Will any of you guys even try to catch a nigger who steals your wallet? Let's all be honest here, shooting people who run away from you usually never works, because their adrenaline allows them to shrug off pain like it's nothing, unless you can get someone in the head who is actively running away from you or unless you have anything more powerful than a 9mm or 45ACP, you're not stopping that nigger unless you run faster than him. So how would you try to catch someone who steals your wallet? How many of you actually know how to sprint long distances? What about running away from an angry crowd of people? Surely you won't be carrying enough rounds to stop an entire 5000 rioters.
How fast can you people run?
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My bullets can go faster than the future lawyer. If you don't want to get shot don't steal my stuff plain and simple.
>mr user it appears you shot drayquarious lincoln in the back 18 times
>"It was dark"
Why run after them when my little friends run at 1200 fps?
Just shoot them a couple times, one in the front after the first one in the back, say it spun him around
>whaddya mean I shot him in the ass?
>sweartagod I thought that was his face.
>Surely you won't be carrying enough rounds to stop an entire 5000 rioters
Just where the fuck do you think you are OP?
Sustained speed of 12 miles per hour, 17 if I have to sprint like a madman, but I'd be horribly out of breath afterwards.
6:50 1 mile. Im ok but i could be better.
Probably a commie shithole like LA or NY
A pelvis or heart shot will drop them nearly as quickly as a brain shot.
>17 mph sprint
you fucking what
That user is actually dog. He let it slip.
>not shooting him in the front before he steals your wallet
around _____ never relax
How do you even carry that many rounds in the first place? The weight of the magazines and cartridges will weigh you down so much unless you have a cartridge loader.
>not wearing pants so tight tyrone will feel gay if he tries for your wallet
IT doens't even look like that guy is in the middle of running. It looks like he just let loose a bowling ball and he's cashing in on the stares from the turkey he thinks others care about
>So how would you try to catch someone who steals your wallet?
That's really not a huge concern for me. I don't carry much cash and the only way you're getting my wallet without physically neutralizing me down is if you pickpocket it, in which case I wouldn't even know it happened. If someone does successfully steal my shit I would just cancel my cards, dispute the charges and call the cops.
>Surely you won't be carrying enough rounds to stop an entire 5000 rioters.
5000 people are going to be trying to get me specifically? The real predators in riot situations are going to be small packs of lightly armed (like with bats and maybe a pistol or two) youths who are looking for an easy target. A couple shots in their general direction and they'll fuck right off. Nobody (much less thousands of people) is going to charge into gunfire just to bother an unimportant person like me.
>being this much of a keyboard kommando
This cop was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison for shooting a drunk and high nog who grabbed his taser and tried to run away several times. What makes you think you're gonna get off without all the advantages the police have?
Jow Forumsacks
>not carrying 2 wallets.
>not giving Tyrone a fake wallet with fake ass 100$ bills with martin luther king jr on it with king nigger under him.
I can do two back to back 6 min miles, but I’m gassed at the end. I can do 3 back to back 8 min miles and I’m okay after. I can do 5+ back to back 10 min miles no problem. My goal is 3 consecutive 6 min miles, which is tough.
t. Jow Forums bro
It's called living in a state with less than .7 percent nog's. Don't have to worry about em and if I ever need to, there's lots of land for dumping bodies.