Is hunting large African game an actual challenge? It seems like any rich boomer or roastie who has a basic understanding of how to operate a rifle can go out there and kill something. Am I missing something here, or is it basically just some bored African guide handing you an easy opportunity to shoot a big animal so you can take a photo afterwards? How hard can it really be to shoot a Giraffe?
Is hunting large African game an actual challenge...
is that debicki? rip
I imagine it’s not much harder than paying someone to shoot a tall horse, travel would be the hardest part desu
If you die or don't have a successful hunt there's a higher chance for a lower payout.
Yeah it's a challenge. Have you ever hunted anything in your life? Firearms are easy mode, but still challenging. Props to my grandfather for taking deer with traditional archery equipment.
I never got the appeal of a “sport” where the opponent doesn’t know they’re playing and gets their brains blown out from 200 feet away before their corpse is eaten.
god I wish that were me
>Prey animals don't know they're being hunted
They do. They always assume they're being hunted.
>It seems like any rich boomer or roastie who has a basic understanding of how to operate a rifle can go out there and kill something
Every guided hunt ever is like this. I hate those rich boomers and their guides who take off on horseback into the mountains chasing all the elk out of the area
>Am I missing something here
The millions of dollars that are directly pumped into wildlife conservation every year because of big game hunting and that most of the meat is donated to charity or used to feed the camp. On a serious note you should read a book called Death in the Long Grass. It is probably the best account of what it is like to hunt big and dangerous game in Africa. Is shooting a giraffe easy? Relatively when compared to, hippos, lion, elephant, cape buffalo, and leopard. Each hunt presents its own challenges unique to the quarry.
Yeah you probably don't get a lot of things. You should start with fishing. And think about hunting and gathering every single time you ever put meat, poultry, or seafood into you mouth
the guides litteraly drive you where another crew that is supposed track the animal.
they bring the rich fuck there and just give them the rifle on the last minute
t. south african border guard
why did that bitch kill that poor longboi???
>Have you ever hunted anything in your life?
No, but I've done plenty of shooting and I went on a safari in Kruger Park when I was kid. If the trained guides are just taking you right up to the animals, how hard can it be to just shoot one? I mean it would be one thing if the people paying for these hunts had to locate and track the animals themselves, but that isn't the case with most of these rich "hunters." They're basically shooting zoo animals that were bred in captivity.
I like em keeps the bears away from me and mine cause they all wait at the base of the trail and follow horses up the path till the faggot dentist kills a underweight trophy cow and the bear drags it off to munch on
Iirc It was a man eater killed 3 kids on the way to school
It’s really not that different from a lot of modern hunters.
>same place every year
>tree stand and a feeder
>sit there for 4 hours for a few days and take a shot or two
Just change tree stand to truck and feeder to African guide then you basically have the same level of challenge. I mean most these people aren’t going to Africa to trophy hunt every week. They need guides because they don’t have the time to learn how these animals behave and where they feed and at most they’re hunting each type of animal only once. Might be a bad analogy, but I like to think about it like paying a prostitute for sex instead of jumping through the hoops and learning proper social interaction to get to the sex. And like this guy they are incredibly important to the conservation efforts
Wait, seriously? Longbois attack people? I guess it's not out of the question...
Hell yeah the fuck you think the horns on their head are used for? Tickling panthers?
yeah and thats why you know jackshit
>these rich "hunters."
yeah and you are basically below them, gg no re
Hunting for sport in general is toxic. But hunting endangered animals is cancer
>hunting game in an african game preserve
>shooing zoo animals that were breed in captivity
Pick one.
>guide just takes you to where they previously drugged an old sick animal
>makes a huge show of tracking it
>hands you rifle and you put a round through it while it’s high as balls
>count your thousands of dollars while the rich dentists takes a selfie with the creature
>he gets mobbed online and loses his job
>you get to patiently wait for the next dumbass dentists who thinks he’s actually hunting
That's not the type of thing being discussed here, I'm talking about the canned hunts where some rich dentist from Ohio shoots a captive animal with the help of a squad of trained Africans.
Trying to troll Jow Forums is the real cancer
>I'm talking about the canned hunts
The thread asked about hunting in Africa in general. Not just canned hunts you fucking mongoloid.
I have four friends that are licensed to hunt in parts of Africa. There aren't many things they haven't killed. The worst parts are the prophylaxis treatments and the rifles. One of them got a scar all the way across his cheek and broke his clavicle firing some super nitro bolt action. The only risk is when you get really close to one and they charge, or you inadvertently piss off a hippo.
>Might be a bad analogy, but I like to think about it like paying a prostitute for sex instead of jumping through the hoops and learning proper social interaction to get to the sex
I mean that makes sense but I'm not going to take a smug photo with the hooker afterwards with the caption "look at this incredible chick I bagged!"
I haven't been, but I know several people who have.
Like any other kind of hunting, it varies. If you have the money you can pay $$$ to be set up in a situation where you just operate the rifle and that's pretty much it. The only time it would be dangerous or difficult is if you're hunting legit dangerous game.
Most african hunting is not a "canned hunt". It works like this:
You hire a PH (professional hunter) who is in charge of a crew of people. They will have trackers who will locate game. Then you, the PH, and a tracker or two will have to stalk the game to get close enough for a shot. Once you shoot it & take pics a crew of skinners go to work, prep any trophies you want, and butcher the animal. There is zero waste. Everyone I've talked to says there is barely a bloodstain on the ground when they are done. You might get some choice meat for dinner (prepared by the camp chef, of course) and the rest of the meat goes to feed locals. They waste nothing.
Hunting dangerous game is legit dangerous.
Re read the OP
>Photo of a pre teen American girl on a canned hunt
>"Any rich boomer or roastie who has a basic understand of how to operate a rifle"
>"Bored African guide handing you an easy opportunity to shoot a big animal"
Clearly we're not talking about expert hunters here, but bored rich Americans on vacation.
Fighting other l o n g b o y e s?
They're distinctly different from horns.
>"Is hunting large African game and actual challenge?"
>"It seems like any rich boomer or roastie who has a basic understanding of how to operate a rifle can go out there and kill something."
>"Am I missing something here, or is it basically just some bored African guide handing you and easy opportunity to shoot a big animal so you can take a photo afterwards?"
>"How hard can it really be to shoot a Giraffe?
>assuming the giraffe in the picture is from a canned hunt with little to no evidence to say that it is
>taking two phrases out of the total statement that is the op, the most important of which is the first question that sets up the discussion
>the next question being the difference between the perception that OP has and what he may not understand
>following a question about how hard is it to shoot a giraffe
>assuming that OP meant canned hunts without any specification that the fag meant the discussion to revolve around canned hunts
Did you forget how to read? It is not "clear" at all that we are talking about canned hunts at all.
im not a big fan of hunting in general but in alot of cases its needed for population control where humans have removed most of the dangerous natural predators
but what they are doing isnt hunting
the guides do literally everything for them
all they do is sit at a bench and fire using a bipod or something of that nature
yeah the money goes to conservation and is having a positive impact
but it still doesn't sit right with me
and no it absolutely isnt a challenge
the only challenge is getting the money for it
If Safarifags wanted legit danger in Africa, they'd hunt and kill mambas with a stick.
>but I'm not going to take a smug photo with the hooker afterwards with the caption "look at this incredible chick I bagged
Lmao Isn’t that what the Saudi princes do with the Instagram whores
How dare you insult Ohio
why the fuck would you grease a giraffe?
He's just a dumbass who thinks hunting anything on a game preserve with a guide is equivalent to shooting a caged animal.
Fuck Ohio.
Kek that dentist really triggered you. Keep crying, Hoss.
This is exactly how it works.
Depending on the country and the game animal in question, they may be protected to rebound a population or on a shit list because there's too many of them. In particular Baboons and Elephants can become very aggressive and destructive to local populations, farms, etc. So they work it out with PH's to identify specific animals that gotta go.
I went on one of those hunts and while it was a hell of an experience, I mostly hunt because I enjoy natural game meat and going to Africa deprives you of all of that - can't bring any meat back.
I shot several Baboons and they are absolute assholes in the wild. Did that with no hesitation. I also shot a Gemsbok, Wildebeest, and a few others. I also greased a Giraffe, because they needed meat to feed the Tigers and Lions and normally the PH would just grease an older Giraffe but I was offered the chance because I'd done well on my shots before that point.
Giraffes are actually tricky because the only clean shot is a head shot. Their hearts are so goddamn overbuilt to keep pumping blood that far, that you basically need a 40mm Bofors or larger to get an ethical kill on a torso hit.
Everything done on these game preserves is a critical balancing act to keep populations rebounding in a controlled manner. So lots of shit needs to be culled and PH's shoot plenty of animals that are sick, old, or just turning into assholes.
I was offered the chance to shoot an old asshole of an Elephant, but I declined, because Elephants are just too smart and I didn't want to bag one just because it was being an asshole. Which is odd because I saw plenty of combat in Afghanistan and I didn't give a shit about hadji, or those Baboons, but I just didn't have it in for an Elephant.
IMHO, there's a lot of virtue signalling with the anti-hunting shit out there. And unless someone is a serious Vegan being anti hunting is basically the most hypocritical bullshit one can conjure up.
The girl or the giraffe?
Also, dangerous game is fucking real. Tigers and Lions can be a very real threat in the brush, but Hippos and Cape Buffalo and Water Buffalo are by far the most dangerous. A pissed off Hippo or Buff will stomp the ever loving fuck out of humans. I saw several Cape Buffalo and honestly I think those are the most innately pissed off and angry mammals on this planet.
So hunting any of those, yes, absolutely you've got your skin in the game.
Not really, with the way it's usually done other people do all the work and you get handed a rifle at the last minute and take the shot and walk away with a cool trophy. There's danger in that you're in a dangerous place but you're probably more likely to be killed in traffic. I like that this sort of thing raises money for conservation although I always find it laughable that people want to take photos like that as if they waltzed out there alone to handle business, but I guess the 5 dudes carrying your shit won't look as good for instagram.
I'm trying to buy an elephant gun so I've been hanging out on safari hunting forums recently. To be honest, it doesn't sound very fun from a sport perspective. I mean, back in the '20s was one thing, but most of the hunts I see people talking about involve spending $25k on a ticket, getting driven into the park by a professional hunter, hiking up to the animal, and taking a shot.
That doesn't sound fun unless you just want to shoot a cape buffalo or whatever.
>I always find it laughable that people want to take photos like that as if they waltzed out there alone to handle business, but I guess the 5 dudes carrying your shit won't look as good for instagram.
I agree with your larger opinion, but keep in mind the famous great white hunters of the past traveled with an army of African porters and did basically the same things. Only difference was no cars and it took a few years to get the picture books made.
Yeah but I also kind of think they were faggots as well. Nice guns though, I'd have a double rifle in .30-06 if Russia hadn't fucked up and gotten sanctioned by Obeezy.
The time I full fought a golden doodle was quite a fucking battle, in case anyone doesn't know it, golden doodles are dicks.
>have a pack of dogs out in the play park, exercising and having some fun
>mostly regulars that all the employees love
>enter new dog
>massive golden doodle, rampaging around the check in desk
>owner says, "He's a little playful! hah lmao XD"
>clearly the devil is in his heart and bones
>new girl of course is the one who brings him back
>zero dominance or control
>can't get him in the kennel
>tell her to just bring him to the play park, wear him out a little
>this was my mistake
>gets in, things are peaceful at first
>other dogs come over to check him out
>Chief, the old perfect mutt makes his way over
>love this dog, perfect Jow Forumsomrade
>the moment he gets near, the doodle freaks out
>teeth latch straight onto old boys face
>jump over the fence separating me from the dogs
>grab doodle by hips/hind-legs, fucking swing
>toss the cunt like a sack of potatoes into the buildings wall
>not even fucking phased I shit you not, and I heard his head fucking bounce
>comes straight back at me
>I swing and catch him in his ribs
>his paws scratch my stomach
>comes back for fucking more
>almost pushes me over but I swing him down
>kick him fucking hard in the neck/jaw
>sends him spinning
>he freezes at where he stops, even pees a little, then finally stops.
>i'm pointing and roaring at him, he's whimpering
>walk all the other dogs out of park and leave him there to think about my boot
completely and totally based
The giraffe symbolises the patriarchal rape culture, the girl is feminism, and the rifle is her oversized clitoris.
yeah but jesus christ, does anybody even eat giraffe?
But were they black?
I think sport hunting is wrong, morally. If I kill something (mammalian or reptilian), I'm gonna eat it so at least it didn't die for nothing.
Dangerous dog hunting should be a thing. Those "pets" ruin the habitat (by killing every small animal in sight) and they kill more people than bears, mountain lions and all the other "extremely dangerous animals" combined. Fuck dogs.
>This post was made by anti canine gang
I'll bet hungryass Africans do. Seems like it'd just be a worse horse but I bet the heart sauteed in butter could be nice, it's worked for every type of heart I've eaten.
yeah man that's where i'm at. why the fuck would you kill a cute longboi for no damn reason?
I am the OP you autist
Nothing, I mean nothing is wasted out in Africa. Giraffes taken as a trophy or for meat are used to feed predator species or as camp meat. Giraffe isn't a popular camp meat but I did have some of the one I culled on my trip, and the backstrap tasted like a cross between moose and elk. Wasn't bad at all.
>you travel with a group of experienced armed men and you're armed yourself who do the navigation and tracking for you and the only thing you do is take a shot then ride back in your jeep
>it's legit dangerous
What percentage of people get hurt in this "dangerous" sport?
You wouldn't happen to be followed by a group of people with big game rifles and never actually approach one of these hippos within a hundred yards, right?
Yes. That giraffe will feed the 40-80 employees the professional hunter is forced to hire by the government as part of welfare for at least a week.
I didn't know giraffes went to school,huh?
yeah,they are antennae,duh.
How else would they coordinate child murder on there was to school?
Someone said that the giraffe was aggressive and killed a few children. I didn't even know they would do that, but whatever.
And I'm also gay if that matters.
African game hunters are basically white niggers. Literally in the same tier as Chinese ivory poachers. I wouldn’t lose any sleep if people started shooting these fat fucks when they’re over there.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
I wanna believe you, but pics or that shit didn't happen
Please prove me wrong because that all sounds bad ass
I actually googled that girl and it's fucking hilarious how triggered people are by her hunting. Her Facebook has 32,000 reviews of people calling her a murderer.
He was making shit up.
Pretty much every major game animal killed on safari that isn't a herd animal (gazelle, eland, etc) is carefully selected for culling through a rather intense management program. They mark for death the ill, genetically malformed, over the hill, or abnormally dangerous animals. THESE are the ones European hunters get to kill.
And yes, hunts can range from the canned "walk up and shoot it from 30 yards while it sits there seeing if you have a handout" to legit hunting in "preserves" that cover thousands of square miles.
>African preserves are basically what the US National Forests are, except even more controlled
They're not fenced, there's no human habitation outside of a couple hundred tribesmen living like it's 1199AD (spread over all of Africa, not even in one spot), no paved roads and limited 2-tracks, and is generally exceedingly "wild".
The latter far outnumber the former, but it only takes one or two publicized canned hunts to sour the image for everybody. Same shit happens everywhere there's a market for hunting--I can go to Texas and shoot a B&C top-10 whitetail that's lived its entire life in the same 50-acre paddock surrounded with 10ft fences, I can go to New Zealand and shoot a trophy goat that's literally tied to the bumper of the game warden's ute while it eats pelletized goat food out of a shopping bag, I can go to Germany and shoot a roe buck that literally comes when called by the forester. Or I can do it the proper way and hunt actually-wild wild animals in open spaces. And for what it's worth the hunting community looks down on canned hunts even harder than the general populace.
Hunting a Giraffe isn't super dangerous but a herd of Cape Buffalo or an Elephant will fuck you, the jeep, and everyone in it do death
All these pigs in the US that need to die and hunters are off jumping hoops to shoot tall horses.
>white niggers
>pay exorbitant fees that go directly to the wildlife preserve to hunt and old animal thats of no use for breeding anymore
>wildlife preserve ensures that roaming bands of niggers don't just kill off entire herds because chinks think the tusks will make their pee pees hard
>all the meat from the kill is given to local villagers
Where the fuck are you from because I want your niggers
desu the tall horsies probably taste better.
t. pig hunter
I only hunt the most elusive southern spitting trouser snake
>going to a foreign country to kill their animals for your own selfish reasons
My bad they’re not nigger tier they’re just slanteyed gook tier
The reasons are selfish but the foreign country benefits massively to the point that the only reason these animals haven't gone extinct yet is because of the economic benefits they bring
Being as I'm seriously disinclined to get doxxed by some of these raging faggots, you'll have to do without any of the pictures of me or the animals I took.
But here's a pic of the view from my room at Mt Etjo in Namibia. It was beautiful and no, the animals near the lodge were not for hunting (duh). They were basically so socialized that they were there for the phototourism side of it all and genetic diversity as needed for population building. Made for a beautiful view during the day though, though the noise at night was certainly.. exotic. Alien, even. Africa is fucking crazy but I highly recommend going if you ever have the chance, even if you're not hunting or anything.
But don't try to fly Air Namibia with rifles. It's a shit show, and simply not worth it. Either fly into South Africa and do some stuff there and head north into Namibia via truck or make arrangements with the hunting guides/outfitter to use their weapons if you're flying into Windhoek.
Sadly this is the only image I have of that trip but you won't find it on google image search so enjoy.
If you ever have the chance, I highly recommend the Tambuti wilderness hunts. Wonderful group of people and a wonderful operation.
>grab doodle by hips/hind-legs, fucking swing
>toss the cunt like a sack of potatoes into the buildings wall
>not even fucking phased I shit you not, and I heard his head fucking bounce
>i'm pointing and roaring at him, he's whimpering
I feel like a shithead laughing at this but gogdamn the mental image is making me chuckle like an idiot.
>doesn't clarify that he wants to talk about canned hunts
>can't understand why people would be talking about non-canned hunts
Be more precise with your language or get the fuck out you insufferable faggot.
>is it difficult to kill large African game
Unless you’re hunting some rare small deer then the only difficult thing is shooting them and dying.
Most the big things even lions aren’t afraid of humans. They’ll go on about whatever it is they’re doing while knowing you’re there.
Same with giraffes and most everything else.
It’s not difficult, it’s just exotic.
>over there’s a lion I shot in Africa, walked up to it and shot it in the head from about 25 feet with a .22 magnum
>there’s the head of a giraffe I beat to death with a stick after feeding it from a bucket
Hunting African animals isn’t really worthy of any positive attention. It’s kind of an asshole thing to do
Cry more, faggot
Dude I can probably beat you up
Have you been to Africa? No?
I have and yes, if I was some fat rich asshole there are "hunts" that are geared toward that but they're far fewer in number than much more ethical game preserves and the PH's and staff that put a lot of effort into managing and recovering a lot of the populations of threatened species.
Which often involves reducing populations of non-threatened species. I like hunting. I've hunted a lot of game animals in North America because I like the outdoors and I like fresh meat that doesn't have all the bullshit in it that storebought meat has and doesn't support the bullshit that slaughterhouse animals endure to keep McDonald's burgers $1 each.
So if you eat any meat at all, and you haven't been to Africa, I'd invite you to challenge your well-meaning but misguided opinion on this, and actually consider the simple numbers and truth of it all.
Africa is a big place and there's a shitload of fauna there. A lot of it needs management to reduce populations, some of it needs management to increase populations. Exotic hunts for North American and Europeans fund the majority of the real heavy-hitting conservation efforts in Africa.
The celebrity photo-stop virtue signalling gets a grant here and there but does not have an enduring and effective business model to keep game wardens, armed guards, etc out there to protect threatened species.
PS, going for a lion with a .22 Magnum is definitely not a good if you like your skin.
PPS, if you've eaten meat at any major restaurant in North America you've funded and supported a far more terrible and suffering existence for animals.
My understanding is that they go with guides who point out which sick/old/injured animal to shoot to aid in conservation. Might just be propaganda but I haven't been on any to say otherwise.
Not calling you a faggot just those who go out and kill lions and giraffes for fun
>I need to make everything about muh politics
Nobody is crying you autistic fag we just want some insight from anons who know more about how shit works out there
>unironic usage
Also, no, it's probably not that hard to pay people to literally do everything except for pull the trigger for you, what's hard is earning the money.
Dude your grandad looks like a little girl. Weird.
Is that with or without the six fifty caliber rounds inside of it skull? You're really glossing over the fact that the people are armed.
>Have you been to Africa? No?
Yes, I grew up in South Africa. There's broadly two kinds of hunting as far a sI can tell. Genuine hunting, where you pay a shitload of money to get a license to hunt as part of a cull, and you spend days tracking specific animals the rangers have marked out to be culled for age, ill health etc. etc. This is kind of a pain in the arse, and they specifically don't guarantee a kill because the animals are wild and they have the range of an area the size of Wales. Also there's huge demand for participation in culls, so the waiting list is huge and the rangers also lobby to stop it, because the foreign hunters are normally terrible shots and inflict needless suffering and the local animal welfare lobbies constantly try to shut it down.
And then there's the far more common "canned" hunts. These are basically like a local farmer has maybe like 10-20 KM square, on which he raises various game animals to be hunted. Then he drives rich tourists into the canned hunt kill zone, which is normally a fenced area surrounding a road, with the fences maybe a hundred yards from the road, just far enoughto be out of sight from the road. Then the animals to be hunted are driven into the kill zone and, having nowhere to hide are picked off by the hunters from their 4x4s driving down the road.
I'll be completely honest, I'm not really averse to either, although canned hunts seem sort of unsporting. mostly because hunting is big business and has a tendency to dump money directly into severely deprived, extremely isolated rural communities that desperately need it. Also the actual act of raising animals for hunts, directly works to preserve them which is kind of ironic.
Would I ever do it myself? Mmm not really. Not my scene. But it's a complex issue and both hunters and anti-hunters have alid points to make.
>Exotic hunts for North American and Europeans fund the majority of the real heavy-hitting conservation efforts in Africa.
Oh additionally this is total nonsense. As I noted, there is preservation related to hunting, but it only affects game animals and it's strictly small time.
The biggest conservation effort in Africa as a whole is the Kruger Park, which is driven mostly by non-hunting tourism but also by governmental grants, NGO funding etc. Additionally the largest portion of preservation funding comes from NGOs and the African governments themselves.
Here's a video that was on Carte Blanche a few years back about a pro cameraman who films canned hunts for tourists. It's kinda sad both for the lion that has to take dozens of shots, and for the elderly german tourist who is being taken for a fool by the operators. They shine him on by saying how lucky it is to see a lion when they know damn well it was released into the fenced in kill zone not long before.
Anyway watch the video, make up your own mind.
It's less fucked up than nature.
>Die slowly being strangled
>Die slowly from bleeding out
>Die being eaten alive
Not surprised the person saying longboi is a retarded kid who took the retarded bait.
They're not hunting them with M2's, and most dangerous game rifles are controlled-feed large ring mauser custom jobs that are chambered in wildly expensive sporting rounds like .458 Lott to ensure they have enough wallop to drop a creature that big. Shot placement is key and if you get it wrong, well, there's a seriously real chance of getting stomped into little bloody ribbony bits by a very angry Buffalo. And they do keep stomping until there's not much left.
My apologies on the presumption. I'm used to fielding that sort of criticism from overindulged early 20 somethings that have never left the metropolitan cities in the US. Clearly that is not the case with you.
I agree that there's an honestly pathetic lack of marksmanship with a sizeable percentage of hunters out there. Most hunters are not shooting enthusiasts, nor do they regularly practice with their rifles. Pair that with most of them being older and of mediocre health at best, and yeah, drive the truck there, find the animals close by, call it a day.
I was fortunate to get one as you called it 'genuine' hunt in Namibia. It took three full days of stalking but I got my Wildebeest, and lots of thorns from an incredible local bush they called a 'be there awhile' bush. It was a very awesome experience and it was the best part of the whole trip for me. But I enjoy that kind of stuff.
Please actually look into where those NGO's are getting those funds and it'll make both of our quite valid.