Trade, create and sell your patches
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Patch Thread
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I am excited for the Trauma Team patch!
New patches in stock and PSYOPS restock. Also Halloween sale with free candy going on til the end of the month.
Same. After the trouble we had with the Chinese Patch Elves regarding the colour of thread to use for the merrowing I am pleasantly surprised the finished product is pretty much 100 per cent spot-on.
O-of course n-not!
Shouldn't have stopped the cleaning process!
Moonrunes say God.
Good morning, all!
What pack is that lad? Looks decent. Does it come in trigerstripe?
I really like it, will there be any more Trauma Team patches? or is this the one
Someone else was working on one, forget who.
The German had a set of designs featuring the TT logotype; a few threads back NEET expressed some interest in them.
I have no other TT designs planned (at the moment, at least). Current project is some First World War gondolas...
It was me. Probably gonna be a thing closer to release.
I suggested Yamato patches a while ago but no one was interested :(
If the nametape one gets the same color as the one that is now ready I will be very happy. Also now you know atleast 1 user is interested in a Yamato patch
>wew that trauma team patch
I found a patch that I picked up somewhere a couple years ago, pretty aesthetic imo.
Good to hear
just need to know what colors were used and I can do that
>not choosing my clearly superior colors
why would you try to split the fucking colors of Trauma Team patches in this thread
I'm german.
Besatzungskinder fag probably
It's a surplus medium ALICE with replaced/improved hip belt and shoulder straps. Not sure about the tiger stripe pattern. Sorry, my dude.
You seem mad user.
Thanks to everyone who voted. I've started prototyping the Doom patch.
Anyone have some suggestions on how to git gud with illustrator/designing?
You can find my first design on my store:
>Go to German McDonald's at the end of trip cause I'm broke
>Can I have an extra piece of cheese please?
>Nein, es tut mir leid, but we only have enough cheese for each allotted burger.
Autism in true form
Who the fuck orders a extra piece of cheese? the only autism I'm seeing here is you
Maybe because I like cheese you minimalist weirdo
Just keep doing stuff in Illustrator. Maybe do tutorials if that's your thing.
I'm sorry user, no one should be denied an extra slice of cheese.
What we need is a Doom lady patch.
Sky King patch from NoSew came in, some of the letter stitching is a little messy but overall I'm happy with it
Thank you friend
no one has the balls to make these
Pathetic reverse psychology
Hey NEET, thanks for the Megumin patches and keychain, I'll buy a YoRHa when they restock. You know who I am.
Yo asshole, stop pretending to be me!
probably because they look like ass
>no ranger eye
How do you say ? part-timer, amateur?
Amateur, or mediocre, would work nicely.
>mfw we've more or less made back our investment on Range Trap and can soon afford to do RWDS
I'm trying to buy but after the PayPal window I get redirected back and nothing else happens, the order doesn't get placed
Thank you for all the support. Finally managed to work myself to death enough to purchase the next drop, which is a patch based off of the coolest country in the world.
I'm shooting for a Veteran's Day release, right after I close my current design poll and I'll probably run a short sale on them once they drop on Veteran's Day (or thereabouts)
As for the patch itself I'm getting the Chinks to fix the glasses and give them the border again. The colors look alright.
Also has anyone gotten their Range Traps in yet?
Does the original artist know you stole their Ms paint design?
does anyone here care?
Some day they'll arrive
You're supposed to fill out and complete the PayPal window l, then let it redirect you back and finish filling out the forns
What? I used this as a reference but I don't think it's stealing since I just changed the angle a little bit. I wanted to go ahead and make a vector so its similar, but I decided not to go with a gun or a hat so it's just the plain countryball.
Welp, gotta pick this up now.
KK gonna email the dude and just let him know you're profiting from his idea
Just like that one fag messaged a company on twitter and they immediately sent lawyers after the patch maker, amirite?
Why thanking you, I am gratefuls for the assistants.
I'm not some two-faced poser nigga by all means.
I hope you do. If this next one picks up steam I might do a whole collection for different countries.
No problem Chang
Talked to my partner who handles supplies. We're doing a run of both Volk ans Gewehr and RWDS next.
I thought NEET was running that patch?
because they're niche and awful.
Not this one
Nigga these look like fucking Beyblades
Did anything ever happen with the guy who wanted to sell different shemaghs?
That is NEET
Mechwarrior is based as fuck and these are literally the best factions
That was NEET, and IIRC he said that they're being shipped by the Pakis. Personally I won't be buying one because god knows what the fuck kind of stuff is used to make them.
I once bought a shemagh online that was apparently made in the Middle East proper. Apparently they used some weird dyeing technique because the fucking thing would just stain the water green whenever I washed it.
Eh people said I was shitposting when I put out ideas for the main factions.
Clan scum, die!
>someone else takes pictures of their patches with their nendos
On Your Mark patches when?
Well of course. Nobody wants to die by overzealous lawyers.
First page is better material, imo
Just look how gosh dang cute she is, I would also cop a patch of her
I'm going to get me a Jow Forumsfu
K is a gay board, all the lurking traps finnaly got a patch for themselves.
muh dick
why? We had fucking pokemon go patches here a few years ago. What's wrong with based militant mechwarrior army factions?
Did someone say Jow Forumsfu?
That'd be me
I would recommend washing them before use since who knows what they use in them
It's probably just the dye coming out that caused the color, tho
patchmakers are pussies
Why don't you front the money then
Manga inspired me to get fit too.
as am i
oh shit raketman did you send me your address already?
ay thanks for using my pic
10/25/2018 @ 1400 PST
8th Cadian restock, KRIEG V1 (remember a newer more detailed one is coming soon after), and TRAUMA TEAM
As far as price on Krieg V1, im not sure how im going to do that yet, at most it would be the normal 6.50, but im not sure yet as its a blemish, I might do the .50 off but again not sure as i dont make too much anyways off of them, just a heads up on that.
heres the steam group by the way
SUB ROSA looks fucking sick
Dang. Are you Cali based?
yea unfortunately
I just pushed that time out would something be better for east coast and euros?
At least for east coast, 2 PM CST is when us east coasters are just getting out of work.
That one is kinda gay
who the fuck cares what time it drops? Are you lining up outside his house?
>Middle of drive home
>Everything is out of stock
what about 4PM PST?
>7 PM east coast
has this ever happened? Are you samefag posting?
>Are you samefag posting
No shit I'm responding to you you autistic troglodyte.
That would probably work for everyone.
This looks breddy cool
Who was doing the poleeps/emt/fire Jow Forums patch again?
Alright them
Drop is offically 4PM (1600) PST on 10/25/2018
Ill update it every day on the thread and the website
Thanks fellas. I've been wanting to get one, but I figured I'd support a fellow Jow Forumsommando instead of giving my money to Jeff Bezos
Yeah, but what's it got to do with patches?