A while back I bought out my local surplus store, and have been selling it roadside on weekends. Been doing good until recently. Does Jow Forums have any ideas how to draw attention to my surp stand?
Business Ideas?
Girl with boobs spinning a sign like the tax places.
Excellent idea.
advertise in local classifieds?
start your own "local classifieds" web site to post your own ads and host other peoples ads
advertise/promote via FB. as much as i detest social media like FB, I hear it is pretty big in promoting small businesses and buying/selling things
I’ve got it up in the Facebook marketplace
You've got a link? What patterns do you have? I'm looking for a pack too.
If you need a business idea set up an Etsy store. That's love this shit
>set up an Etsy store
or ebay too maybe?
Buy a small ad spot on a local country station and conservative AM talk radio station.
this is a good idea. would reach some of the right kind of people
eBay too, if you do Etsy though artsy hipster types will eat that shit up if you take an hour or two and figure out what people want on that store.
>ACU camo (or whatever it was actually called)
It's HORRENDOUS looking and for practical use I wouldn't buy it ever
I’ll find a link later. I’ve got ACU, 3 shade desert, Desert Marpat, Woodland Marpat, ABU, Woodland BDU. Sold out of packs unfortunately
If you live near a base, sell the standard issue items that the main service who uses said base for about 2-3x eBay prices (but still lower than PX prices). That's what the local surplus stores do since desperate joes will come and be forced to buy the uniform parts for drill the day before or of because they were too retarded to plan beforehand. This cycle will repeat nearly indefinitely for many people.
East Tennessee fag. No near bases
eBay has a ton of milsurp sellers already, you would need to sell for lower
"Until recently." Does that mean you have sold the cool stuff and the most requested sizes and are left with the worn out, dwarf sized stuff everyone already has? Or do you still have the same stuff you started with in the same size range, only less left on the shelves?
you may as well advertise it as a fire starter, thats all those things are good for.
sell it on the internet
I’ve got the same supply, just less demand
How far from Dayton?
Hour and a half east. Knoxville
Got any goretex jackets? Specifically DCU and/or woodland.
>Does Jow Forums have any ideas how to draw attention to my surp stand
So you wanna have a successful business selling military surplus? Well friend, you're going to need to ensure you complete the following:
- For every one surplus item in your inventory, stock at least 5 Condor or Propper brand items as well.
- Keep a spinning zippo display next to your register, and I.D. anyone asking who see one who looks under the age of 60.
- Devote half of your retail space to levi 501 and 505 jeans, carhartt jackets, and socks.
- Do not sell weapons, weapon accessories, or ammunition. Make disparaging remarks to anybody asking for them. If they talk back, throw your spitter bottle at them.
- Post a sign hand-written on wide-rule loose leaf saying "all bags and backpacks subject to search"
- Sell only orange, black, OD, red white and blue, and blue paracord
- Maintain a mannequin showcasing particularly sought after surplus items including a polish or russian gas mask, Chinese-made budenovka with non-functioning flaps, Propper ACU jacket, and Carhartt work overalls.
- Ask blacks to leave your premises without cause or provocation
By following these tried-and-true tips, you'll be able to afford all the slowcooker chili and sips you could ask for
Sounds about right desu.
Also you gotta be fat as FUCK op.
>ask blacks to leave
Could have been a very short post, user.
I would tell you to burn it, but it's fire retardant.
If it's not FRACU shit it'll drip and burn like oil... Trust me.
Have you tried bundling copies of the Turner Diaries with each purchase and strictly selling your wares from the back of a Ryder truck?
No, but now I have an idea for next week
Sell to the retards here. There's a whole thread where they congregate.