What kind of armor do SWAT teams wear to protect their backs?

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cheapestoutdoors.com/products/eotech-exps3-4-hws-g33-magnifier-and-sts?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googlepla&variant=12033252130860&utm_source=TPA On Google Shopping&utm_campaign=TPA Smart Shopping Hunting&utm_medium=cpc&product_id=shopify_US_1266174525484_12033252130860&device=m&loc_physical_ms=9032371&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIubfkk-yH3gIVBZ7ACh08LgotEAQYAyABEgKb5fD_BwE

A back plate

Picking up one of these boys soon and I want a military leather holster for it.
Problem is, I can't find any for a good price that will ship to my country.

My question is, will a Tokarev/M57 military leather holster fit a CZ52?
Because at the moment, that is my only real option

Attached: CZ52-left.jpg (1024x768, 425K)

What kind of gun is good for bears?

Shotgun with slugs, 10mm/.357 or higher handgun, bear mace.

youre gonna want a bear gun. it launches allied bears to fight the bear that is attacking you

No he should just use a mace, there's no reason to bring a gun to bear wilderness. You're going to piss it off first.

sounds a lil heavy for my liking

>no reason to bring a gun to bear wilderness

Same as the front, just on their backs. Plate carriers have a pocket on front and back for plates. Many have plates on the side too.
>assuming brownies
"good" is subjective. If you really want "good", IMHO, then just like with people you're going to have to go with shoulder fired. 12g with slugs is the classic choice, brennekes are a popular ammo for this sort of thing. If you mean a handgun then personally i'd put the absolute minimum at .357 with hardcast 180s although im not gonna lie and act like lots of people haven't put them down with everything 9mm and up loaded with ball. There's a difference between what can be done and what should be done. Also, carry bear mace and a gun, it works more often than not.
>le bullet proof bears meme
Just no

who makes the best galil receivers

Ill try to answer this for you tomrrow. I have a cz52 and i think i might have a tok holster

Does silencershop do black friday sales? I know they occasionally do sales but its seldom. I want to buy a new can but ill hold off if they do

Awesome, thanks man

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I bet they waddle like penguins when they walk and it's fucking adorable as fuck.

>protecting a roastie
unbased and bluepilled

Thanks for the advice on bear guns. Will do.

Kind of agree here, the guy's life and training is probably more valuable than that roastie who is calling her deadbeat bf anyways, even if it's just a prop pic.

I have a thought. A red dot with a side flip scope behind it. In today's age we should be able to build a mount that retains zero. So, best of both worlds. Red dot plus 4x. Good cheek weld. Quick to switch magnification levels. Am I crazy? Or is this an ok idea?

Get those oven mitts out of here.

Is there any chance we'll see major firearm innovations in our lifetimes? Like caseless ammo, railguns, hell, even bullpups that the military isn't afraid of...

>Mittens & Flaps Security

Give it another decade. It will come around.

The only thing that will suck about caseless ammo is that we'll have to buy all new firearms, and we'll have to probably fight to get caseless ammo-feeding firearms in civilian hands in the first place, since the ATF would love to just have those regulated outright.

What’s a good replacement trigger for my PSA AR? I don’t want some weird, mall ninja shit, just something that looks milspec but feels better than PSA?

Geissele if you never want to buy another trigger. Which Geissele? Well, that's up to you but the SSA and SSA-E are probably the most popular choice by far.

ALG if you're on a budget.

Californiafag here, I got an MJ card in a retarded college virtue signaling move several years ago and it’s long since expired (I don’t even recall ever using it).

What are the chances that I would get flagged in a background check while buying a gun/applying to become a police officer in my state?

Any opinions on Carlson's 870 barrels? Looking for a shorter barrel and i was thinking about picking up their 18.5 inch barrel that's threaded for choke tubes

Several states have laws that will return a negative on NICS if you have a card, so your worry isn't unfounded. I don't believe California is one of them though. Don't take my word for it though, do some research of your own.

I think I’ll get the ALG because I’m a cheapass, appreciate the recommendation user

My PTR is jamming badly with brass, I’ve owned it for awhile, and gave it a good cleaning before taking it out but I can barely get through a mag. Steel runs better, but I still get jams, never used to do this. Ironically, my C93 runs like a top and I never have problems with it. Maybe just the mags? Using older steel mags.

cheapestoutdoors.com/products/eotech-exps3-4-hws-g33-magnifier-and-sts?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googlepla&variant=12033252130860&utm_source=TPA On Google Shopping&utm_campaign=TPA Smart Shopping Hunting&utm_medium=cpc&product_id=shopify_US_1266174525484_12033252130860&device=m&loc_physical_ms=9032371&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIubfkk-yH3gIVBZ7ACh08LgotEAQYAyABEgKb5fD_BwE

Is having a card treated the same as use? You could give me a hair test going back the maximum length of three years and I would still test negative.

Depends on the state.

>Depends on the state.

I thought it was a Federal law though?

What's the M203 heat shield all about? Did it serve any actual purpose besides look cool?

Is it autistic to buy one for my AR for the sole purpose of showing off?

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Do you guys think that a flare launcher that looks like a M203 would sell in today's market?

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*asking for a friend

Second Chance trauma plates. One in the carrier, the other duct taped to their back.


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that tube gets hot as shit with repeated use.
there's quite a lot of powder in a 40mm round, even the low velocity kind the 203 uses, lots of burning powder means lots of waste heat, its the launcher is attached to plastic that plastic might get hot enough to deform or even melt entirely, so you mount it on a metal framework both to dissipate heat more effectively by acting as a heatsink/cooling fin and to keep it more securely attached to the m16 in a way that wont warp or detach when you're putting round after round downrange.

Does Harris (of bipod fame) have a website of their own? I can't seem to find it by searching for Harris, Harris bipods or Harris Engineering.

45-70 will do the trick if you get decent enough with a lever gun

i understood that reference

Some states will "report" you, so to speak, to the feds. I know in Hawaii having one means no guns.

Can my 12ga mossberg 500 shoot slugs or do I need a different barrel?

Mine shoots slugs. I don't have a choke though, so that may make a difference.

Attached: Mossberg 500.jpg (3156x601, 1.14M)

Haha I wondered who would

This is the one I have.

Attached: http___www.mossberg.com_wp-content_uploads_2018_08_50420-media.jpg (2046x444, 41K)

Someone post the greentext

im looking for a short bolt action rifle to use in a small hunting blind. i want like an 18" barrel and a mild cartridge like 6.5 creedmoor or 6.5x55 swedish or similar. does such a thing exist?

Ruger American's have a 5.56 with a 20" barrel.
Other than that I can't think of a lot, but I'm not one for bolt guns

Does anyone have the link to the marksman instruction video? I think it was from the late 80s. The man had a mustache, spoke very softly and commented his spotter ammo saying 62grains is good for longer distance.

What metal is the SKS made out of ? Steel or aluminum?

>there's no reason to bring a gun to bear wilderness.
t. bear

Steel. How would a 1940s era weapon be made from aluminum?

Why is it not issued on modern M16A4s and M4 carbines then?

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lol, well executed

You can look at Elfmann triggers as well. Geiselle's are apparently really nice double stage triggers, but I've never shot one. My Elfmann is great and it's like a 3.5-4lb trigger, it was like $110.

If you're interested in Geiselle's wait until Black Friday. During Black Friday and Christmas they were like permanently on sale for 30% off or something around there. If you get a Elfmann get a 2mm T allen wrench

An active one or having one ever, even if it's long expired?

This. I forgot to say this.

...cuz quad rails are aluminium and not plastic

>Based and leverpilled.
It better have a nickel finish and either black or ivory furniture too if you're serious about really making shit be dead with it.
Anybody who hates cowboy action either hates fun or was molested by their fudd grandfather.

Not sure just asking. Thanks though.

Those Mittens are adorable

alright man, it turns out i have a romanian tok holster, which seems to be very close, if not identical, to the m57 one. my cz does fit but just barely (with cz mag in the holster also). the leather strap that holds the flap closed will latch but it takes some force. you might be ok with the m57 holster because the leather strap goes down instead of wrap around like my romanian.
last pic is of the tok on top of the cz for a size comparison, the cz is slightly larger all around.
hope this helps

and i forgot to add the pic...

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Trigger Tech is probably the best trigger for the money on the market right now. Dunno if that qualifies as "mall ninja shit" for you, but I don't really care because it's still the best trigger I've shot so far.

But wouldn't they overheat from the lack of any "exhaust"?

will it stop?

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For one i do know that they use ceramic plates rather than other metals

know one. Actually. Actual U.S.

Has the SBR made the SMG obsolete?

What kind of armor and plate carrier set up can I get for $1k? I need the ability to carry at least six rifle and two pistol mags, with front and back Level IV armor.

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I take it a $5000 sniper would do the job

>Find reasonably priced SPAS-12 in my area on Armslist.
>Contact seller last Thursday telling him I'd like to buy his gun at his listed price.
>No response for 4 days
>Just contacted him again today, saying I'm not sure if he got my first message but that I'd still like to buy his gun.
Am I being too pushy? Should I find a different seller? What do I do here?

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Nah, after 4 days it's pretty reasonable to poke them again.

I purchased a $500 Yugoslavian SKS with a grenade launcher and bayonet about 2 months ago.
A month ago I take it upstate to do some shooting(pic related).I discoved that it would only fire two or three shots and then the bolt would not cycle properly. I told the store and they offered me the 500 that I paid for it. I am now looking to get a surplus bolt action. Preferably a Mauser or a M39. Any suggestions?

TLDR: what Surplus bolt action should I get for $500, and where should I look.

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did you try cleaning the gas system?

Bro those are so unreliable. Bears have very little loyalty and will turn on you if you don't clean your bear gun properly and with the right oils.


You'll need to have something custom made as bears don't have the dexterity to handle human guns.

I didn't to be honest. When I first got it I went shooting, as I said. And then I brought it to the shop. They took a look and said the spring was backwards so we said okay and then went to shoot it at their range. It continued to have issues so they just said here's five hundred and not to worry about it.

What is this brake actually? AK?

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Does a binary trigger put excessive stress on a rifle? Would it be safe in a Century C93?

What missile is featured in the bottom right of this image

I sort of want to buy 250 rounds of Fiocchi 00 buck for around $95 at sale price online but I also know that Black Friday is around the corner. Should I buy now or wait? Or should I not cheap out on 00 with Fiocchi?

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What would be a good setup for a modernized full auto sterling smg? Ideally used by law enforcement officers in rougher areas.

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There wouldn't.

95% of all spas12s on armslist are scams.

what missile is featured in the bottom right of this image?

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>there's no reason to bring a gun to bear wilderness
go away bear

What about for right wing death squad type stuff?

you talking about Tiborasaurus Rex?

9M14 Malyutka AT-3 Sagger

A good guy with a bear is the only way to get rid of bad guys with bears

Anyone have experience with a heritage rough rider 22wmr? I saw one that was color case hardened that tickled my fancy and I was wondering if it was fun to shoot.

9M14 maltyuka aka AT-3 Sagger

much kill. are the legs supposed to be the weak spot?