Jow Forums groups?

Y'all are gonna give me shit but I need reccomendations for Jow Forums related Shitposting groups on Facebook. I don't use Jow Forums much anymore and I got banned from >Implying We Can Discuss Weapons because all the admins are Zionists.

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Shut the fuck up faggot go back to /b/

Can confirm we are zionists, if you got banned you were probably being a retard

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You probably just got banned for being a retard
Go to 1911 Outlaws

Israel should be nuked

Ok Gayden

Probably because your mom's a hoe

Shut the Up fuck toggaf back to go /b/


The absolute state of this man

Attached: B15DB232-B76B-4930-88A7-5A1976982A22.jpg (422x960, 117K)

>going on Jow Forums to complain about normiebook

Attached: 014F7C23-6A38-42CA-A368-F12D7E514814.png (225x224, 5K)

If you get trips I’ll unban you

I'll let this pass

>"y'all are gonna give me shit"

You're damn right

Horrible bait desu

Edgy antisemitism is a ban, coming in afterwards and saying “I was only pretending to be retarded” won’t change that.

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i heard if you convince an Indian man to eat his own shit on film the admins will unban

Attached: C1054575-3B2C-4063-B258-9BA456F47B28.jpg (268x248, 55K)

I'll do it for a picture of you with a shoe on your head. I need more for my collection

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Send me trash

Pic related

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Those admins are niggerkikes reeeeeeeeeeee i eat shit peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenis

>is an edgy retard
>refuses to swallow pride, chooses to dig his heels in over being an edgy retard
>mfw somehow you’re still banned

Attached: 8389B3C8-0589-47B2-9C07-44090E527692.jpg (577x1024, 80K)

Fuck right off.

Attached: Sage spice.png (247x442, 176K)

Actual pic of OP upon getting banned for being an edgy Jow Forumsfag

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>got banned because of all the admins

Uhh sounds like you got banned for being an retard and not following the rules

I wonder how many times the admins need to say “this isn’t Jow Forums“ before the smoothbrains (OP) will realize that >implying isn’t Jow Forums

People break the rules without getting banned all the time ctfu

>not liking kikes makes you a le polnigger

Attached: ItsTheStormNiggersGoys.png (897x576, 51K)


Voicing political opinions in a group that specifically does not allow them makes you a polnigger. Seriously, what part of "don't get political" are you mentally retarded about?

>Jow Forums has become reddit and facebook discussion
jesus wept
I guess it's about time to leave here for good.

But op clearly broke the rules so

People who get banned for not explicitly breaking the rules get let back in. Even half of the mod team has been banned at least 3 times each.

Go on FB to >implying we can discuss weapons

Shit like this is why I'm able to stay away for weeks at a time now. Between the normies and Jow Forums shitting up absolutely every goddamn hobby board there's not much reason to come here except in the hopes of a rare good thread.

Considering that your mods apparently don't suck maybe that's actually the better option. What a fucking time to be alive.

How about you go into traffic

ow the edge

>Talking about facebook on Jow Forums
>Talking about /k on facebook
People like you are the reason Jow Forums is dead now. You will never experience the quality Jow Forums used to have because you bring down the level of discussion simply by being here.
Make like the retard from last night and get killed by cops please, it'll be the first thing you've ever done to help Jow Forums.

I'm not the op but ok

Does ur whole life revolve around Jow Forums

Much of my leisure time used to before it was flooded with newfags who have no business here but want to show off how much of a hip internet warrior they are on facebook and reddit.

Idk everyone is retarded nowadays. Might as well get over it and move on

Show Bob and peen juli