Operation SandSAFESPACE is a Go

For whatever reason my thread got deleted... I didnt realise Jow Forums became a safe space. Well I'm at my buddies house now hes packing up shit into my car and than we are heading out.

I'll keep you guys updated. In the meme time, tell some spoopy stories. Dont argue about video games and derail my thread you SAFESPACERS.

Tldr; user gave us coordinates to innadesert, we are investigating to see what is there. Aliens? Skinwalkers? Government secrets? Find out on this episode of two autists getting dehydrated in the desert for nothing.

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Best of luck lads

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Keep us posted frens, stay safe

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I'll be checking the thread, if I don't hear from you I'm coming for you tomorrow.

Thanks Ill send out cords when we figure out exactly where we are gonna park.

We are on our way now

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Glad you’re back DuneRaccoon, best of luck

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Dis gonna be good.

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Good luck, bring back a dead ayy

What animu is this from?
>mfw I came up with the operation name
>mfw opperation Sandnigger got deleted
>mfw Jow Forums and Jow Forums in general is turning into reddit

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>What animu is this from?

Goblin Slayer. How have you not heard of this memeanime?

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Idk, just never heard of it. On top of that I just don’t really get around to watching too much anime anymore, plus I keep putting a lot of it off because I have OCD and I feel like if anything is bothering me, I shouldn’t watch anime because I won’t get the full expierience. Sounds stupid, I know but OCD is a bad demon to have, let me tell you.

Don’t forget. We want pics user. And talk about skinwalkers openly. Talking about them draws them out.
>mfw I’m keeping the name Papa Chang throughout your operation.

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I’m phonefag for now but there’s a greentext story on my computer about indian desert dogs in the mojave, OP you should talk about those too

Trips say this is true. Post green text when you get home.

Kek, I'm sexdoll user. I was going to go fuck with you because I felt responsible for giving you the coordinates to something I had on my bucket list to check out myself, good thing I didn't. I would have picked the wrong side the road for you to see what gifts I had for you. Was going to give you a nice target to shoot and some ammo with it and seemingly drop it off last night but I got drunk instead and shitposted. I had a gut feeling not to go do that. Not to get rid of the lure of your trip, people have written stories about a decapitated woman from that area so go figure, something is up anyways and worth checking into. The whole area is really. I have personally witnessed the desert dog phenomena when you hear dogs barking all around you, that's a sign something is up around you. If you hear that shit, BAIL. I'm serious. Bail and never return. That's a warning sign from the spirits of the desert that is telling you to go away. I heard it several times during one trip and no you won't find them. If you find a large fucking bunny, you should probably nail it. I heard stories form people in Ocotillo at the Lazy lizard talk about a huge fucking rabbit hopping fences. Didn't sound like a furfag in a suit. Good luck.

Also if you still have the gas and water check out this random fucking air strip
33.788021, -115.810406
And there's a house with solar and water tanks near by. The air strip looks really worn out so it makes you wonder why is it there to begin with. That's my destination for tomorrow since I lead you there I'll lead myself somewhere in return. I'll look for skinnies and desert dogs. Feel free to come and find me if you're mad lmao just don't run me over desu.

I am not a skinwalker or dollwalker but can confirm on the dogs.

You nigger, please tell me Sandnigger desu will see some shit and this wasn’t all in vein.

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>posts an off topic thread that quickly turns into people who don't even know Battlefield from Call of Duty bitching about the inclusion of a character customization that allows you to make a black or female character making already extremely unrealistic games too unrealistic
>dur why did my thread get deleted

Fuck off, newfag

The thread isn't off topic you nigger. The kids arguing about the OPs picture is what was off topic. Fucking newfag

>newfags accusing other posters of being newfags because they think shitty blogposts about plans to take a trip with no further elaboration or weapon related discussion are on topic
If OP wants to make a thread about his trip, it should at least include discussion about preparations or something or discussion about how his trip went. Otherwise, there's no reason for his thread to even exist.

>Not being in the previous threads leading up to this one where they discussed weapons ammo and other things at length.

Yup, you are definitely a newfag

>weapon related

Guys this just in. All Innawoods, spoopy stories, GearQueer, humor, patch threads and other non weapon related threads are now banned. Get the fuck out of here kid. If you dont like the thread move on

all those threads should be banned

>I have personally witnessed the desert dog phenomena when you hear dogs barking all around you, that's a sign something is up around you. If you hear that shit, BAIL. I'm serious. Bail and never return. That's a warning sign from the spirits of the desert that is telling you to go away.
Dog's barking at night is a ooooooold omen of the goddess of Hecate, mistress of spirits and demons. Depending on the context and your spiritual affiliation it may be a good thing or a warning as you said. Either way it's good idea to not look back and go indoors if you hear them.

>it's good idea to not look back and go indoors if you hear them.
This is why no one will remember your name.

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lmao that nigga got a lil dick

I'm happy to live an unknown, unexciting, life with my family and without any enmity from the gods.

>All Innawoods, spoopy stories, GearQueer, humor, patch threads
Are all either directly about or can provide for weapon and gear related discussion, though humor threads should be banned since they're just shitty repetative screencap dumps for the Jow Forums4chan types. These past two shitty blogpost threads have involved no Jow Forums related discussion whatsoever.


Fuck jannies and niggers

Hendersonanon, you in here? When we gonna go /innadesert/?

>when you hear dogs barking all around you, that's a sign something is up around you
no shit?

I wanna see a Jow Forums girl.
>pic not related

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like, IRL?

Jow Forums girls(male) post pics on here all the time

Alright. Got a little update for you all. But first Im gonna reply to all the comments.

This is a spoopy Jow Forums thread. Dont get mad that this thread hasnt had spoopy stories yet. Either contribute or get off your high horse you nigger.

Discussions and gun prep has already been discussed than the thread archived. This is a continuation.

Thread got deleted because it had too many niggers in the name, subject and description. This is a "clean" board and apparently you cant say nigger in the OPs anymore. Or at least not to the extent that I used it.

We will be out here until sunday night. Maybe monday morning. Im prepd for 4 days. So is my buddy. Ill link up with you saturday evening if all is quiet on the western front. Got it, talk about desert dogs, alien, skin walkers and MIB. If hear dogs put it to my back and walk away, if skin walker shoot it. If Alien let it probe me and MIB Im not sure what to do.

Alright gonna greentext in next post than will be AWOL for a while.

I'll post to let you know when I'm coming in Saturday. I'll link up with y'all first then I"m leaving.

Actually you know what, y'all want to shoot a sex doll?

Catch up an user who missed last thread

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Like traps?

>be me
>be dunecoon 2
>finally get onto the 10 and pass Dillon rd.
>Get about 10 minutes out and music cuts out in car.
>No problem bro I got CDs
>pump in CD and continue jamming and driving.
>Dunecoon 2 says he is getting error messages sending texts.
>he was texting his boss and now his texts are failing to send.
>no issue bro use my phone.
>Same issue, cant send message.
>Service out here is wack.
>we continue on and past the location so we can double back and get eyes on twice.
>first time nothing.
>we go and swing around and come back
>two blacked out SUVs tailing eachother heading east towards Original pinned location.
>I tell bro to snap a picture with my phone.
>he does
>tell him lets cruise back to reception so I can post up cords and we can go set up afterwards.

So I park on the road where we got reception back, and the picture he took is black. Im not sure what happened but it got corrupted or something.

Heres the two cords we will be at. Im going to park at spot 1, wait 30 minutes and if no contact is made we will stay there. For any Jow Forumsommandos coming out tomorrow bring guns. And look for our truck. Its a black lifted ford ranger with a matching camper shell, the lic plate ends in 348.

Heres the cords.

Location 1

33.6928283, -115.9957948

Location 2

33.7023957, -116.0008534

Will post updates tonight. Well drive back to reception and post updates. Yall niggers keep this thread alive with spoopy stories.

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Fuck it I'm coming with one, we're going to burn one with gasoline.

And can someone please link original thread. I didnt save it.

pls proof and make this so much more spoopy

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There's def something at location 1.

Attached: coordinates.png (1798x1063, 3.38M)

How do I get into contact with you niggers to let you know I'm coming over?
Here's the OP thread with coords

Yessss user I've been looking forward to this all week


indeed we do

We know. Ot was said to be an water reservoir entrance or some shit. I wanna see if we can pull anyone out to us before we go innadesert. I treated all my biddies bullets with the same shit of the holy water ashes and so forth. So we should be good. We are gonna park on the back side of it.

Alright we are done eating so we are heading out now. See you guys soon, I'll have some great pictures from my camera once we get out there and start our stalk.

>looking forward to this all week
>coords were posted late wednesday night

I wouldn't worry about this.

Just find the truck and follow our boot prints. We are heading directly east through the mountains. We are going to try and directly north of the original cords aswell as hit a few of the other cords that were posted about.

Fuck off newfag if you don't like the thread go somewhere else

>Ywn have Jow Forums friends to operate with even though you live in the prime place to do so

why live lads?

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For anyone not up to speed this is what he's referring to.

>I 33.684979, -115.977194
>II 33.686039, -115.967537
>III 33.685219, -115.957786
IV is the original coordinates

Attached: op sandnigger nearby structures.png (2284x770, 2.54M)

If you dont even try to be social to get what you want then there isnt one.

I don't know if I can do that but I'll try. I'll give a heads up when I'm leaving. If I can't find you niggers I'm going to shoot once then leave. I also don't own a 4x4 (yet), going to trade of of my cars for one soon. I'll be driving a blue magnum, not very may of those on the road so it'll be pretty obvious. From the looks of it, I don't think I can access the majority of where y'all are stalking so I might foot trail for a bit. I'm surprised you guys are going through the mountains considering it's going to be around 90 tomorrow and canyons are known to trap heat so be cautious.

The only other Anons I've come across locally are a couple r9k dudes and that was a mistake.

Wasn't that the story with the guy demanding a right to cuddle while he didn't have any clothes on because he wanted to feel the warmth of other people or some shit? Also kind of curious if they're phone posting or have some kind of satellite internet because it's pretty difficult to phone post on the chins since most cell networks are range banned.

Let me rephrase, I've been looking forward to this since Wednesday. Excuse my autism

>I came across Jow Forums dudes
How did you manage to do that if Jow Forums never leaves their room?

thats exactly what an NP... errr skinwalker would say

You mentioned an airstrip. The original target location looks to have a partially destroyed airstrip as pictured at the top.

Attached: possible airstrip.png (1032x840, 1.56M)

let me kindly point you towards and

The spookier thing though? It is *exactly 11 miles* from the full airstrip you mentioned. Meaning it could have been abandoned due to the interstate and rebuilt further away.

Attached: exactly 11 miles.png (1606x1256, 3.67M)

Do you think there's a connection between the two?
>33.788021, -115.810406
After I meet up with the other anons I'll drive over and hike my way to this one. I can't stay for a whole day but I can stay for a short time.

Show me Jow Forums traps, nigger.
Is this where OP is going?
>mfw I wanna go with you guys but I’m on the East Coast
>mfw I know about everything there is to know about guns but I have to take a stupid $30 hunting safety course for my hunting license for tomorrow
>mfw there’s a shit ton of content to sit through
>mfw the course has a timer on every slide

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OP is going here

Attached: op sandnigger main target.png (2080x968, 2.77M)

If (Detection==True)
{ Print "Don't dehumanize me";}

Just do what they're doing and start your own adventure and wait until anons show up. Don't steal their thunder.

>Show me Jow Forums traps, nigger.
lurk moar faggot

That wasn't me thank fuck

These were forced to attend the local town uni, not bad guys, just everything you'd expect them to be. I thought my hyper autism shined but these guys glowed.

Now this is interesting and the average drove can go exactly around 11 miles an hour...

if there is a flight of stairs in the middle of no where do not get close to it.

Nigga they're stalking air strips in the middle of nowhere, there's a potential that there's a fight between them and drug smugglers or desert skinnies

>loss of cell service innadesert is spoopy
>taking pictures with your fingers in front of the lense is spoopy
Pic related is your image with the lightness adjusted.

Attached: finger in front of lense.jpg (1420x2528, 612K)

Nigger, I came up with the name for operation Sandnigger. I’m not trying to steal anyone’s thunder. OP said he didn’t care what we posted anyway.
I’ll probably start a thread later. I don’t believe it.

If you want an actual spoopy picture, try opening pic related in an image editor and adjusting the lightness.

Attached: actually spoopy warning.png (397x383, 44K)

Potential for a Jow Forums situation regardless.


Looks sorta like a junk yard.

I wish you luck on your quest, I hope your arms are in good condition and well oiled, how long are you planning on occupying the facility, or is this just an expedition.

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That's funny not scary.

I know this is a bad idea...

Somebody open and post pic.

sd user, going here tomorrow if my meet with these anons don't happen. Then I'm going to my usual place in the desert and going to have some unusual fun.

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wtf kinda junk yard is abandoned, is not fenced in, is near an aqueduct, and has no actual junk?

boring, you can practically see it if you sit in a dark room

try this one

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This. Place looks like a strange storage facility. Funny how they "block" it from the view of the road.

KInda looks like a bunch of shit off to the right of pic. Could be some preppers remote shelter of some sort?

If they did they struck gold.

Why do you say that?

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Well assuming it is a prepper stash, knowing about it is good for when shtf or if they're niggers about it they'll break in and get something good. I wouldn't touch other people's property like that though. Especially a prepper. Fuckers are nuts. I also don't see any kind of solar panels or power lines so it seems like just generic storage with no security systems in place.

but you can fucking see it


no this thread needs to be deleted so another thread i like can potentially be in the cataloge

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There is literally over 100 threads, if you are seriously such a special little snowflake that all 100 have to fit your desires than kill yourself you special snowflake

Probably shouldn’t

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