.357 mag is just as, if not less effective than 9mm

>.357 mag is just as, if not less effective than 9mm
Is he right, Jow Forums?

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>Is he right, Jow Forums?

Not even the short barrel version of this argument is valid.

No. He's just another soiboi jello junky e-celeb. If it doesn't kill jello better then the real world results don't matter, they're just "anecdotes"! if it kills gel better by producing a bigger wound(ex .40/.45) then that doesn't matter either! look at this anecdote i came up with where it didn't do the trick! Pretty transparent 9mm apologist who only sees data that confirms his biases. Ask anybody who's actually used quality .357 magnum loadings and typical combat calibers to kill things, the reports are pretty uniform about it being at least moderately better at the job. Don't even get me started on their .380 tests that could literally get people killed.

Oh and also:
>lemme just use 1 top of the line .357 mag loading and compare it to the best of every other caliber! that's a good evaluation of the caliber's potential in general!

Muh stopping power. It’s a pistol. Quit jerking yourself off. If you load a .357 in a carbine it’ll be marginally more effective.

>Muh stopping power. It’s a pistol. Quit jerking yourself off.
Stupidity, followed
>If you load a .357 in a carbine it’ll be marginally more effective.
.357 mag out of a rifle length barrel is a full blown rifle cartridge that's a hair under classic 30-30 loadings in terms of performance. Might as well start talking about how 7.62x39 is "marginally" better than 9x19 next you luddite.

>followed by:
editing is a bitch.

>.357 mag out of a rifle length barrel is a full blown rifle cartridge that's a hair under classic 30-30 loadings in terms of performance.
oh fuck off will you? it takes an autistic .357 load to even have a chance at approaching the most pedestrian of 30-30 loads, and even then it'll get beat by the 30-30 as soon as you wander past 100 yards. I'd feel like a cunt hunting anything deer-sized even with a buffalo load .357.

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>125gr bullet at 2300fps is "marginally" better than 9x19
You've got to be kidding me. You'd have to be a literal retard to think this.

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how the tender loving fuck is this a thread

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> Is he right?
Pic related disagrees, but he has a selection bias in that he only examines the dead ones.

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88$ on Amazon
Holy shit! There has to be a free ebook somewhere

They're obsolete, get over it and stop pretending to be a cowboy. Snub noses were a shitty solution to a problem that got solved by semi-autos with better cartridge designs. 357 fagnum is the end result of ramping up power in an old 19th century cartridge to compensate for an inferior design, not designing a better one.

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>stop pretending to be a cowboy
you literally can't make me

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shoot a watermelon with a 9mm and 357mag, you will see the difference

My EDC is a j frame 357, i carry it with 38spcl +P jacketed hollow points tho.

either way a revolver is more reliable, if your semi james you need to manually unjam that thing, if if those fire i just pull the trigger again. thinking you need more than 6 shots is some 14 year old CoD bullshit. It wouldnt be my choice for like war, but revolvers have style

I own a glock 43 and a ruger LCP for carry too, but rarely carry either, the g43 seems pretty unless when the LCP is 1/4 of the size and weight, and it still shoots like shit, im only a marginally better shot with the 43 than the LCP and thats at distances past 20ft. i can outshoot both the glock 43 and LCP with the 357 one handed

Your probably that guy i saw at walmart where a pink support the police shit open carrying a glock 21 with a whooping 5 (F.I.V.E.) extra mags on his belt?

are you fat and bald?

I completely believe that you do not own any firearms and are 15 years old.

Tell me about their .380 tests that could literally get people killed.

I completely believe that you own a glock and my post upset you

>pretending to be a cowboy
>drinking rum and not shitty whiskey
what the fuck man

I drank all the shitty whiskey

Oh please, stop taking troll posts so seriously mr. reddit.

Yea, but its second edition if you can live with that. Lots of interesting tidbits in there.

Other jewtubers have shown that cleargel sometimes exaggerates penetration depths compared to real BG depending on the weight/velocity of a round. In particular it can exaggerate .380 penetration depths by as much as 30%. Don't trust ammo salesmen too much when it comes to ammo testing.



in real human targets, inconsistent meatbags, not gel or a hard shelled fruit, every hangun caliber north of a 22 does basically the same damage with varying levels of penetration

>a revolver is more reliable
Semi autos aren't unreliable unless they're the wrong fucking gun (a match grade 1911 for a warfighter larp where you go 1000 rounds without cleaning after throwing it in a swamp twice). Times have changed since the days of hand fit metal guns that could only feed ball ammo. If anything, revolvers are now more likely to malfunction, and clearing revolver malfunctions is time consuming and complex.

Revolvers have two actual non-fuddlore advantages
Ammo flexibility (if it fits, it fits)
Little to no significant accuracy/reliability tradeoff (a non-issue with SOME semiauto designs, but not most, which have sights and barrels that move with the action and trade consistent lockup for running dirty)

But they're no more reliable as combat guns, the accuracy difference doesn't mean anything at combat ranges, and the capacity and rate of fire won't help you because this isn't dirty harry and 44 magnum doesn't make people spin mid air.

>clearing revovler malfunctions

if it's not ammo hanging up the cyllinder they're usually pretty catastrophic, like, show's over, take your gun home, whack the wheel open with a mallet, start scrubbing the rust/powder off, and accept that you might need to do some gunsmithing.

>If anything, revolvers are now more likely to malfunction
Miss me with that noguns shit. Stoppages and user error are by far the most common malfunction with autoloaders, something that revolvers are essentially immune to in a practical sense. Just because revolvers CAN suffer a show stopping parts breakage or KB(just as autoloaders can) doesn't change that. Neither is perfect, but acting like user or ammo induced stoppages don't happen with autoloaders and aren't much less common and more easily rectified with a wheelgun is just silly.

>Being this stupid

Didn't Paul debunk this already?


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>Muh stopping power

9mmlets forever mad.

All hat and no saddle i bet.

I OC a .44 magnum every day, deal with it nerd.

>I was just pretending to be retarded


How did 9mm become the most obnoxious caliber warriors in the entire gun community? I remember in 2009 or so I used to laugh at 10mmfags the most, 9mmfags have gone above and beyond the call of faggotry though.

45 super, saving up to get wilson to convert it up to 460

it's literally a couple hundred bucks, you need to "save" for that?

.357mag is much more effective than 9mm

>9mm manlets always trying to cope

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>said the dumbass that posted three paragraphs responding to an obvious troll
Why do you people keep bumping this thread.

>The accuracy difference doesn't matter at combat ranges

Missing less always matters. This idea that you don't need to be accurate, just have really fast follow up shots, is dumb because your follow up shots will be even more off-target.

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I didn't post more than one sentence per post in this thread.

I blame Glock for this.


I'll drop my cowboy delusions when you drop your tier one operator delusions.

>44 magnum doesn't make people spin midair

Yes, but permanent cavitation is a thing and will fuck somebody a lot worse than a fully expanded .45. .44 mag is about on par with 5.56 and you can't tell me 5.56 is anemic at the point-blank ranges you will be dealing with in self-defense shootings.

I don't care what you fags do I'm larping as a 1940s shamus until the day I die.

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>because your follow up shots will be even more off-target
Got do disagree on this one point, because I miss a shit load of steel trying to get the gun out of the holster fast but tag #2 and #3 because it's just getting the sights back on target.

When will 9mm fags learn?

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Basic statistics. Most ppl shoot 9mm now, therefore they will have a larger number of morons even if we assume they are moronic at the same rate as other calibers.

I should follow up that this does me no good if I kill some kid standing behind the guy, especially since I don't have the NYC police union on my side.

They just can’t be happy with their ***good*** cartridge. It’s a fine chambering but I think the FBI report elevated their egos after being so repressed under .40 S&W and .45 auto as the little brother cartridge. It’s like how gay people got rights under Obama and started acting like total fags everywhere. It’s actually made me resent them now even though I didn’t care before.

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>he doesn't understand the difference between TSC and PWC or the effect that velocity has the transition of the former becoming the latter

>yea my pistol went from a 1 inch group at 25 yards to a 1.25 inch group at 25 yards

>357 fagnum
>357 SHIT
10mm or go home fuckers

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Not him, but if we're talking mechnical accuracy comparing a quality revolver to a typical polymer wonder nine it would be more like a change of 3" to 1". With something shitty like a gen 1 M&P in 9mm it could be 4-5" to 1". Not enough to matter for 99.9999% of shooters anyways but hardly a quarter of an inch.

Nice skirt, faggot.

No it wouldn't. This highly depends on the barrel and ammo used. The fact that many 357 magnum rounds are flat and not rounded gives things like 9mm a huge advantage in ballistics

you wish it was a skirt you dick sucking faggot

Sonny Crockett over here look out

LELKEK. You absolute moron.

>No it wouldn't. This highly depends on the barrel and ammo used.
IME 3" is pretty typical 25yrd accuracy for a polymer autoloader, of course some brands will do better or worse(ex HKs vs older S&W) but that's about middle of the road. If you've got some info about how typical polymer wonder nine accuracy is actually much higher than that i'd like to hear it. Honestly if anything im understating the mechanical accuracy you can expect from modern production revolvers. In particular 5/686s have reputations for truly impressive accuracy when benched. Feel free to look it up yourself if you don't believe me.
>The fact that many 357 magnum rounds are flat and not rounded gives things like 9mm a huge advantage in ballistics
That's really more of a concern in terms of retained velocity more so than accuracy. Neither of which are really a concern at 25yrds, and beyond that the .357s greater velocity is more important than 9mms typically more pointed nose. Oh, and of course RN .38 and .357 are also very much a thing fyi...

The right .44 load will approach rifle velocities and produce similar wound channels. This is especially true with copper ammunition.

>2 uppers(One 5 inch and one 6)
>Non standard sights
>Keeping original upper untouched

9 milimanlets will say anything to justify their anemic meme round, even shit as stupid as that it's just as effective as a bullet of the same weight, loaded with more powder.


My EDC is Glock19 (9mm)
>inb4 glockfag
and this isn't true at all. In all reality, shot placement is the real factor but saying a 9mm is = or less effective than a .357 is retard bait. When you compare the two calibers in relative ammo grade and barrel length, .357 mag will leave a much nastier wound than a 9mm, without question.

This guy breaks this down pretty well regarding this same topic.

it's just a drop-in barrel and recoil spring with comp for the Glock 21

Shot for shot in a vacuum? No. In practical application against human targets? Yes.

k/ommandos who have done the homework? Holy fucking shit.

>When the caliberlet gets so butthurt it just starts making shit up.

How's .44 mag out of a rifle?

>9mm more effective against human targets than tree fiddy sebben

Retarded or noguns?

A bit higher than 7.62x39 in FPE. 180gr projectile moving 1900 FPS.

There's a trauma doc who posts on Jow Forums, and if you say something stupid that pisses him off he used to send you an e-copy in exchange for you leaving the thread.

>What is practical use
Like I said, a single shot compared between the two, .357 wins. In any actual, realistic, or practical situation, 9mm wins.

I need to find him and say some stupid shit, then.