That's just like your opinion man

ITT post your hot takes

>Polymer guns are just as effective as metal guns but theyre all ugly as sin and for basedboys
>Snowflake calibers that do one thing really well are worth every penny
>Most Texans are arrogant faggots on the same level as Californians

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>>Polymer guns are just as effective as metal guns but theyre all ugly as sin and for basedboys
Agreed. I recognize polymer is as good or better in most cases, but there's just something about a metal-framed gun that soothes my autism.

There is literally nothing wrong with a single stack 9mm.

Training your 10 y/o child on guns and making it a hobby for then is cringe as fuck. Wait at least till like 15

Butt u culd of hab a glok 19 :DDD

Most gun owners don't know shit about laws pertaining to self defense. They cannot separate what is legal from what they wish was legal.

It's evident in every "is this a good shoot" bread

I would trade a 21+ for all firearms law for a repeal of the NFA

Do you have a kid? A young boy will not wait until he is 15 to ask about guns. Especially if he knows you have them around. It's good to get children familiar and comfy with firearms when you are around so they don't try to get them on their own and do something stupid.

When I was 8 I broke into my dad's safe and played with his shotgun because he never let me see it. Kids are idiots.

I didn't say to not take them out every once in a while to shoot or to never show then your funz. But people take it way to far and it's cringe as fuck. Like that video of a 5 year old cycling a rifle at a gun show and parents were so proud of him :,) That was cringe %1000

At that point the question is, in my eyes anyway, is the kid doing it because he likes it? Fuck it then, little kids need hobbies too. As long as the parents are safe about it what's the difference between that and a kid drawing well?

Fucking this. Ive been to ranges where Ive seen 10 inch ARs with colapsing stocks and grips. Ill ask how long it took for their SBR tax stamp and they won’t know what Im talking about. All those poor dogs.

It's a good idea to require a one time knowledge test and mandatory training course before allowing someone to purchase guns

I secretly think this but any time someone brings it up I call them an idiot and deny it to the end.

Yeah, but, I mean, who's gonna snitch?

people say what they said about aluminum, about polymer, they'll probably say the same about ultralight ceramics/ advanced post plastic composites.

I'm not against banning any shit, and would fully support getting rid of SBR laws and ripping out all the dumb state level restrictions, and legalizing nation wide constitutional carry. I've just seen so many morons with guns, that I think it's a good idea to have some mandatory knoweldge test and safety training

Fugg, meant, I am against banning any shit

>Training your 10 y/o child on guns and making it a hobby for then is cringe as fuck. Wait at least till like 15

Oh yeah for sure, give all the faggot NPC teachers and womenfolk plenty of time to indoctrinate the fuck out of your kid before allowing them to discover the enjoyment of firearms and form memories with dad (mom?) and them out innawoods popping cans

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Well the worst part is, these people talk like they are gonna drop any motherfucker that dares touch their lawn. In court after, even if it was a home invasion. They would be F U C K E D.

I didn't shoot a gun till a couple months before my sweet 18. I've never turned back since and I would have no other favorite hobby in the world.

Mind you in a bean bro so I grew up getting indoctrinated by libs

Gun safety classes should be mandatory, and they should be a requirement for a high school diploma.

>i will never know the joy and pride of dad teaching me how to shoot, hunt, and generally be a man while my classmates are playing with dolls

>Knowing how to gun makes me a man, everyone else is a faggor

There's more to that user, more to that user

Thats kinda how I feel about full autos, I'm less worried of criminals using them and more so some retard next to me losing control on his full auto draco that he just bought cause "choppa" with no prior firearms expierience. I want them but I kinda want some sort of bar to stop some dipshit from buying a full auto immediantly but fair to anyone with a genuine interest and respect for such a tool. I hate to admit but a pricey tax stamp and waiting period might be a good solution but the creates another conflict for me as I dont believe in high finacial barriers to fully access a right. Though It'd far better then the current cost of owning a personal full auto now. Autos and maybe suppressors are the only thing I'd say need a stamp and some time but only those. That being said if there was a chance autos and cans could be accessed like any other firearm or accessory, I'd still support it in a heartbeat cause any victory is a good victory at this point an that'd be major.

This. The general ignorance of firearms is what has caused most if not all the problems. Even if someone didnt want to shoot gun regularly, it should be 100% mandatory to take the basics. The government wont endorse that shit though for obvious reasons.

>There's more to that user, more to that user

Mmmm no, not really.

All the bullshit morality and ethics aside, throughout recorded history men have had one evolutionary purpose: providing resources and defense for their family. It is as close as you can come to a scientifically objective purpose for our gender, our "specialization". If you learn to do those things well, all the rest more or less comes along with it as side benefits.

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lel, sperg

one of the things that being a provider and defender teaches you is the value of admitting when you're wrong about something. being insistently wrong in the real world gets you eaten by a lion or scalped by a savage.

not something you learn in the touchy feely fantasy world of nurturing, the specialty of womenfolk. sad.

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Most men on the world do not own guns. Therefore only American Republican males are men.

>most of the world are useless brown-yellow hordes who have no concept of liberty or personal freedom so.......

>>Snowflake calibers that do one thing really well are worth every penny
I used to think snowflake calibers were gay, then I heard a short barreled 300 blk with a good can sound like a gun out of COD

case and point of how autistic you are

If White Republocans are so manly why do they get punked by Niggers and spics all the time?

>resorts to violence when losing a debate

you want to know how i know you are non white

This but an IQ test. You must score above 100, no exceptions, no catches, no "but if you're an autist you...", no niggling over which sections of the IQ test you did better or worse on. Full scale WAIS V IQ north of 100.

Same. True common sense shit. Just got back from an accidental shooting. 23 year old playing with a gun and blew his friends head open. This was like literally 20 minutes ago. Always makes me feel shitty. It's never homicide or self defense. Last year I went to three shootings, all fatality, all accidents involving kids or dumb 20 year olds.

>bad goyim, you know that would limit 80% of 46% of the u.s population

Didn't know typing was getting violent. I bet you're pretty tame around minorities, pussy

My point is, you need a gun to level up to a nigger. Not very manly

>thats not a accidental shooting senpai, thats a negligent discharge

a accidental shooting is when a part of the gun breaks and causes , discharge , like i had a bulgy makarov that was in rough shape but seemed to function well so i decided to buy defense ammo and carry it, first time i loaded it with hornady critical defense i racked the slide and flipped the decocker/saftey on and Bang, hole in the floor , turns out that the steel case ammo i ran with it during normal range use has a much harder primer and because my example was well worn it allowed the sear to slip just enough that the hammer made enough contact to fire soft boxer primed ammo, thats a good example of a ad

>lel it's not even worth arguing with you nigger,

and yes i have personally beat the shit out of three different nogs in my lifetime

>White men can fight

okay kek

the vast majority of people who worry about what is and is not numale/soiboi/etc aren't real men. they're just a bunch of ninny anime boys who put an ungodly amount of effort into looking like a man. they're basically the new hipsters.

remember beards and flannel because beards and flannel are manly enough to compensate for my skinny starbucks body? now the shaking, overgrown chihuahuas and childless, godless fruits lift weights, drive v8s, and shoot 1911s in order to better hide their homosexuality.

real men just want to get the job done, and a shitload of real men across the world bet their lives on things these firearms-as-fashion fruits would laugh at.

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>only American Republicans own guns

Thanks for your help,

Oh shit, it's fatherless NPC minority trolling Jow Forums. Sorry your dad went out on that 15 year long beer run, bro.

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>Says only males who own guns are men
>Is afraid of minorities

Nice, you liberal shill. Not gonna work. We all know who you are.

there is absolutely everything wrong with a single stack 9mm unless you're shoving it down your pants

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>why isn't everyone a bootlicker like me?
>le doggo!

Guns don't make you a genius logical philosopher

>Guns don't make you a genius logical philosopher

Miyamoto Musashi might disagree. Swords rather than guns, but same difference.

Carrying any gun of any caliber is exponentially better than not carrying a gun at all

>the vast majority of people who worry about what is and is not numale/soiboi/etc aren't real men.
>"until a man knows he's a man. he will forever be trying to prove to the world that he is one." -John Eldredge, "Wild At Heart"
Be secure in your manhood. Learn manly skills and always improve yourself, but don't be a tryhard douchebag about it.

But you should if you do own a gun.

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>AK ergos are shit
>recommending noguns a 12g pump shotgun as babby's first HD gun is retarded
>there's nothing wrong with CC'ing a revolver, but everything wrong with people that do

I'll never actively support gun control, but things like bumpstock bans, Fix NICS, waiting periods, and raising the age to 21 I can live with. Those are not the hill to die on.

Deffo. One of the best things to do with a gun is protect your library, and when not using the guns, be studying in the library. The society that lives by those rules is the society that other societies tend not to mess with.

> he doesn't know that pavement apes have glass jaws and can't cope once you get in their reach

Most budget optics are ok for most applications

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>9mm is for limp wrists that can't handle .45 recoil. Sorry dudes. Lift moar.
>Nearly every AK fanboy I've met in real life is a nogunz or onegunz.

>9mm is for limp wrists that can't handle .45 recoil. Sorry dudes. Lift moar.
Oh I can handle fuddy-five
>240 lbs
>lift and/or run 4 or 5 days a week
I choose 9mm because I'm a poorfag and i prefer to keep my hundgoons the same caliber for ease.

How is that cringe as fuck? My 10 year old was loving gun games and gun games in VR so I took him out shooting. So far he shot 12g,45-70,.223,22lr,9mm out of a handgun and a carbean,.308,7.62x54r. The bigger calibers were usually just one shot just to feel what it's like.

Everybody who carries should own a snub nosed revolver for pocket carry in their jacket pocket, to fire without drawing.

>this level of compensation shouldn't be possible
Ok dicklet, so lick your gymbros jock strap. 9mm can only go so far.

You don’t know a goddamn thing about evolutionary biology
I hate it when fucking retards on the internet say things like this with their high school (at best) level of understanding of science. You idiots aren’t biologists, you’re a bunch of politically charged morons who use your ignorance for debate against even bigger idiots who don’t even listen or pay any attention.

40. is good

>.40s&w is a perfectly viable caliber for defensive carry
>.458socom is the best caliber for almost every application within 250yds.
>CZ and their derivatives > sig/hk/fnh
>10mm is the best widely available pistol cartridge and if we would all buy more of them we would tailor the industry to our tastes and 10mm chamberings of our favorite guns would pop up left and right as ammo prices decrease.

Nein. Pistol is fine.

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Did you have a counter argument or just a bunch on NPC emotional responses. Asking for a friend.

My boys

>a revolver is a perfectly fine CC gun in 2018 for those who are familiar and comfortable with one
>there are very few reasons besides recreation to have a pistol that is not a Glock
>these two viewpoints are compatible

most people arent paranoid retards that fellate boots

That's a lot of words to make an appeal to authority.
It's not the dark ages anymore.
Information isn't regulated for only those with a coffer big enough.

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>nig suckerpunches a boomer
wow you sure showed him

.40 is substantially better than 9mm
the only people who complain about it are śoys with bitch wrists

>there are very few reasons besides recreation to have a pistol that is not a Glock
Jesus this one is a hard sell for me pham

1. if it's a semiauto and isn't a glock, it isn't tactical
2. 10mm is vastly superior to 44mag
3. pccs are an outdated concept
4. ir lasers are just regular aiming lasers with a 10x markup
5. putting zev, agency, etc parts in your glock (other than threaded barrels) is a waste of money and makes the gun worse
6. suppressors and machine guns should be legal, but committing a crime with one should enhance the charge significantly

I understand that pistol grips are good for ergos, but I hate them and I wish they had never become popular.

In what metrics? This has been beat to death and beyond. .40 trumps 9 in barrier penetration by a just enough to be considered recordable. 9 beats .40 in capacity, shootability, and price. The rest of the metrics are with a gnats cunt hair of each other making this pissing contest utterly pointless. Shoot what you want, no one gives a fuck, just stop using blatantly false statements or inciting flame wars.

Good for you and all but if I remember correctly VR and the like is really bad for developing eyes.

Seconded, Jesus shit dude

The more you know

Why are you shitting on this user for not getting into guns until his late teens? And he's right, there is more to being a good man than just being a breadwinner a and protector. We aren't cavemen anymore. Society advances.

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Our agency actually just switched from .40 cal to 9mm. Supposedly the savings in ammo costs will pay for the 70 Glock 17s we bought within 5 years. It’s nice being able to carry 52 rounds rather than 46 also.

due to a variety of factors, the gun control crowd will ultimately be successful

He’s an autist or a troll, best to put these people to the back of your mind because reality is they’ll never do anything of note.

>Cheaper and better alternatives
>No reason
>mfw when I have no face

I'm really only joining the military because it's essentially a guaranteed career assuming I make it past MEPS. I'm so tired of searching for a job only to get the opportunity pulled from my hands.
I've never even fired a gun, I just hate sitting in my room without prospects and trying to justify myself to people. I figure the Army can help straighten me out.
All I need to do is shut up and bear it. Pretty sure that's something I can do. Someone else is trying to recruit me for a civilian job, but tough shit, he can speak to me if MEPS falls through. I've been hung out to dry for five months in a super-in-demand field. If I'm not good enough for companies demanding half a decade of experience, I'll get that experience by way of Uncle Sam, since he actually offers me the fucking job to work at.