Anyone has some good content on this topic? Been kinda curious about any sort of plataform of a MLRS that has been adapted for AA tasks.

Attached: USMultipleRocketLauncherM270MLRSCamomb3dmodel034.jpgFA47E9E5-7E90-4F46-AA22-F01D8CAA47AFOriginal.jpg (1480x800, 86K)

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No. That’s retarded. Stop being retarded

Doesn't it imply a radar, a guidance system, missile modifications?

>launch one missile
>get weaseled

You would have to design a completely new missile and fire control system, not to mention new radar assets.

You can adapt the vehicle platform for AA duty but the MLRS equipment would be tossed out. says the truth, the whole thing would require brand new systems integration that would probably give little benefit as a whole.

The other posts are right, but your argument is essentially that all AA, not just some retarded MLRS-conversion but ALL AA, is outdated because it'll get weaseled? You're fucking retarded.

The easiest way would be to get another vehicle to serve as the actual target acquisition and shit and just use the modified MLRS as a launcher

or you could just make a purpose built launcher and shit that will do the job better

The Best you could do was make it into a launcher for AA missiles.

This would require you to build a new missile. New radar and fire control for said vehicle. like said

The Patriot missiles do this much better. And the Air Force does the patriots job most of the time.

I think the point user is making is that the purpose of an mlrs is fire density and that's completely pointless if your doing shoot and scoot with hostile air.

Same chassis; but instead of the launch box, put on a Radar / Command / Ammo / Machine Shop.

>Multiple Launched Raket System
>Not guided
>For AA

Why not just bring out the flak cannons?

MLRS do launch guided rockets and missiles.

>Chinese MLRS are guided

GTFO Chink. Learn to english.

>hurr chink

Nigger what?


I read years ago about Brazilians making a deal with the French to use the ASTROS platform to launch CAMM missiles. Never heard of it again.

This thread is full of people who don't know shit. HIMARS has had successful tests firing AMRAAM and there is interest in a 'common launcher'.


Attached: download.jpg (280x180, 5K)

For SHORAD, something new like MML is more likely--you want your arty to focus on arty tasks, which require them to be in different places than where you need SHORAD systems.

This same platform already launches cruise missiles.

Attached: file.png (1024x724, 953K)

That's not how an AA network works.

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (1000x541, 141K)