If you don't like the .357 Sig, you've never fired it

If you don't like the .357 Sig, you've never fired it.

Attached: 357-sig.jpg (270x270, 9K)

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I like it. I just can't afford to feed it six boxes a month.

Ballistics says its virtually the same realm as 40s&w and is basically just a 9mm with more powder behind it

> Federal 124gr chrono'ed at 1426fps from a 4" barrel
> Putting it equal to standard old school .357 Mag from the same barrel
I'm sure Underwood is even more insane.

I own one

It has the most dramatic rapport of any auto handgun cartridge I've ever fired. Loudest bang, biggest muzzle flash, but still manageable recoil. Ballistics aside it's the funnest to shoot.

>biggest muzzle flash
Isn't that a good sign the cartridge isn't burning off all the powder before it leaves the barrel?


It isn't the most practical by any means, it's just impossible not to have a smile on your face while shooting it

.357 Sig lever action carbine (fine, PCC, whatever) with 16" barrel and 115gr copper solids popping hogs when?

The only reason I'd buy it is if Ruger made a pistol caliber carbine out of it.

Your best bet is just to convert a .40 with a swapped barrel. This round is too rare and expensive to buy a gun just for it but it's worth the price of an extra barrel. Most pistols use the same magazines too

It's got good performance, but I wouldn't trade it in favor of any of the Top 3. Honestly, anybody that seriously carries .357 Sig either has a big budget for ammo or isn't very good with it.

Realistically, if I was looking for to carry a meme cartridge, I'd go for 10mm instead.

>too rare and expensive
its only like 38cpr

you know what, since .357 SIG is commonly loaded with flat-point bullets anyway, it wouldn't be unrealistic to go with a heavy hardcast bullet in a .357SIG cartridge loaded to full pressure in a 16" lever action

fund it

>I'm sure Underwood is even more insane.
Nah, that pretty much is Underwood.


That's literally twice the price of 9mm and close to .44mag prices. You can get .308 for less than 38CPR.

If you do like the .357 Sig you have never paid for it.

44 mags are like 48cpr and brass 308 is at the cheapest 45cpr for malaysian surplus

>only 38cpr for pistol round

Attached: C7AE742C-0FFC-4498-98CA-11E04E451EDF.png (727x560, 158K)

by comparison, 44 mags are 48cpr, the cheapest brass 357 are 35cpr and 10mm is 28cpr

38cpr is closer to 48cpr than it is to the 18-25cpr you're looking at for 9mm, 40, 45.

Malaysian surplus can be had cheaper if you buy in bulk and on sale. I bought 300 rounds for $105 about four months ago from Sportsmans Guide. Do the math.

> Federal not being cheap little bitches with their pistol powders for once.
I'm genuinely shocked.

you're just playing semantics about price as if it means anything. Usually the larger the bullet and/or the more powder there is the more it costs

>Malaysian surplus can be had cheaper if you buy in bulk and on sale
Not really, the cheapest malaysian M80 or M80A1 I've found is 45cpr

>10mm is 28cpr
The fuck? Isn't there more powder in a 10mm than a .357 Sig?

>anybody that seriously carries .357 Sig has a big budget
tax payer money

it highly depends on which 10mm you get, some 10mm is literally just a 10mm cartridge with 40s&w powder loads, other 10mm is the same 40s&w bullet with about 25% more powder

Usually, but .357 sig uses lighter bullets (typically 124/125 grain) and doesnt use a massive powder charge. It is an outlier and significantly more expensive to shoot than comparable rounds. I am saying this as a person who actually owns one.

Perhaps right now, though being surplus ammunition it tends to appear and disappear at times. Might show up a little cheaper later; watch for sales.

>357 uses lighter bullets
its pretty heavy for typical 9mm which is 115gr, the 124 and 147gr bullets are rather oddities rather than the rule

> 124gr 9mm is the oddity
First time I've heard the NATO standardization an oddity.

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Is this a moderately subtle Holodomor reference?

Attached: gommunism.jpg (1080x952, 106K)

Stronger than nerfed 10mm.

Attached: Capturex.png (368x578, 63K)

Years ago. Those are called short stroke conversions and people have been doing them in lever guns for a while. Ranger Point Precision does them in them in 9mm, .357, .40, .45 and 10mm

Also some dude built one in 7.62x25 using a .32-20

That would be an accurate statement in 1980

> Hating .40 S&W so much that your circumcise it's barrel by 1/3 just to make 9mm have 5% more energy
The .40 S&W hate is just getting silly at this point.


10mm is a meme bullet idk why half this board trust it alone for bears.

Attached: E86EE1B7-D0DB-45C0-B398-978B1E304228.png (536x560, 255K)

They dont, they trust having twice as many rounds in a more controllable package for bears because a gun in better than no gun. The same rules apply in the woods as on the street when it comes to not having a long gun

Shot Placement is Everything.

Attached: Alaska-Man-Kills-Charging-Brown-Bear-With-A-9mm-Pistol-385x1024.jpg (385x1024, 102K)

Where’d he choot it?

My state is supposed to claim we're the biggest and the baddest, but fuck it, it's Alaskans. Cajuns may be crazier, but Alaskans have the endurance.

What if I've fired 9mm out of a .357 Sig barrel, does that count?

I don't think it will headspace.

>147gr 9mm is an oddity
guess how i know you're a noguns faggot

Oh it headspaces alright. The instructor that handed me the gun probably has nightmares about that fact.

Becharof National Wildlife Refuge in southwestern Alaska.

Attached: Becharof National Wildlife Refuge in southwestern Alaska.png (650x391, 22K)

Dude this. It just thumps it honestly makes me happy more than any other cartridge when it goes bang

Why not? That's what extractors are for. Ignition reliability isn't great due to off-center, but you can usually fire 9mm in a .40 Glock; the only reason you don't hear about 9mm in .357sig more is that nobody has .357sig Glocks.

> Ask RO if he minds if I shoot mild steel with .357 Sig
> He nods in the affirmative
> Pull out pic related

Attached: i-have-multiple-questions.jpg (640x442, 74K)

>he's never shot 10mm

Attached: Glock 20 hunting load.jpg (2048x1152, 195K)

Nice dick, faggot.

here is the muzzle flash from a 10mm
my gf said she could feel it "in her insides".

Attached: EDC.jpg (2048x1152, 464K)

I had a few custom made from old deleted uranium tank rounds. They’re heavy as hell.

>deleted uranium tank rounds

>take a 9mm projectile and put it in a larger case
>"Oh yeah it's basically just a 9mm with more powder behind it"
No shit, dumbass.

>my gf said she could feel it "in her insides".

her first time saying that, i presume?

>In military use, the government of Denmark has issued the Glock 20 to the Slædepatruljen Sirius (Sirius Sledge Patrol) headquartered in Daneborg, Northeast Greenland.[4] The pistols were issued as a defense against polar bears which the unit encounters during patrols.[32][33]

5.56 NATO is basically just heavy-weight .22LR with a little more powder behind it. 60gr .22lr should be about equal to 55gr 5.56 with that in mind

to him at least

.357 is useless. .40 can do just as well under the same circumstances.

Agreed, I hate all guns because only criminals ever use them.

So true. I had to buy a Glock 32 after trying a Glock 23 with a .357 Sig barrel. Even ended up buying another .357 Sig pistol.

>pic related

Attached: Col_Pistols_Sep_18.jpg (1613x1162, 760K)

Quit being a poorfag.

Ammo round these parts is the same price as .45 ACP, and the defensive rounds are the same as all the other rounds.

>underwood 125gr JHPs typically chrono north of 1500fps from a 4" bbl
>65gr extreme defenders hit 2100fps from a 4" bbl and just under 2300fps out of a 6" bbl
.357 sig BTFOs 9mm and .40 S&W.
Sometimes those conversions can be surprisingly problematic. Particularly .40 S&W followers and mags like to cause issues.
You can usually find .357 sig for around 30cpr. .357 mag prices for .357 mag performance more or less with light bullets.

10mm is banned in Denmark for civilians - but 357 Sig is legal, and better than 10mm against IIA concealable body armor. Makes no sense.

Wait- 10mm is banned?

40fags BTFO

Oooo that better be a 357 barreled steyr. That’s my cyberpunk carry goal. Currently only 357sig is a 226 elite.

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I would never buy one, but I've shot other people's .357 sigs. Buddy has the subcompact .357 and it fucking pops. There is more muzzle rise from that gun than a .44 magnum out of a 4 inch barrel. I enjoyed the Usp in .357 though. Shot it in the dark at some plates and the muzzle blast was blinding. really fun to shoot though and very flat shooting at long range

Subcompact glock I mean

It is not. A 9mm, but yeah it's on my to get list for sure.

Where the hell are all the long bois in .357 Sig? Not that I'm going to CC anything longer than 4", but still, all that powder is begging for a longer pipe.

There is a limit on power capacity, anything over 45ACP, 45 Colt, 44Spl, 357Sig and 357Mag is a no-go. Apparently Clint Eastwood is more dangerous than someone with 7 mags of 30rd 9mm.

Attached: MP40 Magazine Pouch Pair War Reeanactor Viking-Division 6.jpg (750x750, 587K)

Really tempted to drop a kkm longboi in a G35. Maybe if i can find one cheap someday.

And? We've had 135 .40/10mm for over a decade, same with +p and +p+. But if we're gonna play stupid games 155gr 10mm beats it, so does 100gr. Hell we have 120 and 165gr .45 now, but non of that matters because all these bullets are designed to do the same shit within a specific threshold

.45 is expensive though. Why pay 50 cents a round when i can pay 25-30?

The handful of 5" guns are 1911s

>We've had 135 .40/10mm for over a decade
>implying there's a single .40 or 10mm 135gr loading that can approach let alone regularly surpass 1500fps out of a 4" bbl while penetrating adequately
>implying 155gr 10mm isn't considerably slower while typically failing to even hit 12" of penetration with current market offerings
>Implying any of those other listed bullets come anywhere close to the SBR level velocities .357 sig can reach with a 6" bbl
Stay mad, slowpoke.

Most quality 9mm defense ammo is 124gr or 147gr. Good luck finding good 115gr defense ammo. Gold dot and Corbon is about it for good defense ammo at that weight.

For .357 Sig its the case that increases its cost.

Is there any reason NOT to use 147gr JHP?

45 is awesome. Once you start making some money and already have cheap guns you'll start to branch out and try new shit.

I'm already into .458 socom, so don't complain about ammo prices to me.

It says 11 inches though.

>Some guns can't run it reliably
>It has more felt recoil
>Its slower
>It wont expand as much
>It over penetrates some times out of certain guns

Because it's worse in every way than regular jhp 9mm? Paul harrell has done loads of videos testing hyper and 147 grain ammo and it's worse than fucking remington green and white box

Holy fucking noguns! Why do you feel the need to go online and straight up tell lies? 357sig has pretty great barrier penetration which is why US Air Marshals and the USSS love it. 40 has worse barrier penetration than 9mm most of the time.


I have a USP .45 and I have ammo for it under my bed. The fact is .45 is too expensive to justify heavy investment.

You also are likely a reloader if you are into boutique stuff like that. Some people have other hobbies and don't want to spend a shit load of money to guns for weird reasons.

I like have at least one gun per caliber, and from there every other gun is purpose driven. When I get a gun I like to get mags, ammo, holsters, sights, maybe lights or an optic depending on the gun. All of that stuff adds up, and if you need money for something its hard to sell a gun and its accessories.

>147 has more felt recoil than 115
Okay dude.

His videos did not find that. He found that RIP and weird 70 gr bullets suck. He didn't even try anything like Gold dots or HST.

Also he uses a Berreta for the 9mm shoots. a large gun with a large barrel that isn't really something people carry for defense.

Yes, which is less than 12", the bare minimum acceptable. That is also a sample size of one. In the second test with three attempts the 155gr gold dot couldn't even get past 10.25" with one round stopping under 10". That's literally .380 ACP tier performance in terms of penetration.

It does though heavier bullet means more of a push. 115gr snaps but has barely any push.

You're barrel may be more accurate with 124gr. Many service pistol barrels are. But unless you care about your bullets hitting high past 20y, probably not.

Try liberty civil defence 10mm

A .40 caliber projectile ripping through the air at 2600 (twenty six hundred) fps makes a pretty insane sound

Paul's tested 147gr rangers and 150gr HSTs and found their performance lacking. I don't necessarily agree with his conclusions for my own reasons but he has "tested" them.

10mm hardcast in a full size Glock holds a lot of rounds. Volume of fire is good because you are dealing with a big target and you want to break bones to immobilize it. Plus, if you need to use it against people, it's a lot more reasonable than a 454Casull revolver.

I think you are arguing with the wrong guy. I was agreeing with you.

Nope. Not a reloader. Wish I had the time for that.

I'm a 36 year old boomer. I've been shooting and buying guns since I was 21. I don't need to spend a lot when I shoot, and don't waste my ammo. I shoot enough to make sure I'm still accurate with it, the gun works, and it's zeroed.

The 150gr HSTs are not a good round though nor are they a common HST, I have never seen him test either of those though.

You aren't a Boomer if you are 36.