Is 16” too short for 308?

Is 16” too short for 308?

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No 16 is around ideal for the greatest cartridge ever invented

>is 16” too short?
It isn’t too short for your mother.

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Yes. Now fucking grow a pair and get a 20” barrel. Or accept your 16” .308 is a glorified .30-30... that powder needs room to burn...

Size matters

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I think 20" is too short. Look at ballistics charts, and see if 22 or 24 is better for what you will actually use the gun for.

I don’t want a long ass barrel though.

What caliber gives me 308 punch in a 16” barrel?

Seriously did everyone that posts like this get brain damage in 1999? That's the only reason I can think of for why they post ancient your mom jokes like school children.


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>too short
It’s dont.

You lose about 100 FPS going from 20” to 16.5”. Oh wow, it’s fucking nothing. On the other hand, having a shorter rifle nets huge gains in rifle portability.

>it’s dont.

Short barrels are ridiculous. All the more reason us bullpup fans are right. Get used to the trigger pull and the overall handling, and you can get a firearm with a 24 inch barrel that is shorter than a standard configuration with a 20 inch.

18” is pretty much the sweet spot for .308

>It's don't
Is this a new meme or are you just the same boomer I keep seeing in different threads

.357 Magnum?

I thought that was 20"

It’s about as short as you want to go.

WOW So much more portable for going from muh closet to muh car trunk or truck bed and to the range and back. Sure sucks clunking into walls and trying to fit this long ass musket thing in my Nissan Versa! Going 16" was so worth the extra decibels for me and everyone around me!

>velocity mediocre
>bullet weights mediocre
>never used by serious marksmen as long range precision is inferior to dozens of other cartridges

They're nice because they're cheap.

t. Neverhunted

Cherry pick the 100 FPS from the best load
>it’s don’t
Yeah no look velocity drop off will be based on a large number of factors but at muzzle velocity doesn’t compare at 700 yards where a difference of 100 muzzle really starts to drag off.... 16” barre is loud, and in effecient for the .308 win. 20” is more ideal. If you want to debate this Shit sure but you will be transonic much earlier with a 16” barrel and the lighter more common 150gr loads will suffer at long ranges seeing more deflection and slamming into the trans sonic wall earlier. 100fps matters when you shoot over 500 yards that and the almighty ballistic coefficient. That you and everyone around you will be deaf as you. It’s why 6.5mememore is making its rounds

Listen, kiddo. Some of us need to worry about stuff like weight, pointability, and maneuverability in a CQB environment when it comes to choosing a weapon system. If your giant musket of a 20" rifle works just fine for you when you're shooting paper at 100 yards inside your air conditioned indoor range that your mother drove you to, good for you. But for those of us who are actually serious and do MAN SHIT with our weapon systems, we need the best. And I guaran-goddamn-tee you that when we are doing said MAN SHIT, nobody is going to be complaining about some EXTRA LOUD SCARY NOISE! If the sound of gunfire scares you so much, stick to watching videos on YouTube, kid. You can control the volume there :)

yes. 20 inches+ or bust. 100+ FPS matters when its something point and heavy.

Even if afghanistan it was proven time and time again, the short barrels caused the rouse to loose effective range and "ice pick" people at a distance.

The portability meme is fucking stupid. The dismounted fighting meme is FUCKING STUPID. Its not hard to carry a full length into combat or an armed environment. Not everyone is gonna be high speed low drag CQC mr delta elite.

I'll trade utility and practicality for a half pound of material every fucking day.

>20 da best guyth

what is the darpa xm3?

>hurrrr darpa gun best gun hurrrr
So a Remington 700 ? Really ? Notice how we are moving to these big ole .338 lapua mags for our range shooting.. it’s almost as if BC and muzzle velocity matter for shooting distances...

seeing as how my .308 has and will be used for hunting in woodlands and will almost certainly not be seeing frontlines of combat action I'll ake a 16-18 inch barrel 308 every time. And I own a 16.5in vepr in 308 and a bolt with an 18 inch barrel.

No, it's perfectly fine unless you're a retarded boomer that refuses to acknowledge reality.

But the .308 is for a different function. I have 16 inch rifles for cqb.

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this. use an intermediate caliber for shit under 200 yards. use 308 for shit past that

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Your mom is so ancient her last name is Osaurus.

.308 Winchester is already slow. Having a short barrel will only make the problem worse.

Why do people buy superformance ammo for 100 to 200 more fps? Because they need or want to. Clearly there's a bit more to be had past 20". I have rifles for short need stuff.

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>never shot a .50

>what is the darpa xm3?
A bad as fucking rifle that fucks with the average Jow Forumstards head since the majority have no real world experience at targets that shoot back.
There is also less oscillation with a shorter barrel.

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100% chance that op will never shoot his 308 because it's too loud and too heavy recoiling. How could it compare to spraying 223 at 50 yards?!

>If its out of an AR10 get a 20 incher like a man
>if its out of a hunting rifle or something similar just get it as long as you can

i want an 18" rifle for hunting out of a small blind with 4 windows. is 18" too short for 6.5 creedmoor?

Are we combining Ordnance Board fuckups today?
Put me down for 5.56 in a 12lb wooden rifle with an Ugg boot on the end.

This has to be trolling. Limbsaver on a 5.56?


I think the average size is around 5 or 6". You'll be fine

we need to go shorter

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New meme. Sorry you missed the thread.

Shut the fuck up fags yall dont do shit.
Fat fucks mad you got btfo by a realist.
Please upload a webm of your training so we can all laugh.

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How does .308 perform out of shorter barrels than 16"?
For example, an 8" or 10" barrel?

Looking at getting a PTR 51P for nothing but shits and giggles purposes and will only be shooting it at 300 yards or less and I have no idea what to expect from .308 in that barrel length.

Lol it makes for faster follow up shots, I ain't even mad cause manlets have to cock rooster bandy when my 6ft 3in is around lol

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Size doesn't matter as long as you have a large ammo capacity.

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>hurhur im 6"3 manlyman with a limbsaver on a gun that 7yr old children can shoot with ease
Holy fuck youre pathetic.

RIP Dugan

it could be for length of pull

16 inches is perfect for any semi auto. If its a bolt I don’t see a reason to have less than 20.


Going from 24" to 18" it depends on what grain you're using, but with 6.5 CM you lose 120-160 fps. With .308 you lose about 90-120 fps.

168gr out of .308 goes about 2525 fps.
142gr out of 6.5 goes about 2560 fps, the 120 gr 6.5 goes about 2760 fps. All out of 18" barrels.
Those numbers are with using match grade target ammo with slower burn rates (especially in 6.5). The 6.5 has a lot more to gain than .308 if you start going up to like 22 or 24" barrels. A 147gr .308 is only 20 fps slower than the 120gr out of 6.5 with an 18" barrel. If you aren't using longer barrels you're getting almost the same velocities with less grains/diameter and limiting your ammo selection. There's less recoil and decibels though.
If you're shooting out of a blind you aren't going to care about the superior bc of 6.5 because you aren't shooting 800+ yards. 6.5 looks really nice for long range shooting, but I don't understand why people go for it in 16 or 18" barrels, .308 doesn't even kick hard, they are loud as hell out of 16"ers though.

You know you can use expanding ammo as a civilian, right?

Yes it's for length of pull ergonomics and so I can get good groupings when doing some movement drills. It's not to save a limb, lol!

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