How much strength would one need to pull this off when using a poleaxe and wearing armor and be six feet tall?

How much strength would one need to pull this off when using a poleaxe and wearing armor and be six feet tall?

Attached: Small asian gets penetrated by BIG BLACK KNIGHT.jpg (640x640, 90K)

Other urls found in this thread:

stronger than you'll ever be
so don't worry about it

this strong

Attached: 220px-Gregor_Clegane-The_Mountain-Hafþór_Júlíus_Björnsson.jpg (220x330, 14K)

10 strength
Seriously, what kind of answer do you even want for this

You're lifting a human being in full kit so I'd say that's a dead lift of maybe 200+ pounds?

Once thrust into the willing victim, it essentially becomes the basic machine known as the lever, with the point of entry into the body-now-corpse as the fulcrum. The further down you go on the haft of the poleaxe, the more leverage you should have, thus making it easier to lift your new kebab into the air to release the flavorful juices within.

Or something like that.

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I'm mad they removed gearstats but happy they gave him a cape.

what about the leverage aspect of the spear though? would that make it harder or easier?

Wait they removed gearstats!? Who the fuck wanted that???


Gearshitstat got replaced with perkshit

Go to the gym, stick 40-50 kg on one end of a bar, see how it goes.

A fulcrum point is usually to be fixed in space, which isn't really going to happen with anything here, so looking at it that way isn't terribly useful. It's rather a combination of you just lifting it straight up (no lever involved) and a lot of torque on your end (with the lever working against you).


Well, on the upside now there's no such thing as revenge builds. EVERYONE has standardized revenge gain, revenge attack, and revenge defense.

On the downside there are also no stamina builds, so now everybody is out of stamina after one or two chains with some feints mixed in. God help you if you're parried because lmao instant drain of >50% stamina. Also it takes a decade to regen stamina.

When they gonna fix the stamina shit now? Especially for those that use lawbringer?

Definitely harder. If the poleax is a lever then the left hand is playing the fulcrum. That means you're at a mechanical disadvantage and a half? Basically, if it's a 100 pound dude it's going to feel like a 150 pound dude.

>when will they do anything that benefits lawbringer?


Attached: g3A56In.jpg (630x671, 56K)

Holy shit lol no. I deadlift 345 easy and theres no way I could straight up lift a dude like this. This would require hella grip and shoulder/arm strength to get him vertical. Once he's "above" in line with your legs, then you can push and lift higher, but to get him there first youd need some stupid fuck hueg arm/shoulder strength.

Probably even stronger.

>heh... what a manlet

Attached: 29791741_2036971713209982_2353208810763736891_n.png (900x675, 320K)

10 strength is a 0 modifier, try 20

Thanks for ruining my day

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I loved playing lawbringer but their not gonna buff him anytime soon. Their was talk of a small buff to get his fuel win percentage form like 44% to 55% but idk what happened to that


This is a halberd thread now!

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What is Favorite Pole arm?

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Guan Dao

Attached: NipNongBingBong.jpg (1300x955, 165K)

i'm a slav so bardiche

This is going to make classes with attacks that drain stamina a lot stronger. I fucking hate ubisoft.

When will they learn?

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Insanely strong unless that's a midget. Which seemingly, it is not. It's fantasy for a reason. Those arms are meant to be driven downwards, not up.

200lb dead lift is nothing. You would need to be able to hold 200 lbs out in front of you.


You have to be a paladin.

not a lot just use lever action

i did it in iraq couple of times

out unit was too poor to afford batons for controlling crowds so i had to use a pike. mind you no one died and there was no blade. some iraki dud would get upset i would run up to them push the pike at them and lift them up it would freak everyone up so much they would run

For one, you'd have to weigh more than a 200lb guy in plate armor in order to have the leverage to hoist him over your head. So, 350-400lbs

Then you'd have to be strong enough to do so without hurting yourself. So, WSM contestant level.

THEN you'd have to be 6' or less

You'd basically have to be Louis Cyr, the strongest human in recorded history.

Attached: Louis_Cyr_vers_les_années_1890.jpg (288x367, 30K)

In his prime Andre was probably strong and heavy enough.
Wrestling is fiction, but young Andre was still preposterously strong.

Deadlifts are leg and back exercises. If you even try to curl while deadlifting, you will snap a bicep tendon. Your arms should not try to bend at all. Engage your triceps to stay straight if you have to.

Attached: 1537622456756.webm (1280x536, 2.29M)

And could put away hard liquor like soda-pop

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Check this out. Looks like fun!! (..if you are a swordfag)

What the fuck are you faggots yammering on about?

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You'd literally would have to be as strong as someone like the old school Hermann Gorner.

Attached: hermannOH.jpg (272x400, 25K)

Attached: Goerner-and-his-barrels.jpg (299x448, 38K)

Cyr could lift two tons on his back and lift 275lbs over his head one handed

When he was a cop he'd use rioters as weapons against other rioters.

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Gorner got shot up in WW1

There were stories that he was so strong that he'd lug the platoon Maxim gun or gun tripod on his back as well as his kit.

Cyr was legit strong man for his times. He'd routinely crush and hold bad guys under one arm like a sack to control them after he made an arrest.

Well he is small japanese and is wearing only light japanese armour, i see no mail, dont think he could be any more than 70kg. Big Boi could probably do it if he was pumped enough.

the jap midget isnt wearing plate armour and is definitely not 200lbs. Its still hard lifting 60-70kg into the air on the end of a pole but not impossible.

You still need to be a lot heavier than whatever you're pole lifting. It's just physics.

Gorner was almost superhumanly strong, but Cyr was a legitimate freak.
He'd hold 4 draft horses under whip in place with just his arms, deadlifted an 1500lb horse onto a cart, was recorded to have lifted 4300lbs on his back and alleged to have done the same with 5000lbs, and pushed a freight car up a hill.

Goerner had some extremely impressive feats, the man had steel hands, but Cyr got his start by part timing as logging equipment.

Yeah but im pretty sure the big guy in plate armour is a lot heavier, he looks like the mountain.

Bottom of halberd into the dirt serves as a fulcrum then you're just pivoting the other dude up using lever action. It wouldn't be that hard in real life.

if hes charging you, you could use the momentum and do it

start at 50 second mark

I havent lifted since HS football and I dont go to Jow Forums. Why do so many people fuck with deadlift? Wouldnt power clings just better all around?

depends on the inertial momentum of the victim and the angle of approach. In effect the polearm is merely altering the trajectory and energy of the mass to a more vertical angle.

He does it from a standing position.
If the video to go by he doesn't even anchor the halberd into the ground until after the guy is already completely lifted.
I don't think physical strength was ever really taken into account since he also lifts a dude up and snaps his neck with his bare hands

6’ vs 5’ 11”

>Using momentum and proper angles
Incredibly jacked and would likely need strong bones

>Unmoving from a standing position
Might be humanly impossible

How much strength to predator lift/choke a grown man(grown man starts from 6'1 and 200lbs)?

Who's the guy on the left

I know that's a halberd/poleaxe but how much weight could a simple spear or pole weapon support lifting up like that, without using momentum or angles? I can believe picking up a small asian like in the pic but what if it was another big guy for you in plate or some other heavy armor?

What's the game like on PC these days? I stopped playing a little after release but if it's still active and cleaned up I'd hop back in.

Have you tried not playing DND and instead literally any other system

Too many tards hurt themselves doing power clean, deadlifting is for people who don't want to squat cause muh back

more like a 300lb clean & jerk

Fuck there was nothing more erection inducing than doing this to an orochi-main friend on launch month and listening to his passive aggressive anger whenever I used this finisher, God bless Lawbringer

Why does this pic make me sad?


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Because it reminds you of Andre's alcoholism which he developed to cope with the severe pain of his gigantism and acromegaly combined with his wrestling injuries and despite the wear that wrestling put on his body, it was all he had because he abandoned his child and her mother?

That's not how fulcrums work. You need to have a long lever going past the fulcrum to get an advantage moving what's on the other end.

man that beer can and that plane are tiny

There literally is no fulcrum in this scenario
Much harder. On top of having to lift the fat bastard's weight, you have to deal with an enormous momentum force (weight x length of spear)

Attached: sadandre.jpg (500x484, 25K)

Having the ability to hammer curl upwards of 200lbs.
You're never going to be that buff, user, dont worry.


Why is everyone ignoring the fact that the dude being skewered is also a tiny ass jap from ancient Japan? Not just average jap tiny either but tiny for japs. Dude is probably 120 or something

No. They’re completely different exercise that do different things.

You’re a literal retard and you should keep your beginner tier knowledge on Jow Forums with the rest of the weak tards

It's more about being able to plant the spear and use the enemies momentum to help him up onto it