What do you think about PDWs?

What do you think about PDWs?

Attached: s-l640.jpg (640x329, 38K)

Useless outside of very specific circumstances that require a "rifle" round in a smaller than SMG package.
Make sense for tank crews or home defense, but until we get the NFA repealed every single one of them costs an extra 200 dollars and 6-9 months to make them useful.

Ligma made them obsolete.

Only practical if you get a faux suppressor + tightbore, otherwise you're stuck with a CQB only rig. Anything that isn't a bulkboi like the p90 will need an external PEQ which is a hassle.

what's obsolete?

Pretty Damn Wicked.

Attached: Mac-10 Pro.jpg (1240x1112, 396K)

pretty good, they have good manueverability and have rpm of around 20 with good internal overhaul. Youll need a m90 spring and torquey motor to make them sing, but theyre fun.

wait, what's the charger for? Can you power things off of firing a P90?

Not too bad if you have money to burn I guess. Definitely better choices to choose from at the moment though. Which there were semi auto MP7’s like the PS90.

Would be ideal for home defense if civilians were allowed to own full-funs. As it stands, neat gimmick.

obsoletes nuts haha gotem

They are the one true space gun and the stupid laws and time we live in means I won't be able to buy one at any of my local gun stores.

Isn't MP7 unobtainium?

>[Wish?] there were semi auto MP7’s like the PS90.
There is the retarded cousin from florida.

Attached: mp7 cmr30.jpg (800x453, 139K)

ops pic is airshit

>Useless outside of very specific circumstances that require a "rifle" round in a smaller than SMG package.
but significantly more useful than your brain, you worthless fucking moron.

>As it stands, neat gimmick.
t- poorfag who's never shot one, let along owning a real one.

They exist
That's about it

A useful evolution of the SMG. Good for security that's expecting domestic terrorists or armed thugs but not national military forces. bodyguard work, bank security, SWAT teams etc.

The nuts and bolts advantage here is the lower recoil per shot. This means you're more accurate even at higher rates of fire with a low penetration round. I know that last bit sounds like a disadvantage but when you could end up paying for collateral damage it makes sense to minimize that.

PDWs are more like pistol rounds than rifle or assault rifle rounds.

I mean, look at the FN 5.7

MP7 basically lost the race against the P90. Anyone who was ordering MP7s en masse wound up buying P90s.

I can see how you might have that impression, but I dont think that's actually true. The P90 has a large visible presence among many individual international SWAT teams, but given the MP7 showing up in the hands of SEALs and French DGSE it probably has a significant adoption among organizations that dont tend to disclose what they use. The MP7 certainly seems to be more popular among actual militarys rather than police units.