Serious Question:How would you rate the Indian Armed Forces

>In terms of its performances in its various wars(Indo-Pak wars,Sion-Indian war and Misc UN Peacekeeping missions)
>its performances and handling of ongoing separatist movements and insurgency's
>and its strives for modernization

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on a scale of 1 to 10


Why would you ask this question?

It's quite clear they are arguably the most incompetent major force on the planey

I think you need to elaborate slightly, they are the most incompetent military that actually has funding as opposed to lots of barely countries with shit militaries.

It changes nothing. See the saoudis. They could have litteral american build gundams and still loose to the houthis.

The main difference between saudis and the indians is that the latter wants to make shit domestically and it does indeed turn out shit. Their domestic fighters to their domestic assault rifles all have crippling issues and massively lengthy development cycles.

>most incompetent major force on the planet
what makes you think that

If they can't adhere to the basic principles of sanitation and hygiene, they probably can't conduct military operations at even the most basic level.

There aren't that many major forces on the planet. And India is obviously the absolute worse. At least they are completely immune to biological warfare being themselves a biohazard.

Someone have that article written by a US Navy officer that was attached to some INS ship, where they had slave workers on board?

better then the Chinese

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-19 Nathu La and Cho La clashes - Wikipedia.png (318x1543, 50K)

>Conveniently forgetting the real war a few years before where India lost 4 times more men and was butt blasted


Are there any independent sources verifying this?
I can't find a single article mentioning this. All the references are very recent. Anything from at least the 90s?
By the way India has 'made up' wars before on Wikipedia.

They’re really bad for their size and funding.

I’ll tell you why. Indian culture.

The culture is, adversarial, bargaining, and pretentious. I’ll elaborate. Pretense is king in India. This means so long as a product or good or service or action LOOKS correct then it is as good or better than if it is correct. How could it be considered better? Because if something actually works like it’s supposed to, in India it either means you paid through the nose for it and are a sucker or you’re corrupt as fuck or both. Adversarial and bargaining..... every interaction in India is adversarial, even between family members. It’s a case of “what have you done for me lately and what do I think I can get out of you in the future”. True synergy between people working together is a very alien concept to them. There is no fair deal, only a winner and loser of the interaction. This affects every interaction, between coworkers, friends, relatives, even romantic encounters.

This explains why moderately priced western luxury goods are so immensely popular among Indians. They actually work well. This is why dealing with Indians is a pain in the ass for any westerner. Westerners are looking for
mutual satisfaction. The indian is looking to “win” the encounter.

Apply the above to political funding committees, military procurement, military hierarchy, design and engineering, marketing, etc. that’s why everything they partake in looks like some strange farce to westerners... because it kind of is.


It’s worse

Indian culture in general needs a complete overhaul, the same can be said for their military. And although they do have domestic products it means fuck all if the quality is garbage or takes forever to develop with more money wasted because someone somewhere has to be given a little extra tip to do what they are supposed to do. How they got an aircraft carrier and nuclear weapons I will never know.
>they wore sandals
It’s even worse than I remember it being.

Indian culture inst one humongous culture
there are over 1 billion in India
the culture thats in charge is the western and North Indian culture that dominates everything

Okay so it's the West and north culture that dominates.

If this is the culture pervasive through the administration (which is from you comment) then it's the only one we have to consider

it is
its dominated India since 1947
now that the RSS are in power every other culture and every other people are in danger
its not just Muslims in danger there identity
its Naga and Goa Christian Indians,its Punjabi Sikhs who wish to retain there culture and land

Hello pajeet, post youre balls n I will send pusy dear

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>more lethal assault rifles
>dude is armed with a fucking mp5
>entire thing reads like some 10 year olds call of duty fanfiction
India why

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all right Paki
now post pic of the Porkistani military

Their military is rather poor. Logistics are not handled well, training is subpar, and corruption is ubiquitous. Of particular note are their domestic weapons programs being absolutely terrible, with the Arjun and INSAS being the worst.

I am visualising youre .pk IP address in the network. I am hacking you now son of bich basterd

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There is no fucking way this is anything more than either some troll or something some random artist made.

They're still an agrarian society transitioning to a modern society. Sure, they have large population, but that is all they have.

all right Paki
now post pics of your Porkistani military

Get this, Durgesh, I don’t even live in the same hemisphere as you. One need not have a vested interest in your little sectarian border spat to call out your joke of a military for what it is. Honestly, you wouldn’t get as much shit if you weren’t so undeservedly proud about your sub-Chinese capabilities and constantly spouting off about being a superpower when you’re barely a regional one. Things like a space program and force projection are globally recognized as being post-plumbing priorities, but you people still haven’t gotten the message. All the windowdressing in the world can’t make up for an infant mortality rate of 39/1000
The funniest thing is that I’m not even the only one posting them

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Not just an MP5, but an MP5k. The stupidest MP5

Pajeet is butt mad hope the chinks curb stomp you fags

>Let's say **** hits the fan. India and Pakistan (or any other country. Take your pick) are at war and the ship you were on is sent into action. Would they be an effective fighting force or are they on the bottom of the ocean before the first day of shooting?
>Truthfully - bottom of the ocean. I would be surprised if most of their gear worked. The stuff I saw (I got a pretty extensive tour) looked like it fell straight out of the 60s and 70s and I would be genuinely flabbergasted if they got any rounds off.

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They seem to have done pretty well against Pakistan.

If there is something bellow quality of journalists doing infoboxes for tabloids, their Indian counterparts might be it.

>having the lowest bottom of the caste system to be slaves on the ship

superpower 2020


Attached: INSAS.png (1021x817, 309K)


>Have you ever seen a US ship do an unrep at sea? When we pull along side and shoot the shotline across (basically a thick piece of yarn for those who don't know) there's a nice soft tennis ball affixed to the end of it so that it'll bounce of the deck and someone can go retrieve it... the Indians shot a spear. A motherfucking spear. Like, a 16" long piece of metal with a point on the end....

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this is literally r*ddit

Don't worry Sateesh, when the mighty Indian navy capsizes on its first battle, somebody will be there to pat your shit-smeared back with a biohazard glove of consolation.

Attached: Lara Croft Butt.png (1609x2455, 271K) did you post the wrong pic by mistake

>Indian claims
>literally a made up conflict to compensate for the loss poos still cant get over

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