Help me understand this:
According to all sources I can find, gun laws are getting looser and better for owners everywhere, except in Commiefornia.
So what is everybody whining about all the time?
Help me understand this:
According to all sources I can find, gun laws are getting looser and better for owners everywhere, except in Commiefornia.
So what is everybody whining about all the time?
>According to all sources I can find
How about you share them?
Last link was
>Help me understand this:
>According to all sources I can find, gun laws are getting looser and better for owners everywhere, except in Commiefornia.
>So what is everybody whining about all the time?
Texas is fucking BS. The literal Come and Take It + fuck you the Alamo is ours state. When Normies think of cowboys & indians or guns they think of Texas.
Yet it will never be a Constitutional Carry State due to all the old white democrats and republicans being afraid of non-whites owning guns.
Its about to get worse than commiefornia here in wa probably real quick.
What is the best city in the United States, for someone who hates all weapons and rejects the army?
Texas is odd.
Everybody assumes it is as free and unregulated as Alaska and the like, but it is is quite heavy on the regulations and always has been.
I browse Jow Forums since 2009 and I have seen literally 9001 trillion posts like yours, yet laws (again with the exception of Commifornia) are generally getting looser every year.
The only thing mass shootings and the likes seem to cause are temporary spikes in sales, but like clockwork you will see a wave of "ohmergard dey will take our funs!!!1!!1!!" threads.
Is it all a meme?
>Texas is odd.
And they are all "fuck yeah Wyatt Earp's a badass, Shootout at the O.K. Corral" when it was a literal disarming of the populace situation.
any city in a country other than the US would be a good start
Because the neoliberal portion of the media has beem gradually stepping up the intensity of their antigun rhetoric. Some people buy into it. Not because they are explicitly anti-gun, but because they want the shootings to stop and they have been sold false lies on how to stop it. At the end of the day its still just rhetoric. "Gun control" as neoliberals would have it is in its death throes. Worst thing that i can see catching on in foreseeable future would be raising the age for semi-autos to 21 and red-flag laws. Thats it.
>yet laws (again with the exception of Commifornia) are generally getting looser every year.
Except that's completely wrong. Laws with respect to concealed carry permits have gotten looser over the last 30 years, but in the last 10 years several states have passed mag capacity limits, tightened background check and private sale requirements, raised age to purchase, and other restrictions. Several cities and towns have also passed "assault weapon" bans and changed rules about open carry. More importantly, the left is agitating for an AWB, semi-auto ban, or repeal of the 2A louder than they have at any time in the last 20 years. It would be idiotic to wait for them to actually pass laws before getting concerned.
>"fuck yeah Wyatt Earp's a badass, Shootout at the O.K. Corral"
Thats Arizona. Which has significantly better gun laws than Texas
San Francisco. It comes with free sidewalk feces and heroin injection sites too!
For an embarrassingly long time, it was illegal to carry a bowie knife in the state Jim Bowie died for. Fucking Texans.
>but like clockwork you will see a wave of "ohmergard dey will take our funs!!!1!!1!!" threads.
>Is it all a meme?
Nope. The left would ban them all in a heartbeat if they could. So we have to keep our guard up to make sure they can't. And we need to work on rolling back restrictions.
Why so negative, user? Hate is a powerful emotion, keep it up long enough and you’ll burn yourself out.
If I had a penny everytime that image was posted I would have enough to buy the Sun.
Texans are insufferable faggots. They're a purple state with middle of the road gun laws. You can't even carry a fucking bowie knife. What people stereotypically envision as Texans are actually Okies, which Texans wish hard as fuck they were. Alas, Texans got BTFO by Okies so hard in the Red River Bridge War even Adolf Hitler took notice
Arizona should just shut the fuck up already. You're easily the most cucked state in the Union.
pic related. An absolute disgrace.
>repeal of the 2A
Which would require a Constitutional convention, which the Left knows would go very badly for them.
>Is it all a meme?
As much of one as
>The Republican Party is good for gun owners
>Ronald Regan was a good president
Specifically regarding carry =/= all gun laws.
Surprisingly despite our retarded politicians, AZ still has the best gun laws in the lower 48 and a a lot of the most famous old west shootouts and indian wars actually happened in AZ
Look at an election map from the past decade. Zoom in to county level. You will see most of the country, regardless of year is red. The dense population centers however are almost all blue. In fact, despite the massive red blanket across the country, those blue specs have more people.
Most of those blue dots will have stricter gun laws, at city, county, and state levels depending on how large the population centers are. They however cannot affect the Americans in red states, and struggle in purple ones. As you said, most STATES have had improvements on gun laws in the past several decades. However, they can affect us through the federal government.
Most conservatives agree that problems should be addressed in the following order: private > local > county > state > federal; but liberals think that we as a nation should act as one homogeneous state with the federal government making those decisions instead of local and state governments. This is also why they hate the senate, and the electoral college. They think the federal government should operate as a purely population based democracy so that tyranny of the majority can be used to enact their policies from the top down on us ignorant rednecks.
You are right, most of the country has made great strides on gun rights, but every opportunity democrats get- they will attempt to institute the policies plaguing CA, NY, NJ, MD, RI, HI, MA, and friends on us// because they are educated and right and we don't know any better.
You can carry a Bowie knife now, for about a year and a half now. You can carry any length of blade you desire, the only restriction on blades over 6 inches is you can't take them into a few particular places.
t. Assmad Texan. Have fun with your Steers and Queers.
It's just the usual fearmongering the shooting community can't live without. A perfect example of this is the people who freaked about Hilary being anti-gun despite the fact that they freaked for the last 8 years about it and nothing happened, even after 20 kindergartners were killed.
Rhode Island is wrong there, since they closed the loop hole that allowed the state to be may (read: No) issue.
Basically the AG's office is may issue, but always says no. Local police are shall issue, but used to be able to forward all requests to the AG, so a few cities and towns were functionally no issue. Now they can't do that, so the state is shall issue.
>they freaked for the last 8 years about it and nothing happened
They wanted to reimplement the AWB federally. Don't act like they didn't try. They just got shot down before it became an issue.
Lived in SF for a year, can confirm. My walk to work was filled with literal shit and cops telling the same heroin addicts and """homeless"""" people to get off the same stretch of sidewalk. every. fucking. day.
You also get the added benfit of having the potential of getting stabbed or shot, but melanin enriched individuals who don't care to follow these pesky weapon laws the commies are so fond of.
pic related is a small sample of 2016, but I assure you its pretty much the same every election.
Notice where the blue is? This country isn't divided north and south or black and white- it's urban and rural.
I'm not going to argue that the Obama administration wasn't anit-gun as hell, but they didn't succeed in anything. So I don't understand why people thought the situation would be any different with Hilary.
Connecticut hasn't changed anything major since 2013. So while it could be worse I still have plenty to complain about.
Why do you think it would the same under Hillary?
Because congress is still a republican majority, or at least I think it is, the same way it was under Obama. Why would gun control efforts suddenly become successful with a different president when nothing else has changed?
Your post makes sense, but you really should cool it with the "us vs. them" rhetoric.
It makes you sound like a mouthpiece.
It's true. This is a dichotomy.
I don't trust neocon cucks anymore than I trust dems. Look at what happened to Florida under Scott. They still bent the knee to gun control.
this unironically.
What is "Commies Never Rest"?
lots of anti-gun shit on the agenda
WA State I-1639 makes Kommifornia look like Texas.
>he said commiefornia and not jew york
Weird how California went to shit when New Yorkers (and Bostonians and Chicagoans) moved to SF and LA en masse.
The Republican party is good for gun owners and fuck Ronald Reagan's dead ass.
We don't live in a high-trust civil society any more, and we'regoing to be demonized and slandered and dehumanized no matter what we do. Sauce for the gander.
You ESPECIALLY sound like a mouthpiece.
YOU sound like an NPC
Found the democrat.
Eh I don't care for that forced meme.
Thanks for proving my point.
Trump just appointed a 2nd Supreme Court justice, why would it be the same under Hillary?
>right to carry is representative of gun laws overall
Fact: If you don't vote for republicans you are voting for democrats
Get over it, commie scum
Not any of them. I was looking for an actual argument from you, but all I found was adhom. "You're a mouthpiece" is as coherent an argument as "no u" or "kek if only you knew how wrong you are" or "nuh uh, do your own research i'm right."
Not if they replace the native population of the US
Well, that's already an accomplished fact.There are more illegal beaners in California alone than there are *people* in Montana and Wyoming, and more anchor babies born in LA than infants born in the 14 lowest pop states combined. Short of civil war and ethnic cleansing, the Republic would appear to be fucked. What we need to concentrate on is doing triage at the local level.
I wasn't really looking into starting a discussion with you, whoever you are.
>native population of the US
the fuck are you smoking bubba.
indians are mostly dead.
>Eh I don't care for that forced meme.
Why? It’s lukewarm, at best. Then the Left decided it was Evil incarnate, and blew it into a mind-bending crisis. It’s a meme zombie at this point, having lived long past its natural span because the Left just won’t let it die.
Those humorless fucks don’t understand that we’ll generate a dozen memes before breakfast, all with a designed lifespan of a mayfly. All of these memes will be situational insider jokes, on par with Trumps locker room humor. And then the Left picks one at random to be offended about, and that motherfucker grows legs for months.
Come to think of it, you sound kinda Left your own self. You trying to slip a little blue blast into our Kool-Ade?
Fucking natives have been displaced, replaced, and genocided into near oblivion. The only thing of consequence they have going on now is casinos. I fail to see how the Left replacing the natives would have an effect on a Constitutional convention. I’m also getting a vibe that you don’t know what a Constitutional convention is or how it works.
Go touch your sister some more OK faggot.
not him but I'm pretty sure he is referring to the resident population being replaced by immigrants not actual native Americans
Jesus, Phil. Reading comprehension. He’s talking about Native Americans. He posted a total non sequitur, and you bought right into it.
>being this deliberately obtuse
Constitutional conventions involve voting. Heritage Americans aka crackers vote for freedoms n shit at a significantly higher rate than non-whites, which makes ethnic gerrymandering a serious problem for muh freedom lovers.
Well, why didn’t he say so? Is he a Kraut or somesuch? That weird syntax of his is definitely some ESL shit.
> t. Okie
"It looks to me like the best part of you ran down the crack of your mama's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress"
Are you drunk? You’re not making sense, and I’m still thinking you don’t know much about the mechanics of a Constitutional convention.