Let’s say tensions with Saudi Arabia go hot. What would happen? Where would the US invade...

Let’s say tensions with Saudi Arabia go hot. What would happen? Where would the US invade? Where would We station our forces? What would be the toughest obstical? Riyadh?

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Oil prices would skyrocket

Do you think the saudis would do like Iraq and burn their oil fields

We wouldnt we are so embedded in the saudis that its impossible to go hot with them the hottest we will get is sanctions for 6 months and then they will be quietly repealed

We would cream them pretty quickly, that tends to happen when your imbedded in to their military

No, because China already wants to trade oil in yuan. It’s basically given Saudi Arabia a trap card. The US can not act against them because they can involve China at the drop of a hat.

The saudi military would be overrun in a matter of weeks. Then an insurgency would form, that we would end up eternally fighting while draining the country of it's natural resources. Sound familiar?

saudi invade USA ? nice one user

The "lifeline" of china is the sea routes to africa and the middle east that cuts through the indian ocean. This is why australia and india are the two biggest threats to chinese supremacy at the moment, cause they are poised right over those essential trade routes. If a war broke out a blockade of those routes would be crippling.

And yes, any other currency being traded for oil is a serious threat to US superiority. That whole part of the world has some serious geopolitical tensions, a bunch of rising powers that are starting to bump into each other a lot.

they love each other

Isn't the Saud family rule kinda illegitimate and would vanish quickly if things go south? Then it's al-qaida ISIS etc free for all once again.

Ground invasion would be difficult because Saudi Arabia is our go to staging ground for the region.

Our best bet would be using NATO provisions to mount an attack via medeterranian but that would mean marching through either Egypt or Jordan and I doubt they'll let us march right through.

The other alternative would be to launch an amphibious invasion via India but that would require one of those heroic operations that are wonderful to talk about but horrible to plan and execute.

On the other hand, we'd claim air and naval superiority in short order and basically pound Saudi forces into oblivion.

Which is why oil production in the united states has been ramping up in recent years and we are now the top producer again.

We have Israel, user. Israel could be a staging point.

No. MBS would be deposed by pro-US money Saudis and CIA, after which everything goes on as usual.

I could see ground forces being staged in israel, and air and naval base cooperation with india. Since those are the only reasonably advanced militaries in the entire region that would be US friendly.

Fuck that send an ass load of men in under the idea that we are using it to stage in preparation to move somewhere else, or military drills and then once everyone is in and set then we just pull a team America “surprise cock fags”

Boom Saudi Arabia is now under US control

Yes...but Jordan.

No coastline: it's considerably cheaper and easier to offload troops at the pier than the airfield

Unfortunately meaningless, the USA may be oil independent but their allies in Asia especially are not.

>The "lifeline" of china is the sea routes to africa and the middle east that cuts through the indian ocean.
Isn't that the purpose of the Belt/Road project, to supplement that with overland routes for pipelines and rail?

When most of our foreign oil comes from Canada? Sure thing buddy.

>Let's say a fantasy army avenges the righteous death of my terrorist gay lover, the Muslim Brotherhood's own Khaashaqji
Shill. This is not a political board. Do not bring your evil here.
And know that Khaashaqji suffered.

Yes, but it's not completed and India is still cockblocking some of their routes pretty hard. And the road is not realistically going to extend all the way to africa, they are trying to somewhat recreate the silk road but there are a lot of non friendly countries in the way. Not to mention a lot of global powers that would try to stop it from getting too far as well. Regardless, in the meantime they need the sea routes for essential trade

All recent wars USA have started have been to boost Saudi and jew power in the ME. Fuck the military.

jews u mean u fucking retard

they can have fun running the USN's blockade of the KSA.

The day the US uses Israel as a staging ground is the day the entire ME and other anti-US neighbours start rallying towards the KSA's banner. While their chances of actually winning is rather doubtful, so is probably the chances of the US and allies actually being able to hold on to the region without accumulating massive casualties to insurgent attacks. It'll make A-stan and Iraq look like a fucking cakewalk in terms of scale.

Again and again shills repost their rule-violating attempts at influence.
Khaashaqji suffered for hours. Hours and hours. In the end he felt alone, and that was worse than the pain.

>invading saudi arabia
Are you serious? The only realistic alternative would be financing an internal coup.

Either oil prices or driving through the desert.