Jow Forums Meals

What's some healthy and nutritional meals that we should be eating more of? Unique stuff like the FW series on British rationing during WW2 or as simple as picrelated after a day at the range.

On that, what MRE/rations do you recommend? What makes you go, "nice" ?

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Beef and beef accessories
(Also eggs,I like yummy yummy eggz)

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I haven't had crab legs since I went to the theater. I should go see some flick just as an excuse to get some.

They sell them at a movie theater? Wut

MRE's will make you a fat fuck, over 3k calories are in a U.S MRE.

Enjoy passing out trying to shit as well.

MREs are not good food and are not good for you. They're pre-embalmed food produced by the lowest bidder to check every box on a list produced by Pentagon eggheads for minimum nutrients to keep you going in an austere environment, whatever else gets in there be damned. People get all kinds of fucked up kidney issues eating them over long periods.

Also, they're way too rich in calories and sodium unless you're working hard and sweating and drinking tons of water.

It's not a cool unique meal or whatever, but most people need to eat way more vegetables and way less meat and cheese and shit like that. If you're fat you're a fucking subhuman disgrace.

I had some last time I went to the range. Exchanged some TopShotâ„¢ Tokens for them so it didn't cost me anything. Well, except for when I asked for extra butter. Cost me $3.50 more for the extra dipping butter. Something was off about the waiter that brought it to me.

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I forgot to mention, specifically post stuff that keeps Jow Forums fit and healthy and lose fat

This is not wrong, but be sure to eat your veggies
I'd assume they were designed for folks who burn thousands of calories a day
This looks interesting

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What in the fuck is interesting about white rice and flattened tempura chicken.

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>his range doesn't have complimentary crab legs
what a pleb tier range

Well, you got one out of three right. Go smoke some more hoppes.

I enjoy sushi. A lot.
I wish my range served crab legs and sushi. Maybe I need to start a gun social club.

What is being missed here? It's just panko fried chicken on rice.

Sushi would be pretty good if you think about it. You use chopsticks instead of your hoppes greased lead contaminated fingers. You could probably find a creative way to stack it up into an enbloc of vegetables of some kind as a quick sell and dinner plates have targets imbedded in them. Though it may be a little hard to sell both food and weapons related stuff in the same building according to health code.

Right? It's easy enough to have a building and an outdoor range. I feel like this is a marketable thing. That, plus there's a complete lack of social third place + firearms for anyone under 60.

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If you willingly eat MREs(other than trying it once) you are the big gay.

Venison, elk, squirrel, and pheasant are all delicious. especially elk. have some elk sausage because my dad killed an elk in Wyoming a month ago and shared some meat. it's delicious as fuck.

Semen brownies.

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Squirrel is not a food that is good for you desu.

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>want an MRE to try it
>be a fat fuck
I still want it but I know I shouldn't.

Fuckin go for it man. I'm a fan of cheesy mac myself, but they're all palatable in one way or another. Just, whatever you NOT get veggie omelet. Most of the vege ones are alright, but since you're probably not in the field, the 3yr old skittles probably won't do it for you, as they usually have more snacks and shit.

You know a good place to buy from for the UK? I only know the US one.

peanut powder blend with banana and milk

That's fucking false.
MRE's run about 1200-1400 kcal per meal, and that's eating everything in the pouch.

Food on ranges is a legitimate big no no in Washington, so I'm literally forced to go to the movie theater if I'm jonesing for crab legs.

>dad killed an elk in Wyoming a month ago and shared some meat.
son that was your dog that they told you ran away

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Its breaded pork cutlets