What did he mean by this ?

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who cares, he was a retard

For you to stop posting on Jow Forums

he was a 4 star general, what are you?

He means we left a powerful state in direct control of the land it took from the Germans who took it from those who were originally there.

We left half of Europe under the thumb of a nation as oppressive as the Germans. He also wanted to liberate Eastern Europe, but got into a ‘car accident’ and nobody else cared to try to invade Russia.

We lost the war in the sense that Europe was not liberated

We fucked up.

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>appeal to authority

he was red pilled on the kikes.

How was he a retard

Plans to push the Soviet Union out of Germany and the rest of Europe was called "operation unthinkable" for a reason. We didn't have enough nukes at the time to categorically wipe them out, and we didn't have the capabilities to create them quickly enough. We'd be left fighting a conventional war with a badly exhausted but also exceptionally competent military.

We *might* have been able to win, but that would be at the expense of all of Europe and millions and millions of lives lost to kill the people that we had been told were led by good old "Uncle Joe." Not retarded statesmen understood that Patton was kind of getting close to the truth, which is why we pursued containment instead.

Between Marx and Hitler Germany basically fucked up the 20th and 21st centuries, maybe more. We should've glassed them instead of the Japs.

It's rather interesting to wonder what would have happened if we just nuked them right away after Japan instead of letting a cold war develop.

>after Japan
You ran out of nukes, dumbass.

Marx was an unironic Jew.

From the moment that his only defenders are kiddies and edgy incels masturbating to Operation Unthinkable fanfiction, it's hard to take his genocidal ramblings seriously.

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And what if we hadn’t, dumbass?

plus the Soviet Union was extremely close to The Raj
who were itching for independence and socialism was popular among the educated there
I can't see them talking control over the whole of the British Raj but they can definitely take control over modern day Pakistan and maybe parts of Northern India and start a puppet goverment

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That we should have done Operation Unthinkable.

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>what if

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>We'd be left fighting a conventional war with a badly exhausted but also exceptionally competent military.
By what measure where the Allies forces in Western Europe exhausted? The Soviets were off much worse in just about every regard, with an overextended supply line kept alive by US trucks, trains and sheer economic force.

Then don't nuke Japan, instead, let them starve on their island and throw Little Boy over the largest concentration of Soviet manpower, and Fat Man over Moscow with a massive escort.

That's what you think, Ivan. Stuff like this reeks of bull shit.

It was likely only not done because of logistic reasons like having the support of allies on the mainland and having to do everything through the Eastern reaches of it when troops were already stationed in strategic western locations with militarized nations around then them could potentially turn side.


Except I didn’t say anything about what if Germany won. Just what if we didn’t stop at bombin japan and bombed the other threat too

Russians are based

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Patton's difficulty in understanding the Russian is that he was a low IQ retard, and probably wore that helmet as crude early precursor to tinfoil hat.

Always been a big fan of that word
It rivals "sandfrican"

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>genital Mutton
That should have been the first post

Ironically Russians ultimately weren't harmed by this bigoted attitude at all. The real consequence of Patton's ilk getting attention and influence were: 1)it may have influenced Jewish intellectuals like Rosenbergs to help Soviet Union with nuclear bomb, just so they won't have to enjoy WW3 in their lifetime; 2) Pattton's YEAH KILL EM mentality definitely resulted in US getting bogged down in Vietnam conflict, because instead of objective US military could actually reach, US just tried to kill many commies, believing that at some point it will translate into victory. The result was humiliating defeat at the hands of Vietnamese peasants, birth of modern anti-Americanism, and birth of what would become the SJW movement.

>The result was humiliating defeat at the hands of Vietnamese peasants
So they didn't just get bored and leave?

>help Soviet Union with nuclear bombs so WW3 doesn't happen in their lifetime
Even with MAD this is the most stupid post I have read on Jow Forums this entire year.

Is that the first time you heard that nuke was essentially gifted to USSR on golden plates by Jews who didn't want to end up in fourth Reich?

If you think Vietnam was boring for US, have a look at this list:

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>marx, anti-german preaching global revolution and destruction of hierarchy for a utopian society
>caused the bullshit
>decades and multiple revolutions later
>hitler, pro-german preaching that the germans should be proud of who they are and that communism should be stamped out
>responded to said bullshit in a less than desirable way
>we trash western europe in response and allow the soviets to dominate eastern europe
>while financing the soviets through lend lease
>while every indication with pre-war soviet activity like the polish-soviet wars and winter war says screams stalin is in it for the land grab and that he is a vicious tyrant
>only when we reach berlin did we realize we fucked up
>the nazi judges on trial in 1947 at nuremberg said we fucked up
>while the iron curtain is falling
>decades of cold war, proxy wars, and billions of dollars spend on defence measures later
>the historical record starts to indicate we fucked up
>hurr durr we should have glassed the germans
This is why the Founding Fathers had explicit warnings about getting involved in foreign conflicts, but no. Wilson had to be a fucking faggot and try to make the world "safe for democracy" and FDR had to follow that dumb precinct but gutting the state department and giving billions of dollars worth of aid to our eventual enemy

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It isn't the first time, of course the Soviet Union had massive (intellectual) jewish support. What bothers me though is the idea that given the USSR plans for a nuclear weapon would prevent WW3, instead of causing it.

>Glass Germany
>Minimize chances for things to go sour post-war management of Germany
>No more shitters instigating massive land wars in Europe and we can actually keep to ourselves
I fail to see the problem here.

>1)it may have influenced Jewish intellectuals like Rosenbergs to help Soviet Union with nuclear bomb
>may have influenced
>implying communist subversion in the US started after WWII
>implying the communists didn't have moles in the manhattan program from the start
>implying the communists are gud bois dat dindu nuffin
Retard detected. This kind of ignorance is exactly what Patton was talking about because we had a complete misunderstanding of who the Soviets were and what their goals were.

>Soviet intelligence first learned of Anglo-American talk of an atomic bomb program in September 1941, almost a year before the Manhattan Engineer District (MED) was created. The information likely came from John Cairncross, a member of the infamous "Cambridge Five" spies in Britain.

>Soviet intelligence soon recognized the importance of the subject and gave it the appropriate codename: ENORMOZ ("enormous"). Soviet intelligence headquarters in Moscow pressured their various American residencies to develop sources within the Manhattan Project. Many of these early attempts at recruiting spies were detected and foiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Manhattan Project counterintelligence officials.

>The most famous "atomic spies," Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (right), never worked for the Manhattan Project. Julius Rosenberg was an American engineer who by the end of the war had been heavily involved in industrial espionage for years, both as a source himself and as the "ringleader" of a network of like-minded engineers dispersed throughout the country. Julius's wife, the former Ethel Greenglass, was also a devoted communist, as was her brother David.

Again. We fucked up.

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>>the nazi judges on trial in 1947 at nuremberg said we fucked up
If anyone fucked up it was the Japs for not helping the nazi finish off the russians before the allies rolled them all up.

>Minimize chances for things to go sour post-war management of Germany
>glassing a significant chunk of the continent would have made post war europe even better
Now we instigate the marshall plan, only with nuclear fallout to deal with. Brilliant job.

>No more shitters instigating massive land wars in Europe and we can actually keep to ourselves
>as the soviets still would have been occupying a significant chunk of the continent waiting for the chance to push west like they were in the early stages of WWII
>not understanding that the hope of us not being involved with foreign affairs was long gone after FDR

>I fail to see the problem here.
Because you're a retard.

Cavalrymen are always saying stupid shit. They're supposed to be aggressive and reckless. That's why he was never given a unit that was considered irreplaceable.

why did we fight a war for these fucking people?
Patton knew what they were and he was killed for it
we should have left Hitler alone to finish the job

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>But muh soviets
A problem that could be solved with more nukes.

>muh joos
>muh slavshits
t.brainlet mutt

>kiddies and edgy incels
3 r*ddit words, 3 strikes

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t. Noseberg

But that's wrong. We had a third one ready to go and could make a new one every month.

Go back to pol goblin

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>here we see the vatnik's natural defense of shout "mutt" at any and all criticism.

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t. Rabbi Racemixinshekelbergowitz

He means we fought the wrong people in WW2.

I'm a 12 star Jow Forums poster and I hereby promote that user to 8 stars.

why do you think asians like starcraft?

>Noseberg hookstien is gassed

I love it.

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>being so butthurt you automatically uncover yourself
All americans should be shot
Oh wait theyre alreayd working on it

Nah, just that we didn't kill enough non-Anglos.

The Third Reich were the good guys is what he means.

t. kike

lol stay mad non-Anglo scum.

I am majority Anglo-Saxon but fighting and killing fellow Europeans on behalf of the Jews is disgusting
you should feel ashamed


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>claims to be Anglo-Saxon
>destroys the country with Angles and Saxons for the jew


>Hey guys, sure we're all war weary and finally achieved our objectives, but what if we started a far greater, bloodier, and more destructive war on a scale previously unseen, all so we can prevent 50 years of political haggling with the Soviets?

Only edgy incels who have never seen a day of combat think like this.

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Slavs are white.
Slav girls are also very attractive people who I would very much like to jump on my dick.

>I am majority Anglo-Saxon
lol stay mad non-Anglo scum.

I should hope I don't have any dirty saxshit blood in me, there's a reason the parts of the world that matter are called the ANGLOsphere.

Jews invented nukes as it was. Nearly every scientific involved in the discovery of nuclear fission was Jewish.

Oppenheimer wasn't a kike


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t. Jew

why don't you go get yourself killed by some Israeli's instead of demanding WW3 over your jew obsession?

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>Oppenheimer was born in New York City on April 22, 1904,[7] to Julius Oppenheimer, a wealthy Jewish textile importer who had immigrated to the United States from Germany in 1888, and Ella Friedman, a painter. Julius came to America with no money, no baccalaureate studies, and no knowledge of the English language. He got a job in a textile company and within a decade was an executive with the company. Ella was from Baltimore.[8] The Oppenheimers were non-observant Ashkenazi Jews.[9

t. jewish rat

Why are incels so obsessed with Jews?

t. nigger

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>da J00s

>t. shitskin who can't comprehend that it's possible to be a white nationalist centered around an actually successful empire instead of a dictatorship whose most notable achievements were killing civilians and losing a war