Realistically, what is stopping someone from purchasing an oil rig off the coast of Africa in international waters and using it as a base for a PMC group?
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The fact that it would be one of the greatest monetary black holes of our era?
Nothing, legally.
I'd imagine there are some international laws/regulations on that, i.e. ITAR, etc. But obviously if you could somehow do it on the down-low, then I there would practically be nothing stopping you - aside from money constraints.
the logistics of running and supplying such a base
Money, time, resources, sanity, dignity, and business. Unless it's a rig off of Somalia or Nigeria you won't get much action or contracts and it would be a retarded investment for a PMC group. Nigeria and Somalia are flashpoints for oil piracy so it would be more realistic to get a contract defending a rig, not buying one.
Every navy in the world, for starters.
Ideally you get a contract for defending a rig, but have the rig put up as collateral if they miss a payment.
Worst case scenario, you get a fat payday, best case scenario you got a free oilrig.
That would be unrealistic because the rig would still generate more revenue by extracting oil rather than acting as a base. So if there was a situation where some PMC group somehow got Shanghai'd into keeping a rig for themselves they would be able to literally just make a lifetime's worth of money just by keeping it operating and selling oil for themselves.
>keeping it operating
>with operators still on board
You can't have both. Either operate it with the necessary crew or cease operations to get more room.
Right? All it does is depress me.
If it's in somalia or nigeria just bribe the crew to stay and give them a cut of the oil money. The reality is that PMC groups don't often get a contract for oil rigs and they would almost never get to keep one, they are more likely to get a contract defending a shipping boat from pirates off of somalia.
Massive security risks because you're shipping crews in and out on the reg. Space is also another issue. Plus you're having a bunch of muppets run around the rig with no regard for safety because they think their bravado is enough.
A bunch of Somali pirates going "oh, hey, free shit!" and zerging until they capture it.
Exactly it's unrealistic either way, but I'm saying it's more realistic to just sell the rig and oil rights (that you were presumably given) for millions of dollars or find a way to keep it operating than it would be to use it as a base for your group.
Why bother? Plenty of countries will allow you to incorporate and run a PMC business on their soil. Plus, you can function out of a normal warehouse or office facility for stealth.
If you just want to make money and don't share Big Boss' ideals of being Murder King of Fightinstan, there's no point to isolating yourself on a floating cuckshed.
operators operating a oil rig operation operationally.
operators operating a operational oil rig operation
Oh, sure, Bill.
Just tell everyone, why don't ya?
Putting aside all other perfectly valid counter-arguments, who's going to sell you one in the first place? The things make money hand over fist, so the only ones even moderately cheap are those located in spent fields.
So at best you end up on an early-80s rustbucket in the arse end of the North Sea.
Technically? Nothing. Realistically? Im not sure, some countries might not take kindly to it, depending of course where it is.
>International Waters
>What's stopping someone?
Play 20 minutes of Rust and you'll see.
This is actually a thing, or used to be when the somali pirate thing was at it's height.
Except they used barges/tug boats.
Couldn't you buy up an old defunct one off the coast of america, turn it into a "prison facility"? Then just use criminals in mercenary ops so you don't have to actual house all of them on the rig, which you main use for training new inmates prior to deployment?
>using prisoners as combatants
im sure that will work out well. nothing like arming the people who want you dead
Training convicted criminals in firearms use tends to be a uniformly bad idea.
Probably the prospect of getting blown out of the water by a real navy.
What they gonna do if they kill all the guards? Swim home? That's why it has to be an oil rig.
Teach them to shoot, teach them to fight, teach them that if they survive operating operationally, they'll be set free with some money, more money than they'd make in a regular prison even, don't teach them to swim or use a boat.
unless you plan on do operations only on the rig, whats stopping them from going bandit as soon as they touch the ground/shore?
I wonder if I'd have any valuable experience and certs to do something like this.
Don't care, you're still getting federal checks for "housing" them, if anyone asks where they are they dropped the soap in the shower and fell overboard.
oh, fair enough.
"Boating Accident" satisfies Federal Correction Inspectors as much as ATF.
to do what?
work on a floating armory?
this metaphor is based off that pirate bay sealand thing btw.
also off british sea forts in WW2.
its already been done but the main reason Kojima productions did it in MG2 and MGSPW/5 was because they associate sea forts from the places their servers they download their hentai and trans porn from
>pic rel: armory ship off the African coast sitting in international waters to supply counter pirate mercenaries
most international companies require at a minimum
>armorer certifications (mil and factory)
>Seamans license or merchant mariners card (deck or engineering)
>maritime experience
>preferred LE/mil experience (4 yrs min)
>preferred combat zone/overseas deployments
that leaves people with those kinds of quals at least in the west limited to armorers in the navy and coast guard
You don't get to choose what someone puts up as collateral, moron.
Nothing, do it user
yes you do, it's like any bet, same as mortgages.
>keep all arms on your oil rig
>get contract in whatever nation
>have to import your arms
Good luck. There is a reason some company's started floating armories for ship protection duties.
>we'll provide security to your oil rig but if you miss a payment we're taking it
well looks like they didn't hire you
lol, they lost their dept. head last month and couldnt find him
Not necessarily on the armory itself but maritime security occupations in general. I have the mil experience and some but everything else is kind of lacking due to differences in MOS. Maybe I could pick something up that would make me more attractive, dunno
you can pay to go to most armorer schools, foundations in weapons storage and accountability or acounting are also big plus.
get a seamans card (pretty easy to get) and you can travel the world and shoot pirates. most companies will not hire unless you are with a recognized organization because of people sniping pirates who did not shoot first, which makes the cargo ship a pirate ship in international law
Or sneak onto one of the boats late at night, steal a crewmember's clothes and assume his identity for evermore.
Someone doing the same in the Caribbean
International laws are not legitimate.
I'll consider something like this, I don't really mind the sea and I did enjoy the amount of sailing I have done in the past. Plus it has a decent chance of paying better than what I currently do
Truly a man with a plan
I really want to turn this
into my own big boss secret base, but its only 4km offshore, so its not in international waters.
Real PMCs aren't stateless sell-swords who work for anyone who hires them anymore, OP.
Real modern mercenaries are almost always exclusively aligned with one nation and take contracts only from that nation's government and its allies.
That's the only way that they can survive
Almost everyone is aligning with some bigger power structure so anyone trying to play both sides will be out of business the second they take a job from a non-aligned country
This. Also any US based contractor or organization that helps or aids enemies of the United States can be brought up on treason charges. The vast majority of contractors working with the US armed forces just serve meals to our troops or run transport for food and food items for our troops. Contractors hardly ever see fighting anymore the closest they get too is shooing away people coming too close to a car. The liability of even firing your firearm when your a contractor is disgustingly
Yeah... sorta.
Every MGS game plays with the idea of brainwashing and your real mission not being the one you think you're on, hence the connection with Escape From New York.
It's amazing to me how many people didn't notice how similar Mother Base looks to Big Shell, or notice all the hints that the game is actually taking place around or after MGS4.
lotta loyalty for a hired gun
>or notice all the hints that the game is actually taking place around or after MGS4
Wait what? Explain.
How would an ausfag join a pmc ? I don’t have any experience, would I have to enlist first to make it easier and acrew experience?
what's stopping them is called why the fuck would you bother you dumb fucking faggot jesus christ grow up you stupid cunt goddamn other than satisfying your fag fantasies what would the actual point be other than spending as much money as possible on pointless bullshit holy fuck you're gay.
hope that clears it up for you.
just bring lots of spiders and make it your special ability you wear sexy latex and throw spiders you could call yourself black widow and walk around being sexy and throwing spiders.
or maybe spend ten years in sasr because why the fuck would they hire someone with absolutely no marketable skills.
not enough young men want to be pmcs
or perhaps they are wondering why someone would use an oilrig as base, instead of being where the actual fighting is
What sort of qualifications do you have?
any IT? Logistics?
These things are also important to sustaining a base regardless of what the tacticool operators say
Think hard.
No! YOU should think long and hard about why you left reddit, and then go back immediately
youre a angry guy
they suddenly become so when you piss off someone who can do something about it.
Well I did ask what experience would make it easier fag
>What they gonna do if they kill all the guards? Swim home?
take the boats that the guards use, or are used to re-supply the guards.
meant forTake your meds grandpa
None really besides labour work but I’d be pretty willing to get qualifications and what not. Joining a pmc seems like it’d be an alright way to spend life .
Learn to drive a forklift and get some logistics experience, maybe a pmc can use you in warehousing
and where the fuck are you going to get the prisoners from in the first fucking place?
>hey feds, give me some prisoners so i can ass fuck what remaining rights they have on an oil rig in the middle of nowhere while i attempt to spend the money of shadowy backers training them into mercenaries that will die on my command and which i will neither confirm nor deny if i will ever use them against american interests.
hmmm wonder how that's gonna play out you fucking child
What is this nigger yappin on about
i told you you fucking homosexual, your experience with spiders and dressing like a woman
You need to go back to your containment board child
Jow Forums is a rightwing board you mutt
Get a load of this guy
so literally nobody but america/russia
good to know
Yeah, I'm with . How did you come up with that conclusion?
Because that shit is a horrendous waste of money. Look at where modern PMCs are based. Larger ones are in nondescript corporate buildings in low tax states, smaller ones are run out of rented office spaces. In country they're based out of hotels in the green zone or prefabs in whatever base they're lodged in. Old ones like Executive Outcomes and Mike Hoares outfit recruited out of hotel rooms in South Africa and were based in-country out of deserted villas, using vehicles and equipment largely loaned from the host government. Fact is, sea bases (owning, maintaining and getting personnel/supplies/equipment to and from) cost a shitload of money, and that's a shitload of money that you dont have, especially when everyone wants 80k starting, with 401k and full dental.
if you think that then you're a fucking retard. but that's becoming more and more obvious.
Anyone that's bigger than you, bud. If the Gambian navy wanted to hit you with the book, even they have the clout to make it happen and their entire manning is less than an Arleigh-Burke.
Real question, Do you think America would encourage Western militias to take up base on abandoned oil rigs across the middle east as an early warning system/harassment tactic as long as there was no stepping on toes and pulled out when requested by American forces?
getting btfo by anyone that can reach you with a speedboat?
You mean them getting btfo by a hail of gunfire in the dead of night
lack of ocean-worthy vessel to even transport men and materiel?
no because we already have bases on their soil and neighboring soils to do that
But you can't have enough allied forces right?
The cost. But if you've got that covered, you're golden.
Of course, you've now made your main base of operations an easy target for any major power that has decided you're a threat.