Rate This Shootout: Spooktober edition
>A 21-year-old man fatally shot by Las Vegas police officers last week may have been impaired and grabbed a gun before pointing and firing it at officers in an apparent suicide-by-cop incident captured on police body camera footage, authorities said Monday. The incident happened following a three-car collision at Rainbow Boulevard and Gary Avenue just after 7 a.m. on Oct. 10, Las Vegas Metro Police Asst. Sheriff Tim Kelly said. When LVMPD traffic Officer Kenneth Pillette and Officer Chad Betts arrived, two of the drivers said the third driver, suspect 21-year-old Kenneth Busse, appeared to be impaired. When Busse was asked by Betts to take a field sobriety test, Busse refused, run to a nearby bush and picked up a firearm he left there prior to officers arriving on the scene, Kelly said.

>Busse pointed the gun at Betts and fired a round at the officer, which jammed in the chamber, preventing him from firing more shots, Kelly said. Pillette, a 20-year veteran of the department, and Betts, a 19-year officer, fired a total of six return shots at Busse, striking Busse in the chest. Busse was pronounced dead at the scene. Kelly said further investigation showed Busse was suicidal, had made suicidal comments in the past and exhibited suicidal signs on the day of the shooting. The shooting was the 20th officer involved shooting for LVMPD in 2018 and the 10th fatal shooting incident.

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Anybody else glad that many cops wear bodycameras now just so we can see this kinda shit? I’ve watched hours of it.

>be mentally ill
>get shot

Wtf, shoots one handed so he doesn't drop his papers.

Also, doesn't take cover till he actually takes fire.

Absolutely. I'm glad its open to the public, both from me watching the video, and knowing people can train from these videos too.

Watched literally every video on police activity. It seems every video is ether a mentally ill white redneck, or a standard nigger. I like to see both die.

This guy was suicidal as fuck.

it was quite the casual shootout. No screaming, no dives and rolls from the cops, no huge mag dumps.

I miss the days cops would just mag dump into these pieces of shit. Good riddance and fuck that shitty beard.


The dude draws a gun and this cop just nonchalantly decides to lazily take one handed pops at the perp? Jesus christ dude... the guy has a gun out. Priority goes to DRAW>GRIP>SIGHT PICTURE>ENGAGE ENGAGE ENGAGE

That was the laziest shit I've ever seen. Also the fact that the cops retreated 20 feet away behind cover before engaging instead of committing to killing the dude..

Glad they walked away but they really came off lazy from their body cams.

he used his middle finger to pull the trigger too, lmao

that guy is useless
remember how fast and smooth that beaner was when he was pulled over by the two cops not so long ago? at least he tried, this guy however is pathetic

it's the 20th shooting for LVMPD this year. I'd imagine that they're just sick of this shit by now

>oh wow, another shooting

>Busse was pronounced dead at the scene. Kelly said further investigation showed Busse was suicidal, had made suicidal comments in the past and exhibited suicidal signs on the day of the shooting.
Looks like your stereotypical jock, why was his life so hard? He carried himself well when talking to the officer, didn't seem like a bitch or anything

still holding onto the pen at the end. good lord

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2/10 zero frags on cops and not even 3 stars
Behold a real hero:


>swear to god on my life
> life gets taken

>be human
>get shot

This one's better than that New York Post bullshit

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her wailing and moaning is so hot desu

weapon coolness: 6
duration of shootout 4
video clarity: 8
blood and gore: 6
officer accuracy: 9
quality of initial response to threat: 7.5
+1 righteous judge jury executioner
+1 officer lucky the gun jammed
+1 trash removed from human genepool

total= 43.5
sum/6= 7.25*

i give the shootout a 7.25/10 and on a personal note am very glad the officer is alright. i know there are scientific reasons for all things, but i like to believe God makes guns jam for criminals from time to time.

>The virgin tactical panic vs the CHAD CASUAL SHOOTOUT

you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

>never dropped his pen
>dropped a shooter with one pen hand grip
Fucking based lad.

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Why did they just not really see him as a threat?

did you even watch the video dumbass?

drops the suspect but doesn't drop his pen.

Very good grade system.

This is pretty fucking good grading system.

>puts two rounds into the perp
>immediately prioritizes moaning woman
>doesn't sweep perps weapon away
>doesn't immediately cuff the perp

women on the police force were a mistake

Honestly being a cop in Vegas, think of all the crazy shit you deal with daily, at that point just dropping some cunt in the desert is routine field work

weapon coolness: 8
duration of shootout: 5 (total duration/2)
video clarity: 10 (1080p)
blood and gore: 0
officer accuracy: 3.33 (2 of 6 rounds fired actually hit)
quality of initial response to threat: 2 (one handed pen grip, retreat before engaging)
+1 righteous judge jury executioner
+1 officer lucky the gun jammed
+1 trash removed from human genepool
-1 for one of the officers firing 4 shots, hitting NOTHING

total= 27.33
sum/6= actual score = 4.5

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Makes some sense, he's providing cover fire while the other cop makes his run around the truck.

>police activity
Absolutely based

fair enough for accuracy. i thought the other four shots were the perp and he put two center mass.
>weapon coolness: 8
nah. its a cool gun but it has to be a rifle/shotgun/ or really gucci pistol (like a custom 1911) to score 8+ and the plane jane sights just wasn't putting it up to seven for me.
>video clarity: 10
10 would be helicopter ultra HD capturing the whole thing but all in all i see your logic.

Kind of yes. While also no.
It seems like a good thing, and I go on binges of watching this stuff sometimes.
Personally I don't want all my interactions recorded as a matter of public record and openly available, people use to exploit FOIA stuff to stalk and harass people.

Although I think bodycams are sort of a good thing for police uniforms because it makes it more difficult/expensive for people to impersonate police officers.

>Tactical Panic
>>Been shooting at the range for 12 and a half years getting prepped, still freaks out
>>Wearing heaviest legal body armor possible because he thinks it'll save his life
>>Uses handgun in tactical holster, practices for maximum drawspeed
>>Fires three shots, none of which hits the target because shaky hands
>>Target subdued, arrested by other cop using taser
>>Goes in for counseling due to having killed in the field
>Casual Shootout
>>Just walked onto the force last week, got the job due to firm handshake
>>Showed up in a T-shirt and shorts because casual Friday
>>AK-47 stuffed down the front of his pants for intimidation factor
>>Resulting barrage consumes all ammunition in the state of Texas
>>Target is vaporized, police brutality impossible because no trace = no proof
>>Goes to bar with partner and talks about how awesome it was over beer and pretzels

Police Compilation is the real shit. Some Russian dude who compiles basically every OIS into montages and has background info in the description.

It's actually more common than you think to not drop what's in your hand when a defensive/LEO shooting starts. That's why you see gas station robbery shootouts with the defender holding a bag of chips in his left hand and magdumping into the perp with his right hand. John from Active Self Protection talks about this all the time.

I'm not even mad because I've been laughing my ass off this entire thread.

>tfw ywn be CASUAL SHOOTOUT chad

nice, gonna start watching now

This is a big concern in the IDF mixed units, iirc.

I brought this up the last time this video was posted here, female screams are 100x worse for morale and make all your men drop what they're doing and assist them.

She sounded more like she was getting fugged to me

Maybe its his lucky pen, don't judge.


Got a link?

Just search "police compilation" on youtube. That's the channel name. Can't link cos enemies of the lulz are watching me.

Heard an interview with a plain clothes tactical officer with Chicago police. Guys been in a lot of shootings and killed several guys. He said maybe only once or twice did he get two hands on his gun or what would be a good proper grip. Said most times he was shooting one handed due to having a radio or flashlight in hand or pushing someone. Pretty wild.

you're not gonna make it friend, but here you go

that was his fav pen and he didn't want to loose it.

The Pen holder missed it was the other officer that dropped him.

>it's the 20th shooting for LVMPD this year
america is a crazy place.
Police in Australia have like 5x OIS every year.

Truth is, the game was rigged from the start

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It's easier to not shoot people when they don't also have guns.

>i swear on my life
>ends up dead
really gets those neurons firing huh

>A hard Pillette to swallow
>All Betts are off
>Time to get Busse

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Skinwalkers and commies get the bullet too

Retarded. Cops and criminals in Vegas are both sub IQ goons. Shootouts every fucking day.

Another typical amerimutt whiteoid threatening 2A like always. Nothing of value of lost.

Sleep time, but gonna check that tomorrow.

He put a third into his head as he went over. don't think he was concerned with pablo after a head filled with a bullet.

Nope, that was a subhuman.

Didn't he miss EVERY shot he was lazily making with one pen-clutching hand?

Also, checked.


Wow that’s incredibly sexist I can’t even.

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post more people getting shot
I have such a desire for seeing someone blasted by a shotgun that isnt that terrible isis execution

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can you be next then

you missed him executing him as he came around

post more videos of people being shot
i cant watch anymore ASP videos

for the guy that asked about knives last thread
if you spend more than 50$ on a knife youre a sucker and probably enjoy trap porn
there are nice expensive knives out there
you can spend lots of money on a show piece
but for actually sharpened steel anything will work

It happens if hand to hand fights as well, watched a video of some guys that train with the Diaz brothers in Lodi get into a fight in vegas with some drunk fuck and this dude slips punches and takes the drunkard down and mollywhops him and keeps control of his drink in his offhand the entire time.

Thoughts on bush carry? how does it stack up to appendix?

Stop trying to shill your Ruko. No one cares.

He did him a favor.

yeah it's like drinking coffee with one hand and typing a report up with the other


Much better than this shitshow

I see he has mastered Snake's way of the CQB

>that execution
Totally justified, but he's really damn lucky that scumbag wasn't black. Poor guy would have lost his job.
He popped him in the head as he came around the car and the guy stopped twitching.

If you watch the video at .25 speed, you can actually see both fired slugs from the officer's gun as they're backlit by the rising sun.

Do you honestly think that making some guns illegal means that criminals don't have access to guns? A cop in my state here in Australia was killed last year by a methhead with a full auto SKS.

No, he wasn't

>You're leaning on your truck.
>Yeah, well YOU'RE leaning on my truck.

Nothing like the "NO U" defense when being picked up for DUI

god i wish i could find someone who would hold me and protect me just like this cop and his pen

the virgin by-the-books shooting vs. the chad casual combat


What the fuck is this guy doing


I'm glad it protects good cops from shitbags, and good citizens from shit cops.
Also watching shitheads like that guy get BTFO

>Shoots him instantly

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These brain trusts get out with weapons in their hands.
Its usually an instant death certificate for them.
Very stupid people.

It's not the weapon that gets me so much as the rolling around firing in random directions and possibly shooting himself at one point.

What fucking Chads, that was some of the most nonchalant gun fighting I've ever seen.

they never told him to get out of the car. they just said hands up and he got out of the car like a idiot.

nice spin attack

>ywn flash the bird to perps while shooting them
why even live

>be mentally ill
>fucktard Reagan closes all the state asylums so you get thrown out on the street
>police shoot you because you're sitting in a gutter drenched in your own piss flashing a knife at people and shouting about the lizard men living inside your asshole

He stuck his hands up first then got out of the car while he was being shot.

Fuck you moot
Meant for

wow what a baller officer bald guy. you can tell he practices at the range, just fucking caps the cholo gangster in the head as soon as hes visible. based. too bad he gets stuck with a useless chick as his partner