9mm AR Pistols

So I want a 9mm carbine for cheap plinking and would like an AR like platform for ergonomics reasons.
Currently looking at the FX-9 pistol and the PSA AR-9, leaning towards the FX-9.

Any other suggestions you guys would throw out or opinions on the two listed? Would like to keep it under $700.

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Just get a Sub-2000 for 300 less and you'll be fine.

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I'll pass, I'm looking for something long term with parts compatibility with ARs. Plus the whole folding thing is ultra gimmicky

You keep using that word.

By ergonomics I mean comfortable and intuitive controls, aka that of an AR.

If you just want cheap plinking, get a CMMG Bravo 22lr conversion kit. I also suggest getting a Better-Mag adapter to use 15-22 mags. Gives you better overall reliability and bolt hold open.

why not a ruger pc9? have there been bad reviews?

I love my FX9. I haven't had a single issue with mine, plus freedom ordnance is a pretty cool company. I would buy it again.

Already have one, thats why I said 9mm, not 22.

Wouldn't know, a PC9 is not an AR platform.

I haven't been to Jow Forums in a few years but for fucks sake when did the illiteracy of this board get so damn high? I mean there were always fags posting things offtopic but its like no one even reads the OPs anymore they just see the subject and picture and go from there.
Try to read, kids.

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Pretty sweet, you still running the stock trigger and buffer? Also, is that a leather belt as a sling?

My reading comprehension is just fine. You said "9mm carbine for cheap plinking". I was just giving a suggestion for even cheaper AR compatible plinking. If you already have a 22lr conversion and still want 9mm then cool. Don't get so fucking butthurt. Perhaps you should take another break from Jow Forums already.

Its a sling. I swapped out the trigger for a Franklin Armory binary trigger and the buffer spring for the stiffer one that comes with the trigger. Ive got it running prettt damn fast with no issues. Im honestly surprised

"9mm carbine for cheap plinking and would like an AR like platform"
Keep on reading next time bucko, you'll get there in time.

They say that the FX9 can have bumpfire issues if you change the trigger, you haven't seen any of that?

lol umad

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None in about ~800 rounds. I think their concern was just because the mass of the bolt is so heavy that when it returns to battery it may bumpfire. So maybe if you didnt have a tight grip on the guy?

folds fine, but FUCKED ergos

why the fuck does no one talk about the Extar pistol?

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Hey, do you give a shit about what mags you use? And barrel length?

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i want a little more pew pew than 9mm, should i get an AR57?

>9mm ar
>most expensive and bulky option on the market
>not one huge fucking gimmick for larping tacticool faggots

ok then

ps google fuck training your ai for free niggers, so you can better help the chinese commies continue to rape their populace? good censor i'm sure.

>would like an AR like platform

that'sa soft statement you fucking tool. next time sort your fucking language before deriding the lack of comprehension in others.

seriously fuck off. op is always a faggot.