Should we try to petition the Federal Assault Weapons Repealed out of federal laws? why or why not?

Should we try to petition the Federal Assault Weapons Repealed out of federal laws? why or why not?

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Yes, because it is unconstitutional.

Fucking read

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I think it should be amended. I think there should be a heavy tax on NFA items but no bans on anything. People are going to make illegal weapons anyways why should lawful citizens be unable to make and buy things felons already do.

We should shift the conversation to repealing the second amendment. That carries an implicit assertion that 2A as written is broadly protective and can't be construed to ban assault weapons, machine guns etc without a rewrite of the language.

>there should be a heavy tax on NFA
The issue with this is that the only "lawful citizens" that will be able to have these weapons are rich ones. Are you saying that poor/average people should not be allowed to have NFA items?

You need to rewrite that sentence, because it gave me a seizure trying to read

>We should repeal a law that expired in 2004
This is now a late 90s/early 00s thread.

Hay guys, look at this cool Norinco Hunter I picked up! Bet they'll never get around to banning these!

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Try again

>We should shift the conversation to repealing the second amendment
As in, we should talk about whether or not we should repeal the second amendment?
>That carries an implicit assertion that 2A as written is broadly protective
Like, the discussion does? What are you referring to with "that"? The second amendment, or the discussion (of what I assume to be) as to whether or not we should repeal the second amendment? At this point, I can't figure out what the rest is even TRYING to convey. Rewrite this please because I cannot figure out what the fuck you're trying to say.

No I'm not saying only rich people should have NFA items, but not everyone needs nfa items and that will help fund police and enforcement etc. An extra 200 dollars per nfa item won't make anyone broke

>not everyone needs
"Need" is subjective. This is the same language grabbers use to justify their "assault weapons" bans.

>You don't NEED a weapon that has more than 5 rounds
>nobody NEEDS a "barrel shroud"
>nobody NEEDS a knife with a point

True, but if you do need or want it then you should be willing to buy and pay a tax on it

Then you agree that your logic is no better than any other grabber, and you keep going? Cmon dude.

You already pay a luxury tax on things the government doesn't think you need. Why should guns be any different

I don't think either of these taxes should exist.

>Want silencer
>Have to pay 400 dollars of federal assrape on top of 1k for a metal tube I could make myself if it weren't for bullshit laws
No fuck you. Kill yourself no joke.

Im not going to lie, lately I've been kind of wanting a big gun ban to pass. I know it sounds shitty but I want to see who really cares about gun rights and the 2nd Amendment and who's just blowing smoke. My guess is most hardcore guys wont do shit and probably support the arrests and killings of the few that do.

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Kill yourself.

>True, but if you do need or want it then you should be willing to buy and pay a tax on it
You should be willing to buy and pay a $200 tax on each cup of water you buy. You should be willing to pay a $200 tax on each gallon of gas. You should be willing to pay a $200 tax on each item of clothing you buy. All because YOU need it while someone else out there determined he could do without it. Fuck you.