/msg/ Military Surplus General

Mannlicher edition.

Post surp, discuss surp, love surp.

Discord: discord.gg/TaqsnF9

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>Tfw no mannlicher
Oh well. Gun show this weekend, I hope I have some time off work to go because I actually have money. Usually there are some good deals on surp there, got a k31 for $300 last time. Best case scenario, I finally find that guy with the Haitian mauser. Worst case scenario, I buy a nice matching 91/30 with brass handgaurd caps that no one seems interested in.

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Haven't fired it in years.

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Everyone needs at least one Mannlicher.

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Maybe I'll buy an M.95 if I see one, frankly they haven't captured my attention. But, two months ago I thought that about mausers and now I have two.

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The problem with them, and all Mannlichers really, is ammo availability.

Which is easiest to load for? I just started out and I've only done .308 so far, with 30-06 being the next. As far as I understand one has hard to find bullets, the other has hard to find cases.

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I have the same problem on my 98k. When I put the safety flag to the left (not safe) the whatever-you-call-it piece gets sprung in by about 5mm and from then on of course you can't put the safety back on.
Not a huge issue since I don't use the safety. Makes it a bit of a pain in the ass to disassemble the bolt but if you have a table with the right thickness to use as a lever it only takes a few seconds to unfuck it.
My bolt is made of mismatched parts so there's probably something there but I'm too lazy to look into what exactly is wrong with it.

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Anything I should be looking out for on my first purchase of a mauser/springfield 1903? The mausers devolve into regions of origin etc and make my head spin. Any difference between large ring/small ring? Any mauser more desirable due to abundance of ammunition? And the difference between a 1903 and 03a3. Trying to wrap my head around all of this. Not a trophy going to be a shooting gun.

Probably 6.5x54 since that's available brass and 6.5 bullets are plentiful. Unless you count Mannlicher variants like the Type 30 or Gew 88.

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>have to wait 2+ months to buy a handgun in NJ
>have to do this every time you want to buy one
I want to die.
>shop has a luger in good condition at a good price
>they won't sell it unless I have the permit already

Try France
>miss out on several auctions because license took a bit too long to arrive
>finally get my papers
>buy a Czech Mauser on an auction site
>owner informs me that the site has to process the paperwork for the gun, that's the law now
>I'll get the gun within a week but the papers to make it legal will take 3-4 weeks
>whatever, go on another site and order a buttload of ammo for the new toy to be ready in advance
>"sorry sir, your ID and license are in order but we can't sell you ammo without the papers showing that you legally own a gun in the relevant caliber"
Photos to stay on topic, I'll post better ones when it arrives

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Which shop?

I'm sorry, Euro-friend.

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I finally bought a nugget because of this stupid board. All numbers matching, except the buttplate. Bore is dark, but with strong rifiling. Has been recrowned and counterbored. Stock in good condition. 1943 Izhevsk manufacture. Sling and bayonet included. $150

How'd I do?

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What a steal. People shit on them, but I think they're fun. Nice job, it'll be a great shooter.

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>Any difference between large ring/small ring?
Yes. All pre-Model 1898 smokeless Mausers are small-ring; while 98s and later can be either large-or-small-ring. Fundamentally it just refers to the outer diameter of the receiver ring: 1.3" for small and 1.41" for large.
>Any mauser more desirable due to abundance of ammunition?
Any of them in 7.62NATO (Israeli Kar.98k, Chilean M1912/61, Spanish FR8) and .30-'06 (Norwegian Kar.98k) followed probably by the 8x57mm rifles, then 6.5x55mm, then 7x57mm, then 7.65x53mm, then the black-powder calibers.
>And the difference between a 1903 and 03a3.
1903 has all-milled parts; detachable floorplate. Gas vent on right-hand side of receiver ring (second larger "Hatcher hole" vent on left of ring introduced in 1936). Rear sight is mounted on the barrel forward of the receiver ring; folding ladder with fixed battle sight 547yards when folded; two notch and one circular aperture on sliding sight elevator adjustable to 2800 yards. Entire sight ladder is screw-adjustable for windage. Stock has either straight wrist with grasping grooves, or pistol grip "C" shape (introduced in 1929 on M1903A1). Stocks may have one, two, or no reinforcing bolts depending on date of manufacture. Barrels are 4-groove. Made by Springfield Armory, Rock Island Arsenal, and Remington Arms Company.

03A3 has stamped barrel bands, stamped triggerguard with non-removable floorplate. Single gas-escape vent on left side of receiver ring ("Hatcher hole"). Rear sight is mounted on receiver bridge; single circular aperture adjustable by ramp for elevation 200-800 yards and screw knob for windage. Stock has no grasping grooves and may have either crossbolts or threaded rod for reinforcement around action. Stock may be S-type with straight wrist, C-type with pistol grip wrist or "Scant" style with partial pistol grip wrist. Barrels may be 2, 4, or 6-groove. Made by Remington Arms Company and L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriter Company.

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We Mannliching?

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Thanks, I really am looking forward to shooting it.

Very good in todays market.


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There's a local militaria auction coming up this weekend and while it's mostly deactivated grenades, uniforms, and knives, there are a few guns in there. To be specific, there's an M48 BO and a pair of Nagant revolvers, all in excellent condition. What is a good price for a nagant revolver in excellent condition these days? And I already have two yugo mausers but this BO will sell for around $200 so should I snag it with the nagant or just stick to the nagant? The nagant will probably sell for around $250.


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>Can’t handle extra recoil
>Calls us manlets

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Slight edit,
There's a few guns yhat caught my eyr. The majority of the guns are just older commercial rifles, shotguns, and pistols with some mis matched late war type 99s. The M48 BO and the revolvers are all matching too.

The fuck is this meme? How do people think height has any affect in recoil?

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When will they learn?

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thanks pal

Noguns spouting off as usual, it's about technique and weight. Any shooter knows.

I recently got a Type 14, have a Type 95 Gunto on the way, and will likely be getting a Type 99 later this week, I'm really excited for the Type 99 its complete with a monopod and aircraft sights.
Does anyone else get a weird craze or go on a shopping spree for milsurps of one particular country? I love this feeling!

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>Nogunz everyone look nogunz!
How new are you?

Newer than u faggit

Good answer

tfw you don't know what you are.

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Hers one of mine.

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I've only got these two.

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HAHAHAHAHA he purposely misspells Man-licker as "Mannlicher" I get it!

I consider them Mannlichers because the action is, mostly, one, albiet very simplified.

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Post your Man Liquor, sonny boy.

I don't know what to get next.
It's not that I don't have a rifle I really want, it's that there are too many to choose from and they all have the same sense of urgency.

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This Mann is rough, pretty smooth though.

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No Mannlicher, but do 303.

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That's fucking gorgeous dude. But, no leather sling! Web sling only to be right!

Thanks! It's a 1947 Faz. As for the sling, I know... I just love 1907 slings.

Gonna be bidding on a Enfield No2 Mk1* soon. I'm probably just gonna shoot PPU .38 S&W out of it if I win. Anyone know of any sources for .38/200 other than hand loading?

It is a nice sling I'll admit. I do wish my 43 LongBranch had a brass butt. Though I suppose she makes up for it by being a dirty blond. Same dude, btw.

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Why shoot 38? Just wanting light range loads?

No4 posting

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No.2? They went from one to 4 for anything that was officially produced and not a trials rifle. So you mean a no.4?

I am jealous of the fluted hand guard... I know I could get one off of liberty tree if I really care to, but still...

That matching, ribbed handguard...

It's a revolver, you fucking know it all cock sucking faggot.

Anything with a number matches. It's pretty.

I haven't popped off any of the furniture to see if my stuff is matched or if it's a refurb. I know the bolt and receiver aren't matched. Butt is probably a swap out for personal fitting during training.

I had to do a full strip when I go it, caked in cosmoline. I'll never remove a Lee's buttstock again so long as I live.

Why, a Mannlicher of course. You already have 3 Mausers.

Yeah, you need to be careful as fuck pulling apart a no.1 or a no.4 Almost more so since while simpler, it's just much easier to fuck up. As it stands my barrel is tensioned just right. Springs right back into place when it shifts and does so under light pressure. Meaning this is probably before the stage that they started floating the barrels.

Sadly some fuck tried to refinish my mag, so I can't tell if it matches if I wanted to.

Did they buff/grind the numbers?

Yup. Smooth as a baby's bottom aside from the patina on top of the bluing.


No.4 posting too

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Steyr Mannlicher 1896 carbine
for the cavalry. rebarreled in .22 when
the original 6.5 became obsolete,
used as trainer. got it for 280,- funny eurobills.

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my second m95 long rifle.
was a good deal for 250,-.

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Here's the mag.

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how are ishapore 2a1s?


I'll be honest in that I don't really like the look of the 7.62 nato mags in no.4 conversions. I like the curves of the .303.

I once saw a catalogue from the 60s claiming Dutch Mannlichers were the worst bolt action rifles of the war. Was that bullshit or are they that bad?

>Was that bullshit or are they that bad?
Bullshit. The Carcano is objectively the worst bolt-action of any war.

1916 pride world wide

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Family photo.
Is not hard to own guns in Spain. There is a lot of bureacracy but nothing imposible.
Handguns are a whole diferent league tho.

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Bullshit. They have problems and aren't the best, but they're still capable rifles.

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that 1893 carbine is sweet.
that semi auto russkie is even sweeter.
i hope all these old military semiautos
become legal with the new laws here in austria.
ar15s and augs are perfectly legal,
but a garand or an sks are satanhitler reborn evil.
funny, eh?

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but not because of the basic construction.
it was thy typical italian fail to organize that
made the carcano the only military bolt action of its time, that was produced in great masses but never ever had a sniper variant.
reason: inconsistent bullet diameters and bore diameters, enough accurwcy to hit a mans chest... but nothing more.

They can have issues feeding, and the wood can be shitty, but they'd neat overall

Just blew all my damn money on a shortboi and a longboi. Photos soon

Not here as long you don't load more than 5 rounds in the magazine(even if it allows more) you can even have AR15.


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Found a S marked Danzig g.88 with turk marked bolt for $300 worth?
same guys got a Steyr Kropatschek, 1886 dated for $450

I've been wanting a WW1 rifle so I'm really tempted on the g.88

>post ww1era carabine.
>straight bolt handle.
>more drop and recoil than 7mm

>8mm stronk
That's about it I guess. It's not a standout gun, I just like the rare crest.

Neither the M1943 nor the M1916 are carbines. They are short rifles.

If you dig that kind of aesthetics its fine.
But historically comes from a time in wich Spain decided to use a lot of surpluss from other conflicts.
Such this panzer.

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IMO that makes it cooler

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Get a Steyr M95, those are fun.

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Oof no more 'surp for me this month.

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I said that twice last month and almost immediately after found a good deal.

"I'm not buying anything, I'm just looking around"
That's exactly what I told myself right before I walked into the store that had this. My willpower towards surp is sadly lacking.

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Well I just spent all my formerly-disposable income on vehicle maintenance but if you see any good deals on a Berthier 07-15 infantry rifle lemmie know.

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So two things I am considering shopping for are a continuation of my comm bloc collection, or a bolt action that functions decently. I have mosin, sks, tok, mak, and nagant revolver. Is there anything russian I am missing that isn't super expensive like the svt? Or alternately, what are decent bolt actions? I have the mosin and an m95, and both can be little bastards to cycle, m95 especially.

Any Mauser Derivative, A Lee Enfield is among the smoothest outside of mannclichers.

As much is it is 'murican history. I don't think I'll ever bother owning a 1903 unless its an 03A3. Because I want to shoot my rifles, and dear god are those rear sights far forward from the cheekweld.

Lol what cheek weld?

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Yeah, that's the other thing... It doesn't fucking have one. Which I don't understand.

After I get mine sure.
Sure they do.

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