What does Jow Forums think of the Mossberg shockwave?

What does Jow Forums think of the Mossberg shockwave?

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I think Mossberg Shockwave is a pretty cool guy. Eh takes advantage of loopholes in the National Firearms Act and doesn't afraid of anything.


I like it for the most part. Needs a pistol grip if anything but great sort platform, especially as a truck gun.

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Nice bag. What is it?

>truck gun.
What's really funny is that this is a bigger meme than and , so you continued the streak

I want one because it's the tf2 shotty.

Not sure. No label on it. I think I removed it when I picked it up a few years ago.

good for you

Probably the same Jow Forums thought about it in the 15 other threads we've had in literally the last 3 days.

Mostly useless.

I don't browse Jow Forums that often, I should have lurked moar. I'm going to buy one and I wanted an opinion on how it would compare to the Remington TAC 14

They get better when you put the pistol brace kit on it

How does the Mossberg 590 compare to the Remington 870?

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It has provided us with many memes.

Shockwave vs tac14 isn't entirely analogous to 590 vs 870. The control setups are different with a full stock vs birdshead, and other things like the shockwave's heavy walled 590A1 barrel will throw the weight balance off. There's also the fact that the tac14 is stuck being a post-2007 model, and stuck being an "express" model.

Needs to come wrapped in xmas lights

Destructive device/10

I doubt it.gif

You did it wrong


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Get the Shockwave. One shot extra capacity, aluminum won’t rust, it’s just better

>what is a +1 extension
Also Mossberg has been having some big QC issues lately too. In a couple years they'll be as bas as Remington.

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Fuck you NPC faggot. Why is following the law considered a "loophole" neck yourself leftist scum. And any other cuck that unironically uses that shit word for when gun owners follow the law fuck yourself to death. Piece of shit.

Why not just put a rifle in a truck?

You're not leaving a firearm in an unattended vehicle some place where dindus and tweakers can get at it, after all.

It's been a while, glad to see the ancient texts are still around.

I will forever continue to read this in Microsoft Sam’s voice

Welcome to Jow Forums, newfriend. You'll learn to recognize copypasta some day.

>defending the NFA as written
kys statist doormat
it is very obviously a loophole, like arm braces

Got that big irony on your hip?

>doesn't know how to reply to a post
You want to know how I know you're a newfag?

shockberg Mosswave

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>this hungry for (You)s
holy smokes

I get the feeling you're pretending to be retarded

Sick full house brother, Kek is with you today.

Never thought of it this way. Good point.

>What does Jow Forums think of the Mossberg shockwave?
Useless shit.

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>guy can't hit shit when hipfiring
You're right, its the gun's fault

>You're right, its the gun's fault
But it is.

>The Shockwave sucks because some goober firing a completely different type of shotgun with a completely different type of grip couldn't hit anything.
Go away, Ian.

>show a gay retard who has 0 recoil control missing a lot
>heh, it's bad, checkmate XD

Hey friend!

I noticed you posted some bait!
Please refrain from doing this in the future.

-Your friends at Jow Forums xD

planning on making it my first shotgun. gonna mod it with pistol grip, folding brace, and probably a shell holder on the side for slugs. pic related without the optics basically

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The only thing better than it being a fun and effective close quarters weapon is the tears and rage it brings out of the gay population of Jow Forums

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Only thing I'm raging over is your shitty coghlan axe

I picked up a Shockwave and a TAC-14. The hardwood TAC-14 comes with a magazine extension which brings it to the same 5+1 capacity as the Mossberg. Both have comparable weight but I've always been more comfortable with the Mossberg controls so I tend to lean toward those. The Remington action is smoother, however. No rust on either thus far.

Since they are both range toys for me, it's all shades of gray. The Mossberg is more reliable feeding mini-shells (with the OpSol clip) than the Remington is. Occasionally the Remington will catch the lip of a shell on the edge of the chamber. Tends to deform the case if you're cycling the action briskly. This may work itself out with continued use. Time will tell.

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Here's mine - my trusty bedside defender.

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>intended role is an HD scenario in which you are woken up the middle of the night
>no light in the gun
>5 lbs of extra shells
Come on man.

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It can be pretty /fa/ with the right getup.

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Theres 20 fucking AR and AK threads an hour, fuck off

Its garbage just like every other PGO shotgun.

But why? If you're going to get your first shotgun why do you choose the one that has the least practical applications and is additionally the worst one for taking out on the range as well?
Like fucking hell, get something with a stock and a over 20 inch barrel so you can practice skeet/trap, bird hunting and all that good stuff.
Short barrel shotguns are a worthless meme.

it's size gives it the widest variety of application. I'm not going to be shooting at anything much over 20 meters and so the size and honestly even the accuracy isn't such a big deal, would just be a matter of getting used to it. I'm mainly getting it for 1) home defense 2) breaching and clearing 3) easily improvised ammo if everything goes to absolute shit and I run out on my AR and .357
That and I like the way it looks :D

When is Mossberg going to come out with a semi-auto shockwave? Remington already has the Tac-13.

Its possible to miss threads ya know

>it's size gives it the widest variety of application
Hmm yes lets imagine the uses for a memewave
>not hunting
>not classic sports shooting
>not 3-gun/IPSC
>not shooting a wide variety of loads since you cant even shoot 3.5 inch shells
This leaves us with a questionable home defense application, something where a stock is still infinitely superior unless you practice religiously (which you wont since shockwave is such a shitty gun that you wont bother to practice enough).

Dont fall for the shitty meme. Seriously.
Also what the fuck kind of application is "breaching and clearing", if its not included in the HD?

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>what the fuck kind of application is "breaching and clearing"
going into a neighbors house if all hell broke lose and they were locked down and I wanted their shit. blast the door, blast them.
>not hunting
>not classic sports shooting
>not 3-gun/IPSC
meme, if you're in a firefight that uses more than one gun and moves at that pace you seriously fucked up approaching the situation
>not shooting a wide variety
would only need 00 buck and slugs
>something where a stock
Did you not read my op or look at the picture, or many of the other pictures in this thread. it's called a brace for legal reasons, but you can get a "stock" on a shockwave. Though never fear it's my first shotgun, not my only shotgun. Gonna get the larpy mczombie apocalypse out of my system and then get more recreational probably

i bet none of you 16 year olds would even understand this, if it wasn't for wikipedia

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>going into a neighbors house if all hell broke lose and they were locked down and I wanted their shit. blast the door, blast them.
The fuck? Are you going to spray with an AR at flying targets? Not very effective I can tell you.
>meme, if you're in a firefight that uses more than one gun and moves at that pace you seriously fucked up approaching the situation
Are you implying that people practice them for real world situations? In addition stages dont necessarily involve all guns. More often you have rifle stages, pistols stages and shotgun stages independently.

>Gonna get the larpy mczombie apocalypse out of my system
Yeah I seriously suggest that. If you want to larp about killing your neighbors with a rangetoy then shockwave is the way to go. If you want to get an actually decent firearm that you train with and become proficient at a hobby, look elsewhere.

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not much in the way of fowl out here so mostly for medium to large game
>real world situations
that's pretty much what I prep for. defending my property and scavenging
>shockwave is the way to go
that's what i'm sayin!!

>real world situations
>defending my property and scavenging

Well I mean aside from home defense and self defense most of the shit posted on Jow Forums is larpy apocalypse shit. Do you think people are going to actually need their stockpiles of ammo irl? Ballistic plates and NVG? Months of food? I already have the equipment and proficiency I need for actual real world situations. Larping is fun user, you should try it. It probably gets expensive tho

No, not the Shockwave or the Tac-14. Maybe the new semi-automatic Tac-13 from Remington, but if you're looking for a compact shotgun - get the "Kel-Tec KSG-NR." I have an 18" Kel-Tec, thought it was nice so I bought other Kel-Tec stuff. Don't worry about anything else Kel-Tec makes... But the shotgun is solid. The "NR" version is the NFA-Ready version, so once you get your tax stamp - you can cut it down from 18" to 13.5". Keep in mind that the Shockwave has the same OAL as the 18" KSG.


I think I'd rather get a gun from a company with better QC

The same thing they thought the last 20 threads.

I want one, sucks donkey dick in CSGO though.

>truck gun is a meme
The only people who think having a truckgun is a meme are people who have no need for it.
>cheap firearm you can literally keep in your car to shoot game or in defense that you don't mind rusting/being stolen/forgetting about for 2 years
When people call truckguns a meme I'm reminded that not everyone actually has a use for their firearms; some people just like to collect them and take pictures of them in their unfired state; spreadout on a single twinsize bed.

If you anons couldn't tell; that's the crazy trans guy who thought life was really like danny phantom and went into a gas station shooting like 50+ shots and killed 2 people then himself.
user was trying to be edgy as fuck but literally no one remembers the guy already.

Do you have a link to an article?


great for anons who believe shooting sideways is just as good as using sights.
the same anons probably also think the center axis re-lock shotgun method is bad

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You guys can't be serious. I gave you everything you needed to google it.


Tl:Dr there are way more meme news articles about him; he essentially made videos talking about how 'cool it would be to shoot someone from the hip' and went on about ponys and how the afterlife was just like danny phantom and how when he died he would become a spectral lady ghost or something.
How do you guys not remember this?

As someone who constantly tries to bumpfire their ak one handed sideways while gripping their testicles; it's not that hard within 18m.

I see fellow ancient anons are still around.

You're right user, how didn't I know of this sooner?

I would love to taste the barrel of a shockwave!

Haha lol ha. Actually I wouldn't. I kinda wish I wanted to die. I wish I felt anything at all, but I don't, and I don't know why. I don't know where I went wrong, but I can't figure it out. I have no motivation, no goals, no plans. Nothing. And I have no reason to feel that way. I grew up in a wealthy house. I have very little financial burden. I have a job, a house, and hobbies. But I don't enjoy anything anymore. Even guns and videogames, things that I've always enjoyed, just feel hollow now. I feel tired during the day, yet I can't sleep. I feel hunger, yet when I go to eat I can only take a few bites before feeling disgusted. I just feel sick. I don't even like drugs and alcohol anymore, yet I still force myself to partake just because I feel like it's what a sad sack of shit should do. I just feel like a walking shell of what once was a happy kid with dreams and ambitious, and nobody knows. I'm apparently a fucking great actor because everyone at work seems to like me, I get invited to go out and do things, and my parents call me every week and seem to truly love me. And every interaction, I smile and lie, and everyone thinks I'm fine. I sometimes even convince myself, but eventually I remember it's all an act. A ruse to keep others and myself from realizing that there's nothing inside me.
And here I am, laying in bed at nearly 8 in the morning, having not slept a minute, ranting in the first thread I saw on a firearms board because it's one of the only places where I don't have to act, where I can let the truth out, and that in a few days my words will be lost forever. Meanwhile I'll continue coping with humor like I always have, and continue to do nothing and hope that something one day will make me feel alive again.
Gnight Jow Forums

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Czech'd and nice copypasta