I’m looking to pick up a new AK for a possible happening. My max that I’d wanna spend is about 800 I’m okay with going a little over though. I just want something reliable that will work well here in the humid and muddy conditions of Florida. Any suggestions?
AK for civil war 2: electric boogaloo
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You will never be in a situation in your life where you can kill someone without being prosecuted for it. There won't be a collapse.
M92 with a brace is a good setup that will run you 600ish.
>not having a rifle in 5.56 and a handgun in your local caliber
Not gonna make it senpai
Do you remember how hard it was to find 5.56 during the assault ban scare after aurora? Imagine that times 10
Meanwhile 7.62 was overpriced but plentiful.
I hate to be the first to say buy an AR, but buy an AR. In tbe case of civil war 5.56 will be much more common as well as spare parts. Pick up a PTR if you want an ultra reliable platform with cheap magazines and common ammo stateside.
You faggots have ruined an interesting study on internal monologues and independent thought. And why is Southern dialect NPC?
I have multiple AR’s. I want something that won’t be so finicky though if it gets mud and grime in it.
This is the exact reason why an AK is my go to.
You don't have to maintain the thing to keep it running. Or at least, by the time you absolutely have to, you will likely be dead from the sheer volume of rounds it takes to build up enough carbon to jam it.
An AK can be run dry without cleaning for long periods. An AR can and should not be.
>Implying Walmart will stay open during the happening
>Implying the most commonly available ( ie people have it) caliber in any Western country isn't 5.56
Mud and grime in the action will stop an AK long before it stops an AR. Not to mention the ar is a closed system, Wich keeps stuff out far better than an AK. Ever wonder why ARs always cream aks in mud tests... If you have access to bare minimum cleaning supplies(a sock and some string, maybe some oil or solvent) an AR is by far the best option.
>implying business ceases to function during periods of war
>implying you're going to go around like some 5.56 warlord, pulling hundreds of rounds off bodies
>what is supply and demand
The more people that need 5.56, the harder it is going to be to get it through trade. Either way, you should pack your ammo, not look for sellers after things have gone to hell.
Wrong. Get anything inside an AR and it's far worse off than an AK.
Watching one inrange video involving stuffing ridiculous levels of mud through the openings in an AK does not make you an expert on practical AR vs AK reliability, kiddo.
Conversely look at something a little more realistic; getting sand in your mag.
Ak passed without problems.
Are you a newguns or just plain stupid?
>implying you're going to go around like some 5.56 warlord, pulling hundreds of rounds off bodies
B-but in Fallout the enemies drop loot!
AK’ll work, but you’re better off with an AR in my opinion. An AK probably won’t break on you, but if it does it’s gonna be a whole lot harder to fix than an AR because sourcing parts will be slightly difficult. Stock up on ammo, too. Of course that goes to everyone shooting anything.
Buy a Saiga and convert yourself, you really will not regret going Russian.
I my point is once more. That I have multiple AR’s. I do not need anymore. I want an AK simply because they are more reliable and I want something I can get muddy and sandy and not have to worry too much about feeding issues with. The AR is nice and yes I understand that the parts are easier to find. Thats why I have 3. I just want an AK suggestion lol.
I’ve considered buying a sega but I also ceased thinking about forking our the money for an arsenal. Why are they so expensive are they more reliable? Are they made with Russian parts?
If I were to buy one AK, it would be an Arsenal. Slightly above your price range, but well worth it. A WASR should suit you just fine though.
I want to, can you explain the benefits of an aresenal over a Wasr?
bulgarian now, which is arguably as good or better.
Ideally you're going to want a milled reciever or 1.5 stamped for the best accuracy. Just remember that these guns are heavier than an AR, especially when you add in a side rail.
Weight is the true price you pay when you use an AK in comparison to an AR, not the small loss in accuracy.
Good to know
>AK for civil war 2: electric boogaloo
Hallo /k poste person. This is right the civil war is the best decision. Here in Vladivostok supervisor Boris daily give briefing sheet that say 'get American to kill each other. or 'new wissile is magic' it is good to see you are absorbing our thoughts into your spongy brain.
Two deployments to the desert and never did my M4 get so dirty that it ever got anywhere near jamming
AK dudes hailing how dirty the gun can fire are just parading how proud they are to neglect their rifles. Pathetic shit.
Arguing the reliability of the AR/AK is just mental gymnastics. Both have a phenomenal track record in combat.
Oh hey CNN didn’t realize you were still pushing the Russian Bot meme. If you want I’ll be a good NPC and say trumps bad to appease you. Plus, I’ll get on the phone with my wife rn to tell her to fuck blacks and record it for me. I love democracy and the truly free and loving Democratic Party (: Hillary 4 president
Higher tolerances, better build quality, higher quality materials. I believe that Arsenals are a milled receiver also. Better accuracy and a little tougher than stamped. AKs really are a get what you pay for kind of thing.
You’re not the only vet here. The reason our guns didn’t jam is because we cleaned them and were trained to do so. The reason the AK’s jammed for the taliban and Al Qaeda fighters is because they used dirty Ak’s which were likely passed down from the Soviet afghan war having never been cleaned before. Normal care was never provided. A well oiled and cleaned new Century will run more reliably than a $ 2000 Daniel Defense. I’d put my life on it.
More reliably when exposed to mud, sand, and other filth I should specify.
Not in my area, or internet. I couldn't find shit and in a real shtf that's how it's going to be. Buy what you need now and forget parts interchangeability.
Yeah because you had the entire US military to cover you and provide for you when you retired for the day to give you the calories, time of day and peace of mind to take apart your rifle and clean it.
Not always the case when you're on the move, and it's not something you want to be doing frequently when you're on your own. Every extra complication costs calories and sunlight. It's a collaborative series of problems that makes your life impractical and not having to lube and clean your gun is a big help.
Again, touting the AK's ability to shoot in such a dirty condition is just being proud of negligent one is of their rifle.
There's always time to least run a rag over your bolt and upper. If someone is going into a situation with a dirty rifle they deserve what they get.
Look up psa torture test on YouTube. Even the cheapest just at milspec rifles do fine in the shit. You're wrong and the whole "AK needs no maintenance" is a fudd myth.
>calories and sunlight to clean your bolt
Bud this is hardcore mental LARP material.
>had the entire military to cover me
Love when civilians tell vets what the army is like.
>"it is a bad thing that my rifle runs reliably in adverse conditions because I should aspire to become a bigger bitch maid for my gun."
Stop with this backwards mentality. Clean guns as needed, not as often as impractically possible.
If you don't lube your gun it will jam. There are ar's that have 10k rounds no lube, and there are AKs with 10k rounds no lube. But if you don't take care of your rifle it will fail no matter what it is.
Love when retards think that using reliable guns is a bad thing because it means you don't have to clean it as often.
Yeah it's always funny to hear how we never go black on food or water because the .mil is always there for us. And we always have enough oil and ammo for our weapons.
"taking care" of a rifle is a subjective standard which varies based off the geometry and mechanical function of a rifle.
Yes, take care of your rifle as needed. Don't brag that being forced to lube and clean something more often to keep it running is a positive feature on a rifle, however.
You're proving my point. See There's no reason to be proud that you don't maintain your gear, especially in the context of a SHTF thread.
I love it when fudds see something on TV and think it's real.
>where will the civil war happen?
>what weapon do you want?
"A Russian cartridge rifle"
Do you see the failure in logic here OP?
I do maintain my gear. I just don't tout higher maintenence as a positive feature of a rifle.
No on in this thread is saying you have to, you should. I said an AR is just as capable as an AK and if you disagree you are verifiably wrong.
I don't care if you want an AK, but don't trash other shit to feel like the superior larper.
All the AKs available in the US are complete garbage, unless you're splurging on a high enmd custom job for thousands of dollars.
Get a basic bitch ar
I love it when people resort to made up personalities and lifestyles about internet strangers to validate their emotional appeal.
Can you forsee a situation in which you'll ever need to fire more than 500 rounds without the ability to clean/lube?
I sure hope not because that's a predicament only machine gunners have faced in the last decade.
The differences im reliability are negligible considering how many rounds one would actually fire in one go during SHTF
I agree that an AR is just as capable as an AK. But I'm not going to sit here and pretend the negative features of either the AR or the AK don't exist or are some sort of positive.
Yeah an AK is less accurate and less well sealed.
Yeah, an AR requires higher maintinence and is more of a pain in the ass to clean.
Can we stop being fanboys and move on?
Romanian, Bulgarian, and Hungarian AKs are plenty available in the US as is 7.62x39, just order bulk online and stockpile.
About as much as I can foresee a civil war or some other catastrophe which involves a copious amount of conflict in the west.
Also about as much as I can see needing the slight accuracy advantage an AR has over an AK.
The differences in accuracy are negligble too, but you don't see me propping up the AK's worse accuracy like it's a good thing.
Dude it's the same with the AR.
A range I go to intentionally doesn't clean the rental AR as an experiment. It's still fully functional after 50k rounds through it sans cleaning.
Not an AR fan boy by any means but the idea that ak's are inherently more reliable is a farce. If you want an ak that's totally fine but don't exaggerate for sake of argument.
>stop exaggerating the reality that AR's have next to no clearence between the bolt and upper recieiver.
Lmao good one. Objectively carbon build up is going to slow down an AR faster than an AK just by geometry. Same goes for anything else that's getting inside it.
So did the AR...
>ak is less accurate
Shoot an ar and ak of comparable price next to one another and say that again
>ar harder to clean
By what standard? Disassemble, run oily rag over it, done. Don't want to use oil? Don't clean it for up to 10k rounds.
Do you own both I have to ask?
What country has 46% of all the weapons on earth and extremely diversified weapons base
I've got an ar, but if you think after shtf you'll find anything worth shooting available you are wrong.
I have, and own both. Objectively the AR is more inherently accurate by design, assuming no weird abnormalities. Not by a ton, however.
By the standard of time and effort it takes.
My only experience in actual combat was being a fobbit. My only real training w/ weapons is me fucking around inna woods.
There may be some minute difference between the two on paper, but you give either to an expert and he'll be fine. Give either to a novice and he'll do okay. Stop doing math to find a 1 moa difference and just shoot what you want. Stop trashing others for a negligible difference.
pffft you just havent looked hard enough yet.
if you really want to kill people and get away with it, join the ATF.
>which ak should I get
>"get an AR"
Never change, Jow Forums
Why do you need an AK if you've got an SKS?
Buy a wasr
Or a yugo
just get a damn AR. save yourself he time and trouble. then get some royal purple 20w50 and a marinade injector to apply it to the inside of the upper.
They're cheaper and more available right now, and as discussed in this thread just as reliable and accurate as an AK at this point in their life cycle.
No reason not to unless you just want an AK for the looks, which is a fine reason.
you are 14 arent you?
If OP gets an AK that's more 556 for me.
Let him buy into ruskie propaganda
Better for us.
You are looking at this the wrong way. Use psa logic, if everyone has an ar and a can full of ammo, how can they ban it?
AK's are my faves but you're right plus you almost need your own machine shop to do any extensive work on an AK.
>reddit spacing
>unironically believes muh Russia boogeyman
Go back please, you nigger of the internet
>owns guns
>do you know how laws work?
yeah, 14 year old counts his dads guns as his, or is delusional.
I had guns when I was 14. I saved up my allowance and bought a 22. As cheap as ars are now it's not out of the range of possibility.
And he was being facetious you cunt.
Suppose OP already owned multiple ARs and just wants a nice AK. What should he get? I'm in a similar situation, 3 ARs, a SCAR, L1A1, M1A (bought it before the recent shit with Springfield), and I want a decent AK to round out my collection of scurry salt weapons.
You should watch the AK operators union on a PSA, bcm, and DD ar15 as well as his AK videos. He shoots thousands of dollars of ammunition through his guns giving updates normally every 5k rounds
This is exactly the case, I have multiple AR’s, a M590a1, an SKS, a Henry Big Boy, and a Sig MCX. I just want a nice AK that I don’t have to constantly worry about maintaining if push comes to shove some day. I know I have an SKS, but I’d prefer a nice AK.
wasr, strip the finish, do this youtube.com
But yeah if you get an unmolested one it’s made pretty much entirely in-house in Russia and it’s the closest thing to a military AK besides Arsenal’s Bulgarians.
>Are they made with Russian parts
Idk lol you tell me
My bad I would blame auto correct, but I probably was just typing out my message to quickly. I’m cringing rn having realized my mistake. Please have me executed for sins.
Carbon buildup to the point of failure isn't really a thing unless you're firing 50,000 rounds a day and not cleaning your rifle.
>there won't be a collapse
Have you seen america lately? You people are retarded and can't think 5 minutes ahead
Lived here for 34 years
>Civil war 2.0
Between who and who? White nationalists are too isolated to hold anything larger than a ranch, browns are too disorganized to do anything but roit in a few city blocks and neither would last more than a few days before being put down by feds or roit cops. This fantasy that the richest and most power country on planet is just going to vanish overnight makes a out as much sense as a zombie apocalypse.
enough small sparks can cause a big fire
>vanish overnight
Yeah, that's definitely delusional.
If it happens, it will happen gradually.
American exceptionalism and civic nationalism, can't shield a country from demographics.
>Not stockpiling thousands of rounds of your preferred caliber beforehand.
Gotta take care of the elders.
No, user was right, it’s Sega. I love my sonichu edition 12 gauge
>Southern dialect
It's an npc remix of a twitter basedface meme. Twitter types are always using black slang to sound more woke and less priveleged, e.g. y'all.
also, 7.62 nato is plentiful?
This, all the local walmarts regularly stock twice as much 7.62x39 than x51
t. regularly wipes out their supply of both
I say yall
wait I say folks too
Im not an npc
and Im pretty sure wholesome is only in relation to butter
like this butter is pretty wholesome
meaning its some good butter
could be wrong though
And more for everybody else that survives first wave. Im doing my part to leave a fully stocked corpse for anybody that rapes, loots, and rapes my corpse.
Get 308 AK?
Wasr rifle.
The end
upvoted and subscribed, really great information here
Lol no worries brother, your sins are forgiven.
But yeah man, the conversion to take AK mags is really easy and honestly so is the rest, easily one of the funnest home gunsmithing projects I’ve done. And you get to turn a cludgy sporter into a beautiful Kalash of your choosing.