Why the hell is everyone so dick hard for Benelli?
Why the hell is everyone so dick hard for Benelli?
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its a guinea thing
you wouldnt understand
There are no Benelli fanboys. There might be Nova fanboys, or M4s90 fanboys, etc.
Be Me!!!
John Wick
I shoot high volume. My Benelli M2 and Cordoba has handled thousands of rounds in a single afternoon. Beretta is a distant second.
Because the Nova is a quality firearm. I love mine.
all my coworkers are claiming that benelli is the ferrari of shotguns. is it just becasue of their reliability?
>There are no Benelli fanboys
Uh what is the Benelli M2 and M4? for $500 Alex
probably most are bc of vidya for the M4, but those who shoot a lot or shoot for food find their systems rugged and reliable.
i have shot many field guns and nothing points more easily than my SBE. for the money some can be nicer looking (beretta), but benelli makes some rock solid guns. think AK reliability with AR precision.
Benelli, without a doubt, makes the best shotguns in the world.
>Benelli, without a doubt, makes the best shotguns in the world.
Because they're excellent firearms. Nova and supernova make Mossberg 500's and Remington 870's look fucking stupid by comparison
Reliable semi auto shotguns
Because they make arguably the best semi-auto shotguns in the world.
Name another brand of shotgun and I'll explain why Benelli is better.
jc higgins
super reliable for one thing. Have you ever handled one? They are very light and well balanced, feel very nice in the hands. Their semiautos are incredibly rugged for semiautos, and their sporting shotguns are finished elegantly, really excellent weapons.
being best at making an arguably obsolete weapon. makes ya think dont it. kinda like uberti making black powder revolvers. makes ya think dont it.
Sorry but shooting birds out of the sky will never go out of style you noguns fgt.
This is why.
I have a 1970s era Remington 1100. I put 3500 rounds of 1oz skeet loads through it in one day without cleaning, and with no more lube than normal.
Had no issues what so ever.
A Benelli can do it too (honestly so can an A350/A400), a Franchi might be able to, but my $500 shotgun fits me better. Say what you will about Rustington, but they absolutely nailed the ergos on the 870/1100/11-87.
Their price. They're twice as expensive as their competitors.
What about home defense?
>its 3am, the scariest time for normies
>hear a rustle coming from downstairs, OH NO! it’s Jamal, Malik, and Tyreek, and they’re here to claim your shit and rape your wife
>look over at wife while you’re putting on your overalls, red or green for extra style points
>grab the nova, head downstairs
>Jamal notices the plate of spaghetti laying out
>”ayo senpai, this nigga was eating some pasta, that shit looks banging”
>as Jamal reaches out his paw to grab at your precious pasta, you realize now is the time to act
>Jamal is the first to go down, his blood landing perfectly on the spaghetti, like a negro marinara sauce
>Malik and tyreek both sprint at nigger speed towards you “ayo this nigga only got a shotgun, he gotta pump that shit like in black ops”
>Tyreek eats shit and goes down, you let out a fierce “MAMA MIA”
>Malik gets on his knees, for he has seen the error in his way
>immediately goomba stomp him, sending his soul to wherever negro souls go
>head back upstairs, raise your flag, and fuck your wife while waiting for the authorities to arrive
And that’s exactly why you’re a faggot user
One of the most reliable hunting shotguns in the world
They make good guns and mad poorfags
>poorfag used benelli
Look there's one now
Unnecessary in most military contexts? Sure. Obsolete? Fuck no. Shotguns are some of the most utilitarian arms a civilian can own.
>most likely to cause a first hit lethality out of all types of firearm
this website is shit. delusional fantasy time.
have fun while your $2500 scattergun is in evidence locker being engraved and rusting while you're going to one court hearing after another until the matter is disposed (if you live in a real state).
get something reliable and cheap that puts lead downrange and allows you to defend yourself. you gamers, posers, and wannabes are literally brainwashed by the same marketing as HK. whatever.
it's a mario meme you cuck
In his later years he switched to CZ.
cz shotguns are turkshit so it just goes to show he was using the shotguns of whoever paid him the most
>M2/M4 for $500
Fucking sign me up Alex
Holy fuck you're a God damn sperg.
He litterally said to Goomba stomp a nigger.
Do you really have your head so far up your ass about not even super expensive shotguns that you can't into humor?
>Beretta's hand-me-down company makes better guns than Shotgun Ferrari
That's disgusting
She's at least a 6, don't be a fag.
>benelli nova
>2500 dollars
I want an MR1
I remember watching this when I was a kid. Still boggles my mind how good some trick shooters are.
I'm kind of surprised to learn there are people that don't like benelli. They've been a constant in a very small auto loader market. Are these o/u double barrel fudd types or something?
I really wanted one for a long time because of Ghost recon Advanced warfigher 2 but then I looked it up
>comes with 1 fucking 5-round mag
>DOA aftermarket
They're suppose to be available in the Us soon, I want one so fucking bad.
This thread brought to you and sponsored by Benelli Inc.
or just people with actual experience with them answering OP. welcome to a forum.
imagine being this much of a call of duty brained teenage n0gunz fag to think shotguns are obsolete.
My Mossberg works just fine and is made in USA. Remove spaghetti from the premises.
>be me
>be civilian
>only interested in doing fun civilian shit with my guns because I'm not a LARPer
>shoot geese with my shotgun a few weekends ago
>invite beautiful woman over for dinner last night
>cook perfect medium rare goose breast with rice and salad
>she woke me up this morning with the best blowjob I've ever had in my fucking life
You might say user that my shotgun helped get my dick sucked. I must civilly disagree with your assertion that shotguns are obsolete.
>the same shotgun you could already buy, now covered in 3x the bullshit for 5x the money
You retard. Benelli was incredibly popular and well regarded long before John wick.
How are Beretta 1301s?
Hot dog!, I'm getting a Benelli M4.
Are you describing the Benelli M's?
Any tacticool shotgun that's covered in bullshit besides a flashlight.