if you can't run 30 minutes under the arizona sun without sweating you are too unfit to be a true Jow Forumsommando
If you can't run 30 minutes under the arizona sun without sweating you are too unfit to be a true Jow Forumsommando
>implying Jow Forumsommandos have ever run in their entire lifetime
Your post makes no sense in at least two different ways.
I have hyperactive sweat glands, I sweat constantly
If you can survive in -40 in Canada with only an axe and a rifle you are unfit to be a Jow Forumsommando
Samesies. Life is suffering.
nice 5 round mag limit
>Oh its only a little pin.... I'm enjoying my SBS's, hows your NFA? ;)
But in all seriousness it sucks, if this one next upcoming bill passes, I'm mass manufacturing Lutys and Slam-bangs and stuffing them all over citys with a smiley face sticker.
It's weird how healthy Ian is considering the horrible shit he eats on his other youtube channel where he wears a different fake beard.
>his friend is fat and is a satani-
I can't walk up the stairs to my apartment without sweating. 1st floor btw.
Try running in the swampy ass Georgia heat for 30 minutes you wimp. You desert fags have it lucky.
>look it's Scott McKay and his satanic friend Sven Karlsen
>he thinks I'll sweat
Bitch I live in the south east where we have your heat plus 600% humidity
lol desert
just gotta embrace it man, Ive always been a heavy sweater myself, but once you embrace it its easier to deal with. One of the reasons why I enjoyed the army, no one gave any thought if you came into a room sweaty.
Karl is a Satanist? I could always tell he was an edgy sperglord but that's too far.
>arizona sun
Pls, try subzero winter. You guys don’t even have any humidity.
It gets -40 state side too
clinical deodorant but not just any kind. usually the delivery method is all that matters. so buy some sprays, some roll ons with the little wheels, some regular solid, gels, and the "hybrid" solids
i dont know what to call them but they are short squat little containers with many big round holes at the top. twist them and it squeezes solid through the holes. whatever kind that is works best
So why is the whole satanist thing a big deal? Karl is fucking autistic already, I don't get why you faggots are triggered about him being edgy
Because all of a sudden we're all devout Christians
Now this is the real test
I'm not a real kommando, anything under -10 can fuck off
Literally and unironically worshipping Satan is generally considered a bad thing, even if you aren't Christian.
satanism isn't what you think it is
>i better write 30min to feel superior since one hour is a no no for my tainted muttass
Its about being an edgy faggot
Yeah, no. My armpits and odour aren't really the problem. I'm talking full body sweating, especially my back, forearms, face, and legs.
in b4
>bUt SaTaN iS tHe DeCeIvEr ThAtS wHaT hE wAnTs YoU tO bElIeVe!!!!!!!!!!!! christslaves
Karl is still a nerd, though.
you sound super proud of that time you went outside for an hour
Satanism is pretty much an edgier version of atheism which is an edgier version of enlightened agnosticism.
Your body actually sweats more, faster, the more in shape you are. It gets used to sweating so when you start any kind of physical exertion it goes "alright I know the drill" and starts perspiring like crazy.
Please point out the version of satanism that isnt
A: Devil worship or B: LeVayen >totally not devil worship! tm
No one gives a shit about Satanism being in opposition to Christianity. Being a satanist is one of the highest forms of sperglord and it's embarrassing for him and Ian.
k, fattie
I live in arizona, the trick is to drink no liquids at all so you don't sweat.
>first floor
You have to be 18 to post here
It's the rotating inrange meme wheel picking something new. The antifa Ian thing was funny but didn't stick, then they tried the pro-white genocide Ian angle, which didn't stick either. So you'll see satanism for a few months and then something else after it dies down.
That's objectively true you out of shape faggot
t. Christian
>if you can survive
Yep. A real Jow Forumsommando is discovered dead in the spring melt, clutching his manga in one hand and rifle in the other, with a rock-hard erection, and making whoever discovered his carcass both incredibly confused and very uncomfortable. There may or may not be a buttplug involved.
>all this christfaggotry
Jew on a stick.
If you can't time travel to the late Silurian and set fire to the first forest you are too unfit to be a true Jow Forumsommando
You’d probably die without being able to sweat in the desert.