AR thread
Rail cover edition
AR thread
Rail cover edition
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I want my cuckstamp rn I paid for it and I deserve it NOW
changes made
Purpledized lower and that HG gap
nice ash clone, even got the purple looking lower down.
It's almost cool but the stock and handguard are caca
I was on duracoat's website and what in tarnation is that stock on the top one here?
lower is from the 70's, lots of anodized aluminums wound of purple back then.
Nothin wrong with a little KAC gap
haven't seen ash's rifle in months but this is definitely before he did anything purpley
since when the fuck do people not like the UBR2, URX4 is the best handguard ez
sorry didn't mean to WGWS post people just kept replying as i typed.
Gen 2 ubr is ugly
I'm going to remove a pin and welded MD and replace it with a warcomp that I'm painfully going to pin and weld. And also dimple the barrel for a new gas block. I've never done any of this. I really hope I dont fuck all my shit up.
also I'm considering cerakoting the purple lower to match my SR-25, i think the color is called sniper blue? I dunno yet.
Scope is getting replaced next year >cantellwherethebudgetranout
right side is ashs rifle, I believe he also got an acog.
Can someone fill me in on 6.5 Grendel? Is it supposed to be for DMR style builds? My cursory googling makes it seem like in the great debate of 5.56 and 7.62 it takes the middle ground in which people claim 40S&W bridges the gap between 9mm and 45ACP. Is that an accurate analogy?
Or is it just a meme hipster round to chamber an AR in?
It's great, so /arg/ hates it.
Its a little slow and cracks AR bolts.
If it was 6mm it would be much better (better velocity and bc, wouldnt crack bolts)
And no, it's not really between 5.56 and 7.62, it's still squarely in the 5.56 territory, the only issue is that it's better in almost every way on paper, but ammo availability is shit. There's pretty much just garbage steel and match ammo with nothing in between.
Its a meme round
Its only slightly better than a 5.56 but wholly inferior to 7.62 and a joke compared to 6.5creed
6.8 replaced it as the meme round of the month and then .300 Blackout replaced that, now .224 Valkyrie is the round of the month
where will we go to next? who knows
>where will we go to next?
8.6 creedmoor will be hot af next year
Everything in 6mm is fucking retarded. 6.5 Grendel is some dumb slavshit round that's halfway between .308 and 5.56 but has a long bullet. It lacks the barrier penetration and raw power of .308 and it recoils a lot more than 5.56 while offering less capacity and less lethality.
jeeeeeeeeeeesus fucking christ i guess I do have to go cerakote my lower then
What is the minimum # of magazines you should own for each rifle?
I currently own one 20 rounder, six 30 rounders and one 40 rounder
I have 3 more 30 rounders on the way
Rounds like 6.5 Grendel and 6.5 Creedmoor should really stick to killing fucking paper because that's all they are good for
147gr 6.5 creedmoor flies like 250gr .338 lapua
note the purpleing
I have 7 30rounders because muh combat load
wouldn't combat load be 1 in the rifle + 8 in mag pouches?
As I said good for killing paper
in a DMR or machine gun role 6.5 Creedmoor is anemic
i have my shtf rifle done is it worth pinning a gas block on my shorty range gun im building, i abuse my rifles will the basic single dimple set screws do the job
Tell that to socom
>recoils a lot more than 5.56 while offering less capacity and less lethality
I'll bite because obviously wrong.
123 grain ELD will wipe the floor with mk262 at any distance and at any barrel length.
Hey guys,
I got an Ares (now Fightlite) SCR lower and I don't know what to do with it. Got a Gibbz side charging upper coming for it, but no idea on what I should do with it. I already have a decent 14.5" AR, gimme some ideas anons.
hate the stock, grip, md
I first posted my lower around this time last year, I feel like he commented on it. I wonder if I spawned his. I'm glad he at least has a forward assist, but I'm probably gonna go ahead and cerakote my lower now
I mean these fucktards ran around with 1911 race guns with C-Mores and comps at one point
Justt because SOCOM does X doesn't mean it's good
300 blackout suppressed sbr.
throwing it in the trash would be good.
this fat oaf is the reason why I sold my mcmr.
Maybe it's changed since my time. We had 7 30's and 3 M9 mags. It's been nearly a decade since I've had to load out like that, though.
The 123gr grundle doesnt even get 2600fps in a 24" barrel
I do wish I had gone with pic related MD instead, but it's pinned on.
interesting, is there wood furniture versions of these?
what kind of lower is he even using? is that cerakoted or pre-ban or does someone make them available like that or wtf happened i'm disgusted.
cut my life into pieces
do you not have your own plate carrier at home?
i hate that md too
Why is everyone falling for gamers memes lately like pencil profile barrels, LPVOs, brakes, funnel mag wells, goofy triggers and super thin MLok handguards? This shit is getting goofy.
I think its a poverty pony.I have one too but it has never gone purple on me, I think a mixture of bacon grease and insulin dripping on it made it that way.
>what kind of lower is he even using
Its an anderson.
Nah, no chest rig at all. Is /arg/ pretty SHTF or something?
It came from the factory that way.
What me shit to engrave on the lower?
There's nothing that is extremely bad about surefire muzzle devices.
pic related is falling for gamer shit
you should engrave, "A2grip fucks men" on it
>There's nothing that is extremely bad about surefire muzzle devices.
they mount surefire suppressors
Nobooze in MI, what's the best way to get a stripped lower if you don't have a Jow Forums friend?
Alternatively, what's the cheapest 80% finishing method that produces good results (drill press, router, etc.)?
>what's the cheapest 80% finishing method that produces good results
Im using a drill press with a cheap jig on mine. Ill let you know how it works out.
Anybody else shoot 3-gun?
Evening ladies.
How about PCC?
>rear offset sight mounted above the ejection port
What the fuck are you doing
Giving myself eye relief on the ACOG, and the irons are actually faster to pick up when the sight radius is shorter.
Pls no buli
10 good 30 round mags minimum
Ideally you should have 2x or 3x that number
You bullied yourself
No thanks
I guess you don't like fun then
I wanted to try something different :(
barrel is way too long
evening degenerates
I agree :(
no thanks
thank you for your service faggot.
thank you for your aids, nigger, next time i fuck you in the ass, i'm wearing 3 condoms
did the uggo spic dropout get triggered?
oh i'm sorry, did you insult me then get offended when the truth came out.
so much sass from a lispy little spiclet.
so much butthurt from the owner of a meh ar
Kys fluffy
that's quite hilarious coming from u and your bland mk18
this right here is offensive,
If the shoe fits
back to back sexy champ, cuck
>the highlight of your life
phew lad
just because your rifle jams, doesn't mean you gotta be so jelly
Ok, guys, rate future setup:
-BCM 9'' 300 upper m-lok
-Surefire 300 SPS
-Aimpoint T2
-SB Tactical SBA3
-Surefire Mini scout (or the newer big one with 1500 lumens)
-BCM angled grip
-Possibly magnifier???
Just wreck my shit senpai
He made the list. Thats why he wins.
Rec me lasers.
All I've ever used is PEQ15.
Got like $400ish to throw at it.
>Got like $400ish to throw at it.
Do you have nods?
I have basically one of every polymer mag on the market now
one of each gen of Pmag
one Lancer mag
one Troy battlemag
one Daniel Defense mag
one Hexmag
and I'll probably be getting a Tangodown ARC mag soon
are there any others I should consider?
Then dont buy a laser
Funny thing, thedailyshooter bought a cheap drill press and did an unboxing of it, but never did a follow-up video.
More lancers.
throw meme mags in the trash and get a bunch of Okay Ind usgi mags
hello what is the definition of an anime dmr
anything that liberal chink, wugwus, would own
BCM Mcmr 14.5 pinned or 16? I need to know. How hard to convert to geissele rail?. Doesnt BCM cuck their gas blocks. Can I just use the Geissele gas block and bcm gas tube for the mark 4 rail?
Bloody peasant