Which gun companies are shilling faggots that I need to avoid?
I know ruger and springfield are on that list
Which gun companies are shilling faggots that I need to avoid?
I know ruger and springfield are on that list
Century, Sig, HK
You mean because of Bill ruger? The guy who died years ago and didn’t like people having 30rd mags for the mini14? Because you know... he died years ago.
I have a C39v2, no probs yet.
Can I still buy a 10/22 or is that a no no now?
>I don't like ruger because people like their shit and ruger advertises their guns
you're literally a hipster
>he has a US made ak
Lmao you absolute pleb
I'm not that guy, but i dislike ruger because their QC is fucking abysmal
Yea centurys fine, but your gun is a tinker toy
You mean remington? I've never heard of Ruger QC issues. Remington QC issues on the other hand are well documented and are now notorious for being huge pieces of shit.
Ruger's pistols are shit. Their bolt guns are fine and so are the ar's the mini 14's run like shit
What the fuck are you talking about, Ruger has tons of great pistols. They make over a dozen different pistols. Which pistols are you talking about?
>their AR's run like shit
No they don't, they're AR's they're the same as any other AR in its price range, again how and what exactly?
>Mini-14's run like shit
The only mini-14 I've heard of having issues was their Mini-30's that pretty much demand you shoot brass 7.62x39 and doesn't like steel then again those are just anecdotes.
You really look stupid when you can't extrapolate on any of these things you think are shit.
No, Ruger just puts out a fuckload of varied product in a huge volume across multiple facilities. That's sheer odds. Now before you tell me some shit about glock, keep in mind that they only actually make about 3 variants. S&W on the other hand has no excuse and has worse customer service
more than any other company? No not a chance. They aren't kimber developing and selling literally 8 different 2 toned 1911's and another dozen configurations of 1911's all sold as separate things.
Ruger is good. Springfield is indeed a SHIT. Everything about that company makes me mad.
>they've never made an original firearm that I'm aware of
>support gun control
>their most popular gun, the XD, is a rebranded import, Springfield has fucking nothing to do with it at all, yet they slap their name on it
>their very name is a fucking lie. They have nothing to do with the Springfield armory that produced arms for the US military. Some asshole saw an opportunity and just registered the name Springfield Armory after the real Springfield Armory was shut down.
Sig is very questionable. If you get anything other than a metal framed hammer fired pistol from them, chances are you got ripped off.
>has had numerous recalls on their guns lately, including their ARs having a failure that would make them drop the hammer randomly due to parts just fucking breaking
>remember the 556xi? Shilled to hell here and everywhere else, then once it hit the market it was revelaed the gun did nothing it promised to do, and on top of that didn't work to begin with. Never mind caliber swapping, the gun couldn't even fire a mag of its native caliber without choking
>p320's drop safety failure was a known issue, yet Sig refused to announce it until someone got shot. They had already fixed the issue for the US military version, they just didn't want a recall to hurt their chances of winning the handgun contract
Truly a company that values its profits over its customers lives, not the sort of thing you want to rely on.
do you practice being dumb, or is natural?
>No, Ruger just puts out a fuckload of varied product in a huge volume across multiple facilities
So? Is that a bad thing they make a few different pistols for different sizes and wants? They make like a dozen pistols of various different sizes and calibers including sub-compacts, compacts, fullsize 9mm pistols, some different striker fired things and their own 1911's.
Their revolver line up is equally "varied" but according to you thats bad because having a slew of different size revolvers and calibers is somehow a bad thing.
Even if you get a lemon, they'll fix or replace it. They've got great customer service.
>glock only makes 3 variants
If you want a 9mm glock they literally have 5 different models, the G17, 19, 26, 34, 43, and the 45. Thats not including all their different variants on it including MOS, Gen4 MOS, Gen5 MOS, MOS FS, their new X thing
Thats not even looking at any other calibers they offer
Fun fact, Sig USA parts are subcontracted to a firm in India and the current CEO is the man who ruined Kimber; it's why we're getting such wonderful diversified product lines with such shitty QC and why they'll just straight drop a product line and not provide any support.
I had to RMA more Sig stuff (including legacy handguns) than literally any other brand in 6 years working a shop. Do not touch anything made in Exeter with a 10' pole, they are not the same company as Sig Sauer and do to some legal funnies are the same company in name only at this point.
3 slide lengths and a handful of sights and finishes don't count as different designs fuckwad. Kimber makes reskins of the same gun over and over using a design that's been around so long it nearly impossible to fuck up for a competent company
Read over that post again and point out where i said anything negative about Ruger at all.
With the volume that Ruger puts out while being the largest gun manufacturer in the US, their QC would have to be insane to reach something like the QC standards of a company like Barrett
That's only 3 real frame variations based on necessary thickness, plus 3 recoil setups between generation. Textures and slide milling mean fuck all in regards to the actual mechanical aspects of the guns. Its like J frame, L frame and N frame for them, Not hi power, GB and Px4
>0 results "IWI"
Jow Forums, son, I am disappoint
I've never heard anything bad about Ruger pistols. Also mini 14's seem to work just fine. Especially if it's post 580.
Imports are generally ok for the money, avoid anything they make in-house
Avoid anything with their name on it except for the West-German P226
stop being a poorfag
I had a lemon mkiv and they replaced it with extra mags. Mass produced things are bound to have a few lemons so I judge the company on how they handle that problem.
>very questionable
Borderline scrap metal
Any self respecting company shouldnt have as many recalls over and over and over
>3 slide lengths and a handful of sights and finishes don't count
oh thats not different enough so that doesn't count? All those pistols have different frames and some have totally different mags that go with them. By default glock has more variants than ruger does by a fucking mile.
>Guys I'm a newfag how can I pretend to fit in?
Lurk more dumb phoneposter.
The 9mm, 40 and .357 mag bodies are the same, the .45 and 10mm are the same and they have two single stack mags. The frame vary by 9/40, 10/45 and the 42 and 43 frames, other than that it's frame length and magazine length. Its all the same shit with minor adjustments to length and springs to which they've done nothing for decades until the gen 4 and 5.
Its not retiming revolvers for various calibers, having SAO autos, DAO autos, 3 seperate strikers, blowback .22s, a rimfire rifles, AR patters, Minis, M77s, Americans, scouts, and No.1s each with 5-10 variants each.
It's like comparing 5 different Ford focus models vs and entire Ford lineup. Ruger is a firearms manufacturer, Glock makes glock pistols
Dont fuck with me faggot, I will flood your board with retarded asinine nu-boi photos every day for a year
Fuck off shit stick i dont read your gay ass forum like old white women read the bible at church
Lurk more dumb phoneposter.
Alright bitch you asked for it.
When you start seeing floods of glock hate, caliber wars, 556 hate, and a plethora of other threads you faggots cry for days about, you will know its me
You and every other non-lurking dumb phoneposter.
Thats cool man I've owned them all and they suck ass. Blow your head off.
Really? You've owned every HK product, and they all sucked ass? Or are you just a triggered poorfag nigger?
Nah just a usp 45. Did not live up to the bombproof memes
Huh. That makes me kinda sad.
Wanted one
Calling people poor just because youre a retarded shitstick who cant spend money intellegently doesnt make you superior faggot
So, the same stuff that's already posted everyday?
Yeah the mini 30 was a dumb choice. Yeah if you run brass its fine but its basically half the point of the caliber is the cheap steel.
The thing doesn't have much of a point for existing because its basically interchangeable with cheap VZs, AKs, and SKSs. Not to mention its straight up outclassed by the .300 blackout Mini-14.
Springfield, HK, CZ, Canik, Ruger, S&W, Sig, Colt, Savage, Beretta, Daniel Defense, Bersa, NAA, Browning, Walther, Benelli, Mossberg, Remington, Glock, FN, Keltec, Weatherby, Tikka, POF, BCM, Steyr, Taurus, AI, Barrett, Anschutz, Magnum Research, IMI, IWI, Charter, Winchester, Saiga, Century, Marlin, Henry, Uberti, Taylors, Q, Sako, Zastava, RIA, NEA, Armalite, Bond, Delton, Charles Daly, Diamondback, SCCY, Thompson Center, Rossi, Tristar, IO, LWRC, Heritage, Grand Power, Chiappa, KAC, Weatherby, Iver Johnson - that's just a start
So basically anything but Hi Point
Explain please
>youre a retarded shitstick who cant spend money intellegently
And yet you just admitted you wanted a USP 45 until that other guy made his unsubstantiated claim about it not being "bombproof."
These companies are on my permanent boycott list. I will never take them off my shitlist. There's also few other companies I dislike but I'd still buy their guns if I like them.
Ruger: for all that low-cap mag bullshit that Bill Ruger is (in)famous for.
S&W: for sucking Bill Clinton's dick and for putting unsafe locks on their guns. I refuse to buy anything with a life-threatening lock. Also, they have the worst customer service in business.
Rock River Arms and Springfield Armory: for working behind everyone's back and funding anti-2A bills in IL.
H&K: for refusing to sell some (otherwise completely legal to own) guns to civilians.
Troy Industries: hired an anti-2A chicago cop
HS Precision: hired Ruby Ridge sniper Lon Horiuchi as a spokesman
CheaperThanDirt: massive scumbags who were price gouging everyone during the Obongo ammo crisis and have funded Schumer-Toomey-Manchin gun control bill.
Dick's: for being massive libtard dicks and banning AR-15s
Team Wendy: anti-2A cunt who gave money to Hillary Clinton and even invited her to give a speech and hold a fundraiser at her company
LaRue: Mark supported the bump stock ban, he's also just a gigantic piece of shit that stole product ideas from Noveske, Geissele, etc
Daniel Defense: for supporting gun control and "Fix NICS"
X-products: owner and his wife are anti-gunners and his wife organizes fundraisers for an anti-gun group
Turkish companies: I don't give my money to terrorists.
Israeli companies like ZAHAL, Meprolight etc : see above.
ANY company run by leftists/communists/democrats/illegals etc
YETI: for fucking over the NRA because of that Parkland shooting.
Google: for being dirty anti-2A jews who banned AR-15 and other guns from most of their shopping and other search results.
>H&K: for refusing to sell some (otherwise completely legal to own) guns to civilians.
Such as?
All of those are valid but 'ol Bill is dead and they ditched his dumb shit as son as it happened
>No rock Island Armory.
>No Auto ordnance.
>No Ohio ordnance.
So I guess meh teir M1911s and reproduction thompsons and BARs are A-Okay.
only buy old guns or support the new american companies like hi-point,PSA, hertiage arms and sccy
and his cuck company will pay for his bootlicking user
That's a dumb reason for ruger.
He's dead and the company freely sells 30 rounders for the rifle he was talking about.
Now they are much better. I even like what they did with their new PC9 carbine letting it use glock mags. Making it one of the few entries in the pistol caliber carbine market that has a decent magazine setup.
HK won't sell them because they tried and got stiffed by import bans twice.
Don't judge them for shitty laws fucking them. Judge them because people with disposable income buy them, act like they're grand shit and everyone can afford them.
>no mention of Beretta
I knew I made a good choice with my pasta gat