>mfw we are getting gunz
Mfw we are getting gunz
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Now if you only get some evolution with that
You are still living in Brazil tho.
>mfw demographically America will be brazil in a few generations
What the hell is going on here.
That's not going to end well, for you things at least. It'll be good for the rest of the world.
is that at least booze or is it just soda? Fuck if i wouldn't loot a beer truck flipping
>be brown low IQ country
>elect based an redpilled leader that will defend its culture and sovereignty worldwide
>be white and high IQ country
>elect a cucked socialist that will pledge to ethinically replace its own population and destroy its culture and sovereignty
Really activates my almonds
> Hey Nigger, you jump over here when you do the ooga booga put my dick in your ear
> Ooga booga, Ooga booga
> Ooga booga, Ooga booga
> Ooga booga, Ooga booga, Ooga booga
> Bix nood muffuggah
> Well you nigger to the left, you nigger to the right
> You do the ooga booga with all of your might
> Ooga booga, Ooga booga
> Ooga booga, Ooga booga
> Ooga booga, Ooga booga, Ooga booga
> Bix nood muffuggah
I hope for thousands of new happy ending videos from Brazil on LiveLeak.
>poor people doing poor things
Well I never!
How does it feel that Brazil is literally getting off full force of socialism when in all first world countries they are either weak to confront it or literally subverted by it?
from just two manufacturers...pretty boring if you ask me
bolsonaro is opening the market
But for real, I'm happy for huem, it's not like their criminal class doesn't already have guns. It will only help matters if there's some actual disincentive to crime.
>Brazilian culture and sovereignty
>at Taurus, you can play Russian roulette with a fully loaded revolver
yes our culture is literally catholicism on steroids, to the point of having one of the biggest monarchist movement of the world
If he doesn't win can you please send him to California to help us? Our voters are so stupid that they would be fooled by a Latino claiming to represent a "Social Liberal Party," thinking they were voting to end the market economy or something.
Brazilian Jow Forumsommandos will finally be free
Legit interested because Brazil is cool except for the shit parts and from what I've been seeing and reading it seems like the south of the country is on par with Chile/Uruguay/Italy in terms of standard of living. Links to read about your monarchist movement? Do they want to reinstate the system from the early days of your country or do they want to have something new like the Silicon Valley techno-feudalists who worship Peter Thiel here in California?
Your rich culture of living in Hatian teir favela's and gang violence.
Love the fact that even while they have forgotten to change the name of the party they managed to get 50 million votes in the first turn
They want the 1824 constitution back and we have recently elect an imperial prince as congressman, the monarchist movement has never been this hyped due to the fact that this prince is also leading in Bolsonaro's party, the main contender to win the election in 9 days, the movement for a new parliamentary constitution based on the 1824 constitution which the Emperor has a 4th power along the other 3 republican powers. And yes, the imperial family, descendents of the last Emperor Dom Pedro II, is still alive and kicking and the really REALLY trad catholics and anti-commies
here is the line of succession
not for long, if anything 50 million votes to this man proved that our culture is the opposite of what Jow Forums thinks m8
There's lots of shitposting in these threads but I'm sincerely hoping you guys get your gun laws relaxed significantly.
It's one of his main promises, if not one of the biggest ones
I'm hoping he will, but that's still assuming he wins.
It's too bad he just didn't get the extra few percent of the vote he needed to avoid a runoff vote.
Are they chill, or are they hardcore reign of terror types? Or maybe they are weenies like the royal family tend to be here in Sweden? Everything went downhill after our royalty got Frenched in 1818... Tell us more, Brazilianon.
well he is projected to be the most voted president in BR history
oh my god, its Antarctica brand Guarana soda, that shit is fucking delicious
Well there is a subbed anti-commie speech of the 2nd in line to the throne
Nice. Here's hoping he lives up to the hype.
>when you get bored and try to instigate the War of the Triple alliance pt2
Youre gonna need them when jair or what ever his name is brings back the death squads
The main problem whites have is our pathological altruism, leading to bleeding hearts making stupid decisions.
>mfw I'll be /hazguns/
That's really cool. I admire that sort of constitutional monarchy system of government and think a nation needs a monarchy unless they are something like the US where the national culture enshrines individualism and the common man. US seems to have shifted less individualist and more corporate tyranny, though. Corporations can be just as bad as a bad government that stretches itself too far. It's admirable that your imperial family are very anti-communist and have religious foundation, but I worry they may mistreat the homosexuals, though.
Oh boy I can't wait
Which one's the ape?
I'm always happy when I see a Natonalist take a stand against the filthy reds. Doesnt matter the race or nation if you hate commies and socialists you're a friend of mine.
I like what he is saying a lot, but your current official national flag is quite lovely and I worry that they might be a little too against freedom of speech. Fuck MST, Lula, and others like them though.
they aren't, Dom Pedro II is literally the reason we have freedom of press and speech in this country m8
also the current phrase in the flag "Ordem and Progress" literally come from french positivist which literally a subset of socialism and masonry that has governed this country since 1889 until this election. It needs to go down. And the old flag has the order of christ and the yellow and green represents the House of Habsburgs and of the Braganzas
Oh, then that is fine. It is just that he is going on about silencing the subversives and typically in my country when they say that they mean they want to remove our freedom of speech so they can persecute those who disagree with ruling social democrat party by arresting people for internet posts.
The left here is trying to censor alternative media and has today literally sent a petition for the Supreme Court to ban Whatsapp, cause they are propagating fake news for Bolsonaro LMAO
Quick rundown on brasil?
Did bolsonaro win or something
That is bad. Even if it is stupid shit like Alex Jones posts to the internet, it should be protected speech.
The main election happens in a week or so.
He managed to get 46% of the votes while the 2nd place managed 29%, since he didn't pass the 50%+1 mark, there will be a second round in 9 days with the 2 candidates: Jair Bolsonaro (64% in the last poll) and the commie Fernando Haddad (36% in the last poll)
I have hope for you Brazilians! I promise I won't make fun of huehues anymore if you elect him
is this a sign of things to come?
first Brazil, then the world
I googled it and its not from antarctica
Amazing how the offer of guns is all it takes for some people to start licking boots.
yeah, no, this was just a fucking bait, this stupid monkey is a retarded loser.
Honestly, gays are a small price to pay when it comes to communists
what kind of restrictions are being relaxed? Are you guys going full zona teir or some kind of florida style bullshit?
That victory pose.
If this is indeed the case, I cannot for an instant blame the people taking it from the truck.
Bolsonaro can't win
He is going to court for campaign finance allegations, it's over
My family always had guns and I've been around them since I was 13.
You don't need government papers for anything, use the police incompetence to your side, baiano.
dumb frogposter
They will probably end the "state a reason" to get a license, still there are a lot of other problems with gun laws:
- Restricted Calibers bullshit
- Major Import Bans (Taurus and Magtech buys all the military that make these regulations, remember that if you buy Taurus you are helping gun grabbers)
- 25 minimum age for guns
- No Conceal Carry (They are stating a lot that they will relax HD laws and gun ownership but not carrying)
- If you own a "defense gun" (which is what they are talking about relaxing) you can't even bring them to a range legally unless you take months to fill a paper and they "approve", and this paper will authorize you to bring them to a certain range/gunshop for only a couple of days legally, in some states they even state which path you must take, so if you get stopped by cops on another path they can arrest you.
- Extreme high ammo costs (Magtech monopoly) that are sold in packages of 10 for about R$80 (right now about 20-30 dollars, thats 2usd per round in shitty loads)
- Ammo purchases limit per year, you can only buy 50 rounds of centerfire ammo per year, 400 of rimfire and around 200 of shotgun shells, but honestly no store owner respects this, they wouldn't be dumb to not sell ammo on a market that's already small
At least relaxing the purchase will make easier to actually get the guns, so just buy whatever we can and conceal carry without anyone knowing it.
They stated about "ending the monopoly" of Taurus/Magtech (both owner by the same holders registered on Cayman Island's nowadays), but the monopoly is forced by Army regulations, not standard laws, so unless they change the heads of the Army branch that controls it or make really specific laws taking the filthy military hands off gun control, I think this will be hard.
Do You happen to have link to pic related archived somewhere
Lmao yeah the legendary white empathy that led to global colonialism, the Atlantic Slave Trade, and the Holocaust
Shut the fuck up, retard
Water is a rare Earth commodity. Living in North America you might not realize it, but if you live anywhere else on Earth it is a serious issue. A few corporations control all the potable water reservoirs in the New World and they don't give it out to even alleviate crises. So these poor people are being given soda instead of water because this is all that the government could find to give them for aid. This is also why the people of Flint, Michigan are forced to drink poison while Nestle owns all the water in Michigan and sells them in bottles to Canada.
Led to many third world countries gaining a greatly improved standard of living far earlier than they would have achieved alone, mine included.
>Slave Trade
Jews. Ended by Whites eventually.
Unironically Jews. Can they stop being so fucking unlikable for once in a millennium?
>government giving away gun rights
It's bait.
So tem macaco burro nesta thread.
Buy illegal guns or just literally kys.
>tfw no qt bolsonette gf w/rpg launcher
Trying to bring civilization to the world.
>Slave Trade
Africans were the ones selling their own to any takers.
>thinks holohoax was real
muh '6 gorillion joos'!!!!
Got a chuckle
Brazil, please for the love of everything remotely good in this world, do not fuck this up.
Would bleach.
Uma delicia
Bolso has already won. he has like 64% in the last poll and the election is in 8days
I’m not talking about Bolso winning, I’m talking about Brazil’s heavy gun laws being done away with.
Favela purge when?
every country in south america is literally irrelevant even someone nuked brazil nobody would care
Those thighs...
Isn't this brazil?
Wait fuck I thought this was a jamaica post
Along southern Brazil there's a strong German community. Supposedly been there and growing since the 30s
Is that you, Hillary?
Not the guy you're replying to, but if you're not going to refute anything I'm just going to assume you've been assblasted into outer space.
What exactly will be our gun laws under Bolsonaro, anyway?
Has he said anything about which calibers will be freed? Will we be able to own more than six guns? Will we be able to buy extra guns without redoing all the paperwork each and every time?
Also, will (non rural) civilians be able to buy FALs?
He so far only said about gun ownership and insisted on saying he is pro ownership and that conceal carry "is a different matter" because he is appealing to the mainstream voters and media so far.
No calibers change whatsoever, that is part of Army's R105, not any legislation, he pretty much just said so far he is gonna change the proof of necessity for purchase, PL3722 actually does that, and lowers the age from 25 to 21, and allows sinarm holders to bring guns to range.
I'm going to tell you now, the Flint water crisis had nothing to to with Nestle and everything to do with local politics and shitty management from Flint
Which is to say, the ability of blacks to mismanage everything
For something so high budget, its pretty embarrassing to have a typo at the title of your promotional material.
He never said the Flint water problem was because of Nestle you illiterate faggot.
holy shit integralism its been a while since youve come up
>rare earth comoddity