i bought myself a Glock 17 Gen5 MOS which i will get in november.
Now i'm in for a trijicon rmr 06 type 2 for said glock. Man...are these fuckers expensive in germany. Round about 800€ which is 921$. These sights cost like 500$ in the us.
Is there a shop in europe where i can purchase them cheaper?
I aldready have a Docter sight on my shotgun and it is working. But it's total impractical, because you need the sightcover to adjust brightness/switch it off and you need a finicky screwdriver to adjust it. So thats a nogo for me.
US bros...is there a shop in the U S and A who send sights to europe/germany?
Best regards.
My old Glock gen 4 will be attached to a FAB KPOS scout so the wifey can handle it better.
I'm sure you could find a trustworthy Jow Forumsomrade to help you out, I'd offer myself but I'm on vacation. Otherwise there are trans-shipping services which offer a US postal address and then ship onwards internationally
John Wilson
US products are more expensive in Europe because there is shipping & handling, custom charges, importer margin, shipping & handling 2, seller margin, and of top of that there is 20% or so of VAT.
Kevin Hernandez
Yeah, i understand why its so expensive. But i just want to safe 200€...that would be another 1000 9mm for training. Maybe somebody have some super cheap shop of whom i'm not aware of :)
yeah, i appriciate that. But i don't want to geht you guys into trouble for trying.
>find a trustworthy Jow Forumsomrade to help you out that could actually really get yall into trouble, not because of customs bullshit or VAT, but because of ITAR stuff... I was thinking about "organizing" myself an ACOG for my AR that way but apparently those (well the good ones anyway) are not allowed to be shipped outside the US by anyone. At least that was my understanding at the time.
On a related note, will Hudson firearms ever get into international shipping?
Aaron Reed
Yeah, thats the problem. I don't want to get anybody into trouble just for a saving of 200€.
But maybe if you order a cheapo airsoft rmr from evike for 30 bucks...put the trijicon rmr into its package and then send it to europe?
sounds good...what will you custom office add to your delivery?
Brandon Lewis
The standard is 2 mags. The only Glocks that come with 3 mags are Blue Label's. Not sure if you guys have that program in yurop.
Adam Scott
Have you checked Brownells Deutschland? Their service is pretty shit though.
Brandon Anderson
>The only Glocks that come with 3 mags are Blue Label's. not true, about 2 years ago I bought a G17 Talos Glawk and it came with 3 mags
Tyler Reed
Not European, but putting those sights on a shitty glock is like putting $750 rims on a $500 dollar p.o.s. Cadillac. You have literally no need for it. Just get a Sig Sauer with good sights and be done with it. It only have rmr on my precision guns that are at least $1300. Use that money for a better gun.
Liam Morgan
Wut? Every RMR i see ist mounted on a glock. Don't know what you are talking about, son?
1. slide mounted sights are shit for competetive shooting, get a regular tube on a sight rail 2. look into C-more, they are way less expensive 3. buy used
Julian Bell
>Now i'm in for a trijicon rmr 06 type 2 for said glock.
I would say wait for the Aimpoint ACRO which will make the Trijicon RMR’s somewhat obsolete.
>t. some faggot with 2 Trij RMR06’s Ignore that dipshit. Red dots are the future of handguns. Same way we see everyone using dots on rifles, seeing the same thing happen starting with red dots and it has been a thing for a while. The Aimpoint ACRO is going to be released soon and has a closed emitter with nearly the same dimensions as the MRDS. The ACRO is really going to be the first ‘matured’ pistol specific red dot, highly suggest waiting for that instead of getting a Trijicon.
Aaron Cowan and Scott Jedlinski have good articles on why red dots are great. Now, you live in Europe so your Glock may or may not be for self defense and if it’s not which is most likely the case; red dots let you focus on one focal plane (the target) and let you shoot faster and more accurately.
Or you could try the Steiner MRS. Closed system, better adjustment screws, but I don't know about the mount. Should be able to use the Docter base though.