are they still shit? I want a fuddy-fife sevendy.

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I'd still get the JM stamped ones pre 2007, haven't heard anything good yet from the new ones

If i can find one

New to Jow Forums diy user here, is a lever action easier than a bolt action if you want to machine your own rifle? I love the lever-action aesthetic but I assume they'd be harder to fire while prone than a lever-action.

> .300 savage lever gat

Unexpectedly an awesome gun. Also good at shooting blacktail.

Looks like this guy had a fun weekend

Sure did friend :^)

Finally this thread. I just shot some hand loads out of my winchester 94. they were .309, 175gr. with 32 gr. of IMR 4350. I know thats a bit heavier than normal but they shot really low. I slid the elevator all the way back and they still shot about almost a foot lower than where I was aiming. Any reasonable guess as to why?

>using spitzer out of a lever action
Is that safe? Aren't you worried it might bust your tube?

post your sharps

wait for black friday and then get a rock chucker supreme reloading kit for cheap from midway. Thats what I did last year.

Ask and you shall receive

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Jesus christ that case hardening

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there she is... ah, so fucking pretty. Thanks mate.

You realize these guns are just relics of colonialism, and European oppression of people of color in the Americas. You guys sure are selective about the history you try to “worship” here. Paints the firearms community in a really positive light.

Go chug some fire water and beat your kids Roaming Buffalo.

True history is politically neutral, as is the appreciation of any facet of that history.

Get in the gas chamber nigger

Guys I want a levergat in 357 that won't cost too much. What do ya'll think of the Marlin 94c? From what i see it's got good review and isn't made in Brazil.
Pic related wheel gun i wanna pair with

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What's the long fellow

I've been considering getting one for the longest time but I'm waiting for a JM stamped one to pop up instead of a new / worn remlin one. Even after the near decade of new production the Remlins are still way more rough compared to how smooth the JM Marlins are

So are Remlins and mossbergs still complete trash?

Not sure why they would be so low. Have you slugged your bore and are you sure you're using correct diameter bullets? Your powder load seems reasonable to me. FWIW I shoot 150gr RN over 31gr Varget and the POI was also much lower than factory ammo. I just adjusted my sights for it but is my gun so the sight can adjust quite a bit more than the buckhorns.
They're not spitzers senpai, just tapered flat points. Pic related.
Goddamn single shots are sexy.

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Oh also how much are you crimping the rounds? Might want to verify that. As long as you're within safe limits the POI shift isn't a danger but a foot seems like quite a bit...