Have the means to purchase a gun but still living at home and mother is against having guns in the house...

Have the means to purchase a gun but still living at home and mother is against having guns in the house. Should I buy one and simply hide it? I mean, she can't stifle my liberties like this fellas.

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Move the fuck out and respect your moms wishes for her own home, no matter how faggy they are

>Should I buy one and simply hide it?
That's pretty much what I did when I bought my first gun. Sometimes it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

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dumb frogposter


God that must suck being underage. You must be the first person in the history of the world that has had to deal with your particular problems.

Point to the spot on the doll that got hurt when the adult told you "no". Move out and start your life you pussy

Disown your mother. Cut off all contact with her.

Instead of spending the money on a gun, how about you save it to move out of your fucking parent's house like the functional adult that gun owners should be?

>spending your hard-earned money on rent so you'll have a little left over to shoot some .22lr every month during the few hours you're not working
>not living in your mom's basement and using your government-provided autismbux to buy good guns
Stay mad, wagecuck.

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honestly ur right i moved out of my parents house and it fucking sucks i have to wake up at 5 every day and commute to work all my money gets spent on fucking rent and bills and the government takes like 20% of my money and gives it to niggers. when i was a neet i could just sleep all day or go fishing and hunting whenever i wanted it was great

This. It's your mom's rules.

I don't drive so I cant get to a FFL to buy a fucking gun.

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Damn I know this fucking feel, but I'm a man so my life is made to just be pure suffering. No one said life would be good. Oh well!

become a neet and get on autism bux, $700 a month tax free, and if you make under 50k you pay $0.00 in federal taxes thanks to trump.

Have been a neet for 2 years what is this autismbux you speak of and how can I get it?

if you have enough money to own a gun but you don't live on your own you should really have other priorities.

right because 1.4k a month in rent without utilities,groceries, transportation costs is so much more affordable than guns that sell for like a hundred bucks. wtf planet do you fucking people live on?

Not living with your parents is more important than buying a gun. I want to live in a society where someone like you is embarrassed to make this post. You have no desire for personal liberty at all. Not only do you disrespect your mother, you disrespect yourself.

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You want to be independent but you will not allow your own mother her independence. Gen Z is doomed to live with their parents forever.

t. doesn't employ other people so they can buy their own place

Not op but I live and work on a farm with my parents why would I move when it will eventually be mine?

She doesn't have to house your ass either

You are an adult. You have established residence in your mothers home whether there is an agreement or not. You have the same rights as you woukd if you were renting an apartment. You do as you like if she has a problem with that then she has to go to court and have you evicted that way.

Negitive, he has established residence. She must go through the courts to evict him. Read a book nigga.

Depends which country he resides in

If hes not american he should just kill himself.

this, how you gonna respect a weapon if you can't even respect your mother

My guns have never lied to me. My mother told me i could be anything i wanted to be.

Living with your parents is merely a microcosm for the oligarchic hell the rest of us live in. It's your democratic duty to become a one-man insurrection. Either she makes way for the future or you send her to the guillotine.

>doesnt drive
>lives with mom (note: not "parents")
>ive got money for a gun, has $100

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I can't argue with any of this. Storm her bedroom and seize all the guncotton in her top drawer.


>she can't stifle my liberties like this fellas
Your mother isn't the federal government. It's her rules, dickhead.

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