Why would you want anything else?
Because its the bottom of the barrel, shittiest you can get.
Oh boy, another gay ass thread with another gay ass meme we have literally every day
D the fuck out of this thread
You sound mad.
Bravo retard.
Not me
Get rekt you dumb faggot
I like the angle and the low bore axis. I do like other guns as well. You know, like a normal person.
What topic is this thread about?
You seem mad. You ok?
I know right? I mean its not like any other firearm offers those features. Glock Perfection.
Glock Perfection. All you need is a Glock.
You seem like a faggot.
How can I not help your dumbass?
Sounds like you are pretty mad. Maybe go to the range and let off some of that steam your Glock® Perfection™ firearm.
Well you could say that about any firearm, no? What is your point? Nobody is allowed to own a Glock because other firearms may have similar features?
Why WOULD you own any other firearm? Glock Perfection.
>being this desperate
You sound more mad than the other guy.
I bet youre some dumb nigger living in the bronx
>heHe hes mad! Im so funny
Stupid fuckin faggot
>Not understanding the role of aesthetics in industrial design
>Not understanding that glocks are popular because they are both functional and pleasing to the eye
Spoken like a true shill.
I unironically do think that Glock makes the best combat handguns in the world today.
If you want a range toy or collector's piece though, I think brands like HK or CZ are better suited for that.
No desperation when you have a Glock® by your side.
>Stupid fuckin faggot
Sounds like something a person who is mad would say.
>leaving a (you)
Sounds like something a triggered faggot would say
Exactly! All you need is Glock® Perfection™.
You need to wash Ron Cohen's semen out of your mouth and try again.
Heil I guess. Also this.
Because I already have anything else.
t. recently ordered a Glawk brand Glawk 17
Why would I? Gaston Glock is my boy toy.
>I unironically do think that Glock makes the best combat handguns in the world today.
Why? Glock owner myself just interested in your take.
Because all other longslide 10mm pistols are either Gucci (DW Bruin), ripoff (Sig), or just meh (Tango). Glock is the only option that is light, cheap, reliable, optic ready, and rugged for the job (hunting).
All those other firearms you own are now paper weights. The Glock is all you need. Stop wasting your time with them.
It's the most tested handgun ever. More than Berettas, 1911's and makarovs combined. It's as reliable as a pistol can be. It's compact and lightweight, which is important since 99.999% of the time it's just going to get carried around. It can also be modified relatively easily since every accessory is designed with glocks in mind. Their rail might as well be the standard instead of 1913.
There's a reason SOCOM dropped the Sigs, HK's, 1911's and other guns that they used to use and standardized around glock.
No U
Kind of have to agree there.
Have the NPC's learned a new algorithm?
Are they copy catting memes?
In the case of guns, I believe in diversity, user.
why would you want it in the first place ?
Well said
all lefties have ever done is appropriate other's work.
Is that Ted Cruz?